EP.155|Revenge on The Beast!

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EP.155|Revenge on The Beast!

Hunter felt like something was off, normal, Farrah could sense Hunter coming and would come out and hug Hunter tightly. But nothing, no Farrah, it gave Hunter a sinking feeling in his stomach.

“H-Hunter.” Farrah’s voice quivered, Hunter looked behind him to see Farrah. “Mom? What’s wrong?” Farrah hugged Hunter tightly. “Thank the gods and goddesses he didn't get you!” Farrah started crying.

“Who didn't get me?” Hunter questioned, Farrah and Hunter went inside, it was all damaged and ruined “it’s Adam,” Farrah’s crying began to increase “he took your father.”

“Why?” Hunter asked, getting angrier by the second. “The dagger.” Farrah sniffled.

Hunter was then brought back to the day he got the dagger.

One cool September day, Hunter, who was only 18 at the time, went to visit his mom. But when he got there he could her the sound of Farrah crying “mom? Is everything okay?” Hunter asked innocently.

“Y-Yeah, just...tonight is my and your dad anniversary, we would always go watch the sunset on this one beach down in Mango Island. He would always tell me we would steal Hook ship and sail off into the sunset.” Farrah smiled, remembering the good times.

“Was dad a nice guy?” Hunter asked, Farrah nodded “your dad was a good man, he loved you with all his heart, Hunter.” Farrah kissed his forehead.

“If he did...then why did he leave?” Hunter looked down. “It’s complicated honey, but,” Farrah went into her cabinet drawers, pulling out a rectangular box, “this is for you.”

Hunter opened the box, inside was a beautiful dagger with a bejeweled base and a folded up piece of paper.

Hunter looked up at his mom “go on, read it.” Hunter unfolded the letter and began reading.

Dear Hunter,

I’m Gaston LeGume, your father, you probably hate me right now, and I would too. I left you and your mother, it’s unforgivable. I wish I had more time with you, Hunter, you were just the cutest little baby.

But, I’ve done some bad things, really bad things. I guess this is karma getting back at me for past mistakes by taking the two things I love the most.

I know I wasn’t there for the big moments in your life, but, I’m gonna try getting all the life lessons I wanted to teach you in this letter.

First, Hunter, don't make the mistakes I did. I was a really bad person before I met your mom. Your mom is such an amazing person, I don't want her to worry about you like she did with me. Get a good life, make good choices, do something with your life Hunter.

Next, find some good friends Hunter. Since your a VK, it’s gonna be hard to do that, but there are so good VK’s not all of them are bad. My group of friends when I was younger were the best ever! Without them, I don't think I would have meet your mother.

Now, I should warn you about somebody. Brazzan. It’s something I was trying to keep away from you, but I don't think it worked. He’s dangerous, ruthless, and will destroy anything in his path to get world domination.

But, there is a way to conquer Brazzan. You have to let him control you once, only once against your will. Once you’ve lasted through that, Brazzan will know your strong enough to be his vessel.

He’s...a strange demon...a little perverted though. But once you get to know him, Brazzan a pretty go demon to have. 

Another thing, since you’re a demon vessel, there’s a time of year every demon goes though. Red Moon Season. It the last 1 month, every September. During this time, demons/demon vessels go through a mating process.

Hunter blushed a bit. Of course my dad put this in. He continued reading.

Now, knowing you, you probably haven’t found your mate yet. So, I’ll explain that part first. During this time, your gonna be in a LOT of pain. You’re gonna want to distract yourself from the pain by drink, DO NOT DO THAT.

Under any circumstances: DO NOT DRINK DURING THIS SEASON WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A MATE. It will make the pain a hella lot worse.

I know it’ll probably take a while for you to find a mate, but when you do, this is what you should expect.

When you first find your mate, you’re gonna be watching them a lot more. Then, you’ll start making a sort of clicking or growling sound that your mate won't hear but other demons will. It’s sorta like saying “hey, back off, this one's mine!”

First, you’ll start getting a hell of a lot more protective of him/her/whatever pronoun they go by. I kid you not, us demons do not play when it comes to protecting mates. We’re not as bad as dragons, but we’re really protective.

Next, you’re gonna want to keep them close. It’s gonna seem a little weird to the mate at first but hopefully, they’ll get used to it.

Then, you’ll start getting jealous when your mate hang out with the opposite sex. Like, to the point where you wanna kill the person.

Now comes the mating stage, where you will actually start doing sexual acts with your mate. They’ll probably know this when you start wanting to get some alone time with your mate.

