EP.144|Wedding Day Chaos

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EP.144|Wedding Day Chaos

Days Till Wedding: TODAY!?

“Belinda?” A male voice called out. He was a teenage boy with dark skin and yellow eyes.

His hair is sage green, and he appears to have tattoos of wings on his chest and tattoos of demon markings, matching those on his sword, around his neck.

He wears a white long coat with asymmetrical sleeves, a green wing design similar to his tattoos and no shirt underneath, displaying his tattooed chest.

His jacket also has a golden pauldrons on his right shoulder and a golden cuff around his left wrist. He also wears a pair of dark pants fastened by a white belt with a yellow buckle.

“Over here!” another voice called out as the boy walked around the castle and into the garden to see a girl admiring a beautiful ice flower garden.

Belinda is a tall and fair-skinned young woman with white hair that is tied up in a bun at the rear left corner of her head.

Which causes her bangs to fall towards the right side of her face and leaving a small curled locks of hair that reaches below her left ear and slate blue eyes.

Her attire is navy blue, white and gray colored, and consists of a white coat with a red brooch that exposes upper arms, pants that have garters incorporated into them and black gloves.

“What are you doing here Arlin?” Belinda asked, putting the ice rose in her hair. “What? A demon can't come see his loving girlfriend?” Arlin chuckled, kissing her cheek.

“You’re such a weird demon.” Belinda smiled. “I know, now come on, Swan wants us at the castle.” Arlin said as he held onto Belinda’s hand the two walking towards Swan’s castle.

They walked into to see Swan, Lucifer, Milton, Courtly, and Glies.

“Belinda Groves.” Swan announced, Belinda bowed “you are here to prove to use that you have what it takes to be apart of the Recovery of the Light.”

“Being an R.O.T.L member means you have to be ready for anything. You must be quick on your feet, indestructible, you must have no emotion-” Lucifer began, soon getting cut off.

“What my husband is trying to say is just try your best, even if you don't pass we don't decide if you are in the R.O.T.L.” Swan said, Belinda was confused “then who decides?”

“The light.” Courtly answered. “Then why have the test in the first place if the light decides?” Arlin questioned.

“We only test physical strength, the light decides if your soul, personality, and mind are ready.” Milton explained.

“It’s a difficult process, only 9 so far have been chosen for this generation.” Giles warned.

“Regardless of who chooses, I know my Belinda will do great.” Arlin kissed Belinda’s lips making her smile.

“Alright Belinda, you may follow me.” Demonia lead Belinda into an empty white room.

She could see Arlin, Swan, Lucifer, Milton, Courtly, Demonia, and Giles all watching her from the viewing deck.

The room began to change and Belinda stood alone in a snowy courtyard, facing an ornate fountain that features a statue of Swan.

Belinda pulls her hair into a fully centered ponytail and brings sword made of ice to her side.

As she steps into the center of the courtyard, a swarm of cold air, complete with shiny sparkles, envelopes her. Belinda looks around, holding sword, waiting.

A white wolf made of ice stepped out of the swirl toward her, its eyes glowing bright blue-green.

Three more are in the circle of cold surrounding Belinda, pacing it while the first one faces her.

While her back is turned, it leaps out at her. Belinda immediately shoves her blade into its mouth, disintegrating it.

Two more growl and move in, but Belinda does a high backward leap and beheads the first.

She uses her ice glyphs midair to give herself something to leap toward the other off from while using a second to shield her from it as she strikes it down with the driving point of her sword.

Belinda landed atop the fountain posed with sword held in front of her face.

Her eyes widened at what she sees and Belinda immediately uses her finger along her blade to pull out a line very hot water.

She flings the slash before her, taking out three of the white wolves.

Around the courtyard, ice starts to melt. Belinda smiles, allowing herself a victory swing of her sword.

However, she loses her moment of pride with a gasp as she sees more of the wolves generate and approach her.

Belinda stared at them for a minute, stunned, before taking a deep breath and bringing her sword to the ready again.

With a swing akin to a dance move, Belinda creates a black ice glyph behind her and jumps from the fountain.

She slashes through one, repeatedly stabs another and dismembers yet another. More and more keep coming at her, and she takes them out, once even with a toss of her sword.

When still surrounded Belinda caused ice to protrude around her, the largest points stabbing her opponents into disintegration.

Belinda took a moment to breathe after this, but the cold swarm came up again. This time it slashed at her itself, rising from the ground until it succeeds in disarming her.

She puts her hand to her head in consternation and is immediately set upon by another wolf.

It knocked Belinda to the ground, holding her left arm back. Her right arm holds off its head as it growls at her.

Several more wolves started approaching in a circle around the two combatants. Four leap in and Belinda could see three of them midair above the one atop her. “Stop!” Belinda cried out.

Five more wolves land around Belinda, but all six disappear. Belinda rolled over and got up only to her knees.

The sword was cast into the ground before her by her approaching Swan “I am not always going to be around to save you, Belinda.” Belinda stared at Swan before looking away, ashamed.

“I’m sorry, I’ll get better.” Belinda nodded. “You did good for today, why don't you get some rest, I’m sure Arlin is worried about you.” Swan smiled, Belinda nodded once more and left the room.

“You were amazing out there Belinda!!!” Arlin cheered. “I guess.” Belinda shrugged. “Hey,” Arlin wrapped his arms around her, “why don't we go to the rose garden, it’s your favorite.”

“Alright, let’s go.” Belinda lead him outside to see billions of roses “they’re so amazing!”

“Feeling better?” Arlin asked, kissing her cheek, Belinda nodded. “Thank you, I needed this.” Arlin smiled kissing her lips.

