EP.108|Follow The Lavender

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EP.108|Follow The Lavender

"Does that mean...Opal Facilier is-" Ben then got interrupted. "Freddie's great-great-grandmother," Darren said.

"Oh, my gods...how come I never knew?" Freddie questioned. "Your parents, Alex, and your grandfather wanted to keep it a secret because Opal possessed the power of the Kagechikara," Darren replied.

"Kagechikara?" Freddie asked. "Darren, stop! She doesn't need to know, she's not ready." Alex said as Darren rolled his eyes.

"Let's hear him out Alex, maybe this might help us." Freddie said as Darren smirked at Alex. "Kagechikara is one of the 10 Sinful Techniques?." Darren began.

"10 Sinful Techniques?" Carlos questioned. "Yeah, I don't know a lot about it but I know Kagechikara is one of them. They say, all ten of the techniques put together has enough power to take out the Earth." Darren answered vaguely.

"So what is Kagechikara anyways?" CJ asked. "Kagechikara is the most powerful move in a Tamiki user's disposal. Legend says it has enough power to wipe out an entire continent."

"People who are lucky enough to experience the Kagechikara and live to tell the tale say they've never seen anyone with so much power and control over an element."

"Wait, if Opal was the first one to use Tamiki, does that mean she created the Kagechikara?" Evie asked as Darren nodded.

"Then, if my family can use Tamiki, the Kagechikara Technique must have been passed down from generation to generation." Freddie guessed.

"No, it skips a generation. So, the only ones in your family who know the Kagechikara Technique is Opal, Facilier Sr., and you." Darren explained.

"If only my grandpa was still alive, he could teach me the Kagechikara Technique." Freddie sighed.

"Actually, Freddie. When I was at Facilier's shop, your grandpa's spirit talked to me. He wanted me to give you this, he said you would know what it means." Zeref then passed Freddie the Lavender plant.

Freddie's eyes widened. She knew what it meant. She stared at the flower, bringing her back to her earlier days.

5-year-old Freddie arose from her slumber late one night when she saw a light coming from the living room. She walked towards it to see that her parents were still awake.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Freddie yawned, rubbing her eye as she held baby Voodoo in her arms. "Oh, did we wake you up, Freddie? I'm sorry." Freddie climbed into Acadia's lap.

"No, I couldn't sleep," Freddie yawned "why are you still up?" she asked. "Well, Freddie, I did something really bad, and I don't want anyone to get hurt. People are looking for me and I'm worried you and Mommy will get hurt."

"Did you break something?" Freddie's head tilted. "No, but I was trying to do something really big and ended up gambling more than I had." Facilier ruffled Freddie's hair.

"What did you gamble?" Freddie asked. "Let's just say, it was something very important and people are now looking for me," Facilier told her.

"But Freddie, no matter what happens, if you're ever lost one day or you can't find me, your mom, or your dad, follow the lavender." Her grandpa told her.

"Why?" Freddie asked. "Just follow the lavender." "But why?" "Freddie, listen to me, follow. The. lavender." "But-" "Freddie, listen to your grandpa, he's trying to keep you safe."

Freddie looked up at her mom, Freddie could tell she was worried about something but she didn't know what. "Why lavender though?" Freddie asked again.

"It's a very important flower in our history. Lavender flowers can sense more shadow energy than any other flower, here look" her grandpa took the lavender flower and placed it on the table as it pointed towards Facilier and Facilier Sr. making it glow.

"So I would be able to find you like that?" Freddie asked as Facilier nodded, suddenly, there was a loud bang on the door.

"Crap, they found us," Facilier cursed as he went over to the bookshelf and pulled down the red book, causing a secret passage to open.

"Dad, I need you to take Freddie and run," Facilier told his father. "What about you and Acadia?" Facilier Sr. asked.

"We'll be fine, we've dealt with things like this before." Acadia winked as she grabbed the rose in her hair, turning it into a whip.

"Momma, what's going on?" Freddie voice creak, worry filling her eyes. "Remember those people Daddy owed money too" Acadia began as Freddie nodded "well, they're here, and they're really mad."

"Are you gonna be okay?" Freddie asked. "Yes, we'll be fine. Don't worry, grandpa will keep you safe and we'll meet up with you again, okay." Facilier assured her, Freddie nodded.

"What do we do with the necklace?" Acadia asked. "We just can't keep it here," she added. Facilier looked at Freddie. "No, no, no. Facilier look at me" Acadia cupped Facilier face "we are not getting our daughter involved in this."

"We won't, we'll just give her the weaker half, they won't be able to reach her since her powers haven't come in yet," Facilier explained as Acadia sighed.

"Fine, if our daughter dies, I swear to the gods Facilier I'll-" Acadia was then cut off when Facilier kissed her.

"Freddie's a tough cookie, she won't die." Facilier ruffled Freddie's hair. Facilier then took off the tiki medallion and split it in half, giving the smaller half to Freddie.

"Protect this with your life, Freddie," Facilier told her. "You got it, Dad." Freddie nodded. Facilier Sr. picked up Freddie and sighed.

"I love you, never forget that Freddie." Acadia kissed Freddie's forehead and smiled. "I won't Mommy." Freddie hugged her mother and father.

Her grandpa and Freddie ran into the passageway as it closed, the only thing Freddie could see was the light from the living room between the cracks at the bottom of the passageway door.

The sound of the door being busted down and all the loud noises made Freddie so scared she latched onto her grandfather's chest.

"Shh, shh...your parents are okay." Facilier Sr. assured her.

She couldn't understand what they were saying since the stone around them muffled the noise.

For the moment she wasn't holding onto her grandpa for dear life, she could see a bright light coming from the living room and the words "you'll pay for this" and multiple curse words being said.

She could feel her grandpa's arms let go of her, Freddie was worried, they were told to stay inside the passageway till her mother gave the all clear. So where was he going?

"Freddie, remember what I told you about the lavender" Freddie nodded "I need you to follow the lavender till you reached a shop called Shadows Inc. and lock the door."

"Your father and I will be there as soon as we can." her grandpa told her, Freddie looked worried. "I don't want to leave you!" Freddie cried.

"Listen to me Freddie, you're a strong, amazing, person, you can do this Freddie." her grandfather clutched her shoulder, he didn't want his granddaughter to face the harsh consequences of being the daughter of the Shadow Man.

"Grampy...please don't make me go..." Freddie cried harder. "You need to be strong Freddie, for me and your parents." Facilier Sr. kissed Freddie's forehead.

Freddie nodded and began running, Facilier Sr. sighed and opened the passage his eyes filled with anger. "You made me send my little Shadow running for her life."

"For what?! A medallion?!" Facilier Sr.'s eyes turned black, flames emitting from them.

"You'll pay for what you did!"

Freddie snapped out of her thoughts, she noticed her half of her medallion glowing lavender, along with her eyes.

She looked on the ground to see the lavender flowers leading out the bar.

She smirked and said, "let's go find my parents."


HEY YALLL!!!! GUESS WHO'S BACK!!! ME!!! I Hope you liked the new chapter! Please continue reading and tell your friends about this book!! I'm worried nobody likes this book anymore, I work super hard on this and I hope you guys continue reading!



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