EP.164|Depressed Princess

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EP.164|Depressed Princess

“Swan, where are you taking me?” Lucifer questioned, a blindfold over his face as Swan lead him to an unknown location. “To your gift, silly.” Swan giggled.

“I told you, I don't want a gift. I just wanted to spend my birthday with you.” Lucifer reminded her. “And you will, we just have to get through this and we can spend the entire day together.” Swan smiled.

“Can you tell me where we’re going?” Lucifer asked again. “No, Lucifer,” Swan stopped, “I want to surprise you. Can't you just play along?” even though he was blindfolded, he could tell Swan was making that cute face when Lucifer didn't play along with her schemes.

He sighed, he couldn't say no to her “fine, I’ll play along.” Swan grabbed his hand again, leading him to the garden behind the castle “okay, take off your blindfold.”

Lucifer took off his blindfold off to see birthday decorations all set up, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Giles, Demonia, Courtly, and Milton cheered.

“You did this...for me?” Lucifer was speechless, normally his parents were too busy to plan him a birthday party, so he would spend them by himself or going around his realm. 

Mmh! This is all for you sweetie.” Swan kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Swan, this is amazing.” Lucifer sat down in one of the lawn chairs as Swan put a birthday hat on him.

“When did you get the time to plan all of this?” Lucifer asked. “When Swan told us you never had a proper birthday party, she insisted on us planning you one.” Milton said, eating a slice of cake.

“Although she kinda forced us to plan it,” Courtly muttered “but we did want to give you a special birthday!”

Lucifer began tearing up “I-I-I don't know what to say.” Lucifer was speechless. “You don't have to say anything, today is your day.” Swan kissed his lips.

Everyday’s my birthday when I’m with you. Lucifer smiled up at Swan.

Back in the mirror realm, Eddie, Maleficent, and the VK’s were ready to find the first 8 shards “her name is Cosmina Farelle, apparently she’s the princess of the Light Mirror which means she has the 8 light shards.” Eddie explained.

“Her castle is heavily guarded though. They’re not just gonna let anyone in.” Oscar warned him. “That’s why me and Eddie are going in as maids.” Evie said, fixing her maid outfit.

Her and Eddie wore a typical maid outfit, consisting of a black under coat and a white, frilled-trim apron and a white knee-length white with black shoes.

“Don't you think this is a bit showy.” Eddie blushed a bit. “You just gotta own it, now here, take this.” Evie passed Eddie a feather duster. “A feather duster?” she questioned.

“Click the button.” Evie introduced, Eddie licked the red button and the feather duster turned into a long spear. “Woah!” Eddie eyes widened in wonder.

“Just in case.” Evie winked, she then noticed Jasper staring at her “Jasper!” Evie blushed. 

“What? Huh? What’s happening?” Jasper asked, breaking out of his trance. “Stop staring at me!” Evie’s blushed deepened.

“It’s not my fault your so cute.” Jasper pecked her lips with a kiss. “Awe~stop it.” Evie gushed. Jasper smiled and kissed her again, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Evie smiled, kissing him back. “Alright, love birds, let’s get going.” Carlos said, interrupting their cute moments.
Minutes later Eddie and Evie stood in front of the castle. “This...is...huge.” Evie gasped.

As evident of its role as the King's residence, the castle is a very intricately decorated and designed castle.

The place appears to consist of a number of different, yet uniform buildings fused together, with some sections protruding outwards and assuming particular forms, and the walls being mainly adorned by orders of large, rectangular windows lined up and flanked by protruding pillars.

Its main entrance seems to be a mildly small door topped by a very high decorative arc, which gets pointed near its top, and has its central part adorned by a large, round flower window.

To its left is a section keeping its height, topped by another going up high, which possesses a pitched roof, and behind which appears to be a structure reminiscent of ancient Greek and Roman temples, being highly similar to the real Parthenon.

Near which, to its upper right, sits a part ending in a small dome, topped by a prominent spire; two towers, possessing approximately the same height as the spire, are located on the back and right parts of the building.

