EP.107|Opal, And Shay

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EP.107|Opal, And Shay

Freddie sat at the bar and swirled around her drink in her shot glass, each minute that passed she could feel her parent's star getting dimmer and dimmer.

If this mission were to fail she wouldn't have anyone left, all her relatives would be gone. It broke her heart just thinking about it.

She needed to save her parents, even if it meant she would die trying.

Later that day, the VK's all sat in the back room, looking at Darren tied to a chair. "So, what are we gonna do with him?" Ben asked.

"We might as well get some answers out of him," Carlos suggested as Darran started waking up. "So, first your boss kills my best friends and makes my goddaughter have a mental break down when I tell her the news" Alex then noticed Darren drifting off.

"No, no, no! You're gonna stay awake when I talk to you!" Alex slapped him across the face as hard as he could.

"Alex, chill," Hunter muttered. "I will not calm down!" Alex clenched Darren's jaw. "Then, you decide to hit on my girlfriend for the past couple of weeks!"

"Do you know what it's like to see the person you love getting hit on?! No, of course, you don't, you have no idea what it's like to love!"

Alex slapped him again "next, you wanna try to make out with her even though she told you "no" repeatedly! Don't you get it?! No means no!"

Alex slapped him a third time. "Where are Acadia and Facilier?!" Alex yelled. "Not...telling..." "Wrong answer kid!" Alex kicked him in the shins.

"Where. Are. They?!" Alex yelled. "Up your ass and around the corner!" Darren laughed, Alex growled and clenched Darren's neck.

"Don't fuck with me today! You already hit up my girlfriend, you're walking on thin ice buddy!" Alex warned him.

"Where are they?!" He asked again. "Why don't you ask your goddaughter?" Darren smirked, looking at Freddie. "I don't know where they are, that's why were interrogating you," Freddie informed him.

"Of course you don't, you're just a weak little Shadow Girl." Darren scoffed. "Why you little-" Freddie rolled up her sleeves and stomped over to Darren, about to punch him.

"Freddie," Ben grabbed Freddie's first "this is what he wants, he wants you to get angry." Freddie glared at Darren.

"You still haven't answered our question," Freddie loosened out of Ben's grasp "where are my parents?"

Darren looked into Freddie's eyes. "You have Tamiki don't you?" Darren inquired. "Yeah," Freddie answered, "stop changing the subject."

"And you have shadow genes, allowing some of your father's magic into you," Darren added. "Stop changing the subject," Freddie repeated.

"Do you know the history behind your eyes, Freddie?" Darren asked Freddie stayed quiet. "Of course you don't, I'm guessing Nico never told you, so I will" Darren cleared his throat.

"Long ago, there were was a tribe named Qaris" Darren began. "Wait, Qaris, aren't they-" Jasper began. "The original creators of Tamaki," Darren said.

"Now, if nobody interrupts me" Darren looked at Alex smugly "I'll tell you the story of the first Tamiki users ever. Opal F. and Shay Everbleed." Darren narrated.

The sky was a beautiful shade of pink and purple. The earth was still new and the plants were green and moist.

Animals were worshiped and not killed, peaceful time in history was problems were slim.

Here, in the green grass warmed by the rays of the setting sun, lied a woman beautiful with a slender yet curvaceous figure and regular height.

She has very pale skin, large light blue eyes which can turn orange while gaining a triskele, and long silver hair reaching her waist.

She wore a pink buttoned shirt with a black ribbon exposing her belly button, a dark mini skirt strapped with a pink belt, a black stocking on her left leg, and black-white heels.

This woman was Opel F., a master at shadow magic and keeper of the Tamaki Tree.

Well, she was more like the 2nd keeper of the Tamaki Tree, Swan was the first but she had "important business" and left the tree's safety in Opal's hands.

Opal slept in the top of the tree, where the Tamaki Fountain was. Anyone who drinks from it, possess the power of the Tamiki, passing it down to your future offspring, but nobody ever drinks from it before.

What Opal didn't know was that someone was climbing up the tree at this very moment. "Gonna get me some Tamaki. And I'm gonna be super strong." the man sang as he continued climbing.

Once he reached the top his eyes immediately feel on the fountain. "Perfect. Now to get a si-AHH!" a voice wrapped around the man, hanging him upside down.

"What gives you stupid tree?!" the man scolded as Opal came out to face him. "Oh, it's you." Opal groaned as the vine unwrapped from his leg, dropping him to the floor.

"Nice to see you too Opal." the man grumbled as he got off the ground. "Shay, what are you doing here? I thought you learned your lesson the first time you came here." Opal asked.

"I won't stop trying to get the Tamiki, Opal" Shay pulled Opal in close, lifting up her chin "and I won't stop trying to get you either."

Shay tried to kiss Opal but Opal just sighed as the vines wrapped around Shay's ankle's, flipping him upside down again.

