EP.129|Spiritual Revival

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EP.129|Spiritual Revival


Carlos watched as the light faded from Philip’s eyes, Carlos growled and turned into a wolf, Carlos lost all control and began shredding Philip’s body limb from limb.

He bit down on Philip’s arm and ripped it off, and shook his head back and forth with the arm in his mouth before throwing it to the side.

He was about to start on a his leg but a howl pierced thru his ears. It wasn’t any howl, it was a certain howl him and Ben made up just in case one of them or their mates were in danger.

Carlos ran thru the rubble of the crumbling building, dodging debris until he got to Ben, who was still in his lion form, standing over CJ as the debris landed on him, protecting CJ from any harm.

“She’s hurt.” Ben stated, Carlos then noticed the large gaping wound on CJ’s stomach, he placed CJ on his back and the two began to run out of the building.

Carlos then heard Ben’s roar and looked behind him to see Ben trapped under a wood beam. “GO!” Ben yelled. Carlos roared at the bear causing it to shatter. He picked up Ben, who was now back in his normal human form, and put him on his back.

Carlos ran as fast as his legs could carry him, he looked up to see another beam coming down but before he could dodge it in time a barrier of dust particles surrounded Carlos.

He looked at CJ and smiled and continued running.

After hours of running, the three reached Velvet’s hut to see everyone was there. “Oh my gods!” Mal yelled as she rushed towards them, Carlos collapsed to the ground.

“Where’s Freddie?” Mal asked, she then heard rustling in the bushes, Freddie limped forward and collapsed.

“Freddie!” Zeref rushed towards Freddie and rested her head on his lap. “Zer...Zeref…” Freddie mumbled. “Shh...shh...I’m right here…” Zeref stroked her hair.

“Did we win…?” Freddie asked. “Yeah, we did, just sleep.” Zeref smiled as the medallion glowed slightly, sprouting out 3 lavender flowers that healed her wounds.

Mal kneeled beside Ben and hovered her hand over Ben’s wound, it was deep. She began to tear up “you promised me you wouldn't die.” Mal cried, slamming her hand in the grass “you promised me!”

Tears fell on Ben’s chest, she cried harder and harder. She then felt a warm hand rest on her cheek, “why...are you...crying? You know...I hate it...when you cry, Mal” Ben chuckled.

“Ben!” Mal tackled him into a hug, Ben groaned slightly but smiled, hugging Mal back. “Don't scare me like that!” Mal sobbed.

“Hey, I’m okay...I’m the king remember...I can't leave my queen alone.” Ben smiled, kissing Mal’s cheek.

“You idiot.” Mal laughed, wiping her tears. “An idiot who loves you.” Ben kissed Mal’s lips, her smile widened.

“By the way,” Ben broke the kiss, “Freddie took your whip.” Mal laughed, “it’s fine. She’s better with it than I am.”

Days passed, Freddie’s been healing CJ for days now and she still hasn't woke up and Carlos hasn't changed back into his human form.

“Is something wrong with him?” Jasper asked. “I read somewhere that animalstics stay in her most powerful form to protect their mate from any harm while their getting healed.” Ben explained.

“Not only that, Freddie hasn't slept in days, I can't even get near her to try to bring her to bed, anytime I do Carlos snaps are me and tries to bite me.” Zeref glared at Carlos.

Freddie began nodding off, Carlos noticed this and nugged Freddie head, waking her up “I’m up Carlos, I’m fine.” Freddie muttered, yawning a bit.

“They’re also protective of the healers because if their healer were to get hurt then the mate can't get healed causing more anger in the animalistic.” Ben continued to explain.

“Maybe if you talk to him, animalistic to animalistic, ya know?” Hunter suggested. “I’ll try.” Ben turned into a wolf and approached Carlos.

Carlos growled and snapped at Ben, “you need to calm down, Freddie needs to sleep.” Ben told him. Carlos shook his head, in this state, Carlos was beyond saying words.

“I know you want CJ healed as quickly as possible, but Freddie won't be able to heal if she doesn't give her magi a break.” Ben said, Carlos looked at CJ.

