EP.165|Family Separation: Araden Just Became The New Trump

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EP.165|Family Separation: Araden Just Became The New Trump

Ben wandered aimlessly around the very dingy, dirty, and repulsive “Camp”, he needed to find a way out of this place. Each day he was here he could feel his power draining.

“There has to be a way out of this place.” Ben kicked a pebble, trying to avoid eye contact with anybody, this place was a crazy town, there was crime everywhere he looked.

The combatants of “The Camp” slept in cages and cramped rooms, meals were served 2 a day but were not editable, the had no contact with the outside world, and if anyone tried to escape, guards that surrounded the premises threw them into the “Ice Box”

“We’re stuck here Ben, there's no getting out.” Zypher sighed, the vibe of the camp was getting to him too. “Well, someone has to come for us, right?” Ben asked hopefully.

“I doubt it, nobody’s coming for us, we might as well just give up.” Zypher moped. “Don't think like that Zypher, I know someone is out there, I hope…” Ben said, trying to cheer up Zypher.

“Get back here you little vermin!” an angry man yelled as him and his two buddies chased after a girl with pink snake hair.

The girl bumped into Ben, making them both fall “why don't you watch where your going.” she hissed, feeling around for her pink glasses

She wears her thigh-length hair and six of her snakes loose with two loose spirals framing her face. The seventh snake is wrapped around her head to function as a headband, which is the only thing covering her forehead.

Most of the hair is platinum blond; it's the spirals that have been dyed pink with a few strands of blond remaining in them. Her eyeshadow is grey and her lipstick pink.

The dress is short and has elbow-length sleeves. The top portion features a light pink and black floral-Paisley pattern against a powder blue background.

The lower portion, which starts just below the rib cage, is mainly black and holds a cream, blue, and light pink print of gorgon heads, flowers, and curled-up snakes.

There's a pink ribbon at the lower edge, from which a strip of blue ruffles continues. She sports light pink boots that cover up to 3/4th of her lower leg.

The wedges are scaled and feature two white fangs nose-side, with eyes located just above atop the nose. The boots' light pink shoelaces start at the nose and go all up to the upper edge, where they meet a design of writhing snakes.

She does not wear earrings, but she does wear all-translucent pink glasses. Two snakes form the upper eye wires and beads the lower ones, with the lenses being lightly shaped like an open mouth.

There's a light pink, long, and beaded necklace around her neck with a design of numerous writhing snakes as the centerpiece.

“Jeeze, sorry, were you looking for these?” Ben passed her the glasses. “Thank you, now unless you wanna get beat up by these idiots, follow me.” she grabbed him and pinned Ben to the brick wall, blending them into the brick design and hiding them from the men.

“Um, I don't know how bumping into you is flirting, but I’m married.” Ben flashed her his wedding ring to her. She rolled her eyes “and I’m lesbian, so no thanks.”

She looked around to see the coast was clear and backed off of Ben “I’m Ben Beastly.” Ben extended his hand to her. “Amaura Demgorgan.” Amaura shook his hand.

“Wait, aren't you Bruce's sister?” Amaura nodded. “Aren’t you supposed to be in some fancy castle on the Hero Isles?” she asked.

“It’s a long story, but all you need to know is that I need to stop Araden.” Ben summarized.

Amaura’s snakes began hissing “I know, I hate Araden too.” Amaura said, soothing her snakes.

“Was that bread so important you had 3 guys chasing you for it.?” Ben chuckled, trying to change the subject.

“It’s the only food that’s edible in this place for the two of us.” Amaura said as Ben began following her. “Two of us?” Ben asked, following Amaura into a makeshift tent.

“She means me.” Ben turned his head to see a girl with blonde hair. “Karma Boogeyman.” Karma shook his hand. Ben shivered “as in, Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas.”

“No, that’s my husband.” Karma chuckled. Ben sighed in relief, “oh thank the gods and goddesses, don't take this the wrong way Mrs. Boogeyman, but your husband scares the crap out of me.”

“He tends to do that.” Karma shrugged. “Here you go, Karma,” Amarua handed Karma the bread “it’s the only loaf I could find that was edible.”

“Thank you sweetie,” Karma broke the bread into three pieces “here, have some, you two look starved.”

“You must have done something really bad to get the King of the Hero Isles in this camp.” Karma commented. “Actually, I came in willingly.” Ben responded.