“I don't think I passed.” Belinda sulked. “Of course you passed. If I did and barely had enough power at the time, then you can obviously pass!” Arlin motivated.

“Maybe, I just really want to be in Recovery. I mean, if I could get into the Recovery, maybe I might be strong enough, to prove to myself I can actually do something.” Belinda smiled.

“Hey, either way, I got you something.” Arlin pulled out a small box with holes in it. Belinda opened it to reveal a cute little animal with devil horns and bat wings.

Meep.” the animal yawn. “Awe!!! It’s so cute!” Belinda gushed. “I found her on the side of the road, she was in a tiny box almost filled to the brim with rain.” Arlin explained.

The animal flew out of the box and rested between Belinda’s chest Meep.” it squeaked again

“Awe, I’m gonna call you, Adonis.” Belinda smiled, Adonis climbed up her shoulder and onto her head, sleeping there.

“Thank you Arlin.” Belinda hugged him tightly, Arlin smiled, smelling Belinda’s hair it smelled like mint. “I love you Belinda.” Arlin kissed her lips. “I love you too, Arlin.” Belinda kissed him back.

“They’re so cute!” Demonia gushed, surprising Arlin and Belinda. Belinda blushed, “did you guys decide yet?” she asked hopefully.

“Yes we have.” Miltion said “and?” Arlin asked. “Belinda Groves,” Lucifer began, a lump began to build up in Belinda’s throat “welcome to the recovery.”

Hunter woke up to see Freddie dabbing a hot towel on his head “welcome back.”

“How long have I been out?” Hunter questioned, getting up slowly. “3 days.” Freddie replied. “So the wedding…” Freddie nodded sadly “yeah, it’s today.”

“There’s still some time, we could-” Hunter shook his head “let’s just go, the grail obviously isn't here and Demonia said it should be in the Villain Isles, so let’s just so there.” Hunter turned to his side.

“But-” “but nothing, Operetta chose Magdir and I have to accept that” Hunter growled “no matter how mad it makes me.”

“Oh you look amazing!” Operetta’s lady in waiting, Daisy, complemented.

Operetta wore a beautiful mermaid style wedding dress that had lace sleeves. “Thank you, Daisy.” Operetta smiled.

“Operetta, not to be rude, but are you sure you don't want to invite Hunter and the VK’s?” Daisy asked, Operetta glared at her. “No, I never want to see him or his demonic friends every again!” Operetta fist clenched.

“But, you and Hunter, you seemed so close.” Daisy muttered. “I don't care, I don't want my attacker at my wedding.”

Operetta stepped down from the pedestal she was standing on and walked out into the garden of the castle to see everyone gathered to see the wedding.

Why do I feel this pit of regret? Operetta had a sinking feeling in her stomach, like something was wrong.

She shook it off as the bridal march began to play she walked down the aisle. Operetta tried to feel happy but she didn't, she felt horrible, like she wanted to run away.

She got to the end of the aisle to see Magdir smiling at her. She felt disgusted. “We are gathered her today to celebrate the union of Operetta and Nicholas.” the officiant said.

She could see the officiant talking but she wasn’t paying attention to the words.

Even though Hunter was her attacker, a part of her missed him and the VK’s.

She didn't want to be here, she wanted to be with Hunter going on adventures, saving the world.

She wanted to laugh with the VK’s, sing silly songs with them when they’re drunk. She just wanted to be there.

She didn't want to get married to Magdir, she wanted to be married to some she loved, someone who would be there for her, someone to laugh with, someone to cry with, someone who would make her smile.

“Now, Nicholas, repeat after me,” Magdir nodded “I, Nicholas, take Operetta to love and to hold. In sickness and in health, in heaven or in hell.” Nicholas repeated. “Now you Operetta.” the officiant said.

Operetta sighed softly “I, Operetta, take Hunter-” Operetta stopped, everybody gasped “Hunter...oh my gods,” all the memories began coming back again, not just the attack, but what happened after.

All the loving, special, fun, amazing times. She remembers it all. She had to get out of here “I’m sorry Nicholas, but I have to go.” Operetta ran out of the altar “GUARDS! After her!” Magdir yelled.

Operetta began running faster till she got to the stables, she got on the horse and began riding through the town. “Please, please, please tell me your not gone Hunter.” Operetta pleaded.

Hunter and the VK’s walked through the forest, leaving the Demonic Islands. “Are you sure you’re okay, Hunter?” Jasper asked. “No, but I have to be okay. Let’s just kept walking.” Hunter sighed.

To this day, Hunter is thankful for what her heard next “HUNTER!!!”

Hunter stood still, “Operetta” he muttered. “Mal,” Hunter turned towards Mal, she nodded, she knew Hunter was pissed and there was no stopping him. She just had to go along with him.

Blood wings sprouted from Hunter’s back as he took off “where the hell is he going?” Ben questioned.

“You heard that scream, where do you he’s going?” Carlos chuckled, the VK’s running after Hunter.

Once they reached him, they saw Hunter banging on the barrier that surrounded the Demonic Island but more importantly, kept Operetta and Hunter apart.

“Hunter!” Operetta’s yell was muffled by the barrier. “What the hell is this Magdir?!” Hunter snarled.

“A little safety production for them the island is in danger.” Magdir winked, as the guard tackled Operetta to the floor.

“The only thing that’s gonna be in danger is you when I beat your ass!” Hunter threatened.

“Is that a threat?” Magdir smirked slyly “you bet your as it is!” Hunter barked. “Well, since you wanna call threats, come and get me Hunter.” Magdir disappeared into the shadows.

Hunter could see the sadness in Operetta’s eyes, something he promised her would never happen.

This was the last straw, Magdir crossed the line and now he’s gonna pay.

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