EP.166|Nobody Will Come Between Us!

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EP.166|Nobody Will Come Between Us!

Meanwhile, back in the Mirror Realm, Evie and Eddie were helping Cosmina escape.

“Alright Cosmina, just climb down very quietly.” Evie instructed, Cosmina nodded and jumped down from her window, landing gracefully like a cat.

Eddie looked at her up and down “did you change clothing?” Cosmina nodded “I put my dress over some pillows to look like I was sleeping.”

Her new outfit consists of a black tube-top style shirt, which parts in the middle of the front and is held together with a metal ring with a thick, slightly damaged shawl over that, which is made of a rough, tan material.

Below that, she wears a skirt made of plate armor that is divided into long strips and have a similar look to treads on a tank (or other tracked vehicle).

Under her skirt, she wears very short shorts, mostly for comfort and mobility reasons while keeping her modesty, especially if she has to drop her skirt at any time on battle.

“Lets go.” Cosmina had a bright smile on her face, she couldn't wait to get back to Antonie. Eddie peaked around the corner to see the guards were sleeping.

Eddie waved down Evie and Cosmina, telling them it was safe to come out and meet Jasper, Carlos, Hunter, and Maleficent at the gates.

“Is this Cosmina?” Carlos asked, Cosmina nodded and shook Carlos’ hand “pleasure to meet you.”

“We better hurry and get out of here before someone notices your gone.” Hunter suggested as the group sneaked out of the castle grounds, walking through the Crystal Forest which shines in the moonlight.

Cosmina sighed “it’s just like how I remembered.” Jasper tilted his head in concern “you’ve been here before?”

“Me and Antoine came here all the time when he visited.” Cosmina reminced.

Cosmina slept soundly in her bed, clutching the small chibi doll of Antoine she used when he was away. Antoine smiled, perched on her window, staring down lovingly at his Cosmo.

Gods and goddesses she’s beautiful. Antoine climbed into her bed quietly as he wrapped his arms around Cosmina.

“Your beautiful, Cosmina.” Antoine whispered, Cosmina smiled and placed her hand on his “when did you get back? I thought you weren’t supposed to get back from the Summit tomorrow?”

“It ended early, but nevermind that,” Antoine grabbed the chibi doll and smirked “is this me?”

Cosmina blushed “y-ye-yes, I use it when your away.”

Antoine chuckled and kissed her lips, surprising Cosmina “your so cute.”

Cosmina blushed more when Antoine’s hand ran up her legs, soon reaching the middle part of them “Antoine...wait…” 

Antoine sighed, “I know, we’re gonna wait.” Cosmina looked down, clutching the doll “sorry,” she muttered “it’s just-”

Antonie smiled and pecked her lips “you don't need to explain, I know you have a good reason, whether you wanna tell me or not.”

“Thank you.” Cosmina smiled, the two laying back down “my mom always told me to wait till I was with the person I want to be with for the rest of my life,” Cosmina kissed his hand “and that’s you.”

“How about this, in a couple of weeks, we’ll rent a hotel room and have a whole fancy night and at the end,” Antoine leaned in and whispered “I’ll finally be able to see everything under that dress.”

Cosmina blushed “An-Antoine!” he smirked and pulled her in close “gods and goddesses your adorable.”

Antoine stared into her green eyes, brushing a stand of her hair behind her ear “I love you.”

Cosmina smiled and kissed him “I love you too,” Antoine slowly laid Cosmina down on the bed, hovering over her.

He licked his lips and dove down, kissing her neck, Cosmina gasped “An-Antoine, wha-?” “shh, I promise, you’ll like it.”

Cosmina shifted her body under him, there was this weird rush flowing through her body, making Cosmina moan.  “Antonie!”

He sucked on her neck, surely leaving a hickey mark “I told you you’d like it.” Cosmina nodded, she didn't want him to stop.

Antoine’s hand ran up her shirt reaching her chest “Cosmina, if you want me to stop, just tell me.” Cosmina kissed him “just over the shirt, okay?”

Antonie nodded and kissed her again, this time, it was filled with passion, love, respect, all that fancy shit.