Ben looked up at Karma and Amarua’s shocked faces “you came in here,” Amarua swallowed her bread “willingly?”

Ben nodded “the guy Araden’s possessing is my brother, Lucifer, and Araden said if I didn't go willingly he would do everything in his power to bring pain to Lucifer.”

“Your doing all of this for your brother?” Ben nodded again “me and my friends have been to 5 islands now, all in search for the Holy Grail so we can find Swan so she can tell us how to free my brother.”

Karma and Amaura studied Ben intensely, then back at each other. “Swan was right, him and his friends...their the ones Swan told us about.” Amaura said to Karma telepathically.

“No, no way, they’re too young.” Karma shook her head. “Look into Ben eyes,” Karma looked into Ben’s innocent hazel eyes “don't they remind you of someone?”

“Dammit, your right, but, why would they choose, why didn't they choose the 2nd generations?” Karma asked. “You know why, they still have something the 2nd generation didn't.” Amaura told her.

“Hey, are you two okay? You’re staring at me weirdly.” Ben said, snapping Amaura and Karma out of their private telepathic conversation. “Nothing Ben, it’s nothing.” Amaura assured him.

“So, how’d you get in the camp?” Ben asked, Amaura and Karma sighed. “It happened 3 weeks ago.” Karma reminisced sadly.

“Here you go sir, one jar of goblin fingers.” Nylora said, passing the jar of goblin fingers to the man who bought them. “What would you even use that for?” Nylora asked once the man left.

“Goblin lady finger cake.” Amaura shrugged, hopping up onto the counter. “Blagh.” Nylora gagged.

“So, we have the shop to ourselves today,” Amaura traced her fingers down Nylora’s shirt, “if we close early, we can have our own little party.”

“A-Am-Amaura!” Nylora stammered. “Come on, when was the last time we’ve had any personal time together?” Amaura frowned.

“I know it’s been awhile since we’ve hung out but my dad really wants this store to go well.” Nylora said, Amaura sighed. “Which means our romance goes down the drain.” Amaura muttered.

“Amaura don't be like that, you know I’ll always make time for my Snake Princess.” Nylora pecked her lips with a kiss.

“We can make time right now.” Amaura put Nylora on the counter, she giggled and wrapped her arms around Amura’s neck.

Amaura leaned in and kissed her softly, it’s been awhile since they’ve kissed and she didn't want to startle Nylora by pouncing on her like a crazy animal, but Nylora was just so cute it was just so hard to be in control.

“Is something wrong, Amaura?” Nylora asked, her eyes sparkling with innocence.

Amura bit her lip “you’re just so cute!” Amaura kissed her again, this time it was a bit more rough, drawing her squeal from Nylora.

Amaura used her free hand to trace down Nylora’s blouse, unbuttoning it slowly to reveal her black bra “gods and goddesses, your beautiful.” she licked her lips, staring at the small mounds of flesh on her girlfriend's chest.

Amaura looked up at Nylora to see she was blushing madly “Ami! Stop staring, it’s embarrassing.” Nylora muttered. “I think their beautiful.” Amaura said, kissing her again.

“Your my girlfriend, you have to say that.” Nylora rolled her eyes. Amaura smirked and snaked her arm around Nylora to unhook her bra.

She gasped when the cool air hit her bare chest, Amaura only smirked more, groping her chest. “Amaura!” Nylora threw her head back.

“Shh, don't be too loud,” Amaura kissed her neck “someone might hear us.” Amaura warned. 

“That wouldn't be too bad,” Nylora pant “there’s a certain extcentiment in getting caught.”

Amaura looked up at her in surprise “I’m sorry, who are you and what have you done with Naylora?”

She giggled, “I’m still me silly, but it just gives me a rush of excitement when I think about us getting caught.” Nylora blushed a bit.

“Someone’s a bit naughty, aren’t we?” Amaura smirked. “Shut up.” Nylora laughed.

“Awe, you two are so cute,” Karma gushed, spooking Nylora a bit “but you might want to put on a bra cause your dad is on his way.”

Nylora eeped and quickly put back on her bra and buttoning up her shirt again “me and your father fully support you two being together but you know your dad’s rules.” Karma said.