“Velvet said she’ll make some potion to heal CJ while Freddie is sleeping. While she’s doing that, you and me are gonna take a walk, okay?” Ben stated, Carlos shook his head.

“Velvet is a good person, she won't hurt CJ, she helped us find you when we first got to the island.” Ben watched as Carlos circled around Velvet and sniffed her.

“So, you’re Cruella’s kid aren’t you?” Velvet crouched down in front of Carlos. Carlos looked at her surprised. “I was bestfriends with your mother when we were younger.” Velvet scratched behind Carlos’ ear.

“Who’s a good wolf? You are, yes you are.” Velvet gushed, Carlos rolled on his back as Velvet rubbed his belly. “You’re such a wonder little wolfie, no wonder your sister talks about you so much, you’re just as adorable as she is.”

Ranee blushed and looked away from Velvet who winked at her.

“Don't worry, I’ll take care of your mate.” Velvet assured him as she walked towards CJ who was still be healed by Freddie.

“Hey, Freddie, go to sleep honey.” Velvet whispered. Freddie nodded and fell to the floor, snoring. “Pfft.” Zeref laughed as she picked up Freddie.

“Let’s go to bed, my sleeping beauty.” Zeref smiled and carried Freddie to one of the cots, both of then falling asleep.

Later that day, Carlos and Ben where walking thru the forest. “Why haven’t you turned back yet?” Ben asked, folding his arms behind his neck.

“I’ve tried turning back, but ever since my battle with Philip, I haven’t been able to!” Carlos said telepathically to Ben.

“Maybe it’s because of your new powers.” Ben guessed. “I don't know what happened to me out there. It was almost like something inside of me unlocked.” Carlos shortly explained.

“But, it’s like you can turn into different animals and use their powers?” Ben asked, Carlos nodded.

“I think I read something about that.” Ben then pulled out a book and flipped thru the pages until he got to a page named “Animalia”

Animalia?” Carlos asked as Ben began reading.

Along with being able to turn into different animals, animalistics are able to use Animalia, which allows the user to tap into certain animals powers and use them for combat. Animalia can be categorized into 2 groups.

Carnivor Animalia: This is the most common type of Animalia. This type are more predatory and bloodthirsty than others by nature and as such tend to be better adapted for combat. These are mostly any animal in the animal kingdom.

Users that turn into such animals are naturally more aggressive and powerful in physical combat, and may have useful features, such as claws, to aid in a fight.

As well as using their special moves, for example, Cheetah Animalia causes the user to use moves such as Sliding Dash, where the user dasher towards their enemies with great speed and force.

Or T-Rex Animalia. This Animalia allows users to use moves like T-Rex hammer fist where the user clasp their hands together above the enemy head, them slams them down on the enemy head.

“That’s one of the moves I did on Philip.” Carlos pointed to the page. “Maybe that’s why you haven't turned back yet, your body must still be getting accustomed to using Animalia yet.” Ben guessed as he continued reading.

Effects of first time use of Animalia: 1) user will be get very angry and have little to no control over their body. 2) will stay in last animalia form until body is accustomed to the Animalia. 3) will be very protective over their mate. 4) might fell sparks of pain from time to time.

“You got all those symptoms, other than the sparks of pain.” Ben noted, Carlos groaned as a shooting pain sparked his leg.

“And there’s the pain.” Ben muttered. He looked back at the book to see there was another section.

Mythical Animalia: This is the rarest of the two animalias, They allow those who partake of them to transform into creatures that are subject to myth and legend.

Thus, unlike Carnivorous Animalia powers which are based on animals that consist of the animal kingdom, Mythical Animalia allow one to assume the form of beings that never did exist outside of myth.

Only one family has been recorded in history using the Mythical Animalia.

The B-

Ben couldn't see the rest of the words because the page was smudged. He sighed and closed the book. “We should probably get going back to camp, it’s almost nightfall.” Ben suggested as Carlos nodded, both of them walking back to the camp.