Cosmina then heard her door opened, Antonie quickly hid under the bed, Cosmina tried to turn down her blushing face “Miss Cosmina, is everything okay in here?” her maid, Darcy, asked.

“Y-Yes Miss Darcy.” Cosmina stuttered. Darcy then heard a sound from under her bed “Antoine, you’re under the bed, aren’t you?”

Antoine sighed and came out from her bed “hey Darcy.” she sighed, shaking her head, “I thought you two were playing it safe, remember the safe house, your supposed to us it.”

“But I wanted to see my princess now, I wasn’t about to wait till next friday to see her!” Antoine stated, intertwining his fingers with Cosmina’s.

“You know Miss Cosmina is saving herself, right?” Darcy reminded him. “I know, but that doesn't mean I can't kiss her.” Antoine kissed Cosmina again, drawing a blush to her face.

“If your going to be together, at least do it at the safe house, Cosmina’s father will be back any minute and I doubt that Antoine wants to die.” Darcy suggested.

Antoine picked up Cosmina bridal style and leaped out of the window, the two now walking through the forest.

“Cosmina,” Antoine held her close “one day, we won't have to hide anymore, we’ll be free.” Cosmina smiled “oh Antoine, I don't want to hide my love for you anymore.”
“Neither do I baby, but it’s the life we have to live.” Antoine sighed, placing her down on the grass gently. “What if we run away?” Cosmina suggested.

“Huh?” Antoine sat up. “Yeah, we’ll just run away, start a new life outside the mirror realm. It’ll be perfect Antoine! I’ve heard stories about the outside world,” she sighed in relief, looking up at the stars “it’s amazing.”

Antoine kissed her hand “your wish is my command.” Cosmina smiled and giggled, “I love you, Antoine.” he smiled as well “so, where do you want to go? Italy? France? Spain? Los Angeles?”

“How about Venice? It’s an entire city on water! I have to see that babe!” Cosmina’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “You know that city is about to sink right?” Antoine chuckled.

“I don't care, I gotta see it. My mom told me Venice was amazing!” Cosmina gasped “we can start a family!”

Antoine blushed mandly “fam-family?!” “ye-yeah, don't you want a family with me?” Cosmina looked down.

“Cosmo,” he lifted her chin “of course I want a family with you, honestly, a couple months after we started dating all I could think about is us having a little girl or boy running around.”
Cosmina smirked and pinched his cheeks “awe! Look who’s the softey!”

“Shut up.” Antoine muttered. “Your a big softy!” Cosmina gushed. “I hate you sometimes.” Antoine looked away from her.

“No,” Cosmina kissed his cheek “you love me.” “you’re right, I do love you princess.” Antoine held her hand.

“So, you wanna go to Venice?” Cosmina nodded. “Then it’s settled!” Antoine stated “we’ll live in Venice!”

Cosmina smiled with excitement “we’re really leaving?” Antoine nodded “you bet your fine __ we are.” Antoine slapped her butt, a eeping sound drawing from Cosmina.

“I’ll pick you up in the morning, for now, rest my princess.” Antoine kissed her forehead before disappearing into the shadows.

Cosmina shivered with excitement “dammit Antoine, why do you always leave me wanting more.”

The next morning, Cosmina was all ready for Venice, the only thing was Darcy wasn’t ready to say goodbye. “Miss Cosmina! Don't leave me!” Darcy cried into Cosmina’s shoulder.

“I know it’ll be tough but you can always come visit me and Antoine.” Cosmina reminded her. 

“But I’ve known you since you were a little baby! I don't want you to leave! I promised your mother, Paulenne, that I would watch over you when she left.” Darcy sniffled.

Cosmina looked down, she really missed her mom, she hadn't seen her since she was 13, if her mom was still Queen she wouldn't have a problem with her and Antoine being together.

Darcy rubbed Cosmina’s back “I know,” she said in a comforting tone “I miss her too.”

Cosmina took a deep breath in and out, “you know, she was the reason me and Antoine met,” Cosmina commented. “Really?” Darcy asked, semi in shock.

“Yep,” Cosmina nodded “she made sure both of us saw the last piece of strawberry cake, she knew we would both dash to it and once our hands touched,” she sighed in delight, remembering the first time she felt Antoine’s touch “it was magical.”

