EP.128|No Need For Mercy When You're Already Dead

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EP.128|No Need For Mercy When You’re Already Dead

“What do you mean you’re going alone?!” Ben yelled. “I’m going alone okay! This is my fight.” Carlos told Ben. “You’re gonna need backup though! CJ is gonna need healing when you find her.” Ben explained.

“Fine, you and Freddie can come with, jeez!” Carlos groaned. “Ben! Wait!” Mal stopped Ben. Mal then took out her whip and handed it to Ben “take my whip. I don't use it anyways.”

Ben nodded and kissed Mal’s forehead, “love you. Don't die, okay?”

“Promise. I love you too.” Mal smiled.

“Will you hurry up!” Carlos yelled, Ben rolled his eyes as him and Freddie caught up with Carlos.

“Why do you insist on doing this on your own?” Ben asked. “This is just something I need to do on my own.” Carlos scrunched up his fist.

“Yeah, we get that, but us VK’s are a family, and family doesn't family fight their battles alone.” Freddie ruffled Carlos’s hair.

“We are one crazy family, huh.” Carlos chuckled.

Ben laughs, but then stops and watches as a spotted black bear rises out of the ground behind them.

The bear moved closer to them and roars. The bear then turns to face Carlos, Ben, and Freddie.

Ben smiled nervously, “Uh, I remember you too, buddy... heh…” he forms a bubble around himself and Carlos.

The bear then leaps toward the bubble but is caught in midair by Mal’s whip that Freddie took from Ben when he wasn’t looking.

Freddie then swings back around on the hoverboard she made using her Tamaki and uses Ben’s bubble as a ramp to jump onto the.

She then pulls her whip around the bear tighter when she brought out the pixie dust and sprinkled it over the bear, causing her and the bear to fall to the ground, where she is quickly greeted by Ben and Carlos.

“Freddie, that was amazing!” Carlos cheered. “Whoa, are you okay?” Ben asked. Freddie sighed “not a pretty win, but I’ll take it.”

Ben’s ear then twitched, “what’s wrong?” Freddie asked. “There’s another o-” but before he could finish, another spotted black bear emerges from the ground with Philip standing on it.

“Carlos~ look what I got.” Philip cooed as he snapped his fingers and CJ appeared hanging from the ceiling in a large bird cage.

“CJ!” Carlos called out, CJ eyes fluttered open, “Car...Carlos?” she muttered.

“I’m coming soon, CJ, I promise.” Carlos whispered, he knew CJ heard him by the slight smile on her face.

“I’m glad I found you. I’ve decided to build my own army, where’s the rest of yours?” Philip snarky asked.

“They’re not here right now!” Ben told him, Carlos and Freddie sweatdropped and sighed.

He doesn't need to know that, dumb hero. The two VK’s thought.

“So it’s just you lot?” Philip raised his eyebrow. “Dosen’t matter, I’m gonna whip your butt all by myself!”

Freddie lashed her whip, which is technically Mal’s, at the spotted bear, causing it to rear up and toss Philip onto the floor before charging toward Ben, Carlos, and Freddie, who all move out of the way.

“I got Philip right now, you guys go handle that dope!” Freddie yelled pointing to the spotted bear as Ben, Carlos, prepared to fight the spotted bear.

Carlos, with his long distance hearing, could hear something coming at him from the behind.

He turned around and noticed it was CJ’s sword. Carlos knew CJ never let anyone touch her sword, so the fact that the sword came to him on its own accord was something special.

“You might as well use it, your powers are restored to the point where you can transform.” Ben suggested, Carlos nodded and clutched the sword.

“Alright, we got this!” Ben cheered. “I know I do, but do you?” Carlos smirked.

“Course I do.” Ben scoffed, “try to keep up.”

“I came here to fight Carlos, not some shadow girl!” Philip yelled. “You think you can just come in here, take my best friend, and pick a fight with us? Agh, why don't you get a life!?” Freddie groaned.

“Fighting IS my life! It’s what I was made for!” Philip pointed at Freddie “it’s what all VK’s are made for!”

“So? I’ve got other stuff going on. I can fight just fine!” Freddie lashes her whip at Philip, who catches it easily.

“Well then, let’s test that!” Philip pulled on the whip, sending Freddie flying towards him.

“Whah!” Freddie yelled as Philip kicked her in the stomach, sending her back first onto the floor “Agh!” Freddie groaned as Philip turned into a bison and ran over Freddie eight times.

Philip towered over Freddie, who’s on her hands and knees “you’re not even trying! Is it because you know you’re already a failure? Just like the little dumb blonde over there.”