"Really? Twice in 5 minutes?" Shay groaned in annoyance. "Stop being a pervert and maybe you'll be flipped less." Opal giggled. The vines the brought Shay to the edge of the tree.

"Bye-bye, Shay." Opal kissed his forehead, soon the vines pushed Shay off the edge.


"He's gone now, no need to worry," Opal assured the tree as it began to bloom lavender.

Shay began to tumble down the tree, hitting hard branches on the way down till he hit the hard ground.

"Fricken Opal." Shay groaned, getting up again as he climbed the tree once more.

Opal painted her nails, humming a tune when she heard Shay muttering words of hate as he climbed up again.

"For the gods' sakes." She continued to paint her nails until Shay knocked the nail polish out of her hands.

"How was the fall, Shay?" Opal asked smugly. "Just delightful," Shay replied through gritted teeth.

"You know, all I wanted was one sip from the Tamiki fountain. Just one! But you've made it so hard to do just that! You and this stupid tree!" Shay scolded.

"Be careful what you say, cause one day It'll come back and bite you in the butt," Opal smirked as the vine secretly wrapped around his leg again, slowly dragging him towards the edge.

"I've had enough of this stupid tree! I will not rest until I get my hands on the" the vine the dropped Shay over the edge again "TAMIKI!!!!" He yelled, his voice echoing as he fell.


Opal just shrugged and shook her head "what a persistent, and frankly rude, man."

The next day, Opal yawned as she rose out of her soft bed made of flowers. "Good morning, Mister Tree." Opal smiled brightly.

"Gonna get me some Tamiki today. Not gonna let some lady stop me!" Shay sang as Opal groaned. "Still haven't learned your lesson, Shay?" Opal asked, sitting on the edge, her feet dangling from it.

"I will get the Tamiki! Believe it!" Shay announced as Opal rolled her eyes. Soon, Shay reached the top to see Opal eating an apple.

"Morning, Sneaky Shay," Opal smirked. "Morning, my sexy little Opal," Shay smirked, continuing to climb up, till he reached the top to see Opal wearing a lavender silk nightgown.

"Awe, Opal, you didn't need to get all dressed up for little old me." Shay's hands cupped her butt.

"Sh-Shay!" Opal stammered, her face growing hot. She then noticed his hand reaching towards the fountain "you pervert thief!!" Opal yelled, pulling him by the ear.

"I can't believe you! Playing with my emotions like that! How dare you!" Opal scolded, a blush on her face. She brought him to the edge, Opal had an evil look plastered on her face.

"Opal. Opal.Opal. Look, I'm sorry, I really am." Shay quickly said as Opal's vines wrapped around Shay, throwing him off the tree.

"Good riddance!" Opal yelled, she walked away from the edge and sighed, sitting beside the fountain. "Stupid Shay." her cheeks puffed up.

She then heard something latch onto the tree. She looked off the edge to see Shay hanging off a grappling hook. "HA! Your little vine trick won't work this time! I've outsmarted you Opal F.!!" Shay cheered as Opal sighed and looked at her vines.

"You know what to do, yes?" Opal asked as the vines nodded and slithered down to Shay. "Yeah! No throwing me today!" Shay smirked smugly.

The vines morphed itself into a pair of scissors "oh no.." the vines then cut the rope, causing Shay to fall. "FUCKKK!!!" Shay yelled.

"Stupid Sneaky Shay," Opal muttered as she looked at the roses which were blooming. She knew what this meant. "No! I do not like Shay! You got it all wrong tree!" Opal denied.

"Yeah, maybe I think about him when I sleep where he touches me in a way that gives me a rush of excitement I haven't felt in a long time. But that doesn't mean I like him."

Opal then felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her stomach "that's exactly what it means my sexy little Opal." Shay whispered, kissing Opal's shoulder and along her neck.

"Oh, gods!" Opal threw her head back. "Where's your room?" Shay whispered. "Back of the tree." Opal gasped.

"Good" Shay picked up Opal "after I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk for a while."

After their exciting night, Opal cuddled next to Shay and smiled.

Last night, he treated her like the princess should be treated, soft and gentle.

It surprised Opal, Shady Shay, a person who's always been ruthless and barbaric, was gentle and soft in an intimate place as the bed.

"Thank you, Shay," Opal whispered. "You're welcome, my beautiful Opal," Shay whispered back. Shay smiled, he loved when she said his name last night. How she gasped whenever he touched her body.

It was true, Opal was a princess he loved and cared for. Now she was his and she wasn't letting him go anytime soon.

Years later, both Opal and Shay lived happily in the tree. "Breakfast smells amazing," Shay complimented "but I'd rather eat you instead." Shay nibbled on Opal's ear.

"No, we already did it 4 times today, and that was before breakfast," Opal told him. "Fine, fine, but after, I'll eat you too." Shay cupped Opal's chest making Opal gasp.

Shay then noticed there was still a barrier over the fountain. "Why do you still have that up? We've been together 4 years now." Shay asked.