Back at the camp, Carlos noticed CJ wasn’t in her cot. “She’s on the balcony.” Velvet said. Carlos nodded and went to the balcony to see CJ staring at the sunset.

CJ looked different though, her skin wasn’t her normal peach color, now it was more like a dull tan color, her hair wasn’t golden blonde, it was more of a dirty blonde now.

He walked up to CJ and licked her hand. “Hi, Carlos.” CJ sighed, ruffling his fur. He noticed her eyes weren’t their ocean blue anymore, now they were a dull grey.

He licked CJ’s face, she smiled slightly, soon turning into a frown.

CJ could hear Philip’s voice echo in the back of her head. “I’m just some dumb blonde.” CJ muttered, she then felt arms wrap around her waist

“Guess what I did?” Carlos whispered. “What?” CJ asked. “I beat Philip.” Carlos smirked.

“That’s greats.” CJ sighed. “What’s wrong my Pirate Princess?” Carlos asked, looking into her dull eyes.

“I’m going back to the villain isles tomorrow. You guys don't need me.” CJ looked down. “Of course we need you! You’re our Pirate Princess. You’re my Pirate Princess!” Carlos held CJ’s hands.

“You can't leave me like this, please, please, please, don't leave me.” Carlos muttered into CJ’s shoulder.

“I’m just dead weight though.” CJ mumbled. “Dead weight?” Carlos looked at CJ, her light in her eyes was gone. “Who said you were dead weight? I’ll kill em!” Carlos growled.

“Philip.” CJ frowned. “He’s the dead weight. Literally, he’s dead.” Carlos told her. “But, everything he told me, I just feel so…” She looked at her hands and back at her sword “empty.”

“It doesn't matter what he told you,” Carlos intertwined his fingers with hers “all that matters is that he’s dead now.”

“I know, but, what if I’m just some dumb blonde?” CJ bit her lip. “You’re not a dumb blonde, no blonde is, you’re my Pirate Princess. My beautiful,” Carlos ran his hands up her arms “delicious,” he began to kiss her neck.

“Wonderful…” his hands ran down to her hips, “amazing…” he husky whispered, CJ eeped when he grabbed her hips.

“Pirate…” he licked her neck, leading down to the nape of her neck. She gasped, throwing her head back. “Car...Carlos…” She breathing hitched.

“Yes, princesa?” Carlos whispered. “S-Stop...tea-teasing me…” CJ pleaded. “Hmmm…? Teasing? Oh no, no, no, that was just foreplay,” Carlos lead CJ into the bedroom, he sat CJ at the head of the bed.

“This is teasing.” He whispered. Carlos lifted CJ’s face and kissed her through the tears.

His kiss was so loving and reassuring, the tender connection between their lips was enough to ease her trembling. Eventually, she was soothed.

Carlos broke the kiss to lift her up off the ground and held her tight in his arms. It didn't take much to support her—a lifetime of flying had made her as light as a bird.

But she was especially buoyant today, almost like a soap bubble. He had to hold onto her, he couldn't just let her disappear.

As she wrapped herself around him, he knew she deserved the world and more.

And he'd give her everything he could in this moment, whatever she wanted. He guided them towards her bed and gently rested her down upon the mattress.

CJ didn't let go of him. “Come here,” she whispered, and pulled him on top of her. Carlos leaned in and connected their lips again.

Every time he kissed her, she could feel her spirit returning to her. Both her body and soul responded to his warm touch.

In fact, it was almost dizzying but in a good way, a giddiness instead of haze. She could feel her vitality increasing and her strength return to her with each action of assurance.

She wrapped her limbs around him and he settled comfortably on top of her.

His weight spread over her body, acting like a stone upon a stack of papers that could be blown away by a breeze. All the pleasant sensations grounded her in the physical world.

No one could take her spirit away from her if she was so happy in her body with him, in the present moment.

She could even feel her lips curl into a smile on their own accord as his lips weaved in between.

His hands caressed down her body. Graciously, the palms of his hands took in every new development since they had last been together.

