EP.131|Demonic Islands

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EP.131|Demonic Islands

"Are you sure you wanna stay on Mimosa?" Carlos asked his big sister. "Yeah, I'm sure, there are still animals who need to be turned back," Ranee replied.

She looked behind her to see Velvet healing some of the animals. Velvet looked up and blew a kiss towards Ranee's direction.

"Are we sure it's for the animals?" CJ asked smugly. Ranee blushed. "May-Maybe I-I-I wann-wanna stay wi-with Velvet! Sue me!" Ranee scolded, her blush deepening.

Velvet then appeared behind Ranee, hugging her from her waist "don't worry, Dog Boy, I'll take perfect care of your big sis." Velvet winked, smirking at Carlos.

"Huh?" Carlos titled his head. Ranee, CJ, and Velvet sweatdropped. Why is he so dense?! The three thought.

"Never mind, Carlos." CJ sighed, shaking her head. She loved Carlos with all her heart, but sometimes he can be a little dumb at times.

"I'll explain it to you on the way to the next island." CJ chuckled as the VK's got on the boat and rode off.

After hours taking the boat as far as it could go, the VK's ended up on a small forest.

"We're lost, aren't we?" CJ questioned. "No," Ben looked at the map for the umpteenth time "according to the map," he looked up from the map and hit a large rock, "okay, we're lost."

"You always had a horrible sense of direction," a familiar voice chuckled, Ben growled and turned around to see none other than Lucifer "didn't you lil' brother."

The VK's, and Ben, all got battle ready. "Wow," Lucifer clapped sarcastically, leaning against a tree "let's see what we have here, shall we?" Lucifer began to approach the VK's, and Ben, slowly.

"First, we have the Blueberry Rage." Lucifer played with her blue hair, "you must be Esther's daughter" he got closer to her face, "everything about you is your mother, but you have your dad's eyes."

He looked down at her chest to see the red ruby necklace around her neck, she lifted it up with two fingers to get a better look at it.

"This must be the famous Queen Family Crystal," Lucifer observed. "I heard about this, supposedly, a crystal is given to every child of the Queen family. But this one, this red ruby one, it's special, isn't Evie." Lucifer smirked.

Evie snatched the jewel out of his hands and tucked the necklace under her shirt, "that ruby...your mother used it, so did you grandmother, as well as your great-grandmother, and now, you use it too."

"I heard, if you use the power correctly, you have enough to activate Queen's Rage," Lucifer said Evie, clutched the necklace. "However, know you, you'll won't use it." Lucifer shrugged.

Evie growled and formed long sharp crystals that began circling slowly around her. "And there it is, the beautiful Crystal Release," Lucifer smirked.

"So, you gonna hit me, blueberry?" Lucifer teased. Evie then raised her hands and extended them towards Lucifer causing them to shot a Lucifer, he sighed and grabbed one of the crystals in his fingers. All of the crystals turned to dust.

"I really thought you were better than that, Evie." Lucifer sighed as he formed the dust back into crystals and shot them at Evie, pinning her to the rock.

"AGH!" Evie yelled in pain as the crystals began drawing blood.

Jasper glared at Lucifer, "Lava Storch: Eruption Pulse!" Jasper chanted as he stomped on the ground, causing a plume of lava to erupt from under Lucifer.

Jasper smirked, and walked towards Evie, "you okay?" Jasper asked. "Yeah--JASPER WATCH OUT!!!" Evie yelled as Jasper got thrown against the wall with his own lava.

Lucifer chuckled and then burped, "that was tasty." Lucifer smiled, he looked into Jasper's eyes, they were like snake eyes.

"I know those snake eyes from anywhere, you must be Jafar's kid. However, your powers don't come from your parents, but your aunt." Lucifer lifted up Jasper's chin.

Auntie Narsia? Jasper thought.

He looked at Evie and Jasper, lying together "awe, reminds me of Sapphire Stone and Inferno Flame, both of you...are just like them." Lucifer tilted her his head, could they be...no...that would mean...all 10 of them...

"Next, we got the Tamiki Shadow Girl, now you," Lucifer scrunched up her face "you are the one who broke me little shadow seal."

"There's a lot of other things I can break," Freddie smirked. "Oh? Little Shadow Girl got a mouth doesn't she?" Lucifer chuckled darkly.