“That’s why I have to leave Darcy, me and Antoine need to start a new life with him, somewhere we can both free.” Darcy noticed the light in Cosmina’s eyes, Darcy smiled and hugged her one final time.

“Promise you’ll come and visit?” Cosmina asked, Darcy nodded through her tears “always honey.”

Cosmina then heard a knock on her window, she quickly darted to the window, opening it to reveal her Dark Night Prince “ready to go, Cosmo?”

Cosmina nodded and jumped into Antoine’s arms, the two were about to climb down but Darcy stopped him and whispered “if you break Miss Cosmina’s heart,” she clenched his forearm “I’ll tear yours out.”

Antoine gulped and nodded “don't worry, she's safe with me.” Darcy smiled and closed the window, both Cosmina and Antoine climbing down the castle walls.

They both looked into each other’s eyes, they knew the adventure ahead would be rough, but the juice was worth the squeeze.

After walking for a while, Antoine and Cosmina stood at the portal to the outside world “are you sure you wanna do this, honey?” Antoine asked cautiously.

Cosmina nodded surely “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” she grabbed onto Antoine hand, guiding him to the portal.

“Where do you think your going?” Araden asked, stepping out of the portal, surprising Cosmina and Antoine.

“Who the hell are you?” Cosmina asked, pulling out her dagger. “The names Araden,” he introduced “and I can't let you leave.”

“And why is that?” Antoine asked rudely. “I promised some people to keep you in the Mirror Realm in exchange for the shards.” Araden replied, pointing to Cosmina’s necklace and Antoine’s bracelet.

“You must be insane if you think you’re getting the shards.” Cosmina clutched her shards with one hand while the other clutched Antoine’s hand.

Araden started laughing sadicatly “Oh honey,” he had a twisted look in his eyes “I’m am insane, but I’m still gonna get those shards, one way or another.”

Araden whistled loudly, causing Cosmina’s father, King Farelle, and Antoine’s mother, Queen Mantrai to appear out of the shadows.

“Cosmina,” King Farelle clutched Cosmina’s wrist, pulling her away from Antoine “we’re going home right now.”

Queen Mantrai nodded in agreement “same for you Antoine, I never want you to see this witch ever again.”

Cosmina unleashed her hand from his grip “no! I’m not leaving Antoine! He’s the love of my life,” Cosmina held Antoine’s hand, glaring at her father “something you and mom never had.”

Queen Mantrai growled and pulled Antoine towards her “and it’s something you’ll never had with my son.”

Antoine pushed away from his mother, wrapping his arms around Cosmina’s waist “I don't care, Cosmina is my soulmate and I never want to leave her side ever again!”

“I gave you everything you ask for, Cosmina, and this is how you repay me?!” King Farelle scolded. “You gave me nothing! You didn't give a shit about me, ever since mom left me you treated me like trash!” Cosmina yelled.

“I gave you a roof over your head, the best things, the perfect husband for you to marry,” King Farelle pointed to Antoine in shame “and you chose him instead?!”

“Yes! She chose me! Why is that so hard for you two to understand,” Antoine kissed Cosmina’s cheek “we’re in love.” both Cosmina and Antoine said simultaneously.

“Love,” Araden scoffed “you humans are so obsessed with it,” he broke the hands apart “you don't need love when you have money and power.”

“I don't give a shit about money and power if I don't have Antoine by my side!” Cosmina tried to run into Antoine’s arms but her father held her back.

“I’ve waited years to be with Cosmina,” he struggled to get out of his mom’s grasp “I’m not about to let you three take her away from me!”

“Well you’re gonna have to wait a little longer.” Antoine smirked and their parents began dragging the two lovers away from each other.



“I swear, I’ll never stop loving you! Nobody will get between us, not even our parents!” Antione looked at the tears in Cosmina’s eyes.

They both had the same thought in mind…

I’ll get back to you, I swear it...


Oh hey guys! Look what came! An update!

So surgery went really well, I was up and walking two days after which surprised me and my friends!

I have enough energy to write right now but my shoulder so that's good...?

Anyway! I'm finally back bitches!!!

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