She was purring like a cat being petted. Wherever he touched her, goosebumps rose up on her skin, and pirates rarely got goosebumps.

CJ couldn't control these ones, as butterflies radiated all over body.


She could feel that warm glow spread throughout her body, and tingling between her thighs. She hadn't felt aroused in a long time, since even before getting attacked.

It was something she didn't want to put energy into when there was a war imminent, but with

Carlos all the danger seemed to slip out the back of her mind. It was shocking. Refreshing her spirit out of its coma.

Her soul ached for more closeness between them, she whispered to him and Carlos understood.

He helped her out of her clothes and then she did the same for him until finally their skin could touch and CJ could feel the warmth of his naked body against her own.

He was strong and healthy and alive. Not to mention sexy. Her mouth was watering with a hunger she had never known before.

She could feel both his body and spirit when she touched him. She needed a healthy dose of reality, and Carlos was the most real thing she had experienced since being stolen.

Carlos had always been so lively and resilient and she admired that about him. Her hands grasped him and took hold of his body more and more desperately.

There was boldness coursing through his veins and he felt so solid. Everything she had touched had been wavering and flimsy lately, like it could all crumble and only nihilism would remain.

But his smooth skin and the firm muscles that made up his frame were the best things she had ever felt, and CJ even found herself moaning as their bodies made further contact.

It was obvious he was just as aroused as she was and did not cease his showering of love unto her.

His hands smoothed over every single part of her body until it was all humming like an electrical circuit.

Now, instead of emptiness, CJ felt as though she were brimming over with a familiar feeling.

Sexual arousal was one of the most intense things she had ever experienced. She could tell Carlos felt the same.

She reached between their bodies and grasped his most private part, overjoyed to find it rock hard and pumping with his life force.

CJ squeezed him, taking in the warmth and strength it conveyed. Her hand moved on its own accord, stroking Carlos and eliciting his vocalizations.

Carlos could feel himself twitching as her palm worked brief magic on him. It was enough to drive him insane. “Ah-hh…Ahh—AH! CJ!” He snatched her hand away, trembling slightly. "No CJ, this is about you."

CJ frowned in disappointment. “But I love you. I want to make you feel good. It makes me feel good, too.”

“Well, how about something special just for you?” he said, his green eyes glowing with conviction.

His fingertips combed through her tangle of pubic hairs and down the very inner corner of her thigh. CJ shivered happily at the ticklish sensation.

The nerve endings were very sensitive there, usually asleep, but always lying in wait for pleasure.

Carlos wetted his fingertip and eased it in between her lips. She was already so warm and soft but he wanted to make her even more so. His eyes met hers for approval.

CJ nodded desperately. Sex had become her favorite thing, even over meditation and sword fighting.

There was nothing that could make her love her body so much as the release of making love with Carlos.

She was glad they were allowed to be alone together now, to satisfy this desire they'd both had for each other a long time.

Carlos had gotten good at this over the years, but of course there had been a learning curve he'd had to overcome.

He was going to start slow, going to make her quiver at the suspense, and so CJ gripped the pillow. None of her spiritual essence was seeping out of her anymore. In fact, everything was traveling inwards, towards the place Carlos was focusing all his attention on as well.

She pressed her lips together to hold in the moans that were beginning to simmer. Every single worry dissipated from her mind while his lone fingertip explored her.

Eventually he added a second, letting them slide slowly into her vagina, as far as they could go, so she could soak them completely with arousal.

Then his tongue perused over her clit, casually at first, for Carlos became distracted by her sounds, then more firmly as she encouraged him on.

CJ was moaning louder and louder, so it was a good thing the house was empty so she didn't have to hold back. Even he was moaning and that felt even more wonderful.

All his senses were telling Carlos to rush into her, but Alvarez had taught him enough discipline to take things slowly and savor the moment.

He couldn't only focus on his pleasure, he wanted her to feel better, with every fiber of his being. And he could tell she was growing wild too.

Her eyes no longer looked distant, they were sharp and smoldering, and held a great deal of love. It was all too much.

