EP.130|Our Last Day On Mimosa Island

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EP.130|Our Last Day On Mimosa Island

CJ and Carlos laid down on the bed, both breathing heavily. "So? How you're spirit now?" Carlos looked at her. "Wonderful!" CJ gasped in pleasure.

"I love the new mark." CJ looked into the mirror to see the mark Carlos put on her. It was a wolf with a sword in its mouth.

"You're mine now." Carlos wrapped his arms around CJ. "I'll always be yours. I'm your beautiful pirate princess."

"Yes, you are. So, princess, you up for round 2?" Carlos smirked. "Yes!" CJ pushed Carlos onto the bed, straddling upon his manhood. "Only thing, are you ready for round two? Cause, I want it hard,"

CJ ran her hands over Carlos's chest "fast" she kissed over his abs "and hot!" her kisses lead up to his neck, Carlos threw his head back, "gods! CJ!" Carlos groaned in pleasure.

"Shh~let the princess work her magic..." CJ whispered.

Hunter ran his hands thru the beautiful scarlet locks that belonged to his Music Note.

She was sleeping soundly, her chest rising and falling. Over the months, Hunter's watched Operetta's sleep patterns so much that he knows what she's like in her sleep.

As creepy as that sounds, it was true, whenever Operetta had a good dream, her leg would get jumpy.

If she was having a nightmare, her nose would crinkle. If she had a very interesting dream about Hunter, she would start shifting around in bed, mumbling his name.

"Hunter...," she mumbled. Hunter smirked, leaning in closer. Operetta's breathing hitched, she was panting.

"My my, I wonder what the little Music Note is dreaming about." Brazzan chuckled. "Like you had to ask?" Hunter rolled his eyes.

Operetta shot up, her cheeks were red as her hair, she was breathing heavily. "Oh my...oh my gods and goddesses..." she muttered.

"Morning my Music Note." Hunter wrapped his arms around Operetta's waist, pulling her back down. "Looks like you were being mighty naughty Music Note," Hunter whispered tenderly.

"Hu-huh-huh?!" Operetta squeaked. "I hear you when you dream. You sound beautiful and sexy." Hunter licked Operetta's mark on her neck.

"So, today is our last day on the island? What should we do?" Operetta asked as Hunter sucked on the mark, she gasped. "I and the girls are gonna go to the beach. You can come if you want."

"I would love too."

Later that day, the VK's, Ben, Ranee, and Velvet were all on the beach.

Evie laid on the warm sand with her sunglasses on, looking up at the sun.

Jasper smiled as he took out his sketchbook and began drawing his muse once more.

Evie chuckled, even though she knew she was Jasper's muse and the two have been dating for more than a year now, she still found it funny that someone was drawing her.

The only time someone drew where was the cartoon sketches you see at the pier. But other than that, she's never been a person's muse before.

"Why do you keep laughing?" Jasper asked. "I think it's funny when people draw me, I don't know." Evie laughed.

Jasper then grabbed Evie and began tickling her stomach, he knew she was ticklish there. "HAHAHA!!! Jasper! Stop! I can't-- HAHAHA!!" Evie laughed hard.

Jasper then stopped, Evie lying on his stomach. "So, can I see your drawings?" Evie asked as Jasper nodded and opened to a page to see a drawing of Evie and Raja sitting in the massive sunflower field in Misty.

"I didn't know you were drawing when we had that picnic on the last day," Evie said. "I was, I mean, not a lot of people notice me." Jasper sighed.

"Hey," Evie rested her hand on Jasper's cheek, "I noticed you, that has to count as something? Right?" Evie asked. "Of course it does." Jasper kissed Evie tenderly.

"Did you notice me?" Evie asked. "Of course I did, someone as beautiful as you is hard not to notice." Jasper chuckled.

"I love you, Jasper." Evie smiled, kissing Jasper. "Oh! I wanna draw you!" Evie grabbed Jasper's notebook and opened to a blank page.

Jasper smirked as he took off his shirt, revealing his six-pack, Evie blushed hard and buried her face in the notebook.

"I thought you said you were gonna draw me?" Jasper cooed. "I-I-I..." Evie stammered.

"Is something wrong? Is it because I have no shirt on. Even after a year, maybe even more, of being together, you still blush when I take off my shirt." Jasper chuckled, wrapping his arms around Evie.

"My, my, the little blueberry still blushes." Jasper laughed, tickling Evie. "You act like you wouldn't blush if I took off my shirt," Evie said.

"I wouldn't, cause I've already seen everything." Jasper chuckled. "Alright, fine," Evie took off her shirt, revealing her tight swimsuit under sit.

