EP.116|Mimosa Island

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EP.116|Mimosa Island

“Mimosa Island? Isn't that place a jungle?” Ben asked as CJ nodded. “I went there once when I was a little kid and me and my dad were exploring. It’s a jungle.” CJ replied.

“It can’t be that bad, right?” Evie asked. “I don't know, but were about to see for ourselves.” Freddie said as the boat docked at the island.

Mimosa Island stands alone in the middle of the sea, with no other isles visible in the surrounding area.

It is a mildly small, rocky and steep island covered by lush vegetation, both bright yellow and green in color.

One side of the island is shown to be particular rocky, possessing large formations jutting outwards from the ground, one near the shore, protruding above the sea.

The other near the center of the island, overlooking it; the latter has a pair of waterfalls falling down from it in a small lake below.

Topping such second rocky formation stands the most distinctive element of the island: a gigantic tree with a gnarled, mildly curved trunk, ending in a number of large branches which sustain something that has been described as being similar to "an island on top of an island".

Being a large, flat section composed of earth and crowded by a multitude of normal-sized trees.

Such gargantuan plant possesses a multitude of similarly large, curved and twisted roots, which right below the trunk sustain massive lumps of earth; something which creates some sort of covered area right below the tree itself.

“Woah, what’s with the massive tree?” Hunter questioned. “I don't know…” Jasper replied. Mal noticed Ben looking a little anxious.

“You okay hun?” Mal asked. “Something’s off about this island. Think about it, all the other islands we visited were next to different island, but this one is dead in the middle of the ocean.” Ben said.

“Yeah, it does seem a little off. Like they’re hiding something.” Operetta agreed.

“Let’s just take a look around-AGH!” Zeref then bumped into a wall, falling to the ground.

“What the?” Zeref looked up to see magic ruins written around the island.

“Only the descendants of animals shall enter, along with their love ones, anyone else shall burn till there’s no center.” Ben read.

“It looks likes only animalistic and their mates can enter. That’s probably why Zeref couldn't.” CJ determined.

“Since only animalistic and their mates can go it, Ben, Mal, CJ, go in and try to find Velvet, we’ll find a way in somehow.” Evie stated, CJ didn’t even let her finish, she was already in.

“She’s not playing today is she.” Freddie chuckled.

“It’s mate withdrawal, she might kill someone if needed.” Ben agreed, him and Mal ran into the island to see CJ already slashing vines.

“The quicker we get to Carlos the quicker we can get out of here.” CJ said, slashing thru the vines.

“Why is this vine so tough?!” CJ growled, slashing at a white and black vine, or what she though was a vine. “Um...CJ...that isn't a vine.” Ben shivered.

CJ looked up to see a giant black bear, but it white spots all around it’s skin. “Nice, spotted black bear.” CJ chuckled nervously.

The bear roared loudly as the three VK’s ran for their lives.


“We’ve tried everything...there’s no breaking that barrier…” Operetta breathed heavily.

“We have to keep trying.” Zeref said, Evie came up close to Operetta. “Remember, Operetta, you’re fighting for two.” Evie winked.

“What?!” Operetta squeaked. “Yeah, the two of us, we’re both fighting for each other and ourselves.” Hunter smiled, kissing Operetta’s lips.

“Yeah, the two of us, and totally not a third party.” Operetta chuckled nervously.

“Evie, can I talk to you in private?” Operetta grabbed Evie’s ear, pulling her away from the group.

“Mal told you didn’t she?” Operetta sighed. “Yeah, only CJ, Carlos, Ben, and Hunter don't know.” Evie informed him.

“Wait, Jasper knows too?” Operetta asked as Evie nodded.

“Great, so ¾ of the group knows.” Operetta face palmed.

“Mal can't keep a secret can she?” Operetta muttered.

“Nope. I love Mal, she’s a sister to me, but damn, she can't keep a secret for her life.” Evie shook her head in shame.

“I can't believe you haven’t told him yet” Jasper said, appearing out of nowhere “it’s his, right?” Operetta growled and smacked Jasper upside the head.

“Of course it’s his! Who else would it be?!” Operetta sighed.

“I’m just so happy for you.” Evie hugged Operetta tightly. “Happy?” Operetta questioned.

“Well yeah, Operetta, Hunter’s gonna be so happy when he finds out!” Evie cheered loudly, Hunter turned his head to look at the trio.

“You okay, Music Note?” Hunter asked. “Ye-yeah. I’m good.” Operetta smiled.

“You sure? You’ve been pretty quiet lately.” Hunter said. “I’m fine, honey.” Operetta kissed Hunter’s cheek.

