EP.162|Why Is Everything So Shiny Here!?

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EP.162|Why Is Everything So Shiny Here!?

Eddie and Evie sat across from each other in the middle of the sigil, the mirror in between them. “Okay, I know this is stupid to ask, but what are they doing?” Carlos whispered.

“To get into the Mirror Realm, you have to make a draw a certain symbol on the mirror very delicately or it’ll crack.” Esther explained. “Then why is Eddie there?” Hunter questioned.

“To seal the symbol so you can go in.” Esther added. “Is it the same symbol for everyone?” Jasper inquired. Esther shook her head “each family who has a magic mirror is given a different symbol, which makes it harder for enemies to get in.”

Evie took a deep breath in and out, this was all riding on her, she had to get the symbol right, her best friend needed saving, she couldn't just leave Mal all alone there.

“Mal’s a tough girl, she’s not made out of glass.” Eddie said as though she was reading Evie’s thoughts. “I know, but she’s my best friend, I just never thought she of all people would get kidnapped.” Evie sighed.

“Knowing Mal, she’s probably kicked her kidnappers butts.” Eddie chuckled. “That sounds like Malley.” Evie chuckled as well.

“So don't worry, all we gotta do is get in, find Mal, and get out.” Eddie assured her. Evie nodded is that all… she sighed internally.

Evie looked down at the symbol to see it was a poison apple with crystals around it. Not bad. Evie admired.

“Okay, now just gently placed some of your magi in it.” Eddie instructed. Evie placed her hand on the mirror softly, making it glow.

The mirror then grew in size, about that of a doorway, emitting a soft glow. Evie got up, dusting off her clothes “we get in, get Mal, get out. Got it?” Evie’s voice was stern and commanding.

“Yes miss!” Carlos, Hunter, and Jasper all stood at attention, saluting her. “Look at you, all commanding and stuff, just like your mom.” Maleficent pinched her cheeks.

“She always told me to grab men, not just by my looks,” Evie shot crystal darts at the boys, luckily, they stopped right before they could hit them “but by my power too.”

“You got yourself a strong one there, don't you Jasper.” Serena chuckled. “Yeah, she’s one strong woman.” Jasper winked at Evie, who blushed a bit.

“An-Anyways, if any of you idiots mess up this mission,” she glared at the three of them, the crystals turning black “I’ll kill you so fast it’ll make your head spin.”

They all nodded quickly “you’re scary when you’re mad.” Carlos bravely spoke up.

“Mal is my best friend, Carlos,” she got close to his face “so if your Dog Boy butt messes up even the tiniest bit, you won't be able to see your Pirate Princess anymore.”

Carlos shivered in fear “yes miss.”
“Good! Let’s go!” Evie cheered, turning back into her cheery self, “come on guys, we gotta save my best friend.”

Evie, Maleficent, Eddie, Jasper, Hunter, and Carlos entered the Mirror Realm and began falling. “AHHH!!!” they all yelled, heck, Carlos and Hunter held onto each other for dear life.

Eddie and Maleficent just fell gracefully, sipping her tea “this is no time for screaming.”

“Easy for you to say! You have wings Maleficent!” Evie scolded. “Just one of the perks of being a Demonic Dragon.” Maleficent boasted.

“I don't wanna die, Hunter!” Carlos sobbed. “I don't either!” Hunter sobbed as well. “Jasper! Why are you holding on so tight.” Evie looked down to see Jasper in his snake form, wrapped around her arm.

“Well Evie, in cause you haven’t noticed, WE’RE FALLING!” Jasper stated the obvious. “I’m aware we’re falling, but that doesn't mean you have to hold onto me like I’m going to disappear!” Evie scolded.

“I’m trying not to die thank you very much.” Jasper said profoundly. “And clinging onto your girlfriend’s arm is supposed to save you?” Maleficent questioned.

Just before Jasper could answer, the group fell to the ground, but it didn't feel like sidewalk, road, or grass, it felt like glass.

