EP.141|Where I Belong

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EP.141|Where I Belong

Days until the wedding: 7 days 6 hours and 41 minutes

"Thank you for doing this with me Hunter." Operetta thanked. Her and Hunter were currently in at the beginning of the lush green forest behind the castle.

"No problem, exactly what are we doing?" Hunter asked. "This." Operetta whispered walking to a family of deers.

The deers moved out of the way to reveal an injured baby fawn "hey, I'm back." Operetta smiled, petting the baby fawn. She grabbed a potion from her bag and pour it on the fawn.

The fawn cried out in pain causing the dad deer to rise up on his hind legs, standing over Operetta. Hunter countered a blood sword causing the deer to face towards him.

"Hunter," Operetta whispered, "put the sword away, you're scaring it."

Hunter nodded, the sword slowly disappeared causing the deers to calm down. "Shh...see, it's okay. I know it hurts but sees, everything healed." Operetta smiled, scratching the fawn under its chin.

"You really have a way with animals huh?" Hunter chuckled. "Yeah, I don't know, I guess animals have always been there for me." Operetta said.

"Operetta, have you ever been outside the Demonic Islands?" Hunter asked. Operetta shook her head "no, as far as I remember, I've always been on the Demonic Islands ever since Nicholas found me."

"But don't you ever want to leave? You know, explore other islands?" Hunter questioned. "No, why would I? I mean, I'm gonna be a princess, I'm gonna marry the demon king. Why would I ever leave." Operetta sighed.

"Well, that doesn't sound perfect." Hunter chuckled. "It's not. I try to fit it, I really do, but I just can't. Sometimes..." Operetta looked away from Hunter "I feel like like I don't belong."

She looked at Hunter, "like I'm supposed to be...someplace else."

"Operetta, I-" Operetta cut him off "I know it doesn't make any sense."


I have often dreamed of a far off place.

Where a warm welcome would be waiting for me.

Where my love would cheer when he sees my face.

And a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be.

Hunter was starstruck, her forgot how beautiful her voice was. It reminded him of when an angel would sing, so beautiful and majestic. He couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again when she sang.

It was something Hunter found to be one of the wonders of the world. He didn't know why it was so enchanting to him, but it just was. Something about it made Hunter feel so at peace.

I'll be there someday, I can go the distance

I will find my way if I can be strong

I know every mile would be worth my while

When I go the distance, I'll be right where I belong

Operetta knew she didn't belong on the demonic islands. Whenever she looked at that throne, she just felt wrong. Like, it wasn't her's. But in less than 8 days, she would be the queen of the demonic islands.

But she didn't want that, she wanted to explore, she wanted to be free, she wanted to have an adventure.

She couldn't be locked up in a castle all day. She didn't want to be a Queen. She wanted to be free.

Down an unknown road to embrace my fate

Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you

And a thousand years would be worth the wait

It might take a lifetime but somehow I'll see it through

Hunter could honestly relate to what she sang. This entire week, all he promised himself he would do anything to get her back. He didn't care what he had to do. Where he had to go.

He just wanted his Music Note back.

Just seeing her with Magdir made his blood boil. Every day, Magdir would keep taunting him, mouthing that "she was his now". Hunter couldn't stand it, he wanted Operetta all to himself.

And I won't look back, I can go the distance

And I'll stay on track, no I won't accept defeat

It's an uphill slope, but I won't lose hope

Till I go the distance, and my journey is complete

It's a demon thing, demons are naturally greedy, they get jealous easily, and they're possessive. So, seeing that Operetta is Hunter's mate, it was normal that Hunter was jealous of seeing Operetta with another man.

But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part

For a person's love is measured by their heart

In her heart, she knew something was off about her marrying Nicholas. Deep down, she really didn't love Nicholas, she felt like she shouldn't be the one loving him, it should be someone else.

It was the same for Operetta, she felt like she was meant to be with someone else. Like before she felt loved by someone else. She was kissed by someone else. Hugged by someone else.Marked by someone else.

Like a shooting star, I will go the distance.

I will search the world, I will face its harms.

I don't care how far, I can go the distance.

Till I find my love's welcome, waiting in your arms.

Hunter tried his best to hold back. He just wanted to grab Operetta and hold her. Remind her that she was his and he was her's. But he couldn't, that because she didn't remember when he marked her.

She didn't remember when he first fell in love with her. She didn't remember when he confessed at Mal's wedding. She didn't remember every time he would wake up from a nightmare only to be welcomed by Operetta's loving arms.

He needed her to remember.

I don't care how far, I can go the distance.

Till I find my love's welcome, waiting in your arms.

Once Operetta finished singing, she looked at Hunter and blushed a bit, something about him made her feel so comfortable and safe.

"Your majesty." one of the maids called out from the balcony of the palace "the king wants to see you."

Operetta sighed, she looked at Hunter and smiled "Hunter," Operetta held his hand "thank you for today." Operetta kissed his cheek "I hope one day we can go on an adventure together."


HOLY CRAP! GUESS WHAT! You guys know that the Watty's are happening right?



But, Idk if I'm gonna enter, I mean, the Watty's are a BIG DEAL and there's gonna be a really hard competition.

Some of the people I follow have their books in the millions and they're entering! How am I supposed to compete with that?

But then again, why wouldn't I want to enter!? I love this book and writing it has given me so much joy!

But, what if, I lose? I can compete against billions of other authors who have their books in like the trillions or billions!

But, I'm thinking about entering anyway! So, wish me, luck guys!

Stay sweet,

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