“No making out during work hours.” Nylora and Amaura repeated in a boring tone. “It’s a good rule too.” Mazus said, appearing from the shadows, scaring Amaura to the point where she dropped the bowl of dragon eyes.

“Mr. Boogeyman, I’m glad I get to work here with your daughter but do you have to keep popping up like that?” Amaura said, picking up the dragon eyes.

“I don't have to, but it’s fun scaring you.” Mazus chuckled, putting the bowl back on the shelf “plus it’s my job to scare people.”

“Also to put in stupid rules so I can't be romantic with my girl at work.” Amaura muttered. “Heard that Amaura.” Mazus called out from the back of the store.

“How does he always do that?” Amaura whispered, Nylora chuckled. “A magician never reveals his secrets.” Mazus replied.

“Have the pictures cleared up yet?” Mazus asked, Karma nodded, showing the photos she took of Araden “what is that?” Karma pointed to a large circle made of scrap pieces of metal

“I have no idea. Swan did say Araden was up to something.” Karma said, Swan personally choose her to photograph everything Araden was doing and report it back to her.

But she just couldn't understand what Araden was planning.

“Didn't you say he attacked the villain isles a couple days ago?” Mazus asked. “Yeah but I already told Swan about that, but what does attacking the Villain Isles have to do with that circle?”

“Maybe he’s using it to get to the Villain Isles?” Mazus guessed.

“I don't think so, anyone can just waltz into the Isles, he might be using it getting into something that you need special access too.” Karma said. “You don't think he’s using it to get to The Sanctuary, do you?” Mazus worried.

“That’s impossible, ever with a transporter, he can't get through layers and layers of protection that Swan put in.” Karma assured him.

“But that was ages ago, for all we know those layers could be broken.” Mazus said. “We just have to trust Swan and keep looking into Araden activity.” Karma put the pictures on the close lines.

“I’ll call Swan, make sure nobody comes in.” Mazus nodded and kept watch at the door as Karma pulled out a crystal orb.

“Call Swan.” Karma said as the orb began glowing, starting the call with Swan. “Why isn't your video on Swan?” Karma asked.

“You know I never put by camera on.” Swan reminded her, Karma chuckled, she really didn't want anyone to know who she was.
“Whatcha got for me Karma?” Swan asked, the sound of clamoring could be heard in the background “down Xandry, bad dragon! We do not eat pots.”

Karma looked at Mazus weirdly, he just shrugged “everything okay there, Swan?”

“What? Oh yeah, it’s just Xandry is eating my pots and pans again.” Swan sighed. “Okay...anyways, the pictures I took of Araden suspects he’s trying to get into something, we believe he built some sort of teleporter.” Karma reported. “Get into what?” Swan asked.

“We think he’s trying to get into The Sanctuary.” Mazus answered. Swan dropped the pots and pans and began pacing.

No...no...no. It’s not time yet, this can't happen now. The 10 haven’t found out yet, Ben hasn't even opened the box yet! I need to buy myself more time. Swan stopped in her tracks. Wait, I never told Lucifer or Araden about Sanctuary...then...oh no...

“Look, you need to stop Araden, he’s not going to Sanctuary, he’s trying to get into-” Swan was then cut off by a large bang on Karma’s side.

“I have to let you go Swan.” Karma quickly ended the call, her and Mazus ran to the front to see the door was completely broken with Araden, Winter, and Briar standing in it.

“Did you really have to break down the door, Briar? I get you love your super strength curse but you can use your other curses too.” Araden rolled his eyes.

“You can't tell me what to do!” Briar scolded. She now had her rosey pink hair cut into a bob cut.

Briar’s battle attire is said to be somewhat regal yet conservative at the same time: there are various pink-rose gemstones across her outfit, the most recognizable are the ones on her maroon shoulder plate, earrings, and collar.

She wears a leather-like top with a black shirt underneath that has a pink collar; her pants are also made of the same leather-like fabric, with a matching pattern.

The sleeves, which form puffs (like a juliet sleeve) at the arm, are then coiled at the elbow with pink ribbons.

Briar also wears additional hot pink cuffs at her wrists, which can be used to enhance close combat or to sharpen her blades, the latter being a function she rarely uses.

At the waist, several straps can be seen, two pairs of rose straps that connect and hold a satchel with pink dust cartridges at the back, and a leather strap that connects to a sheathe, which has slits on the side that can hold Briar’s paired weapons.