“Ugh…” Evie groaned, she slowly sat up, rubbing her aching back “I’ve fallen on sidewalk before, but it was never this hard.”

“That’s cause it’s not sidewalk,” Eddie helped Evie up “it’s glass.” The group was astonished the the ground didn't break on impact. “The ground is more durable here.” Eddie informed them.

“Yeah, but it still hurts.” Carlos said, holding the side of his stomach. “No kidding.” Hunter agreed.

“I feel fine.” Maleficent and Jasper smiled innocently. Evie pointed at Maleficent “you have wings,” she then pointed at Jasper “and you wrapped around me like Boa Constrictor.”

“Meh.” they both shrugged. Evie had a deadpanned look on her face and sighed. I love you Jasper, I really do, but gods and goddesses you’re stupid.

“I’m not stupid,” Jasper kissed her cheek, “I just love you.” Evie smiled and held his hand, the group walking through the town, which seemed to be made of glass and crystals.

Evie noticed that everyone's clothing was bright and shiny “their clothes are beautiful.”

“Here in the mirror realm, everything is about mirror shards or crystals, they can be used for clothing, weapons, power, all that jazz.” Eddie explained. “So, kinda like my necklace?” Evie asked, rubbing her fingers over her necklace.

“Sorta, but people in the mirror realms powers come from crystals for different magis. Your magi makes crystals, and can use them in combat as weapons.” Eddie said. Evie sighed, looking down at her necklace.

Everyone in her family could use Queen Rage, even her 10 year old cousin, Karla, could use Queen Rage. Evie, being 24, felt bad because by now she should have mastered it.

However, every time she tried, Evie’s magi would just stop. The magi flowing through her veins would stop for about 10 minutes. It made Evie agitated.

The only reason she wanted to master Queen Rage is because she wanted to prove to her family, friends, to Jasper, that she was strong enough.

“Don't worry, you’ll learn Queen Rage,” Jasper assured her, “you just gotta give yourself time.” Evie smiled, always the optimistic Jasper. She pecked Jasper on the lips.

“Awe! Aren’t you two cute.” Carlos and Hunter gushed, pinching Jasper and Evie’s cheeks. “Shut up.” Evie rolled her eyes. “At least I didn't get my girlfriend pregna-” Hunter quickly covered Jasper’s mouth.

“Hey, why don't we shut up!” Hunter scolded. Jasper licked his hand in an attempt to move Hunter’s hand “you can lick my hand all you want Jasper but I’m not letting go.”

Jasper then bit his hand, making Hunter let go “mother trucker! That was my hand! Not a chew toy!”

Jasper just shrugged “you didn't want to let it go.” Evie chuckled as the Let it Go song began playing in her head.

Carlos laughed and examined Hunter’s hand “damn, you can see the bite marks on his skin.” Jasper smirked “well, I wouldn't have had to do that if you didn't put his hand over my mouth.”

“They never change do they?” Eddie chuckled. “Nope, these VKs will always be silly and stupid.” Maleficent smiled.

“So, where is your dad’s place?” Evie asked. “Just up here.” Eddie pointed at the baby blue house.

From the outside this house looks cozy. It has been built with baby blue painted wood and has dark blue brick decorations.

Small, half rounded windows allow enough light to enter the home and have been added to the house in a mostly symmetric way.

Eddie walked up to the doorway, knocking on the door.

The door opened to reveal a man about the age of 35, he has tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. He has a light complexion and sharp facial features.

He wears shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck.

His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears black trousers, shoes and long, dark-green pants. 

“Dad!” Eddie cheered, hugging her father, Oscar Eedee. “Hey Eddie, what are you doing here?” Oscar hugged her back.

“We need to find our friend Malena.” Evie replied. “She got taken by Araden and put in the Yin and Yang mirror.” Jasper added.

“And we need your help to find our way into the Yin and Yang mirror.” Carlos continued. “Or else Araden might use her as his new vessel!” Hunter warned.

