EP.134|Meet DD

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EP.134|Meet DD

“How do you know my name?” Operetta scold. “Lucky guess.” Mal got out from under Operetta. “We gotta get going. Here,” Evie gave Operetta a couple of dollars “for the apples.”

Operetta scoffed and walked off “weirdos.”

Evie and Mal ran back to the restaurant yelling “HUNTER!!!!”

“What’s wrong? And where have you been? Evie ran out of here yelling.

“I’m coming for you Mal!” You had Ben thinking you were dead.” Hunter chuckled, eating a piece of chicken.

“We found Operetta!” The both yelled, Hunter spat out his food on Zeref’s face. “ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Where is she? We gotta find her!” Hunter shaked Evie back and forth.

“She’s...outside…” Evie groaned from the shaking she received. Hunter ran outside to see red hair flowing in the distance. “Operetta! Operetta!” Hunter called out running as fast as he could.

He couldn't believe it, he found Operetta! He couldn't wait to get her back in his arms again. He saw her turn the corner and ran faster, but once he turned the corner too, she was gone.

“Where’d she go?” Freddie asked. “She’s gone...again…” Hunter sighed. “Hey, it’s late, let’s get a room for the night. We can go look in the morning.” Ben suggested. Hunter nodded sadly and walked into the hotel.

It was nothing fancy, just a small hotel. Hunter walked up to the counter, sighing, “what’s got you down?” The girl behind the desk asked, Hunter looked at her, it was the same girl that was their waitress at the restaurant.

“Everyone just calls me DD.” DD smiled. “Hunter.” he introduced. “I know you guys! You’re part of the-” she leaned in “VK Rebellion.” she whispered, grinning from ear to ear.

“Yeah that’s us, we’re here searching for our friend O-” Freddie started. “Operetta?” DD said as Hunter gripped her shoulders “do you know where she is?”

“No, but I’m guessing Operetta is your mate? You guys were talking about her in the restaurant” DD smirked, it was cute Hunter was doing all this to get his mate back.

I completely understand why he’s doing it though, I mean, I did it too-- and you know what, that’s not important, back to the story.

“Yeah.” Hunter smiled at just the thought of her. “I had a mate once, everything was peaceful then. I was happy, so was he, he said I was his everything, his sun, his moon, his stars, his universe.”

“I loved him with all my heart, so, you would believe how happy I was the day he marked me.” DD said, moving her hair reveal a mark, it was a book with a crown in the middle with a demon and a dragon wing.

Mal felt behind her neck, tracing her fingers along the mark. It was a crown with two demon wings, she knew there was some weird writing in it, but neither her and Ben knew what it said.

“He would always say he would take me up to the stars and grab me one of the stars. He would say that none of them would be as beautiful as me.”

“We would dance under the stars each night, I couldn't dance but he taught me how. He said I was as graceful as a swan, when in reality I wasn’t.” DD chuckled, the memories made her smile.

“Gods, what I wouldn't give to be with him again! Just for even a second, just to be in his arms again. That’s all I want, to hold him, love him, kiss him, just be with him.” DD sighed. “I’m talking too much again.”

“No, no, you’re fine, you’re mate must be a lucky man.” Ben said as DD smiled. “That’s what he would always say.” DD chuckled. “So, this Operetta girl,” DD nugged Hunter slightly “she something special?”

“Of course! She’s the love of my life! My little Music Note…” Hunter buried his head in his arms, “gods and goddesses, I miss her so much.”

“I bet she misses you.” DD smiled turning around, tracing her fingers along all the room keys till she got to room 27, grabbing the key.

“I think Room 27 is the room for you, on the house, it has a wonderful view.” DD smiled, sliding the key to Hunter. “A view of what?” Freddie asked. “Just a view.” DD smirked.

“Alright…” Jasper muttered, the VK’s began to walk up stairs. DD then grabbed Mal by the arm and whispered “Meet me outside at midnight.”

Mal turned around to look at her but she was gone. “Okay, what’s with this girl? Why does she seem familiar?” Mal questioned.

“I don't know...just get some sleep.” Midnight did know, but she couldn't tell Mal. She had to find out on her own.

Zeref opened the door to see it was a simple hotel room, it had a living room, a kitchen, and 5 other smaller bedrooms. “This isn't half bad.” Jasper nodded slightly, laying down on the couch.

“Yeah, DD was really nice to give us such a good room,” CJ said, she looked outside to see Hunter staring at the castle.

“I feel bad for him, he really loves Operetta, everything was just taken away from him, just like that. I can't even imagine how he’s feeling right now.” Evie sighed, shaking his head.

“I’ve tried talking to him but he just won't listen to me.” Ben said, he wanted to help his friend, he really did, but it seemed like he won't listen to anyone.

“I’ll talk to him.” Zeref said, walking outside to see Hunter staring at the castle in the distance. “I promised her that.” Hunter said. “Huh?” Zeref asked.

“I promised her a castle, when we first started going out I told her one day I buy her a castle. I get her the most beautiful stone for an engagement ring. I give her the best life.” Hunter explained.

“I’d protect her from any evil, not that she needed it, but just in case. I would always be there. I’d never let her go. I would be her forever and she would be mines.” Hunter sighed, “now look at me, I don't even know where she is.”

“Do you remember what you told me when I really depressed when I thought I lost Freddie.” Zeref asked, Hunter nodded.

“I know it may seem dark now, but someday, you’ll find someone who will bring in the light. If you lose that light, so help me, I’ll kick you in the balls.” Hunter and Zeref simultaneously.

And Zeref did exactly that, he kicked Hunter in the balls “what the hell Zeref!?”

“You said it best, “if you lose your light, I’ll kick you in the balls” and since Operetta isn't here right now, I kick you in the balls.” Zeref smirked. “F*ck...you…” Hunter groaned.

“I’m serious Hunter, you need to get Operetta back. Just sitting here and looking up at this strangely beautiful castle won't get her back. You need to get out there and find her.” Zeref told him.

“You don't wanna end up like how you were before Ben found us.” Zeref rested his hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “I can't end up like that again.” Hunter muttered but Zeref heard him.

“And I won't let you. We need to get Operetta back, you need to promise me you won't go dark like you did before.” Zeref struck out his pinkie, “promise me Hunter,”

“Seriously, a pinkie promise? What are we five?” Hunter chuckled. “Promise me, Hunter.” Zeref repeated. “Fine,” Hunter sighed, locking his and Zeref’s pinkies.

“Good, believe me, I know what it’s like to lose someone. It’s like a part of your soul is being ripped out of you and you can't do anything but watch. I made a promise to myself to make sure it never happens again.” Zeref said.

“Zeref,” a voice yawned, Zeref turned around to see Freddie. “Aren’t you coming to bed?” Freddie asked, rubbing her eyes. “Yeah, I’m coming.” Zeref smiled, picking up Freddie bridal style, carrying her to bed.

Hunter smiled, he reached into his pocket to bring out Operetta’s music box. He winded it up and let it play. As he listened to the melody, Hunter knew that he had to get her back, he just had to.

Mal tiptoed downstairs to the lobby, it was dark and the only light was the moonlight that shined through the window.

“Mal.” the demon jumped up when she heard her name, she turned around to see DD. “Gods and goddesses DD! You scared the living hell out of me.” Mal exclaimed.

“I’m sorry, but I really need your help.” DD said, the two sitting down in the lounge chairs. “What’s wrong?” Mal asked, DD rolled up both her sleeves to reveal chains tattoos on both arms.

“My name isn't DD. It’s Demonia. And I need your help to get off this island.”

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