EP.115|I'm Human Again!

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EP.115|I’m Human Again!

“Oh, Carlos! Faster please!” CJ yelled out, her golden hair fanned out, her chest bouncing up and down.

“Fuck! Carlos!” CJ clutched the pillow, throwing her head back.

Carlos licked his lips, he loved it when she called out his name.

She begged for him to go faster, he wanted her to scream his name, he wanted to mark every inch of her body.

Carlos kissed her neck, CJ cried out in please, yelling his names to the gods.

“Carlos, touch me! Fuck me! Take me!” CJ gasped, Carlos bit down on her chest, her body flowing with pleasure.

She raked her fingers thru his hair, clutching his white locks

“Carlos! More!” CJ tightened around him, Carlos groaned out in pleasure.

“Fuck! CJ!” Carlos kissed her neck, leading down to her chest.

“I love you Carlos!” CJ called out, she gasped, the both reaching their end point.

“That...was...amazing…” CJ breathed heavily.

“I told you I’d mark you everywhere.” Carlos licked over his mark on CJ’s neck, CJ gasped.

“You’re mine now CJ.” Carlos growled, CJ smiled and kissed him. “Always. I’ll always be yours.”

“HELLO?! Dog boy! Get up!” Pan yelled, Carlos opened his eyes and growled. “What do you want?” Carlos grimaced.

“I’d thought you would like to see how your mate doing, being away from you and all, she isn't taking mate withdrawal so well.” Pan chuckled.

Carlos looked at the orb Pan was watch the VK’s from to see CJ shivering.

“Dammit! I should be there keeping her warm! Why aren’t I there!” Carlos scowled. “You’re the one who decided to leave the island.” Alvarez told him.

“I promise CJ, we’ll be together soon.”

CJ shivered, her and the VK’s were on a boat on their way to the Villain Isles, she could hear Carlos’s voice in her head.

“Carlos…” CJ muttered. “You miss him huh?” Operetta asked as CJ nodded.

“It’s freezing! When I was with him, everything was warm as a summer day. Now, it’s cold like fucking winter.” CJ growled.

“I want to be in his arms again, I want to hold his hand, kiss his lips, I want that mark on my neck not this one!” CJ growled deeper.

“Stupid mark!” CJ wanted to be surrounded in her mate’s warmth.

She wanted his warm arms around her waist, his lips on hers, her hands running down his abs.

“CJ! Snap out of it!” Hunter snapped his fingers in her face. CJ growled and grabbed her sword.

“Don't test me today demon!” CJ pointed her sword at his chin.

“Alright! Alright!” Hunter raised his hands in defense.

“Good, now, don't test me!” CJ scowled. “Mmhm…” Hunter muttered “crazy pirate…”

“How far are we from the villian isles?” Ben asked.

“Actually, were here.” Ranee answered as the boat docked on the villian isles.

“Man, it’s great to be home.” Jasper sighed in delight.

“Yeah, no kidding, I forgot how popular we were.” Hunter smiled as one of the paparazzi took a picture of him and Operetta.

Operetta hit behind Hunter. “You seriously still have stage fright?” Hunter asked. “Mmhm…” Operetta nodded.

“Maybe taking the picture with your boyfriend might help.” Hunter whispered, licking the mark on her skin, Operetta gasped.

“H-Hun-Hunter! Were in public!” Operetta warned him.

“Don't worry baby, it’s just one picture.” Hunter assured her. “Okay.” Operetta hugged Hunter as they took a picture.

“See, not so bad.” Hunter smiled as Operetta chuckled. “I guess so.”

“Jasper-kun! You’re back!” a girl with auburn hair called out, getting both Evie’s and Jasper’s attention.

“Who’s she?” Evie asked. “One of Jasper’s fan girls. Remember, he used to be a model here.” Ben informed her.

The girl hugged Jasper tightly, “I missed you so much, Jasper-kun!” she smiled widely, Evie glare at her.

“Hello to you too, Amber.” Jasper struggled to say thru Amber’s hug.

Amber then noticed Evie glaring at her “and you are?” she asked rudely.

“Evieanna Queen. Jasper’s girlfriend.” Evie replied, pulling Jasper away from Amber.

“Girlfriend?” Amber raised her eyebrow. “Yeah, me and Jasper started dating months ago,” Evie smirked.

“Really? You chose her over me?” Amber asked. “Yeah, he did honey, so, buh bye now.” Evie waved goodbye, Jasper and her walking off.

After walking for a while, the VK’s reached Carlos’s parents house. Before they knocked on the door Mal noticed how nervous Ranee was.