The white belt has a gold buckle and an umber sash on the left side that shows her emblem, proving her devotion to Araden.

The pink plated boots Briar wears has plating on the toes, heels, and lower leg. The right leg has a gold band tied around it, perhaps because the plating is no longer secure on its own.

The shoulder plate, which has one smooth layer and one ruffled one beneath, also secures a small pink cape to her shoulder.

“I gave you those curses and I can take them right back.” Araden snarled. “I gave you those curses and I can take them right back.” Winter mocked, she had a new look too.

She has short light blonde hair that has a tendency to clump at the ends and aqua-colored eyes.  Her blouse and coat are frilly and formal-looking.

Her top is a white-collared, short-sleeve blouse, which is almost completely covered by a red dress with a frilly V-neck and a simple cut above the knees. Winter wears dark tights to compensate for the short length of the dress.

Over these layers, Winter wears a long-tail white coat that has a frilly tail with a light red gradient. The collars of the neck and sleeve are white like the short gloves she wears, and there are small metal shoulder-guards for each sleeve.

The coat is kept closed by an intricate metal lock that resembles Araden’s emblem. There are also pockets high on the waist area of the coat, as well as a slit for the flute Winter uses.

As for accessories, Winter wears two hair clips to manage her bangs; each clip has a cotton-ball adornment that matches her nickname and coincidentally her team name.

During outings and battles, Winter also wears a cape-like garment splits down the center into two separate rectangles.

Each piece of fabric has curses woven inside in the shape of a music staff, which somewhat matches her emblem. Winter wears short white boots along with knee-high guards that are very versatile for aerial movements and flexible maneuvers.

“You two are the most annoying minions ever! I swear, a dog would be a better minion than you!” Araden shook his head in shame. 

“Hey! At least we went with you! I could have gone to the mirror realm and kick Evie’s butt again but noooo.” Winter threw up her hands in defense “Winter, open the portal. Winter, go beat up Evie. Winter, this! Winter that!”

Araden hit his head against a brick wall repeatedly “why, why, why, why couldn't I get better minions! These idiots can't do anything!”
“Excuse me! Winter took out Evie, and I built the portal!” Briar gestured towards the door “and I knocked down the door!”

“Oooh! You knocked down a door, whoopie! Do you wanna cookie for a prize?” Araden snapped his fingers, a cookie appearing in his hand, which he stuffed in Briar mouth.

“Annoying pest, I swear, you two are annoying pest!” Araden growled, his focus returned to Karma, Mazus, Amaura, and Nylora.

“Oh right! Your still here!” Araden laughed, bracing himself against the wall “what was I here for again?”

Winter and Briar both slapped Araden behind the head “for the pictures!” Araden lips formed into an “O” shape.

“And he says were the idiots.” Briar and Winter groaned, they then realized they said the same thing at the same time “babe! That was so cute! Awe let’s do it again!” Briar gushed.


“Dr. Pepper!”
“Trump being a racist idiot who’s our country!”
“Will you two stop squealing! It hurts my ears!” Araden complained. “You just don't understand because nobody loves you.” Briar stuck out her tongue.

“I’m going to be Evil Overlord, I don't need love!” Araden scoffed. “Sure you don't, but Lucifer dose, sometimes when Lucifer takes over all he wants is to be with Swan and Ben again.” Briar smirked.

“Ugh, that annoying thing still has “feelings” and “emotions”.” Araden groaned in disgust. “Yeah, gods and goddesses forbid he has “emotions”.” Winter rolled her eyes.

“Hey! If you three are just going to bicker like an old married thruple, then leave my shop!” Mazus ordered. “Right, photos! Karma,” Araden held out his hand “hand them over.”

Karma laughed “no way Demon Boy these photos are confidential.” Araden groaned “why do you gotta make things so complicated! I have an episode of Real Housewives of the Demon Isles to watch!”

Araden raised his hand “Sound Release: Shatter!” all the glass in the shop began break, hurting everyone's ears except Araden, Briar, and Winter’s ears.

“Give me the pictures.” Araden demanded. “She doesn't have to give you anything.” Amaura defended.

“Amaura,” Nylora pulled her to the side, “I’ve heard stories about Araden, he’s not somebody you should mess with.”

