EP.132|A Demon's Promise

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EP.132|A Demon's Promise

Hunter's eyes fluttered open, the first thing he saw was the scarlet sky, instantly reminding him of Operetta.

"Mal..." Hunter rasped. "Hey, stay down, you haven't healed all the way yet." Mal pushed Hunter back down.

"Where is she?" Hunter asked. "Um...just lay down." Mal sighed. "But...Operetta...she's..." Hunter coughed up blood

"We know, we're gonna find her. Don't worry. Demon's Promise." Mal smiled. "You're really gonna waste your Demon's Promise on this?" Hunter chuckled.

"Of course! Operetta's your mate, I know you're angry that she's not here right now and you wanna kill whoever has her now, and we're gonna find her and get her back." Mal promised, Hunter smiled.

"Demon's Promise?" Hunter asked, raising his hand. "Demon's Promise." Mal and Hunter clasped, a purple and black mist surrounding their hands, a binding contract between the two demons was finally made.

Carlos slept in his sleeping bag, the same voice he heard earlier that day he could hear in his sleep.

"Axel!" she yelled her voice filled with happiness in glee as she ran towards the red-headed boy, tackling him in a hug. 

"My Desert Flower!" Axel smiled, the two soon falling to the soft green grass, still coated with the morning dew.

"I missed you, Axel." she ruffled the boy's red hair, it was so soft and fluffy. "I miss you too, Sabrina" Axel smile grew, he finally got his Desert Flower back.

"We can finally do all the things we wanted to." Sabrina rested her head on his chest. "Like what?" Axel smirked devilishly. "Not now silly," Sabrina laughed, slapping Axel's chest slightly.

"Why not," Axel semi-whined "I've waited too long to be with you again." Axel snaked his arms around her hips.

"Yes, I know, but shouldn't we savor this moment the best we can," Sabrina sat atop of Axel "I want to make love Axel, not like how we always do it."

"Well, isn't that what we always do?" Axel asked, his hands running under her red dress.

"No," Sabrina slapped his hand away, "when we do it, it's always hard and fast." Sabrina laid down on his chest, her legs wrapped around his waist.

"I want it to be more about the love, not just who can finish first. I love you, Axel, that's why, I want you to take it slow, be gentle, I want to feel your love for me in every touch and every kiss." Sabrina explained.

"There was just so much pent up desire and love between us the first time we did it. Is that love still there?" She asked, looking at the red headed boy. "Of course there is, I'm just worried that it won't live up to your expectations."

"Why wouldn't it? I love you more than life itself, Axel. Every touch sends fireworks through my body, every kiss makes me want to scream out your name to the gods and goddesses, every time you say my name I get this shiver of excitement."

Axel chuckled as he watched his girlfriend ramble on out the pleasure he gives her "well," Axel turned Sabrina over, he was now towering over her "I didn't know I did that to you."

"You are my one and only Axel." Sabrina smiled, resting her hand on his cheek. "As are you, my Desert Flower."

Carlos shot up, his face drenched in sweat "Sabrina?" he muttered to himself. That dream. It was so surreal, it was like I was living the entire thing. Carlos raked his hands through his hair.

He looked to his left to see his Pirate Princess wasn't there. He could hear the of something hitting the hard word of the trees that surrounded them.

He got out of his sleeping bag and walked out of his tent, the cool wind of the night hitting his chest.

Carlos walked towards the sound, leading him deeper in the forest to reveal CJ practicing her swordsmanship skills on the large oak tree.

Carlos chuckled softly, he should've known CJ was still up. He leaned up against a nearby tree, watching the blonde.

CJ slashed the tree multiple times. Up, down, left, right, it didn't matter where CJ's sword made a cut.

She back up, breathing heavily, to view her work. CJ smirked, I think that's good enough for tonight. CJ wiped the back of her hand over her forehead, wiping off her sweat.

"Still up I see." CJ jumped up in surprise. She turned around to see her boyfriend chuckling.

"Just putting in a little training," CJ said, putting her sword back in its scabbards. "A little?" Carlos motioned his hand in the tree's direction "you practically demolished the tree."

CJ shrugged, "meh," she said, not really caring. She winced and sat down, she looked at her waist to see the wound from the bizarro chains still hasn't healed fully.

"CJ," Carlos sighed, grabbing her hand as the two walked back to camp. Carlos went into his bag and brought out some bandage wraps.

"Lay down." CJ rolled her eyes and laid down on the grass. "You're never gonna heal if you keep pushing yourself."

"Since when did you become the girl of the relationship?" CJ chuckled. "I'm serious CJ," Carlos said, wrapping the bandages around her stomach.

"I know, it's just, I couldn't sleep." CJ sighed. "Why is that?" Carlos asked. "It's because of Mimosa. Ever since the whole thing with Philip-" she stopped when Carlos growled lowly.

"Every time I look at this scar," she ran her hands over the scar on her chest lightly "I could hear Philip voice in the back of my head, laughing at me, just reminding me of everything that happened."

Carlos laid down beside her, "well you don't have to, I killed Philip, remember."

"I know." CJ chuckled. "So, why don't we replace that scar's bad memory with a good one," Carlos smirked, kissing atop her chest.

"Carlos~" she gasped, arching her back. Carlos looked up at CJ, smirking at her, her face was flushed. His kisses led up to her neck, licking over the mark on her neck as he proudly made.

"Oh gods..." she gasped again. Carlos then stopped, CJ looked at him "why'd you stop?"

"Hmm...think of it as a punishment for not going to bed."

He got up and walked back to his tent, CJ scowled, damn dog boy!

"Hunter," Ben spoke, looking at Hunter who was sitting in a tree, looking at the scarlet sky. "What do you want Ben?" Hunter asked. "I want to talk."

Hunter sighed, "about?" "you know what I wanna talk about."

Hunter groaned "actually, I don't Ben. I can't read your mind." Ben chuckled, "smart remarks as always."

Ben got on the same branch as Hunter, "sky's pretty today." Ben said, acknowledging the scarlet sky

"Yeah, just like Music Note's hair." Hunter sighed. "You miss her huh?" Ben asked. "What do you think, Ben."

"Point taken. I actually need to ask you something." Ben said. "What?"

"Take care of Mal for me." Hunter looked at Ben, "that's your job." Hunter chuckled. "Well, I won't be here for a while, and while I'm gone I need you to take care of Mal," Ben explained.


"What do you mean no?" Ben asked., shocked by Hunter's answer. "You're not going anywhere. So, you take care of Mal. It's not like she needs it, your wife's tough as nails." Hunter chuckled.

"I'm going back to the Villain Isles," Ben stated. "Why?" Hunter asked. "Since Mal and I are king and queen now, one of us has to be on the island to rule it. You guys need Mal on the demonic Islands so I'll go back."

"We need you too," Hunter said, Ben, looked at him. "You're the only one who knows Lucifer inside and out."

"But if I don't go back, they're gonna relinquish the throne," Ben said sadly. "So? Who cares? What matters to you most Ben? The throne? Or all the memories us VK's had made together."

"What matters more, some stupid royal status or your loving wife?"

"You have to decide, Ben. Us or the throne."

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