To the entrance's right, several meters away from it, the building takes on an arched form, with such part being reminiscent of a cylinder partially fused with the structure, soared above by a mildly small spire, almost placed in the back part of the building.

Topping the entire castle is a high, round tower, with its lower part, much more massive than the one above it, being adorned by elongated windows and ending in a dome, from which the thinner, top part appears and goes up several meters before ending in a pointed tiled roof.

The castle is surrounded by a lush garden, which, much like the rest of the city, is adorned by a large amount of flowers, possessing flowerbeds.

In addition, artistically arranged plants and small, tidy hedges, which have square, hollow spaces on their edges, housing ornately decorated streetlamps, with wavy poles ending in large orbs, with circular objects surrounding them, seemingly floating.

The streets there are adorned by mosaics, which consist of a variety of small, flat rectangular stones arranged to resemble semicircles.

In front of the palace sits a fountain, surrounded by a ground-level, round and shallow pool; water jets jut upwards from both the fountain and the pool, with the former also housing some plants, or possibly statues of plants, on its base.

“No kidding, last time I was here, they were almost done finished.” Eddie noted. Evie snapped out of her trance as her and Eddie walked up to the palace guards.

“Oh hello sirs.” Evie said, a french accent lanced in her voice. “Hello miss, we’ll need your names.” one of the guards spoke.

“Why yes sir, my name is go to sleep.” Evie reached into her apron pocket, scooping out a purple powder. The guards looked at her suspiciously but before they could respond,  Evie blew the powder in their faces, making them pass out.

“Easy as pie.” Evie whispered her hands free of the dust, stepping over the guards to get into the palace.

“I’m never leaving my room!” A voice boomed through the castle. “Cosmina! This is for your own good!” a man told the woman who stormed through the castle.

He has deep set eyes and high cheekbones, with a small scar running from his left temple to the edge of his thick eyebrows.

He also has a snub, square-shaped nose. His hair is dark and wavy, sticking up around his head, with prominent sideburns that join into a curved and pointed beard.

“My own good?! Taking me away from the man I love is for my own good?!” Cosmina scolded, standing at the entrance of her bedroom.

Cosmina is a slim, petite young woman. She has wavy light green hair that reaches down to the middle of her back with two strands that frame her face as well as a set of tufts that obscures the majority of her forehead, with the prominent tuft in the middle reaching down to the top of her nose. Cosmina has large dark green eyes with long eyelashes.

She wore a short dress that exposes her back and parts at the sides of the skirt. It also has a flower like pattern along the breast-line. She also wears long gloves that cover up to her elbows with frills at the end of them.

She wears a fair amount of jewelry, mainly a tiara with seven gemstones with the largest placed in the middle and the rest following on outwards, a large silver necklace with a large pendant and a pair of earrings with two large gems in both of them.

“Our families are supposed to be separate, Cosmina, it’s in our history.” Cosmina’s father, King Farelle, told her. “I couldn't care less about my history if I keeps me away from the man I loved for 19 years!” Cosmina slammed the door in his face.

“Yikes.” Evie inhaled sharply through her teeth, Eddie nodded in agreement. “Oh, you must be the maids I hired. Can you please talk to my daughter?” the king requested.

“Yes your highness.” Eddie bowed, her and Evie walked up to Cosmina’s room to hear the sound of crying.

“Um, Princess Cosmina,” Evie knocked on the door softly “can we come in?”

Cosmina sniffled “sure.” Eddie opened the door to see Cosmina kneeling on the floor, crying her eyes out “your not maids are you?”

“You figured that out quickly.” Evie sweatdropped. “My maids always wear our kingdom’s crest on their uniforms,” Cosmina pointed at their uniforms “you don't have that crest.”

“Just tell me how much money you want and I’ll write a check.” Cosmina brought out her checkbook. “Your highness, we don't want your money.” Eddie shook her head.