“You sure?” Hunter asked again. “Yes, for the gods sakes, Hunter, I’m good.” Operetta chuckled.

“I know something's wrong, but why won't she tell me?” Hunter sighed.

“I know what it is~” Brazzan cooed. “You do? What is it?” Hunter asked eagerly.

“You really can't tell? Seriously? It’s pretty obvious, you haven’t noticed her smell being different?” Brazzan questioned.

“No, Operetta still smells the same, strawberries.” Hunter siffed Operetta.

“Hu-Hunter, wh-what ar-are you doing?!” Operetta stammered. “Brazzan says you smell different but I still smell your same scent, strawberries.” Hunter said, kissing her cheek.

Dammit, Brazzan knows… Operetta was nervous, if Brazzan knows, then he might tell Hunter.

“I won't, I’m not that petty.” Brazzan chuckled. “How can you talk to me?” Operetta asked.

“Since you’re Hunter’s mate, the bite mark allows me to talk to you.” Brazzan shortly explain.

“Can Hunter hear us?” Operetta questioned. “Nope, just like how you can hear me and Hunter talking.” Brazzan replied.

“So, you do know…about-” Brazzan cut her off. “About your secret? Yeah I know, you should tell him soon, he’s worried about you.” Brazzan told her.

Operetta sighed “I know, I’m just worried when I tell him, he’ll leave.”

“That’s not gonna happen, trust me, Hunter loves you too much to leave you.” Brazzan assured her.

Operetta nodded slightly and walked back to the group to see they were still trying to break the barrier.

“Crystal Release: Crystal Piercing Wave!” Evie placed her hands on the sand, creating a long stream of sharp crystals to bind and pierce the barrier.

But once the crystals touched the barrier they disintegrated “oh come on!” Evie growled.

“Let me try,” Zeref starts by first building up the storm magi in his body, combining the water and lightning magi that form the storm release.

“Strom Release: Gods Fury!” he then releases the magi from his mouth in a piercing scream that resembles a storm infused with pure white lightning.

Once the storm hit the barrier, it pierced thru it “see told you it was nothing” Zeref looked back at the barrier to see it mended it self, still sealing off the inside of the island.

“Gods dammit.” Zeref grumbled. “Here, let the demons show you how it’s done.” Hunter smirked.

Hunter began to absorb and great amount of magi. “Demonic Release: Judgment Beam!” Hunter then released it in a giant beam with enough damage to hit the barrier but shoot out in multiple directions.

“Stupid barrier.” Hunter mumbled. “Here, let the Kagechikara Mistress show you how it’s done.” Freddie cracked her knuckles.

“Tamiki Dance: Ballet of Blades!” Freddie chanted. In the manner of a ballerina, Freddie began to rapidly spin her body.

She then releases blade like threads from Tamiki power that flows in her legs.

The force of the rotation will cause the threads, to extend outwards towards the barrier.

Once the threads hit the barrier, swallowed up the threads making Freddie lunge forwards and hit the barrier.

“Agh!” Freddie hissed in pain, she let go of the threads she looked down at her hands to see burnt marks.

“Shit.” Freddie muttered, Zeref helped her off the sand. “Maybe I can freeze it.” Operetta said.

Operetta began to mold her magi into intricately detailed crystal clear ice flowers that were then released at the barrier cutting it with razor sharp petal edges.

The ice petals turned into water and seeped down the barrier. “Maybe we can't freeze it, but we can sure burn it!” Jasper smirked.

“Lava Scorch release: Fire Bullet!” Jasper chanted, propelling a single lava boulder at the barrier. The boulder bounced off the barrier and came flying back towards Jasper.

“Steel Release: Steel Shield!”

Jasper closed his eyes, bracing himself for the impact, after a few seconds Jasper opened his eyes to see a steel shield raided from the ground, in the form of a defensive wall, shielding Jasper from the boulder.

“You okay?” the lady in front of him asked, lowering the shield. “Y-Yeah.” Jasper nodded.

She was a relatively slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards.

She wore a pink, v-neck t-shirt that exposes her stomach with a black spider on it beneath a black jacket with pink lines running down the sleeves that has a collar with wing-like cuffs.

She also wears a yellow beaded necklace, pants that have a giraffe-like pattern, and a belt with a white cardigan tied around it. She also wears white shoes and has painted fingernails.

“Thanks for saving me.” Jasper thanked. “You’re welcome,” she started to walk away “hitting the barrier won't make it break.”

“And you know this how?” Evie asked. “Because,” she walked towards the barrier, “I know how to get in.” she smirked.

The VK’s were all shocked. “Who the hell are you?!”

“I’m Velvet Cane.”

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