Carlos paused and looked her in the eye questioningly. “Do you want me?”

She nodded boldly. “Yes!” CJ gasped, arching her back towards him desperately.

No, actually she needed him. CJ didn't think she could stand another moment without her lover inside her.

She grabbed his face and pulled it towards hers to kiss him passionately. Her tongue polished off her own juices from his mouth, and the taste was awakening.

“I want you so badly, Carlos. More than ever—ahhh…” She was trembling and whimpering, but not in the way she was earlier—this time it was out of anticipation.

Carlos was groaning with the effort of holding back. “Oh CJ,” he choked out, so ready to give into her.

He eased in slowly until they were both moaning loudly by the time he was all the way inside. CJ found it so satisfying to be full of Carlos, after far too long.

She would always realize just how much she had missed him once he was inside her again. It was a feeling of belonging like nothing else could bring.

That physical connection between their bodies was unmatched as the most beautiful experience in the whole world, CJ thought.

It was akin to the connection she used to find him when astral projecting, but so much stronger and fulfilling in the physical world.

CJ could feel her spirit rising and expanding within her, achieving strength through Carlos's stamina.

Instinct took over as both their minds emptied out while they made love.

Carlos could hardly stand it, every minute that went by engulfed in her wet passion, in the midst of heated entanglement, he got closer to the finish line he knew he couldn't cross without her.

But she wasn't going to make it easy for him, she kept moaning his name over and over again, touching him in places that only she was allowed.

“Mmmmm, Carlos, Carlos—Carlos,” she kept moaning his name over and over, and it was driving him crazy.

Every time they made love was different, but this situation called for a unique amount of softness and grace; he could tell she needed love not lust.

Fortunately, Carlos could give her either at the drop of a hat because she made it so easy for him.

She kept pulling him in until there was no more closeness that could be achieved between them.

Their mouths were locked, tongues dancing, limbs entwined. Carlos thrust deep into her, with his hands clenching her hips that rode him from beneath.

The longer he spent with her, the more he could tell she was being revitalized. All the signs of her bad health disappeared.

The pallor was completely gone from her skin, which now glowed pink as sunset and radiated just as much beauty.

There was fire in her eyes, her dilated pupils made her look wild and full of life. The joy on her face struck him as that of an animal freed from its cage. She looked truly happy.

With each thrust, she clung to Carlos tighter, gushing profoundly all over him.

Her panting breath on his neck made every hair stand up on end. Shivers went down his spine and he could only see bright flashes of lightning as his eyes rolled back in his head.

His body took over control while his brain shut off completely.

CJ found herself reaching the edge of her orgasm—a big epiphany right on the tip of her tongue.

Her moans emptied out of her and she grew quiet and still, aware of how close she was.

She glanced at Carlos and found his eyes clamped shut, face twisted up, concentrating intensely.

His skin was flushed and sweaty with effort and she realized he was just barely holding on for her.

And she was right. Carlos was at the end of his ability to prolong this any further.

But something about his intense effort was enough to put her over the edge.

Inside her, something had clicked into place, and like an eruption all her senses and passion became intense after such a period of dullness.

Now that it was tangible she reached out and grasped her orgasm, reeling it in and actualizing it.

Then, Carlos could feel her start to absolutely melt in his arms. CJ's voice grew shaky as her whole body fluttered all over him.

Everything became very tight and wet. Carlos grunted with his final effort and buried his face in the pillow next to her cheek, finally able to release himself as she did.

But she was still coming even after he finished, and Carlos kissed her soft lips while she whimpered all the while, proud that the effort had paid off well.

She held onto him for a long time, forbidding him from leaving her until he was too soft to stay.

He settled onto the bed next to her and she cuddled up against him while they both caught their breath. Their hearts beat strong and hard together, and she felt ready to take on the crazy world.

CJ sighed as peace and calm spread throughout her body.

As the pleasure of the release slowly faded and she returned to Earth from the clouds she had been blown up to by Carlos, she could tell she had been fully revived.

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