"I wonder what would happen if I take that speech away?" Lucifer snapped his fingers and Freddie's voice was gone."Not so much talk, now are we Shadow Girl?" Lucifer tugged on the metal chain with her half of the tiki medallion on it, making her lunge forward.

Freddie then kicked him in the stomach but Lucifer dodged it, pinned her to a tree. "You're eyes," Lucifer looked into Freddie's eyes "they're beautiful..." Lucifer whispered.

She then clenched the necklace, her eyes glowing lavender "Tamiki: Lavender Revolving Heaven!" Freddie chanted as a purple lavender flower surrounded her and Lucifer.

"That should teach you not to touch my stuff!" Freddie smirked triumphally, soon, that smirk disappeared when the lavender all shriveled up and died.

"Wha--" but before Freddie could say anything, the dried up lavender shot back at her in sharp pieces, piercing her skin.

"So, you're tamiki is strong enough to break my Mute Magi, but can break my Destruction Magi? I wouldn't have believed someone like you, even with the Tamiki, is just a little Shadow Girl." Lucifer patted her cheek slightly.

He has...two Magis?! Freddie's eyes widened. "Oh honey, it isn't just two," Lucifer smirked devilishly at her "think of any Magi, any at all, and I have it."

Freddie shuddered, we're never gonna be able to beat this guy! Lucifer reached his hands towards the tiki medallion. His hands only inches away, he then was shot back into a tree.

The medallion eyes flashed, as though it was warning Lucifer to stay away.

Lucifer grumbled and swiped his hand, Freddie then felt herself being levitated into the air and quickly smashed into the tree a few times.

The pain began to form all around her body, not only from being thrown into the tree multiple times, the shards of dried up lavender seeped deeper into her skin, burning her.

Her screams pierced thru the forest, the animalistic winced, the loud screams hurt their sensitive ears.

Freddie could hear the crackling of lighting, she opened her eyes slightly to see that a ball of lightning surrounded her, she smiled softly.

Zeref's magic...dammit, Zeref...I don't need protecting... Freddie sighed, as much as she loved Zeref, she wanted to protect herself! She didn't need Zeref for that.

"Lighting magi..." Lucifer muttered, reaching out for the ball of lighting, which eventually shocked him hard. Sending him back a few.

He got up and dusted off his clothes, the shock had no effect on him!

"I suppose you're Zeus kid?" Lucifer guessed he then saw that Zeref was the one producing the lightning

"Oh, Hades' son. It's a little ironic that the son of the death god has the same powers as the god who banished your father to the underground." Lucifer chuckled at the irony.

Lucifer looked at Zeref's eyes, they were filled with anger and sparks of lightning.

That look...it's so familiar...where have I seen that before? It isn't Hades's, he is much darker. Lucifer eyes widened slightly, no...it can't be...those eyes...they can't be Zane's...

He then looked at Freddie, the tiki medallion eyes flashed, but this time, one was blue and the other was lavender.

Then that means...Lyra? Lucifer shook the thought out of his head and looked back at Zeref, he was still pissed.

"You know," Lucifer got close to Zeref, only to press his hand on his chest, "people are calling you the Shadow Pikachu." Lucifer pushed on Zeref's chest hard, pinning him to the tree right next to Freddie's

"I just don't see it." Lucifer shrugged, an electro ball forming in his hands. "Let's see what you got Shadow Pikachu." Lucifer threw the electro ball at Zeref, who caught it and threw it back at Lucifer only for him to catch it.

"Nice reaction time." Lucifer acknowledged, Zeref smirked and stood up, "thanks."

"Shadow Pikachu sounds nice." Zeref chuckled, he was going to say something else, but soon felt a ball of lightning hit his back.

Blood splattered from his lips, he then fell forwards.

"Hmm, maybe the villagers were wrong about you Zeref, you're more like a Pichu."

Lucifer then looked in CJ's direction "well if it isn't the Pirate Princess." Lucifer chuckled.

"Philip was right about you," Lucifer looked at CJ's chest, smirking momentarily "I've seen better though" Lucifer shrugged.

He then noticed CJ's hat, he smirked, "you must be Hook's kid," Lucifer then came closer to CJ, examining her facial features once more "you have Nikita's hair and eyes, but everything else, that seems to come from your father,"

Lucifer stared at CJ's sword, he tilted his head slightly. Sabrina? No way...that's impossible!

Lucifer then grabbed CJ's hat, putting it on his head, "now, this is a nice hat." Lucifer noticed the growling from the Pirate Princess, this only made Lucifer more amused.

