EP.138|The Hideout

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EP.138|The Hideout

Days Till Wedding: 10 days, 20 hours, and 16 minutes.

“Hunter! Where the hell are we going?” Ben questioned, Hunter just growled “somewhere.” “yeah, that’s specific.” Carlos rolled his eyes.

“Look, we get it your mad that Nicholas has Operetta now, but this isn't a healthy way to let out your anger.” CJ pointed out.

Hunter had no control of his body, Brazzan completely took over. Brazzan! Where the hell are you taking me?!” Hunter scolded. “To show you the truth.” Brazzan vaguely replied.

The group then stopped when they reached a field of vines. Hunter finally got control his body “walk inside.” Brazzan commanded as Hunter walked inside to see a rebel base.

Brazzan, what is this?” Hunter questioned. “This is a rebel base! No wonder Brazzan brought you here. I knew something was off about the king.” Demonia said.

“What do you mean?” Evie asked. “What she means is that the “Nicholas” you see. Is a demon.” A voice behind Evie shortly explained.

They all turned around to see a badly bruised and bandaged up Nicholas. “YOU!!” Hunter lunged at Nicholas, tackling him to the ground.

“Hunter! It’s me!” Nicholas whimpered, putting his arms up in his face. “Yeah, I know it’s you! You took my Music Note away!” Hunter yelled.

“No, Magdir did!” Nicholas yelled back. “What?” Hunter got off of him. “I’m Nicholas, the one in the palace, the one who took Operetta, that’s Magdir doing.” Nicholas explained.

“He took control of my body the day I left you in the jungle. I found a way to detach myself from him. However, he found out, and as you can see, things didn't go so well.” Nicholas chuckled.

“Nicholas,” A sweet voice said, Nicholas smiled “you shouldn’t be up, all your wounds aren’t healed yet.”

She had caramel like skin, wavey tangerine colored hair, emerald green eye. She wore a leather jacket with a green shirt under it and black jeans with black shoes.

“Anissa, I’m fine.” Nicholas chuckled, kissing Anissia. “That’s what you always say. Yet, you never are.” Anissa chuckled as well.

Anissa then saw Hunter and tackled him into a hug “Hunter! What are you doing here?” Anissa cheered. “He’s trying to get his mate back from Magdir.” Nicholas answered for him.

“Wait, Operetta’s your mate? Awe, I’ve seen her in town before, she’s so cute.” Anissa gushed. “We need to find a way to get her back.” Hunter stated.

“The only way to get her back is to make sure she remembers you. What mark did she have on her neck?” Nicholas asked.

“It was her heart note with a crown and the devil pitchforks.” Hunter described. The Vk’s followed Nicholas and Anissa into a tent filled with book.

Nicholas grabbed one and opened to the page with the crown and the pitchforks “that’s the one.” Hunter pointed to the picture.

“It’s a memory block mark. See, the pitchforks are kinda like gates, blocking Operetta from remembering you.” Nicholas explained. “So all I gotta do is make her remember me?” Hunter asked.

“That’s not all, you also have to kill whoever put the mark on her. Meaning-” Anissa was cut off.

“I have to kill Magdir.”

Later that day, while Hunter, Anissa, and Nicholas were making a plan to make Operetta remember Hunter. Mal and Demonia were outside training.

“Come on Mal! You gotta hit harder! Use more magi, channel your anger.” Demonia instructed.

“I’m trying Demonia! I’m at my limit, there’s no way I can activate the move, Demonia!” Mal breathed heavily, raking her hair back.

“You need to activate the move Mal. If not, I won't be able to get out.” Demonia told her.

“Why me? Huh? Why me? Why am I the only one who can break out out?” Mal hunched over, her hands on her knees.

“Because, only Demonic Dragons can break the crystal my body’s in. You need to get this move right Mal. I think it’s the only one strong enough to the crystal.” Demonia reminded her.

“You think?!” Mal scolded. “Yes I think, Evie, set up the crystal again.” Demonia ordered as Evie stomped on the ground, making a crystal about the height of a tree.

“Demonia...I don't know…” Mal sighed. “You can do this Mal, please, I need to be set free. I can't stand not being able to see Giles, or Milton, Courtly, Swan, Lucifer.” Demonia pleaded.

“Alright,” Mal stood up straight “one more try.”

“You gotta work with me here Mal.” Midnight told her. “Last time I took power from you…” Mal trailed off.

“It won't be like that. You’re stronger now. You can control it. Don't worry. It’ll be okay.” Midnight assured her.

“Alright.” Mal closed her eyes, her hair turned from purple to white.

