EP.137|A Warning Written In Fire

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EP.137|A Warning Written In Fire

Days Till The Wedding: 10 days 23 hours and 34 minutes

"Mister Hunter..."

His eyes fluttered open when he heard his name. The first thing he saw was Operetta smiling face, dabbing his forehead with a wet towel.

"Oh, my gods...she looks beautiful as ever." Hunter smiled. He pulled her down towards the bed, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling his nose on her mark.

He looked at the mark, it wasn't the heart shaped musical note with 3 black swirls in the heart. Now, instead of the swirls being in the heart, it was a crown with devil pitchforks.

"What the hell!?" Hunter mentally yelled. "U-Um...mis-mister Hun-Hunter." Operetta stammered. "Remember, she isn't your mate anymore." Brazzan reminded him.

Hunter could barely deal with the fact that she doesn't remember, now she doesn't even have his mark!? This was too much for him.

"Hey, why don't we let go of Operetta," Ben suggested, Hunter, growled softly and let go of Operetta. "I'm sorry, you just look so much like I used to know." Hunter apologized.

Operetta just smiled, "it's okay, I get what it's like to lose someone you love."

"Where am I?" Hunter asked. "Oh, this is me and my fiance's palace, he's letting you and your friends stay here until you find your other friend." Operetta replied Hunter got up from the bed groaning.

"Well, my fiance says you can come down to breakfast when you're ready." Operetta smiled more, walking out of the room.

Hunter buried his face in the pillow, "she's still so adorable!" Hunter groaned. "But she's married," Ben said, Hunter growled at him.

"No, she's engaged to be married, she's not technically married." Hunter corrected. "Still, maybe it's for the best Operetta doesn't remember us," Carlos said, Hunter's growl deepened.

Hunter grabbed Carlos's jacket collar, "don't you dare say that! I will make sure she remembers me, even if it kills me." Hunter vowed.

"Alright, we might as well go downstairs to see who this "fiance" is," CJ suggested as the VK's went downstairs for breakfast to see Operetta a familiar face to Hunter sitting there.

"Nicholas Grimsbane." Hunter scowled.

"You know him?"I Evie asked. "Yeah, he and I used to be hunting partners, that was until he left me for dead in the rainforest," Hunter explained.

The VK's, and Ben sat down at the breakfast table, "Hunter! It's so great to see you again. It's been too long" Nicholas greeted.

"Not long enough," Hunter muttered. "I can't believe she's with this idiot." Hunter glared at Nicolas, who kissed Operetta's cheek. "You gotta stay calm Hunter. We have to find a way to get her memories back." Brazzan said.

"You two know each other?" Operetta asked. "Yes," Hunter turned away from Operetta "sadly"

"Hunter and I were the best of friends," Nicholas walked over to Hunter, ruffling his hair "isn't that right, Hunter."

Hunter growled, he hated people touching his hair, other than Operetta of course. "Yeah, great friends." Hunter lied through his gritted teeth.

"She's mine, Hunter," Nicholas whispered. Hunter growled, stabbing the fork into the table. "Is everything okay, Mister Hunter?" Operetta asked sweetly.

"No! Everything is not fine! You're my mate Operetta! Not his!" is what Hunter wanted to say, but this is what he really said, "yeah, everything's fine."

"I'm gonna go get more juice." Operetta skipped off to the kitchen.

"I know why you're here," Nicholas smirked. "I want my mate back," Hunter growled.

"Um...how about no. See, she isn't your mate anymore. The day she stepped through that portal she forgot all about you and the VK's." Nicholas cooed.

Hunter's body began to fill up with a burning rage "why'd you do it huh? What could you possibly want with Operetta." Hunter asked.

"I've always hated the fact you were always better than me. Hunter, stealing, persuading, even getting girls. So I thought, what's the best way to get back at you for all those years I was forced to live in your shadow?" Nicholas smirked more.

"Then, low and behold, my answer came walking right in through those dorm doors." Hunter clenched his fist. "Operetta." Freddie glared at Nicholas.

"Bingo!" Nicholas cheered, "so, I waited to see how Hunter and Operetta's relationship would grow. I saw just how miserable and angry he gets without her. How viciously violent he gets with anyone in his way. How far he would go just to get her back. How demonic he gets."