“You should listen to your little girlfriend,” Araden said, coming in between them, putting his hand over Nylora's face and pushing her away “I'm not someone you wanna mess with.”

“I'll be the judge of that.” Amaura jumped back, her hands began glowing, signaling she was powering up.

“Stone shot!” she sent two balls of stone in Araden's direction. He scoffed and easily dodged them.

“Is that all you got, Amaura?” Araden engulfed the stone balls in his magic, throwing them back at Amaura, sending her into the back counter.

“Come on Snake Girl, get up,” Araden picked her up by her snake hair, throwing her outside the shop like she was a rag doll.
Amaura loved her snakes like they were her children, but one tug on the them, hurts her entire body.

“I said get up!” Araden picked her up by her hair again, Amaura looked into Nylora’s eyes, they were coated in fear.

I mean, who wouldn't be scared by people coming into your house and ripping your family apart.

“Stop it!” Nylora yelled, Araden smirked “can't you see that she's in pain! Let her go!” Nylora disappeared into the shadows and reappeared behind Arden, kicking him in the back.

“You okay? He didn't rip out any snakes right?” Nylora ran her fingers through Amaura’s half real hair and half snake hair. “I’m okay, he’s nothing.” Amaura faked smiled.

“I know when you lying Ami,” Nylora noticed Amaura’s glasses were gone “where are you glasses? You can't see without them.”

“Oh, you mean these?” Araden cooed, Nylora whipped her head towards him “there so pretty, it be a shame if someone would,” Araden stomped on the glasses “break them.”

Nylora glared at him, “shadow body,” her body transformed into a shadow, slithering throughout the rampeted, raging streets, to reach Araden, high kicking him.

“What do you need those pictures?” Nylora pressed him to the ground with her foot. “You...you got a...strong one here...Amaura.” Araden croaked.

Nylora pressed into his ribs “answer me now.” Araden smirked “Light Magi: Holy Shot!” balls of light hit Nylora in the stomach, landing next to Amaura.

“Nylora…” Amaura rasped. “Don't worry,” Nylora held her stomach, placing her feet firmly on the ground “I’ll take care of him.”

Nylora returned to her shadow body, coming up to Araden, attempting to roundhouse kick him but Araden caught her leg “for a girl in the shadows all the time, your pretty good with your legs.”

Araden held her upside down by her left leg “I gotta give you props, you have very nice legs,” Nylora growled at him “it wonder how easy it would be to break them,” Araden’s hand coated in white light, he rammed his hand through Nylora’s leg, leaving a gaping hole.

She screamed in pain, tears streaming down her face, her entire body was radiating in pain. Mazus roared in rage and dashed towards Araden but was blocked when his body wrapped in vines.

“What the fuck is this?!” Mazus cursed. “Rose Thorn Constructors Curse.” Briar smirked. “Let me out this instant.” Mazus demanded.

Winter inhaled sharply “yeah, no can do, see, we’ll let you out, if your wife gives us the pictures.”

“I told you,” Karma walked up to Winter, getting close to her face “those pictures are confidential.” she repeated, saying the words slowly to make sure Winter understood her.

“These days, nothing is confidential.” Winter pushed her back “now give us the pictures.”

“Or your husband gets squeezed like he's in a juicer.” Briar warned.

Karma scrunched up her fist, the glass windows began cracking “you come in here, ruin our shop,” the glass began to shatter more “hurt my husband, daughter, and her girlfriend,” the cracking sound intefized “and demand for photos!”

At that moment, the glass shattered completely, circling around her in an angry furry to the point where you could only see a shadowy silhouette of her body and gleaming red eyes.

“Oooo, she pissed.” Araden instigated. Karma flipped her hand in his direction, darting sharp shards of glass at him. Even though Araden dodged it, one of the shards scrapped his left cheek.

“Oh, now your gonna get it.” Araden dropped Nylora to the floor and dashed towards Karma, sending a flurry of punches at her, which Karma blocked with her glass.

“Your glass won't hold up forever, Karma.” Araden said smugly. He was right, the pouches were getting quicker and quicker, making it harder for Karma to keep making glass shield to block them.

“Lava Curse: Hands!” Araden’s hands turned into lava, he punched through her glass shield, melting it in the process and punching her square in the face.

Karma had her back against the wall, literally, Araden sent her flying into a wall. Karma felt her face to reveal a scorch mark over her left eye.

