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Milton and Giles walked thru a busy town looking for the ingredients of the potion.

Milton was grumpy, being away from Courtly for so long made him miserable.

“Milton, stop moping.” Giles groaned. “It’s not my fault! I miss my Jester!” Milton moped.

“I miss Demonia and a look what happened to her.” Giles muttered.

“You’re still mad about Demonia?” Milton asked. “Yeah, I am. Well, not as mad as I was when it first happened.” Giles said.

“I still have the scar.” Milton chuckled. “Sorry about that, I was just so angry.” Giles chuckled as well.

“I should be sorry, I mean, after everything that happened, I didn’t get to say I’m sorry.” Milton sighed.

“I saw how much love you and Demonia shared, and I ruined that. For that, I’m sorry.”

“I know you’re sorry, I just miss her. It’s been years since her death, but it still hurts.”

Giles looked down at the black leather bracelet with two dragon heads biting down on a flame that connect the bracelet.

“You still have that?” Milton questioned.

“Yeah, she got it for me for our anniversary. She said it represented us, the dragons represent our bravery and the flame represents our love for each other.”

“I just miss her so much, it hurts.” Giles mumbled under his breath.

“If I could rewind time and save her, I would, have the gods make me the one who gets hurt instead of her.” Giles ran his fingers over the bracelet.

“I know no amount of sorry will fix what happened, and there’s no way of me getting her back, but what you and Demonia shared was special.” Milton rested his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

Giles nodded, Milton patted his back. “Come on, we need to find the ingredients.” Milton told him.

Giles looked down at the bracelet, I’ll always love you Demonia.

“I still don't trust this girl.” Ben glared at Velvet.

“Gods, Ben, what’s wrong with you? We found Velvet Cane, she’s gonna take us to Carlos.” CJ was hopefully, she was finally able to get to see her mater again.

“You’re just blinded by your mate withdrawal, first your freezing, second your angry, now your blind.” Ben noted, CJ’s growled and was about to tackled Ben but Mal held her back.

“Honestly, Ben, do you really wanna die today?” Mal chuckled as Mal stroked CJ’s hair, CJ purred like a happy kitten.

“Nya~” CJ purred, rubbing her cheeks against Mal’s. Ben sweatdropped, “okay then…” Ben chuckled nervously.

“You have nothing to worry about Ben. I trust Velvet.” Mal assured him. “Mmhm, well I don't.” Ben muttered “something’s off about her.”

“Ben, nothing is off about her.” Mal told him. “Velvet, how far are we from Carlos?” Ben asked. “Oh, we’re close. Don't worry.” Velvet smiled.

“She seems suspicious.” Zypher growled. “Yeah I know, something’s off.” Ben agreed.

“Sniff her.” Zypher said. “Excuse me?” Ben asked. “Just sniff her.” Zypher told him.

Ben sighed, “this sounds crazy.” Ben got closer to Velvet, trying to find her scent.

But before Ben could get a whiff, Velvet turned around. “Um, can I help you?” Velvet sweatdropped.

“Yeah, who are you?” Ben glared at her. “I told you, I’m Velvet Cane.” Velvet told him. “I doubt that.” Ben muttered.

“Ben! Stop being weird!” Mal scolded, hitting Ben upside the head. “Ow..” Ben rubbed his head.

“I’m sorry for him.” Mal apologized. “No, it’s fine.” Velvet smiled.

“Miss Cane, are you sure Carlos is safe?” CJ asked, she wouldn't admit it, she was worried about Carlos, she was his mate after all.

“Of course he is,” Velvet looked at CJ “you're his mate right?” CJ nodded. “Carlos’s a lucky man.” Velvet ruffled CJ’s hair.

“Don't worry, we’ll find him.”

“I told you this island is different from the others.” Velvet told Ranee. “No kidding.” Ranee chuckled.

“What was those things?” Evie asked. “I don't know, lately, animals like that have been popping up everywhere.” Velvet answered.

“They look like someone cooked them up in a lab.” Freddie said, moving some vines.

“Exactly, that’s why this island is so secluded from everyone. The animals are so dangerous they don't want people around them.”

“But why are you here then?” Hunter asked. “Because, I’ve been on this island since birth.” Velvet answered.

“It’s not just me and the animals on the island,” Velvet sighed.

“Who else is here?” Jasper asked. “Exnes,” Velvet growled. “Exnes?” Operetta questioned.

“I have a book in my house, it’s right here.” Velvet pressed her hand on a tree, the tree moved to reveal Velvet’s house.

In a glade, a large tent with a square base was erected, this possessing plain walls but a pointed roof covered in vertical dark and light stripes, getting smaller near the pointy summit.

And triangular sections hanging over the lower part from the roof, with each section hanging from a stripe with a color different from its own.

More triangular sections, all light in color, were shown sprouting from below such upper ones.

The tent had each of its edges linked to the ground by a rope connected to a stake planted in the ground itself.

Access to it was given by a rectangular door which could be closed by a cloth door, usually kept folded above the door to keep it open.

To the left from the tent entrance was a high pole, which had a light banner bearing the VK Rebellion symbol, with a multitude of thin strips hanging from its lower edge.

Secured to it by a rope, which sustained its upper edges passing through a pair of small holes in it.

Not far from the pole is a pile of large logs, held in place by ropes, with a large board being leaned against it.

Sitting by the tent other side is an open-air structure, with a large and puffy cloth roof and a multitude of thin strips hanging from its lower edges, held up by four poles at its angles.

Below such roof are a large oven made of stone, flanked by a number of crates piled one on the other and by barrels, and several pieces of furniture which seem to be carved into short, cut trunks.

Sitting around tree trunks acting as tables, which, curiously enough, are held up by four thin limb-likes branches below it, is a number of smaller trunks acting as seats.

Each table bears a short, decorative flower pot in its center.

“Nice house.” Freddie complimented. “Thanks, built it myself.” Velvet brought out an old dusty book, flipping thru the pages till she got to one with a spider image on it.

“An Exnes is a powerful shapeshifter that can form into any human, animal, or basically anything to the exact detail.“

“Weather it be a freckle on the nose or a dimple on the cheek a Exnes can replicate all of them. Even their magic.” Velvet read off the book.

Jasper looked at Velvet suspiciously. “That spider symbol is what all Exnes have on their back.” Velvet added.

“I’ll warn the others.” Jasper said going outside as he pulled out his phone and dialed Ben’s number.

“Hey Jasper, what’s up?” Ben asked. “We finally got in the island.”
‘We found Velvet.” they both said.

“No, we found Velvet.” they both said again.

“Wait, that’s insane, Ben. You need to listen to me. Check the Velvet you have now, see if you has a spider symbol on her back.” Jasper told him.

Ben walked up to the sleeping Velvet, finally her guard was down, Ben lowed Velvet collar to reveal the spider symbol.

“I fucking knew it.” Ben growled as Velvet woke up, Ben threw her against the tree.

“Who are you?” Ben glared at her, Velvet just laughed,

“I’m your worst fucking nightmare.”


HELLLO!!!! Sorry for not updating for a good 6 days! First off I want to thank lazilyellow for all her votes and comments! She/he has been a huge help over the course of the book!

Next, I want to say we are sooooo close to 1k! Were at 987! Only a couple more guys! We can do this!

So, what this fake Velvets true form? Why are all the animals on this island so weird?! Who the heck is “Pan”?! Will CJ survive the Mate Withdrawal? Or will it only get worse?

And our money ball, billion dollar question; WHO THE HELL IS SWAN?!?

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the this episode and please; Vote, Comment, and read!

Only 13 reads from 1k!! Let's do this guys/girls!!!

Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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