The black fire began to sprout from Hunter's body, a dark aura surrounding him. "You're sick." Jasper scolded. "Thanks, snake boy, but there's more." Nicholas walked towards Hunter "I will demolish you." Hunter voice was deep, dark, and had a sadistic tone to it.

"See, that's where you're wrong," another smirk formed on Nicholas's face "remember, demons in the demon island who kill the current king will be killed on the spot."

Hunter's flames now were black and red "I will kill you even if it means I die. As long as Operetta remember me and still loves me, I'll die happy."

"But what if she doesn't? How's it gonna look when you kill the only person she ever loved?" Nicholas teased.

"Loved? Loved!? Do you really think she'll ever love you!? The only people she's ever loved are me, the Vk's, her friends, and her family. You sadly, don't fit in any of those lists." Hunter scolded, his eyes turning black with red ninja stars as pupils.

"Believe me, I will get my Music Note back. Even if it means breaking every bone in your miserable little body." Hunter got up from his chair, advancing on Nicholas, a twisted dark smile on his face.

"I will rip your body limb from limb, you'll scream, naturally of course, but no one will hear you and if they do I doubt your guards would help because they all be dead. And when I've finally ripped off all your limbs, you'll just be a head and a torso left to die."

Deep down, Nicholas was scared shitless, but he couldn't show it. Not now. So, he did what any faker would do and put up his best brave face.

He smirked devilishly "oh Hunter, you think you're so special because you have Brazzan and the VK's. You're just nothing. You're just a pity demon who couldn't protect his mate."

Hunter was trying all his might to hold back from not killing this bastard "I advise you leave my castle," Nicholas leaned in "it would be a shame if you music note where to get burned."

And just like that, Operetta's scream could be heard from the dining room, Hunter's eyes turned red as he rushed to the kitchen to see a massive fire coming from the kitchen.

Operetta then shot ice crystals out of her hands, covering the fire. Operetta breathed heavily when she looked into the fire, she could hear yelling and someone telling her to run.

But the words that shocked her most were someone saying

"I love you, Operetta"

"Are you okay?" Hunter asked Operetta nodded "yeah I'm fine" she looked down to see the burn marks on her wrist. "You're not fine. You burned yourself." Hunter sighed.

"He wasn't kidding about her getting burned," Brazzan said. "Well, not s**t Brazzan." Hunter rolled his eyes.

Hunter looked at out the corner of his eye to see Nicholas smirking, Hunter let go of Operetta's wrist, walking past Nicholas who whispered: "stay away from her or she won't be the only one getting burned."

Hunter snarled, devil horns made of black, red, and dark purple fire began to form "mister Hunter? Is everything okay?" Operetta asked innocently.

"Yeah," he glared at Nicholas "perfectly fine."

He walked out of the kitchen to see all the VK's, all of them looked semi-scared, Ben was scared shitless, hiding behind an unfazed Mal.

Hunter stormed off, walking out of the palace and into the streets.

If that fire was anything, it was a warning, a warning from Nicholas telling Hunter to stay away from Operetta or more bad things would happen.

He didn't care, as soon as he saw the burn marks on her wrist and Nicholas's sly smirk, he knew what he had to do.

He had to kill the Demon Prince.


WOOP WOOP! What's up my readers! So, I was re-reading over my work and notice that a couple of chapters ago, I think during the Mimosa Island episodes, I said "we are 20-30 episodes from the end"


We are NOWHERE near 20-30 chapters from the end. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Like, seriously, I still have to write the rest of the Demonic Island's ark. And then the last island they visit.

And then a bunch more after that. So, I'm not surprised nobody found out who Swan is yet. Like, when you find out who it is, you'll fall out of whatever you're sitting in.

See, the person who's Swan is the LAST PERSON you would expect it to be. When I told my friend (who helps me edit the story, love you Ella (no crush though)) she was SO SHOCKED.

The reveal of Sawn is gonna be probably one of the biggest episodes yet! When I came up with the idea of who Swan will be I did it on accident. It was like a fluke. I told Ella and she said it was a great idea so I just went with it.

Here, I'll give you a hint on who Swan is.

She's been there since the beginning.

I hope that didn't give it away too much. If you have a guess, put it in the comments and if you're right I'll PM you.

See you later


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