Oscar was honestly confused “alright, slow down, just come inside and you can explain it to me.” Oscar opened the door fully to let the VKs, Eddie, and Maleficent in.

The house is equipped with a large kitchen and two bathrooms, it also has a generous living room, 2 bedrooms, a small dining area, a multimedia room and a roomy garage

The building is shaped like a short U. The two extensions are linked by glass overhanging panels.

The second floor is smaller than the first, which allowed for several balconies on the sides of the house. This floor has a different style than the floor below.

The roof is low and slanted to one side and is covered with shiny ceramic tiles. Two large chimneys sit at either side of the house.

A few large windows let in just enough light to the rooms below the roof. The house itself is surrounded by a modest, rose garden.

Oscar walked over to the stove, placing a tea kettle with water on it “now,” he sat down in one of the sofa chairs “what happened?”

“Last night our friends, Mal and Ben, were kidnapped by Araden. Mal is here in the Mirror Realm, while Ben is in the Shadow Realm.” Evie explained.

“Since Eddie doesn't know the realm fully, we need your help to get to the Yin and Yang mirror.” Jasper continued.

“One thing Eddie failed to tell you is that nobody has been in the Yin and Yang mirror for years, it's highly unlikely your friend is there.” Oscar informed them.

“We didn't come here for you to tell us unlikeness, we came here to find my daughter.” Maleficent told him.

“Sorry to break to you, but if Mal was in Yin and Yang mirror, she's probably dead. Nobody can survive that mirror.” Oscar sighed. “My daughter is though as nails, if anyone can survive it's her.” Maleficent said.

“Didn't you hear me?” Oscar got up, standing in front of Maleficent “nobody can survive the mirror.” he got closer with every word.

“I don't think you heard me,” Maleficent pushed him away from her “my daughter is though as nails.”

Oscar slumped back in his chair, Maleficent's eyes glaring at him “so you better help me get my daughter back,” Maleficent leaned into his ear and whispered “because if you don't, I'll burn everything you love to the ground and you'll be reduced to nothing but a pile of ashes.”

“So, are you gonna help us,” Maleficent's fist lit in flames “or do I have to get difficult?”

Oscar tried to contain his calm demeanor but Maleficent glaring eyes and fire fist made it hard.

“Th-The only way to get into the mirror is if you have the 16 shards of the Grand Mirror. But nobody's seen them since the Hero vs Villains war.” Oscar said. “There has to be something about them in books right?” Eddie asked.

“Maybe, you might wanna check the library downstairs.” Oscar suggested, he knew Eddie loved books so he built her a library. “It’s finished?!” Eddie’s eyes sparkled.

“Yep. All new books and everything.” Oscar smiled, ruffling Eddie's hair. Eddie rushed down stairs to see a beautiful library.

“Let's start!” Eddie cheered, a pile of books in her arm.

Hours later, the VKs, Eddie, and Maleficent continued to search for anything about the shads.

“Hey Eddie,” Eddie peaked her head out of the book “how come your mom isn't in any of these pictures?” Maleficent asked.

“That’s because I don't have a mom.” Eddie replied simply, flipping through the pages of the book. Everyone looked at her in surprise “what?” Carlos was just as confused as everyone.

“I’m a robot, I was made from spare parts from a super computer, I wasn’t born like you guys were.” Eddie shortly explained. “But, doesn't it feel weird not to have a mom?” Evie asked.

“I have a motherboard and she’s super nice, but other than that, Oscar has been my only parent and I’m fine with that.” Eddie shrugged, she had such a strong father daughter bond with Oscar she never needed a mom.

“For 23 years, you never had a mother figure in you life?” Jasper questioned, he barely started trusting Jafar again, but he could never forgive him for leaving his mom. He couldn't imagine what his life would be like without his mom.

“I had Esther, and Motherboard, I guess these count as mother figures.” Eddie guessed, “now can we stop focusing on my personal life and get back to finding something in these books about the lanterns.”

After hours of searching, they couldn't find anything, and were getting frustrated. “This is getting on my nerves!” Carlos had a book over his face. “We’ve been here for,” Hunter looked down at his watch “6 hours, and haven’t found anything.”