“There you go, control it. It’s gonna be okay.” Midnight said. Mal’s eyes turned bright green, almost emerald.

The purple fire glasses formed, her, but when her hands turned to claws, that’s when everything went white.

“Come on, Rosary! You’re gonna fall!” A voice called out from the ground as Rosary stood on the stop of the crystallized castle.

Rosary has orange eyes, dark complexion and wild purple, chin-length hair with an asymmetrical bob style.

Her demon trait manifested as an extra pair of demon ears, and her body was adorned with numerous tattoos resembling demon and dragon scales.

She wore four golden earrings on three of her ears, one each on her Human ears, and two on her left demon ear as well as a small jewel on her forehead.

She was seen wearing a form-fitting black dress with light purple accents on the rims of the outfit.

The dress left most of her back open, had two long splits on the side which revealed a pair of black shorts, a shorter split in the front and a small squared keyhole.

Over the dress, she wore a back-revealing purple cape with gold accents, as well as a purple waist clincher with red rims that had a black belt over it, which fastened a purple pouch on her right hip.

Aside from that, she wore black stockings in conjunction with purple sandals that had purple laces which were tied to her calves, as well as a black elbow length fingerless glove on her right hand.

“I’ll be fine, Sapphire!” Rosary laughed. “No you won't! You’re gonna die!” Sapphire yelled. Rosary shrugged and jumped of the castle in a nose dive.

Right before she got to the ground, beautiful purple dragon wings sprouted and she flew up, grabbing Sapphire on the way down.

“Rosary!” Sapphire yelled, covering her eyes. “You gotta stop being such a scaredy cat.” Rosary teased, both of them landing.

“Don't do that! You’re my guard, you’re supposed to make sure I don't die! Not kill me!” Sapphire scolded, Rosary laughed again.

“Live a little Saphie.” Rosary ruffled Sapphire’s blue hair. “Yeah I’ll live, that is if you don't kill me first.” Sapphire muttered.

“Don't be so uptight.” A voice behind Sapphire laughed. “Inferno!” Sapphire tackled Inferno smiling.

“Where have you been my tasty little Sapphire?” Inferno asked. “Just hanging out with my best friend/guard.” Sapphire smiled, kissing Inferno on the lips.

“You guys are so weird.” Rosary groaned. “Shut up Rosary.” Inferno mumbled, resting his head on Sapphire’s shoulder. “She’s just mad that Xander isn't back.” Sapphire teased.

Rosary bushed “that stupid idiot?! Why would I care about him?!” Rosary scoffed.

“Cause you love him.” Inferno cooed. “Shut up.” Rosary muttered. “He’s supposed to come back tonight, ya know.” Sapphire informed her.

Rosary’s eyes lit up “seriously!? I thought his training wasn’t supposed to end till next month?!”

Inferno and Sapphire smirked at her “I mean...whatever...he can stay with Swan and Lucifer for all I care.”

Mmhm,” Sapphire rolled her eyes “everyone in the Recovery of the Light knows your together” Inferno nodded “it’s super obvious.”

Rosary hung her head in shame, “is it really that obvious?” bother Inferno and Sapphire nodded.

“We’ve been together since before the summoning.” Rosary confessed. “But Xander didn't know any of us.” Sapphire said.

“We were long distance dating for about 4 months before the summoning. That’s why I was so happy when Swan told us the last member was Xander.” Rosary explained.

“You two are so cute together.” Sapphire gushed. “Yeah, whatever.” Rosary blushed slightly.

“I’m gonna go see Swan” Rosary began walking off “oh and Inferno, try to keep some of Sapphire’s innocence intact, I don't want to see the princess get pregnant.”

Mal breathed heavily, she looked around to see she was back at the hideout, Ben’s hand on her should with a worried look on his face.

“Honey, are you okay? Your eyes went all white and you started saying weird stuff. Who the hell her Rosary, Sapphire, Inferno, and Xander? And what’s the Recovery of the Light?” Ben questioned.

“I-I-I do-don't know.” Mal stammered. “I think I remember Araden saying something about Sapphire and Inferno, but I don't know what.” Evie said.

Mal began feeling woozy, “I think..I need to lay down.”

She then fell into Ben’s arms Ben picked her up carrying her into one of the tents, laying her down on the sleeping bag.

“Don't worry baby,” Ben kissed Mal’s forehead “we’ll figure out what’s wrong.”

Ben walked out of the tent, looking at the sleeping demon murmur words in her sleep.

Mal kept hearing this voice in her head, it was so strange, yet familiar somehow. She could hear it saying the words..

“You’re part of so much more than you know.”

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