Freddie looked up at Philip “you’re one of those Tamiki users just like your dad, grandpa, and Opal were.” Philip’s expression turned into that of anger and disgust “but you’re nothing like them, are you?”

“Look at them,” Philip forcefully turned Freddie’s head towards Carlos and Ben fighting the spotted black bear, Philip turned back towards Freddie who was now standing in front of him, barely standing.

“Hahaha, you’re so weak you can barely stand!” Philip cackled as he began rapidly punching Freddie with his bear claw fist before slamming her back into the ground.

“Freddie!?” Ben yelled. “Are you really that desperate for troops, Ben? That you keep a defect like her?!” Philip yelled.

Freddie marley managed to bet back on her feet “the VK’s, Ben, they all said...I’m perfect...the way I am!” Freddie yelled.

“Then they have low standards!” Philip shot back. Enraged, he charged at Freddie with another bison dash “you could’ve been me!” he kicked Freddie into the air, and as she falls back past Philip.

Freddie was so deliciously by all the punches, everything began going slow mo as the two are face to face.

“And what are you instead?” Philip slammed Freddie into the ground as Freddie looked back at Philip “just a joke.” Philip headbutted Freddie, cracking her skull open and knocking her back a few feet.

“Freddie!!!” Ben and Carlos yelled. Philip snatched Freddie’s tiki medallion. “Come on!” Ben grabbed Carlos’s arm and rushes towards Philip.

Philip squeezed the medallion in his hands, Freddie began to struggle for air as the lavender color slowly faded from her eyes “time to get rid of this embarrassment.”

“HYAA!!!” Carlos appeared midair in front of Philip and kicked him in the chest, causing him to stumble back and drop Freddie’s medallion, which Carlos knocks in the air with his foot before landing and catching the medallion.

“So, you’re ready to fight finally?” Philip smirked, wiping blood from his lips.

“I don't want to hear anything you say,” Carlos, who was clearly pissed, held up Freddie’s medallion and CJ’s sword, “unless it’s the word mercy.”

Philip charged at Carlos in his Rhino transformed head, but it was easily blocked and sent flying by Ben’s lion roar. Ben roared again and sent the spotted black bear into the ground near Philip.

Philip the noticed the black bear trying to get away “oh no you don't!” Philip grabbed the bear by it’s tail and slammed it to the ground.

Ben then comes to Carlos’s side and roars at Philip as the two prepare to continue to fight. Jasper sat on top of the spotted black bear.

Carlos placed Freddie’s medallion in her hand and closed “I told you to leave him to me.” Carlos sighed. “Don't worry, I promise he’ll pay.”

Carlos summoned Freddie’s whip and jumped on Ben’s lion form back. “Head to head, just how I like it.” Philip chuckled. “Ready when you are! I’ve been waiting for this my entire life!”

Ben and the spotted black bear charged at each other. When the two meet, Carlos jumps in the air and throws the whip a Philip, who catched it easily.

Carlos could feel this burning fire in his soul, he looked down to see his body was changing, his eyes turned red.

“T-REX HAMMER FIST!” Carlos clasps his hands together above his head, them slams them down on the Philip’s head, crushing Philip into the black bear with enough force to send it flying thru the wall and into some trees.

Philip fluttered his eyes opened to see smoke coming from the hole in the wall, he could see piercing red eyes, he shivered, the power Carlos was giving off was terrifying.

Carlos slowly walked towards him “for all the pain you caused my mate, for all the torturing you caused me. I’ll make sure it’s repaid in spades” Carlos’ scar on his back began to glow.

He picked up Philip by his neck, “Mer...Mercy” Philip muttered.

Carlos tilted his head and smiled wickedly, “mercy? Oh no,” Carlos’s hand turned into a claw, clenching Philip neck harder, “you don't get to say mercy.”

“Mercy, is what I screamed while you electrocuted me” Carlos claw began to glow as he threw Philip into the tree “mercy, is what all those helpless animals yelled while you experimented on them.”

Carlos caged in Philip with his arms, “mercy, is what MY Pirate Princess screamed while you tortured and broke her spirit.” Carlos claw digged into Philip’s chest causing blood to spit from his mouth.

“Yet, after everything you did to me, the animals, my friends, and MY Pirate Princess. You have the audacity to ask for MERCY?!” Carlos yelled in Philip face as the claws digged deeper into Philip’s chest

“Ple...please…mer...mercy!” Philip croaked. “Mercy? MeRcY?! MERCY?!” Carlos growled, revealing his fangs.

“Oh, there’s no need for mercy,” Carlos clenched Philip’s heart inside his chest and pulled it out causing Philip to fall to the floor “when you’re already dead.”

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