EP.161|Two Realms

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EP.161|Two Realms

“How long are they supposed to be out this long?’ Cruella asked Hex, both Hunter and CJ have been asleep for a while now and neither of their spouses would leave their side.

“Normally, they would have woken up by now, but both of them had poison in their arms so they’re going to be out longer.

Cruella looked at CJ’s new arm to see it was made out of strong red metal with white on the side, it almost looked like a real hand. Once she tried to reach for it, Carlos growled at her.

“I know you did not just growl at me, Carlos.” Cruella glared at him, Carlos whimpered. She grabbed the water spray and sprayed it at Carlos making him hiss “bad wolf! You don't growl at family!”

Carlos started muttering curse words in spanish, Cruella sprayed him again “just because I don't understand spanish like you and your dad do, I at least understand the curse words.”

Carlos chuckled and cuddled up next to CJ, his ears perked up when he heard CJ waking up.

“How long have I been out?” she rubbed her eyes. “A while, about a day.” Carlos replied, turning back into a human.

CJ examined her new arm, moving her fingers around “it feels like a real arm.” she pointed her palm at Hex, causing a dust disc to shoot out and almost hit Hex.

“That's new.” CJ sweatdropped. “I programmed it to sync up with your magi just like your regular arm would. Your magi was easy to sink up, Hunter on the other hand, not so much.” Hex explained. “Is that why it hurts so much?” Hunter yawned, rubbing his new arm, it was black and red.

“Yeah, your magi comes from your blood and Brazzan so I had to sync the magi into your veins and blood flow.” Hex said. Hunter opened his hand, making a medium bubble of blood.

It soon popped when a large crash came from Maleficent’s library. Hex, Cuella, Carlos, CJ, Hunter and Operetta ran to the library to see Maleficent was pissed.

“What do you mean my daughter’s gone?!” she roared. “We-well, yo-you see.” Eddie stammered, her back against the wall with Maleficent's arms blocking her from running.

“What? And it better be a good answer.” Maleficent sneered. Eddie gulped “Mrs. Queen!” Eddie yelled, both Esther and Evie came rushing in.

“Maleficent! Get off Eddie.” Esther pushed her out of the way, Eddie fell to her knees, trying to catch her breath. “Let me at her Esther! Let me at her!” Maleficent struggled to get past Esther and Arcadia.

“She’s the Magic Mirror spirit’s daughter you idiot!” Esther scolded. “Oh,” Maleficent calmed down “sorry. What happened to my daughter?”

“She...mirror…” Eddie got up, finally being able to breathe “your daughter is in the mirror realm.”

“EXCUSE ME?!” Maleficent’s eyes began glowing bright green, Eddie hid behind Evie, shivering. 

“Maleficent, how about we calm down?” Stefan suggested, Maleficent sighed and calmed down. “Thank you.” Stefan kissed her cheek.

“Th-The mirror realm is made up of 2 parts,” Eddie’s hand formed a hologram of a mirror maze with two parts, one that was light, and the other was dark “the front mirror is composed of all the happy memories we see like love, hope, friendship, peace,”

“The dark half is composed of bad memories we see, like death, raids, rapes, fires,” Eddie poked at the middle, bringing up the yin and yang sign “Mal is in the middle, the yin and yang mirror.”

“So we just gotta get in the mirror? Easy! Let’s go!” Maleficent grabbed the Queen Family mirror. “Not so fast, dragon girl.” Shadow Freddie appeared behind Maleficent, spooking her a bit.

“What now?” Maleficent groaned, being a dragon, they always protect their kids, just as much as they do with their mate, she wanted her Malena back and she wanted her back now.

“Her husband’s gone too.” Shadow Freddie sucked on her lollipop. “What?” CJ asked. “Benny-Boo is in the Shadow Realm.” Shadow Freddie’s lollipop popped off her lips. Facilier and Freddie shivered, that place gave them bad memories.

“Why take Ben and Mal though?” Carlos pondered, soon, Eddie began glitching, her eyes turning black.

“Well it’s a simple answer Dog Boy.” Araden’s voice began coming out of Eddie, “I captured them. It was like taking candy from a baby.”

A hologram from Eddie’s palm projected Mal and Ben both tied to chairs and knocked out. Maleficent growled “you bitch!”

“Awe, what’s wrong Maleficent? Is the dragon mad that I took her young?” Maleficent just growled more, dragons hated being away from their kids. “Give me back my kid Araden!” Maleficent eyes slowly started turning green.

“Now it’s not fun if I just hand them back to you, little dragon gotta do the work to get her daughter back.” Araden teased, Maleficent tried lunging at him but Esther reminded her it was Eddie’s body.

“Stop being a coward and show yourself!” Maleficent demanded. “But where’s the fun in that? I’m not just gonna give away my location like an idiot.” Araden chuckled shortly. “What do you want with Mal and Ben?” Evie questioned.

“Hmm, what would I want with Lucifer’s brother and the Mistress of Evil’s daughter? Sounds like a thumper, huh? I’ll let you think about it.” and just like that, Araden left Eddie’s body just before Maleficent could punch her.

Eddie quickly conjured a shield around her, sending Maleficent backwards into the bookshelves. “Stupid spirit.” she muttered.

“The mirror realm isn't easy to navigate. I’ve been there my whole life and even I don't even know it fully.” Eddie told them.

“Same with the Shadow Realm. It’s near impossible to find Ben, but I do have some people who might be able to help us.” Shadow Freddie said.

“Same here, but we need sigils to get into both realms.” Eddie began clearing out the room. “I’m going to need everyone out of this room.”

“Shadow Freddie, you can use the catacombs for your sigils.” Maleficent said as Shadow Freddie nodded, her and Freddie walking down to the catacombs. “Why can't she do the sigils here?” Hunter asked.