"You did not...just take...my hat..." CJ's voice was now dark and ominous, a dark aura surrounded the female pirate.

"Whatcha gonna do about it," what Lucifer said next made CJ's blood boil "blondie?"

CJ hated that word, she never liked being called blondie, it made her feel weird, heck, it made her cringe.

Ever since the whole Mimosa Island situation, every time she would hear the words blondie, memories of her and Philip's horrible time together came rushing back.

So when Lucifer said it and had the audacity to take her hat that she barely even lets Carlos touch, you best believe she was pissed.

The earth began to shake, the VK's could tell she was pissed,

CJ's body begin to break down into small pebble-like fragments "there's something you need to learn about me, Devil Boy" Lucifer looked both ways for CJ

He then felt shivers go down his spine when CJ's body reformed behind him "never!" CJ's sword began to collects dust

"Touch!" CJ's sword then turned into sand, her hand began to spins it around and it forms a disk.

"MY HAT!!!" CJ then threw it at Lucifer, slicing his stomach, the disk then came back towards her slicing Lucifer's stomach again.

CJ smiled promptly when Lucifer body turned to dust.

CJ walked back to the VK's, whose mouths were wide open, and said "never mess with a Pirate Princess"

"Bravo!" CJ stopped in her tracks, "I have to admit, that was a good warmup, haven't seen a Dust Disk like that in a while." Lucifer stretched and yawned.

"H-Ho-How!?" CJ stammered in shock. "Come on Princess," Lucifer chuckled and ruffled CJ's blonde hair "did you really think I would go down by a simple Dust Disk?"

Right now, my Dust Disk is my strongest move! How the hell did he not die!? CJ shivered, she could sense Lucifer's power, no way...there's just no killing this man!

"Here, let me show you what Iron Sand Release looks like." Lucifer then created a spherical structure, with a sphere located at its center, between the palms of his hands.

The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards its intended target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere then seems to explode with a tremendous amount of force.

"CJ!!!" Carlos yelled, turning into his wolf form as he ran towards CJ.

CJ's body was surrounded by dark sand, it was completely different from her Iron Sand.

Carlos sniffed the sand, the smell of it was dark, demonic almost, but...there were smudges of light in there.

"What is this?" Carlos asked Lucifer. "Bizarro Chains," Lucifer said, leaning against a tree. "A what?" Carlos further asked.

"Bizarro Chains. Those chains wrapped around your pretty little mate there make her magic act against her. So, since CJ uses Iron Sand, the Bizarro Chains will use Dark Iron Sand, the bizarro version of her magic." Lucifer explained.

CJ began to scream in agony, her eyes were fully black. Carlos growled darkly, his very own mate was going thru the pain he promised her she would never go thru.

"You must be Carlos DeVille," he raised his eyebrow, "Philip told me about you, that was before you ripped him to shreds." Lucifer cringed.

"Thanks, proud of it. I think I did great work on that prick." Carlos smirked. "You did quite a number on him. When I sent the Argyle Animalistic they said they've never seen such a bloody scene."

"Wait, what?" Carlos questioned. "Argyle Animalistic. They're an evil version of animalistic. It's better if I just show you." Lucifer stomped his foot on the ground, making a person completely made of shadows appear.

Carlos's eyes widened, it looked exactly like him just in a shadow form, the shadow's eyes were a dark red. "Why does it look exactly like me!?" Carlos asked Shockley.

"Argyle Animalistics are-" Alvarez began, soon getting interrupted. "I'll answer this one Alvarez," Lucifer smirked, "how the hell can you hear me!?" Alvarez scolded.

Lucifer scoffed, chuckling softly "did you really think I couldn't hear you? I can hear all four of you."

He looked at Carlos "Alvarez," he looked at Mal "Midnight" he turned towards Ben "Zypher" he then looked at Hunter "and last but not least, Brazzan"

"So you know were all vessels, good for you." Carlos rolled his eyes. "Oh, I know way more than that," he then placed two fingers on Carlos's forehead "dog boy"

Lucifer then pushed on Carlos's forehead causing the animalistic eyes to turn white

"Axel? Axel!" A familiar voice called out. "There you are, my little Desert Flower." this voice was different, it sounded more masculine. "Why must we only meet like this, Axel? You on the ground. Me, floors above you." the first voice sighed.

"I don't know, but I promise one day we'll be together with my Desert Flower," Axel promised.