“You okay Ranee?” Mal asked, Ranee shook her head. “I haven’t seen my parents in the longest. I’m worried they won't remember me.”

“Don't worry, of course they’ll remember their daughter.” Mal assured her. Mal knocked on the door, soon, Cruella opened.

“Hi Mal! Long time no see, come in come in.” Cruella said, the VK’s walked in. “So, what brings you by today? And where’s Carlos?” Hex asked.

“It’s about Carlos, he’s in trouble.” CJ said. “What happened?” Cruella asked worriedly.

“We don't know, but there is someone who does.” Evie said as Ranee appeared.

“Ra-Ranee?!” Cruella gasped. “Hi mom, hi dad.” Ranee greeted. “Oh my gods…” Hex’s hand covered his mouth in shock.

“I can't believe you’re back!” Cruella started to cry. “I missed you too.” Ranee began to tear up.

“Oh! Yo-your body! You need a body.” Cruella chuckled, wiping her tears.

“You finished it?” Ranee asked as Hex nodded, the group walking down stairs to see Ranee’s body.

“I never thought I’d see the day you be back.” Hex smiled.

“You ready?” Hex asked, Ranee nodded, her hand touching her body, immediately her soul was sucked inside.

Hex then opened a brown box, revealing the Vampire Heart.

“I hope this works.” Hex placed the heart on Ranee’s chest, it began seeping into her body.

The heart began to glow from inside her body. Ranee gasped loudly and sat up quickly, she looked at her hands and moved her fingers.

“It worked!” Hex hugged Ranee tightly, she smiled and hugged her dad back. “I missed you too, dad.” Ranee began to cry.

“I’m human again!” Ranee sobbed. “Oh my gods! I can finally do all the things I wanted to do!” Ranee quickly got up but fell to her knees.

“I guess I have to remember how use my legs again.” Ranee chuckled, Cruella helped her up.

“You just became human again, it might take a while.” Cruella chuckled.

“Ranee, what happened to Carlos?” Freddie asked. “As you know, Carlos went off the night before you saved Freddie’s parents to help the animals who were locked up in the Anti-rebellion.”

“Yeah to Mimosa Island.” Hunter said, Ranee nodded.

“But something happened to him when he got off the boat, I don't know what but what I do know is that he’s on Mimosa island.”

“He keeps telling me to tell you not to help him, but I know when my brother is lying, he needs your help.”

“I have a friend on Mimosa Island, her name’s Velvet Cane, she’s been sending me letters about weird stuff happening on the island, maybe she’s seen Carlos.” Cruella informed them.

“Thank you, Cruella.” CJ thanked. “You’re welcome, now, bring back my son.” Cruella rested her hand on CJ’s shoulder.

“So, they were coming for you, even when you told them not to” Pan shook his head and scoffed “everything's going according to plan.”

Carlos growled “You won't get away with this Pan!” Pan walked towards him, lifting his chin.

“That’s where you’re wrong, I already have gotten away with it. Your friends are on their way here to save you.” Pan cupped his face.

“But will you be alive to see it?”


Hey guys! It's me Sugar (short for Sugar_And_Spice125) so, sorry again for the short episode again.

I promise, I'm getting better at making longer episodes. I'm also gonna get better at dropping hits of who Swan is.

Believe me. When you learn who it is. You'll be shocked. I was shocked planning it 😂🤣.

The idea for Swan came to be because of Swan Lake. I liked the name and the story so I just thought why the the heck not. I can work with this.

Truth be told, this entire book came from an idea I had when I was hopped up on cold medicine 🤣.

I was really skeptical of the book at first b/c of the whole “Disney villains being good” isn't very popular.

Also becuz of how big a company Disney is. I was so worried that if they found out I probably be sued or something.

Like Mickey Mouse would show up at my door with a bat saying “oh you fucked up this time didn't you.”

But the more I wrote the more the ideas began to pour out of me.

Just think about it, months ago I published the first chapter and it only got a couple of reads.

Now look at us! Only 4 reads away from 950! And only 54 reads away from 1k!

I almost cried when I got to 100, imagine what I'm gonna do when I get to 1k! Like, I might start sobbing to the point I'll fill up my room with tears.

I was thinking about doing a face reveal at 1k, idk.

Also, anyone who can guess who “Swan” is will get their name in the book and a chapter devoted to them.

Who has Carlos captive? Why do they want him? What did Pan whisper in Carlos' ear? Why was he so shocked?

Will CJ survive her Mate Withdrawal? Will she be able to get to Carlos in time?!

And the big mama question; WHO THE HELL IS SWAN?!

All the questions answered and more in the next episodes of Good At Being Bad!

Love you all, and stay safe in this winter cold,
Sugar 💕

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