“I’m not going down that easily.” Karma stood back up, running towards Araden again “Glass Release: Shard Storm!” a swarm of glass surrounded Araden cutting and scraping him, but Araden just laughed.

“Is that all you got, Karma?! A couple paper cuts?” Araden smirked, melting the glass in and instant. “I really hate that smirk.” Karma grumbled. Araden laughed slightly “and I really hate humans.”

“Lava Curse: Handcuffs.” rings of lava appeared around Karma’s wrist and ankles, binding her to the outside wall of the store. “Lava Curse: Scorch.” the rings began burning her skin at a painful temperature.

“AGH!!!!” she screamed, her voice echoing through the screams of innocent villagers running for their lives, trying to escape the demon’s men and women who intruded on the peaceful life they’ve been living for years.

“Let her go!” Mazus yelled, calling Araden’s attention “you already hurt my family enough, just please,” his voice quieted “don't hurt her too.”

“Awe, ain’t that sweet,” Araden placed his hand on his heart with a dramatic gasp “I think I had a change of heart!”

“Thank you-” “SIKE!!” Araden upped the temperature, “doing this,” Araden gestured towards the mass chaos “it gives me a weird rush I can't explain!” he had a sick, twisted, look in his eyes.

“Taking over this wimps body is the best decision I’ve ever made!” Araden cackled, “you humans spend your entire lives doing stupid things and ruining out planet!” Araden flicked Mazus’ chin up “I’m just trying to make the world a better place.”

“By killing millions of innocent people?!” Mazus’ stated. “They’re just in the way, once I get rid of these insects and finally get the grail and Swan, I’ll be able to rule the world and start a new fresh society, one where everyone will bow down to me.”

“Do you really think Swan is gonna let you get away with that?” Mazus grunted, trying to break free from Briar vines.

“She is,” Araden grew a sly smirk “if she ever wants Lucifer back.”

Mazus looked at his family suffering in pain, he couldn't stand it.

“So are you going to give us the pictures,” Araden snapped his fingers, the heat on Karma's cuffs growing hotter “or does your wife have to scream even louder?”

Mazus looked up at Araden, a plan formulating in his head “you can have the picture,” “thank you! Was that so fudging hard-” “but you have to agree to leave us alone and never come back.”

Araden groaned drastically, flinging his arms back “fine! You guys are so difficult! Humans are the worst!!”

Araden flicked his hand upward, making the handcuffs disappear, Karma fell to the floor.

He looked back to see Mazus was still wrapped in vines “what are you waiting for Briar?! Let the man go already so I can get my pictures!”

Briar rolled her eyes and released Mazus from the vines. He ran Karma's side, scorch marks tainted her body.

“Mazus…” she spoke softly “don't give him…the pictures.” Mazus smiled, trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.

“Don't worry, he'll be gone soon.” Mazus kissed her forehead before going inside and grabbing a yellow envelope off the broken counter.

“Here,” he threw them at Araden “go nuts.”

“Thank you, now we can finally get out of this,” he opened the pictures, his eyes widened in anger “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?”

Araden turned the picture to face the group to reveal Brian from Family Guy doing the Peanut butter jelly time dance.

Mazus, Nylora, Briar, and Winter began bursting out in laughter “oh you think this is funny don't you?” Araden had a deadpan look on his face.

“Actually, yes.” Nylora replied, toning down her laughter enough to answer Araden's rhetorical question.

“Since you guys think this is a game, I'm going to break the rules,” he looked at Winter “bind em.”

She nodded and pulled out her scythe “frozen curse : Frostbite.” ice began freezing Nylora and Mazus bodies.

“Briar, go get Karma and Amaura.” Araden had a sly smirk on his face. “Don't touch them! You can't do this!” Nylora yelled, struggling to break free from the ice.

The two watched as their loved ones were dragged away from them.

Araden chuckled and faced Nylora, “watch me.”


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for like weeks, we just moved into our new house so I've been busy.

Sadly, school starts tomorrow for me 😫😫. Which means updates might be slower! Right when I get to the good stuff school comes in and ruins everything!

But anyways! Our story is actually only 25% till we reach the end.

But don't worry, we have Guns and Roses but I don't know if it'll ever measure up to Good At Being Bad.

It's honestly been the best writing for u readers and I hope I get to continue doing this.

Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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