"We may be together, but, I know you Sneaky Shay" Opal turned towards him "you love me, that is true, but you still want the Tamiki."

She shifted out of Shay's grasp "but I still love you" Opal kissed Shay's lips. "You know I'm not like that anymore, I'm not the Sneaky Shay from before." Shay reminded her.

"Of course I know that I'm just being safe," Opal told him. Suddenly, multiple vines sprouted from the tree and morphed into a mouth.

"Is everything okay?" Opal asked as the vines shook their head no.

"Opal, a strange man in the forest, he's asking for Shay." the vines warned as Shay and Opal quickly left the tree and ran thru the forest.

The more they ran the more they noticed the forest plants were wilting. "Who would do something like this?" Shay muttered to himself.

"You're looking at him." Shay stopped in his tracks and shivered. No, not here...not when she's here... Shay slowly turned around to see none other than the devil himself...

"Lucifer..." Shay's face grew pale with fear.

"Wait, Lucifer was alive back then?!" Evie asked in shock. "Yeah, this was after Swan's death, Lucifer was a teen and just ran off from the castle in the hero isles," Darren informed as he continued the story.

"What are you doing here?" Shay questioned. "You failed to complete the mission I originally gave you," Lucifer told him. "Mission?" Opal raised her eyebrow.

Lucifer's turned towards Opal "oh, it makes so much more sense now" Lucifer chuckled as he walked towards Opal "that's why he stayed. It's because of you."

"Lucifer. Stop it." Shay glared at Lucifer. "No, no, she deserves to know why you were originally here in the first place." Lucifer flicked up Opal's chin.

"I told you to stop Lucifer!" Shay repeated, Lucifer smirked.

"Did you know, he was first here to kill you," Lucifer informed her, Opal's eyes were coated in fear and shock. "Wh-What?!" Opal stammered.

"That's right honey, his original assignment was to kill you and take the Tamiki and bring it to me" he faced Shay who was fuming in anger "but he failed to do that."

"Lucifer! We had a deal!" Shay reminded him, pushing on Lucifer's chest. "Yeah, well, deals off." Lucifer cackled as he turned into a huge demon with black horns and wings.

Shay's face was coated in fear. He soon snapped out of his fear trance when Opal grabbed his hand, the two running back to the tree.

"We have to protect the tree!" Opal yelled, running thru the flame ridden forest till they reached the tree, which was half burned.

Opal and Shay climbed up the tree and looked at the fountain to see it was still running. "Opal, you have to run," Shay told her. "I'm not leaving you," Opal said.

Lucifer then arrived at the tree but didn't notice Shay and Opal. "You have to come with me. He hasn't noticed us yet." Shay warned her.

Opal just smirked and took the rose out of her hair, forming it into a pair of nunchucks "I'm just gonna do a little surgery while his back is turned." Opal winked.

Lucifer then opened his mouth and shot another ray of fire towards the forest, burning it even more.

"Now, time for this demon to learn his lesson." Opal then wiped the nunchucks towards Lucifer's back, pulling out his heart. "There, easy-peasy, told you I could take on a demon," Opal smirked.

Opal then noticed that Lucifer was still alive and breathing. "Opal, no! A demon has more than one-" but before Shay could finish, a ray of fire went straight thru his stomach, leaving a gaping hole in his stomach.

"Sh...Shay..." Opal eyes filled with tears as she dropped to the floor, her hand on her stomach to see she had the same result as Shay.

Shay crawled towards Opal, dragging her towards the fountain. "You...have to drink it...it'll heal you..." Shay managed to say.

"No...you drink it..." Opal groaned in pain. Shay nodded sadly and took a sip of the Tamiki. Opal closed her eyes, she was at peace knowing her lover was safe.

She then felt the sensation of Shay's lips on her, pouring in the rest of the Tamiki in her mouth as they kissed.

"Shay...wait..." Opal muttered, she noticed her wounds began to heal. "You need to run. You're the guardian of the tree. I'm just a stupid human," Shay told her

"but..." "You need to run!" Shay picked up Opal and placed her in the bed of roses, the roses began forming a shield around Opal.

"Shay!" Opal began banging on the shield, hoping it would break. "You can't leave me like this!" Opal started to cry, watching the man she loved getting brutally beaten was breaking her heart.

"Open up! I need to help Shay!!" Opal demanded, but the barrier stayed shut. "Please! At this rate..." Opal began to sob, Shay was the pressed against the barrier.

"Any last words to your lover?" Lucifer smirked smugly. Shay pressed his hand on the barrier, Opal pressed her hand in the same place. They were so close, yet so far apart.

"I'll always love you..,Opal"

"That was a great story and all, but what does that have to do with Freddie?" Ben asked. "Throughout the story, there is one thing you never learn." Darren began. "What the "F" in Opal's last name means."

"So what does it mean?" Freddie asked. "Opal F. stands for Opal Facilier."

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