"But how long with that take? Every day without you torture, Axel." the woman pleaded. "As for me, my beautiful Desert Flower, I hope for the day I get to run my hands thru your beautiful hair once more."

The so-called "Desert Flower" smiled, "my handsome Axel, all of my suitors never compare to you."

Axel chuckled, jumping from tree to tree until he got high enough to see more of her facial features.

"Damn...those blue eyes...they're like the ocean." Axel smiled, she blushed and looked away from Axel.

"You're so cute when you blush," Axel smirked. "I swear, when I get on that ledge, we gonna have some real fun." Axel's smirk grew.

"Axel! Don't be crass! You know with all talk I won't be able to control myself." she blushes hardened.

"You think I can? Seeing you all dressed up in those dresses every day! You're so beautiful, it makes just wanna grab you and ravish you in every day possible." Axel looked at her up and down.

"Gods, look at you, if there wasn't a wall between us, I would be all on you right now." Axel licked his lips. "Axel!" she covered her face with her hands.

"You're adorable." Axel smiled. "Shut up." she chuckled.

Then, everything went black and the last thing he saw was a white feather being dropped on golden water.

When his eyes returned to normal, the pain of the Argyle Animalistic's punches came rushing back to his body.

"Carlos!? Can you hear me?!" Alvarez yelled. "Yeah. What is this thing!?" Carlos yelled, he then turned into a falcon.

Carlos took flight in his falcon form, he flew at a blinding speed, appearing to be invisible. He swooped down on his Argyle doppelganger and attacked him with his talons.

He then turned around to see the shadow wasn't affected at all. "Did you really think a shadow can be affected by physical attacks?" Lucifer chuckled, Carlos looked at him from above and growled.

Distracted by growling at Lucifer, the Argyle turned into an elephant and used his large trunk to knock Carlos to the ground.

"Agh..." Carlos groaned, he looked up to see a shadowy elephant foot coming down on him.

"Rhino Beetle!" Carlos chanted as he turned into a Rhino Beetle and quickly dodged the elephant foot.

The Argyle Animalistic began stomping on the ground, trying to squish the beetle under him but it was no use, Carlos was too fast in this form.

"How you like me now you shadow copy cat!" Carlos laughed in the Argyle's face. The elephant then swung its trunk, but he missed.

"Ha! You missed!" Carlos boasted. "He wasn't aiming for you," Lucifer smirked. The sound of a tree bark cracking filled Carlos's ear.

He snapped his head towards CJ to see a tree falling closer to CJ "CJ!!!" Carlos yelled, running towards CJ.

However, before he could reach her, the Argyle Carlos turned into a cobra and wrapped around Carlos.

Carlos could feel the same burning rage inside his body he did when he fought CJ.

"You know what to do." An echoing voice in his head told him. He didn't have time to decipher what it the voice was doing in his head, all he knew now was that CJ was gonna get crushed by the tree!

He tried to muster of his strength to transform into any animal, anything that would get him out of this snakes grasp, but the snake was sucking out any of the strength he had left.

Carlos closed his eyes, he couldn't watch CJ get hurt one more time.

Once Carlos opened his eyes again, he noticed a forcefield made of iron sand covered her from the fall.

"So, the little Pirate Princess still has some magic left in her." Lucifer chuckled darkly. Carlos's eyes turned red, a growl coming from deep within his chest.

"That's my name for CJ! Not yours!" Carlos scolded. Lucifer rolled his eyes.

He then felt shivers go down his spine, he slowly turned around to see two strong powers coming from Mal and Ben.

"Well if it isn't Zypher and Midnight," Lucifer smirked. "What are you doing here?" Ben asked rudely. "You'll see." Lucifer singsonged.

"So," Lucifer but his arm around Ben, "how have you been, Ben?" Lucifer chuckled at his own words "get it? Been Ben." Lucifer began laughing.

"But I digress," Lucifer sighed, reigning in his laughter "I haven't seen you since the wedding. Now look, going all around the earth just to find me, Lil' Ben." Lucifer ruffled the angry animalistic's hair.

"Think? I can and I will beat you," he looked Lucifer straight in the eyes "Araden."

Lucifer backed up, throwing his hands up, clapping slowly "you found me out, I'm impressed, to say the least."

"You're brother has been a lovely host vessel for me," Araden smirked, Ben, glared at him. "You should hear your brother right now, begging me to stop, he's getting annoying," Araden complained.