“Sapphire Dawn, the creator of the light and dark lanterns, after her disappearance, the shards were bestowed to the royal families of the Light Mirror and Dark Mirror. 8 to the Light Mirror Royals and 8 to the Dark Mirror Royals.” Evie read, the name Sapphire Stone sounded so familiar to her.

Every night, she would see a girl named Sapphire Dawn in her dreams, she would she Sapphire fighting monsters Evie’s never seen before.

The dream was so surreal, like, she was in it almost. Almost like she lived it all before, but she's never even seen the places in her dream.

She’s talked to Jasper about it and he completely understood, he was in the same situation as Evie, except, in his dreams it was a guy named Inferno Flame.

Apparently, Inferno and Sapphire were together and in love just like Jasper and Evie are. It was weird, the similarities between Evie and Sapphire were clear as day, especially the hair.

But, she’s never met this “Sapphire Stone”, so who was she?

“I’ll just take that off your hands.” Maleficent snatched the book quickly from Evie and ran behind a large bookcase.

“What’s up with her?” Carlos questioned, finally taking the book off his face. The others just shrugged and went back to planning on how to get the shards.

Maleficent frantically flipped through the pages of the book, her eyes widened, this was exactly what her and the parent villains were trying to hide from their kids.

Maleficent quickly pulled out her phone and called the villain parents. “Is everything okay, Maleficent?” Arcadia asked.

“No! Everything is not okay!” Maleficent showed them the book, it had a velvet fabric book cover with the words The Recovery of the Light, below it, it reads for the saviors of the next generation.

“How the hell is that book still here? I thought Swan told you to hide it?” Christine reminded her. “And I did! Buried it in the Swamp Grounds, wait-” Maleficent then realise her mistake.

“You do know that’s where Oscar lived before he was in the mirror, right?” Esther had a deadpan look on her face.

“Dammit! This is my fault, if I just hid the book better…” Maleficent sighed. “It’s not your fault Mally, they were bound to find the book sooner or later, we can't hide it from them forever.” Cruella told her.

“But, can't we just hide it for a little longer. The pressure of the Recovery...I don't need them to go through what we did.” Maleficent raked her black hair back, she loved Mal but she didn't want to put any more stress than she already on her shoulders.

“They’re more than ready for anything the world throws at them, especially this.” Facilier assured her. “But, their future...everything with the 10 of them, it’s just...what if they crack?” Maleficent worried.

“Maleficent has a point, what if they aren't ready?” Farrah was just as worried as Maleficent. “We can only hold the truth from them for so long, they have the right to know, but we can't explain it to them.” Gaston explained.

“Your right, if anybody is gonna tell them it’s gonna be Swan. If they can find her.” Hades sighed. “We all know where she is, but she strictly told us not to help them in any way, it’s “going against the rules”.” Hook mocked.

“Well it is, against the rules.” Phantom reminded him. “Regardless, we can't tell them anything, they’re just going to have to figure it out for themselves, no matter how much we want to help them.” Cruella sighed.

Maleficent looked back at Evie, Jasper, Carlos, Hunter, and Eddie who were building a fort with books.

Maleficent smiled, “I hope the VKs never lose their smiles.


*looks around* Oh! Is that an update I see! Why yes it is!

Guess who got the schedule today? Me! I have to take geometry, chemistry, English II, and Mandrin III!

Like, how do they expect a person *age redacted for safety reasons* year old to do all this stuff! Like no!

And the person who was supposed to be my mandrin teacher left us to go teach at a private school! 😭😭😫😓

But besides that, who would've thought that the movie Uglydolls gives me inspired to write.

But then again, I got inspired to write once because of an apple 😂🤣, so anything can happen.

But anyways! Do u think this book is too long? Like idk if there are any books that have 162 chapters in it.

Like, I'm not going to make Guns and Roses that long. At most it'll be like 100 episodes.

So, tell me ur answer in the comments!

Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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