After that, is the marking stage, where you’ll mark your mate by biting their necks. Don't worry, it won't hurt them, it’ll actually feel good.

And that’s it! Once you successfully marked and mated with your mate, the mating season will be a lot less painless.

I wanna leave you with this, if you find someone you love, don't run away from it. Just jump right in. I’m pretty sure they’ll love you back, so don't be scared.

Love, Gaston LeGume.

“So,” Farrah got a sly look on her face “you got a mate don't you?” Hunter blushed, “no! No I do not! Operetta is not my mate!” Hunter scolded. “Oooh, so her name is Operetta.” Farrah smirked.

“Yeah,” Hunter blushed “that doesn't mean she’s my mate!” Farrah chuckled, “You got a picture of her?” he unlocked his phone to see his home screen background was an Operetta holding a bouquet of sunflowers, looking radiant as ever.

“Awe! She’s adorable!” Farrah gushed. “Yeah...I like to think that too. She has an amazing voice,” Hunter sighed in delight “like an angel’s voice.”

“Awe! You lllooovvveee her.” Farrah pinched his cheeks. “Maybe.” Hunter muttered. “You mark her?” Farrah asked. “No way!” Hunter began feeling an immense pain in his body “what day is it?”

“The first of September.” Farrah told him, Hunter groaned. There was then a knock at the door. Hunter got up and looked through the peephole to see it was Operetta. Hunter back against the door, breathing heavily.

“What’s wrong?” Farrah asked, Hunter pointed to the peephole. She looked through the peephole to see Operetta. Farrah smirked and opened the door, Hunter hid behind the door.

“Oh, you must be Mrs. Farrah.” Operetta smiled brightly. “Why yes, you must be Operetta.” Operetta nodded, Farrah smirked. “Do you, by any chance, know where Hunter is?” a small blush came upon her face.

“Yeah, just give me a sec.” Farrah closed the door, Hunter shook his head. “No! I am not going out there! Operetta might be by mate and if I go out there and see her there’s no stopping me!” Hunter warned her.

“She’s just giving you something, nothing is gonna happen.” Farrah placed Hunter in front of the door and opened in to see Operetta smiling.

“She’s the one! She’s our mate!” Brazzan smiled widely. “Shut up!” Hunter scolded. “Hi Hunter! I was making cookies and ended up making too much, do you want some?” she asked in that sweet voice Hunter loved.

“I would love,” he stared into her greyish-purple eyes, all he wanted to do is hold her, kiss her, just be there for her “you.”

Operetta blushed “wh-what?” Hunter abruptly hugged her. D-Did he just say he would love me? Operetta blushed more. “Anyways, he-here are the cookies.” Operetta passed him the cookies, Hunter ate some.

“This is amazing!” Hunter’s eyes lit up. “Thanks, it’s my father’s recipe.” Operetta said, Farrah’s interest peaked “and, who’s your father?” Farrah asked. “The Phantom of the Opera.” Operetta replied.

Farrah closed the door, leaving Hunter and Operetta outside, they could hear Farrah cheering singing “I’m gonna get 500 jewles from Phantom! Phantom gonna owe me money doda doda!”

“Is she okay?” Operetta chuckled. “Yeah, she’s just like that sometimes.” Hunter’s mouth was filled with cookies, he loved his mom, she was so silly at times.

Noticed something was wrong with Operetta “is everything alright?” Operetta sighed, “today is my mom’s birthday, I just...miss her. I feel so alone without her.”

Hunter wrapped his arms around her, surprising Operetta “hey, if I’m still alive and breathing,” he kissed her forehead, their foreheads now touching “you’re never alone.”

It was that day, Hunter knew who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. And her name is Operetta Phantom.

Hunter clutched the dagger in his pocket, “stay here, I’m gonna go get dad back.”

At an abandoned warehouse, Gaston was tied up against a long pole “once I get out of these ropes, I’ll kill you!” Gaston growled.

“Okay,” Adam rolled his eyes “and I’m married to a villian.” Gaston looked at him, his face deadpanned.

“You are married to a villain, she’s half villian!” Gaston scolded. Adam then noticed two thugs start lifting the boxes down together.

“Step aside, idiots! Cruse: Venom” activates his venom and sped up the process by lifting some of the boxes down himself.

They heard a growl and a dark figure speed past them and one of the light fixtures.  “It’s a bat!” the thug yelled. “No... it's something... else…” Adam’s eyes squinted to get a better view of the vigilante.