"I would get rid of the whining idiot but I need him for a while more." Araden sighed, shaking his head.

"I was considering using your wife as a vessel," Araden began, as soon as he mentioned Mal, Ben started growling.

"Hit a nerve didn't I?" Araden smiled smugly. "There's something you need to understand," Ben started advancing on Araden "that beautiful demon over there is my mate," Ben pointed at mine.

"And I'll be damn if you ever lay a finger on her, I will break every bone in your body," Ben warned him.

"Is that a threat?" Araden questioned, obviously knowing the answer. He stepped closer to Ben "what if I didn't listen? What if I did this?" Araden then backed up a bit "Light Release: Star Burst!"

Araden created small orbs of bright yellow light magi around Mal and Hunter. "Demonic Illusion: Dark Flower Forcefield!" Mal chanted, hundreds of black flowers surrounded Mal and Hunter, protecting them from the light.

"You know that the forcefield won't hold forever." Araden reminded her as the flowers became smaller and smaller.

"Mal!" Ben yelled. "Hunter!" Operetta yelled. "I'm fine! I'm a demon remember!" Mal and Hunter both yelled back.

"But-" "I'M FINE! I CAN PROTECT MYSELF!!!" Mal roared as the flowers got ever smaller.

"It's not like you can help her anyway," Araden scoffed, "you know a demon's greatest weakness is light magic."

Ben scrunched up his fist, she punched Araden in the face but Araden caught it "wow, got a lot of power stored up, don't cha." Araden smirked.

"You're not gonna punch me." Araden smirk grew. "And why is that?" Ben growled. Araden then showed Ben his wrist to reveal a red band with a devil horn.

"Remember, I'm your brother's demon, you hurt me and your brother get's hurt too," Araden smirked.

Ben's fist unclenched, "Ben, just punch him!" Zypher told him. "I-I-I ca-can't. I can't hurt my brother!" Ben stuttered.

"But this isn't Lucifer! It's Araden!" Zypher said. "Still... I and Lucifer went everything together...he's my big brother...I can't kill him!" Ben said."I knew it! I knew you were soft!" Araden laughed. "Araden! Just leave him alone!" Lucifer pleaded. Ben's eyes widened. "Lucifer!" Ben yelled in glee.

"How can you hear him!?" Araden growled. "None of your business!" Ben scolded. "Ben, you gotta kick his ass!" Zypher yelled. "I can't!" Ben yelled back.

Araden then looked at Ben smirking as he snapped his finger and the balls of light surrounding the two demons exploded. They both began screaming in agony.

"You bitch!" Ben roared. Araden chuckled, "not so tough now Midnight."

He then looked at Operetta and smiled "finally, what I'm actually here for."

"Get...away...from her..." Hunter croaked "no can do, demon boy, I got a job to do." Araden snapped his finger's opening a portal.

"I'll give you a chance to go in free of charge," Araden said, guiding her to the portal. She looked at Hunter and sighed.

"You don't want your demon boy to get hurt. Do you?" Araden smirked. She looked down, placing her hand on her stomach.

I can't risk Hunter dying before I tell him. Operetta bit her lip. "They VK's won't get hurt? Right?" Operetta asked Araden nodded.

Say what you want about the demon, but he keeps his promises.

"Can I at least say goodbye to him?" Operetta asked. "Alright, whatever, just hurry up." Araden groaned.

Operetta walked up to Hunter, crouching beside him. "Please...don't leave...me..." Hunter felt tears running down his face.

"I sorry, my love. But, it's better this way, I can't risk you dying before I get to tell you something." Operetta wiped his tears with her thumb.

"Just tell me now, before I might not see you again," Hunter said Operetta smiled her tears falling on his face.

"Music Note," Hunter slowly brought his hand up to her face, resting his hand on her cheek "please don't cry," Hunter said as Operetta shook her head.

"Promise me, you'll still love me, even after I tell you this." Operetta said as Hunter nodded.

He then leaned into her ear and whispered to Hunter the words.

She looked at Hunter to see he wasn't breathing, "hunter? Hunter! Hunter! Please wake up!" Operetta cried, shaking Hunter, he still wouldn't wake up.

Araden began pulling Operetta away from Hunter "Hunter! Please! Please open your eyes! Hunter!"

Araden then pushed Operetta into the portal, Hunter could hear Araden say "don't worry Operetta, where you're going, you'll forget all about Hunter."

I'm sorry...Music Note...

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