Jasper immediately turned away. "That's what I thought" Evie stood over Jasper, "you're totally blushing."

"Shut up," Jasper muttered, Evie squat down beside him. "You're cute when you blush." Evie chuckled.

"You're cuter."

Mal laid down, basking in the sun's radiance when she felt the splash of the water hit her skin.

She hissed and lifted her sunglasses, Ben and Carlos were wrestling in the water.

They soon stopped when they saw Mal drenched in water. "Uh oh..." the two animalistic muttered.

She growled and looked at Ben "Ben Beastly..." she then stared at Carlos "Carlos DeVille..."

"Ben...I don't wanna die..." Carlos shivered. "Does it look like I want to!" Ben scolded.

"You idiot animalistic!" Mal's eyes grew full dark purple, her hair turning blonde "you know demons aren't good in water!" Mal's voice grew dark.

"Um...I-I do-don't thi-think tha-that's Mal." Carlos stammered. "No-Nope. It-It's Mid-Midnight." Ben stammered as well.

"You idiots know that when water hits a demon they can't use their powers for 3 days! Do you know what kind of trouble you idiots fleabags are in when Mal gets her powers back!" Midnight roared.

"Mi-Mid-Midnight...he-hey...min-mind tell-telling Mal we're sorry?" Ben asked. "Oh I did," Midnight began.

"Phew, maybe she won't be mad-" Carlos interrupted. "No. She's pissed. She said she's gonna get you back. You won't know when, or where, but she'll get you back." Mal's hair began turning back into its normal purple color, her eyes becoming green again.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Mal smiled innocently. "Nope! I don't trust this!" Carlos and Ben turned into fishes and jumped into the ocean.

Mal grabbed the fishes by their tails, both of the fishes turned back into Ben and Carlos, now being held upside by their feet.

"If you idiot fleabags ever get me wet again," Mal dunked both of their heads in the water, soon bring them back up, both gasped for air "I'll make sure both of you ridiculous animals get neutered!"

Mal dropped the two animalistic on the sand, standing over them with a dark aura around her "am I clear?" she growled. "Y-Ye-Yes, Ma-Mal!" They both squeaked.

"Zypher! Why is Mal so scary?!" Alvarez asked Zypher. "Like I know! Ben's the one who married Midnight's vessel!" Zypher answered.

"You just had to marry Midnight's vessel, didn't you!" Alvarez scolded towards Ben. "I can't believe you allowed this Zypher. How does he handle Midnight?" Alvarez asked.

"Like this." Zypher chuckled.

"Hey! Ben! Hello?" Mal waved her hands in front of her husband's face. Ben smirked and grabbed Mal's waist, pulling her towards the sand.

"Ben!" Mal squeaked. "I love it when you're angry," Ben whispered, holding her close to his chest. "No, don't you dare use sweet talk to make me not mad at you." Mal scolded.

"Come on, I know you love me," Ben whispered. "I do, but you know I don't go well with water." Mal reminded him. "I know, I know, I'm sorry, please forgive me, Your Highness." Ben cooed.

"Really? Your Highness? I sound old when you say that." Mal groaned. "I think it makes you sound hot," Ben muttered.

"Fine. I guess Your Highness isn't so bad" Mal turned towards Ben, "but King Ben sounds better on you." Mal kissed Ben, he chuckled and pinned her to the sand.

"It only sounds good when it's coming from your lips." Ben kissed Mal's soft lavender flavored lips. The female demons wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer.

"So," Mal separated the kiss, "any news from "the real Lucifer"?" Mal asked.

Ben didn't answer, he kept kissing Mal. "Ben," Mal tried to speak, but Ben kept kissing. She sighed, so when Ben tried to kiss her again, Mal put her hand over his lip.

"Mmhm?" Ben muttered thru her hand. "I love you too, Ben, but, you haven't been sleeping. Your psyche is worsening. So, any news from the "real Lucifer"?" Mal asked again.

"Nope. Everything's good." Ben smiled, Mal raised her eyebrow. "Lies." She scoffed. "He talked to you didn't her?" Mal asked as Ben nodded.

"What'd he say?" Mal questioned. "He's worried that he'll never see Swan again. Even if he does, he doesn't know if he can ever face her after all that he did." Ben sat up, sitting next to Mal.

"He's slipping, he's tried gaining control of Araden, but he's fighting a losing battle." Ben looked up at the sky.

"Were him and Swan close?" Mal asked. "I'm guessing, by the way, he talks about her, he's in love with her," Ben answered. "What do you think Swan's like?" Mal questioned.