Two large black webbings emerge from the shadows and grab two of the thugs.

The two criminals are dragged into the darkness screaming as the mysterious figure mauls them and starts laughing maniacally.

Adam looked for his opponent while the figure keeps circling him and laughing. A pair of red eyes came from the dark as Adam finally noticed the psychotic Brazzan, who took over Hunter’s body, in the corner.

“Adam! It’s been so long! Not even a text, call, email, letter? I was so lonely without you!” Brazzan fake cried “I thought you loved me.”

Adam rolled his eyes, “let’s get serious Brazzan, you don't want what happened to Gaston happen to Hunter, do ya?”

“It won’t,” Brazzan’s face transformed into half of Hunter face and half of Brazzan’s, freaking Adam out “because we’re beating you once and for all.”

Brazzan leaped forward to attack, but Adam grabbed his leg and tosses him backwards. He then picks up an AK-47 from the crate and shoots it at the creature, but Brazzan absorbs all of them with ease.

“Mmm, yummy.” Brazzan flexed his body which deflected the bullets back to Adam, who hardly feels the attack as he charges forward.

Brazzan shot a large blood hand at The Beast to bring him closer, but Adam used the opportunity to charge at Brazzan with his shoulder.

Brazzan grabbed the wall of one of the barge containers to regain his footing before leaping back at his opponent.

The two counter blow for blow before Brazzan got the upper hand with his shape shifting abilities. Adam managed to get a few punches in before Brazzan slashed his throat and caused him to bleed.

“Wow, animalistic blood is spicy.” Brazzan licked his lips, Adam groaned in disgust. Brazzan used his blood hand to pull Adam towards him and used his shape shifting to get some heavy blows and knock Adam on the ground.

He tried using the ground to pounce on Adam, but Adam managed to evade it in time.

Adam used the opening to his advantage and combos Brazzan into a heavy punch, which knocks Brazzan back into one of the larger crates.

“Oooh, big bad beast can punch!” Brazzan cackled, Adam grabbed Brazzan and charged at him through most of the large crates before smashing the demon's head into one.

He tries jumping on Brazzan’s head, but Brazzan evaded The Beast just in time and hid in the shadows while laughing.

“So, you fall back on cheap magic tricks, trying to disappear. Yet you don't know how to be truly invisible!” Adam caught Brazzan about to sneak up on him and tossed the blood demon forward.

“Watch, Gaston, as your son dies right in front of your eyes!” Brazzan landed onto a truck and dents it.

Adam took a rocket launcher out of a nearby crate and launches it at the injured Brazzan. He grabbed the crippled Brazzan by the head “you’re just like your father...broken!”

Adam lifted  in the air and attempts to break Brazzan’s body over his knee. However, he ends up injuring his own knee in the process as a blood tendril extended out of Brazzan’s into Adam’s leg.

“We’re...unbreakable…” The blood tendril goes further into Adam’s body and pierces him through his arms, legs, and chest while also puncturing his venom tube and leaving him in intense pain.

“No! What’s happening?!” Adam yelled in shock. Brazzan leaped up and punched Adam into one of the flaming crates. He then shots multiple blood balls at Adam to trap him in place.

“It’s called revenge!” Brazzan grabbed Adam’s head and pumped most of the blood into it, causing it to explode and putting The Beast down for good.

Hunter regained control, still in a rage, while Operetta arrives on the scene in horror at the sight of Adam’s headless corpse.

“Hu-Hunter?” Operetta stammered. Hunter breathed through his nose heavily like an angry bull ready to charge. Operetta inched towards him, gabbing his shaky hand.

Hunter pinned her to the wall, Operetta put her hand on his heart “please calm down, you’re scaring me,” she placed her hand on her stomach “you’re scaring us.”

Hunter’s eyes turned back to normal, he collapsed into Operetta’s arms “why does that always drain me?” Hunter took deep breaths. “Demons need a lot of the vessels energy to take over.” Brazzan explained.

“Hey Operetta,” Hunter looked up  looked up at her “our kid's gonna be badass.”


Who loves updates?! Gods and goddesses it's fun writing these action scenes! But it takes a lot of work!

But anyway! It's fun writing this arc. All we have left is Zeref's chapter and Ben's one.

Where there might be a surprise in Ben's. Maybe or maybe not 🤷🏽‍♀️

Also, ppl who like Percy Jackson series will see a familiar character in the next chapter

Stay Sweet,

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