“Sigils this powerful can't be in the same room, they might cancel each other out or major explosion.” Gaston warned him. Hunter shivered, “alrighty then.”

Freddie, Shadow Freddie, Facilier Sr., Facilier, Arcadia, and Zeref walked down to the catacombs to see it was dark and lit with candles that lined the walls.

“Are you sure you wanna do this Freddie? The Shadow Realm isn't like the regular world, it’s dangerous.” Facilier warned her.

“I’ll be okay dad, I got this-- one second,” she slapped Shadow Freddie’s hand away from her bag “what are you doing?”

“I need chalk.” Shadow Freddie pulled out a piece of chalk from her bag and began drawing the sigils. “You could have asked.” Freddie muttered. “Too much work.” Shadow Freddie said.

“Freddie, I don't think you should go.” Facilier Sr. stated. “And why is that?” Freddie raised her eyebrows in suspicion. “It’s no safe in the Shadow Realm, believe me, it’s not safe for someone like you.” Facilier Sr. replied.

“Someone like me?” Freddie glared at him, she knew exactly what he meant “are you saying because I’m a girl so you think I can't handle the Shadow Realm?”

“I-I nev-never technically said that.” Facilier Sr. stuttered a bit, Freddie has this scary aura when she mad.

“You implied it though,” she got close to her grandpa’s face “I’ll have you know Grampy, I’m tough enough for anything. I’ve went though tons of tougher situations than the Shadow Realm.”

“And, I used Kagechikara on the first try, how long did it take you to master it, huh?” Freddie smirked, Facilier Sr. sighed. “You got me there. Facilier, you raised a smart kid.”

“I’m going to have Heine, Operetta, CJ, Zeref, and Shadow Freddie in there with me, I’ll be fine.” Freddie assured him. “You sure?” Arcadia was worried, Freddie was her only child, she couldn't lose her.

“Yeah mom, I’ll be fine.” Freddie smiled, Arcadia hugged her daughter tightly, “don't die.” Freddie hugged her back “I won't.”

“Alright, sigil’s done.” Shadow Freddie announced “all Freddie’s gotta do is place her hand on use some tamiki magi on the ground and the guardians of the gates to the Shadow Realm should show up.”

Freddie, Facilier, and Facilier Sr. all shivered, they weren’t always on the guardians good side. Freddie placed her hand on the ground, the white sigil turned purple.

4 Large tiki masks came up from the ground, Freddie gulped, she hadn't seen the guardians since her father got locked up in the Shadow Realm.

“Freddie Facilier,” the largest tiki head spoke ominously, “it’s been awhile since we’ve seen you or any of the Facilier’s.”

“Well I really don't talk to tiki heads who imprison my father.” Freddie replied. “Your father owed us, you know this.” the 2nd largest said, it had a jester hat on.

“And you know we were struggling at the time and basically had nothing.” Freddie reminded them.

“Your father promised us souls, since he didn't deliver, he paid the price.” the 3rd tiki head continued, this one sounded female and it’s tiki mask was in the shape of an eagle.

“And the price was taking him away from everything he loved, and leaving an 8-year-old all by herself.” Freddie shot back.

“Those are the consequences for Facilier’s actions.” the 4th one shrugged, it also sounded female. “That doesn't mean you have to lock them 15 years.” Freddie stated.

“Freddie, I don't think your listening-” “no, I don't think your listening! For 15 years, I was alone, I had to do everything for myself! Do you know what that’s like? No you don't! Your just some goddamn tiki heads!” Freddie scolded.

“Don't be mad at us, he promised us souls and he didn't deliver, so he paid the price.” the 1st tiki head repeated. “You know what, fine, I you want souls you can take mine when I die!” Freddie announced, bringing everyone to shocked faces.

“Freddie, maybe you should think about this.” Zeref warned her. “No, if you want a soul, you can have mine, but, I want me, my friends, and my family, to get into the shadow realm anytime we want.” Freddie wagered.

The tiki heads looked at her suspiciously “fine, but you need the medallion to get into the shadow realm either way.” Freddie rolled her eyes and took off the medallion, placing it in the center of the sigil.

The medallion grew in size, about that of a door, and opened it mouth, providing an entrance to the Shadow Realm.

“Zeref! Wait.” Facilier called out, Zeref walked over to him “anything happens to my daughter,” Facilier got close to his face, a scary look in his eyes that sent chills down Zeref’s spine “I will kill you.”

Zeref gulped “we-we’ll st-stay safe.” Zeref quickly hid behind Freddie, Operetta, CJ, and Heine who was laughing.

“You sure your ready for this?” Zeref asked, Freddie nodded, holding his hand “I’m sure, plus,” she kissed his cheek, the group stepping into the large tiki medallion “when we’re together, we can do anything.”


Who doesn't love a good update! So, what do you think about this chapter? I kinda wanna switch it up because Ben and Mal are always saving ppl, now the VK's gotta save them.

What do you think it'll be like it the Mirror and Shadow Realm?

What dose Lucifer want with Ben and Mal?

And who the hell is Swan!?

Like y'all aint gonna believe who I have Swan as. It's gonna be a shock, like a huge shock, and Swan plays a big part in this whole store, and a lot of the Twisted Tales stories too.

Oh! Speaking of the Twisted Tales, I've almost got the first arc done for Guns and Roses

Btw, Guns and Roses is my 2nd favorite to write, behind Good At Being Bad of course, and it's fun to write about like danger and action.

After Guns and Roses will be one about Medusa's backstroy, for that I've studied up on greek, roman, and Egyptian gods and goddesses, so I'll get this right.

Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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