"Lucifer said she was a lot like you," Ben replied, turning towards Mal. "Me?" Mal raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, strong, beautiful, powerful, fierce, warrior princess, athletic. Lucifer says she had a really bad temper, Lucifer says it's adorable." Ben chuckled. "Wow, she is like me." Mal smiled.

"Yeah, he misses her a ton. He feels like there is this massive weight on his shoulders and nothing will make it go away." Ben sighed.

"Did he say anything about the grail?" Mal asked. "He said it might be on the Demon-" Mal then cut him off "the Demonic Islands?!" Mal shrieked.

Later that day the VK's all gathered around a dusty old book, Velvet opened the book and pointed to a large island on the map.

"Demonic Islands." Velvet said. Everyone looked at Mal and Hunter, both of the demon vessels growled.

They looked at each other, their eyes changed. Hunter's were now full on red and Mal's were a deep purple color.

"Ohn yl grail dyoun nod ry. (of course, the grail would be there)" Hunter scrunched up his fist. "Imu mael u'ah eyv ry. (we have to go there)" Mal stated.

Hunter slammed his hands on the table "Aya tiri crazy?! (are you crazy?!)" Hunter scolded.

"Er'm naq crazy. (I'm not crazy)" Mal shook her head. "q' tiri inenya imu're banned iyr eyvem u'ah yl islands. (But you know we're banned from going to the islands)" Hunter reminded her.

"Er, inenya quen, q'ery u'ah toul quen grail. (again, I know that, but they need to find the grail)." Mal said. "Q' hyr naq aes yl island. (but they're not ready for the island)." Hunter warned her.

"Ol, tiri inenya Mal, Ben, Imai Hunter aes yl island. Iri's worried jolor Operetta. (No, you know Mal, Ben, and Hunter are ready for the island. You're worried about Operetta)." Mal chuckled.

"Tiri inenya 's la'ae ohn Operetta. (you know he's overprotective of Operetta.)" Hunter reminded her.

"Er inenya, er inenya, ih dose mael magic quen se u'ah quen island. (I know, I know, but she does use magic that is rare in the Demonic Island.)" Mal said blankly.

"Iv'll wanna i'uh. Qew'll nod hyr gal anser ae yl islands. (The vessels are probably wanna keep their mates close. It'll be their first time on the island after all.)" Hunter said as Mal nodded.

"Er's ery'll nod okay. (I'm sure they'll be okay)" Mal said as her and Hunter's eyes turn back to normal.

Both of the demon vessels gasped for breath, "are you okay?" Operetta asked. "Yeah...it's just...when Midnight and Brazzan takeover...it takes a lot out of us." Hunter breath hitched.

"I-I-I heard my name...di-did Bra-Brazzan say anything?" Operetta asked, worried about her little situation.

"He's just worried about you," Hunter said, standing up. "About me?" Operetta asked as Hunter nodded in response

"Ice magi is pretty rare in the demonic islands. The only demon family to have it died out years ago. So, if they find out you have Ice magi, they're gonna be all over you." Hunter shortly explained.

He wrapped his arms around Operetta, pulling her in his lap as the two sat on the couch "but don't worry, with that mark,"

Hunter tilted his head, kissing the bite mark he made on her soft skin, making Operetta eep "everyone will know you're mine." "H-Hun-Hunter!" Operetta blushed madly.

"You're mine," Hunter muttered into her shoulder.

"I know," Operetta smiled as she turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist "I'm only yours."

The two shared a passionate kiss, and at that moment, Hunter reminded himself of something he already knew.

She's mine. This beautiful, gods and goddesses blessed, perfect in every way, is mine! I don't know what I did to ever deserve to call someone as good, and a little bit bad, "mine".

Hunter looked at Operetta's cheerful smiled.

But whatever I did,

Hunter pulled her in close, resting his head on her forehead, looking into her greyish-purple eyes, he knew he was staring at everything he wanted in life.

If it got me to you,

She was his past, his present, and his future. And he'd damn if he ever lost it.

I'm glad I did it.


HEY GUYS!!!!! Finally, we are done with the Mimosa Island Arc! Can you guys guess what couple the next arc is gonna be about? And believe me, I have some great ideas for that couple.

Also, I did my PSAT today and weirdly, the non-calculator part was easier than the calculator one. I think I probably failed the last section though.

Nonetheless, the rest of the day was fine because I was at the mall with my friends and I tried BOBA TEA for the FIRST TIME EVER!!!

That stuff is awesome!!!!

Also, I have tomorrow off from school and a Feild Trip the next day and then SPRING BREAK!!!



Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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