“Then what do you want?” Cosmina asked. “Have you ever heard of the 8 shards of light?” Evie asked. “You mean these?” Cosmina took out a beautiful necklace with 8 light crystal shards on it.

Evie stared at the necklace, for some reason, she felt so close to those shards, she couldn't describe it in words.

But there was a connection, a powerful, binding connection, it was almost like they were whispering ...Evie…come to us…

She bit her lip, a part of her wanted to rip those crystals off neck and take them for her own. Almost like the crystals were hers to begin with, but they weren't, or are they?

We’ll find out soon enough…

“Evie, Evie, hello? You still there?” Eddie waved her hand in front of Evie’s face. “Wha? Yeah I’m good.” Evie snapped out of her trance, Evie then noticed the moving photograph of a boy and Cosmina.

He was a handsome young man in his twenties. He had dark skin and shoulder-length blond hair and dark blue eyes.

His usual attire consists of a black long-sleeved collared shirt, a vest with ornate patterns along its edge and light-coloured pants.

He wears a light-colored jacket with fur at the sleeves over his collared shirt. He also wears a fur-lined cape or a jacket with fur at the collar and edges.

“Who's that?” Eddie asked, Cosmina held the photograph close to her chest “that's my one true love, my everything,”

Cosmina flopped onto her bed in glee “his name Antoine Mantrai and he's the perfect man.”

“He's that much of a dreamboat?” Evie sat down next to her, smirking. “Oh, you don't even know, Evie.”

“How long have you two been together?” Eddie sat beside her as well. “3 wonderful years.” Cosmina’s heart soared. “3 years? And your parents are finding about this now?”

“They just found out the other day, and now my INCOMPETENT FATHER DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TRUE LOVE IS!!!” Cosmina yelled towards her father’s direction.

“I’m sure it was all a misunderstanding.” Eddie assured her. “Misunderstanding?” she scoffed, “yeah right, my father’s never experienced true love, he goes wives quicker than Trump goes through lawyers.”

“What about your mom? He had to love her, right?” Evie asked hopefully, Cosmina shook her head. “She was wife number 12, he’s on 29 now, my mother stayed the longest, but after four years and one big fight, he kicked her out and forced me to stay.” Cosmina explained.

“That’s horrible.” Evie was applied, she never knew a man could be that horrible to a women. “The only reason he’s keeping me alive is because he wants someone to look after the throne when he dies.” Cosmina sighed.

“Me and Antonie had a plan to leave the realm and start a new life outside but then Araden came and ruined everything, he convinced my father to keep the entire place on lockdown until I give over the shards.” Cosmina stared at the picture of Antoine and her.

“I would give anything just to be with my Dark Night Prince again!” Cosmina flopped on the bed again, sighing in defeat. “Anything~?” Evie asked slyly. “Anything!’ She muffled through her pillow.

“We have a friend, her name’s Malena Maleficent, and she’s trapped in the Yin and Yang mirror and we need both the light and dark shards to get in.” Evie began to explained.

Cosmina looked up from her pillow “what are you saying?” “if we can get you out of this castle and to your prince, can you assure us we can have both the light and dark shards to get Mal?”

Cosmina eyes sparkled with delight, “you can have all the shards you want if I get to be Antonie again!”

Evie extended her hand, “then do we have a deal?” Cosmina gladly shook her hand “you bet we do!”


Hey hey! So, I'm going back to school in two weeks which mean I'm going to have to speed type a lot of episodes.

I don't wanna go back to school (even if it is only for like 5 days and then I'm out for two months for my surgery)

But none the less, my friend quinceanera is next Sunday and we just finished learning our girl dance. I think i broke my thigh 😫

See, we have to take a knee during it, but the transition was so sudden I think my muscles we like "yo what the fudge are we doing here!?"

But good news is I have the entire house to myself today and what do I do? Watch Nickelodeon shows in my PJ'S while eating Nutella 😂

Also! I finish the first arc for Guns and Roses (its about 13-16 episodes) and I'm thinking about doing 2 maybe 3 arcs.

Tell me what ya think!

Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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