EP.167|The Right To Be Free

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EP.167|The Right To Be Free

Freddie, Shadow Freddie, Heine, Operetta, and CJ all stood in shock after hearing Mazus’ story. “Th-That really happened?” Shadow Freddie has her hands over her mouth in shock.

Nylore nodded, crying as Operetta tried to console her “Araden just took mom and Amaura right from under us just because of some stupid pictures.”

“There has to be a way to bring Amaura and Karma back right?” CJ asked hopefully, Nylora began crying more “I-I-I’m sorry, I can't do this anymore.” Nylora ran up to her room in tears.

“She’s been so sad ever since Amaura left, I haven’t seen her smile in weeks.” Mazus sighed, shaking his head. “Well she in love with Amaura, just like you are with Karma.” Heine said.

“We just can't sit here and cry, we gotta get in there and save Karma and Amaura.” Freddie stood, her eyes fired with determination.

“The Camp is heavily guarded by Briar’s guards, there’s no way in or out.” Mazus shook his head.

“I don't care! Mazus,” Freddie, cupped his face “do you love your daughter?” “yeah.” “do you love you wife?” “yeah.”

“Then why the fuck are you still here then? Go save your wife and your daughter’s girlfriend!”

Ben went outside the tent to see Amaura looking at the moon “you can't sleep either, Ben?”

“Nope, this place is too creepy to sleep.” Ben shivered, sitting next to Amaura. “Not to bad when you get past the beatings and inedible food.” Amaura sarcastically said.

“We're never gonna get out of here, are we?” Ben sighed, burying his head in his knees. Amaura looked into his eyes, the hope was draining by the second “Ben, I know this place is depressing, but if you lose hope what does that say for the rest of us?”

Ben shrugged “I don't know, and frankly, I don't care anymore.” Amaura punched his shoulder “Ben, I may have only known you for like 3 days, but you are the brightest person I know,” Ben shrugged again “so?”

“Because of the stories I’ve heard about you, you never lose hope, I don't want you to lose that Ben. You can never lose it,” she clenched his shoulders “never ever can you lose that hope and that smile okay?”

“What’s the point? We’ve been put through more tourture than I’ve ever had in the past 20 years in my lifetime. I’ve never felt so small in my entire life, I’ve always had hope Amaura and I’m tired! I’m tired of having hope! I wanna be the one who doesn't have to rally everyone up!” Ben stood up, his voice raising as well.

“I don't want to be the “perfect child” I wanna relax! I’ve been searching for my brother for 8 months now! 8 Amaura,” he put up 8 fingers “all I want is a day where I don't have to worry about all the stress of Araden and finding the Grail, and finding Swan!”

“Ben…” Amaura muttered, trying to make him stop “no Amaura! I can’t! I can't do it anymore! It’s-It’s-It’s too much! I never asked for any of this to happen to me or the VKs! I wanted a normal life where I can grow old and have kids with Mal!”

“Do you really feel that way?” Amaura muttered. “Yes! All I want is a normal life, I wish I could be like you Amaura, you and Nylora lived in safety for so long, you didn't have to worry about any monsters trying to attack you.” Ben sighed in envyness.

Amaura laughed “you thought me and Nylora live in safety?” Ben nodded, he was confused “well sure, you two don't have to go hunt for this stupid grail like we do.”

“Yeah but we had our own struggles too, do you know what it’s like being a lesbian couple in this world? Sometimes it sucks, my parents threw me out when they found out I didn't like boys, I haven’t spoken to them in years.” Amaura began.

“Luckily, Nylora’s parents accepted her and now I live in the house next to them with Nylora, but even then, people would come into the store and insult, destroy, and try to damage our pride because we were open about our love.” Amaura drew her and Nylora’s initials aimlessly in the dirt.

“Just because people don't fight monsters or save their brothers from demons doesn't mean they live the best life ever, we all go through struggles Ben, but it’s what we do to get out of them, that's what matters.” Amaura rubbed his back.

“You can’t lose hope Ben, it won't be good for any of us.”

“This stupid Camp thing is getting on my nerves.” Zeref groaned, “there’s no way in, all our escape plans have been zeroed out.”

“What if we cut into the barbed wire?” CJ suggested. “Nah, that wouldn't work, the barbed wire is thornes Briar made that sense off when their cut.” Mazus shook his head.

“What if we take out the guards? Worked for us back on Misty when Evie tried to save Raja.” Operetta said, trying to pitch in.

“That would work if the guards weren’t all freaking computer robots Winter made.” Heine sighed.

“Around, in, over, there’s no way to get in.” Shadow Freddie sighed. The group sat there in silence trying to think of a better way to get into the camp.

“I got it!” Freddie spontaneously jumped up from the couch “what if instead of going over,” Freddie grabbed a dry erase marker, drawing on the blueprints of The Camp “we went under?”

“Like the underground railroad?” Shadow Freddie asked, Freddie nodded. “Exactly! We dig a tunnel under The Camp and get Ben, Amaura, and Karma out safe and sound.” Freddie explained.

“That actually might work, but what would the pipeline?” Mazus pointed to the large metal rod drawing on the blueprints on the underground, dividing the space between the Camp and the outside world.

“Ben and Karma can handle that, Karma has enough strength to break though it and so does Ben.” Heine smiled, they were actually getting somewhere. “Yeah but how’s Ben, Amaura, and Karma supposed to get underground?” Zeref asked.

“Me and Operetta will go in.” Freddie stated, nodding triumphantly. “Excuse me?!” Zeref and Operetta shrieked. “You can't go in there Freddie, it’s too dangerous.” Zeref warned.

“I’ll be fine,” she assured him, her hand on his heart “I’ll have my shadows with me and Operetta too.”

Operetta shivered “this is gonna be a fun story to tell my child,” she muttered under her breather “if it isn't dead by the due date.”

“Oh come on, Operetta,” Freddie ruffled her red hair “we’ll be fine, I promised Hunter nothing would happen to his baby mama while we’re away.”

Operetta blushed “I’m not his baby mama!” Zeref, Freddie, and CJ all laughed. Mazus and Heine chuckled at them “Swan was right about them, their generations truly has the gift.” Mazus nodded.

Theses kids are the ones who change the course of history... Heine smiled, gods and goddesses bless their souls.

Later on that night, the only ones who were up were Operetta, CJ, and Freddie, playfuly agruging about stupid things

“Oh admit, you like it when Carlos call you Princesa all the time.” Operetta has a sly smirk on her face. Now it was CJ’s turn to blush “yeah just because we don't know spanish we know how to use Google Translate.”

“See this is why I don't date animalstics or demons.” Freddie chuckled, Operetta and CJ glared at her. “Oh don't play that card Freddie, your dating the son of a god, that’s higher than our demon and animalistic cards.” CJ scoffed, she rolled her eyes.

“S-So!” Freddie blushed, “it-it’s nice kn-knowing w-we have the gods and godd-goddesses from our side.”

Operetta smirked at Freddie “so I gotta ask something about Zeref’s thunder.” CJ came in close too, nuding her playfully. “You say Zeref has storm marks on his skin, right?” Freddie nodded.

“Yeah why?” She grew suspicious. “Then does it have it down there?” Operetta giggled.

Freddie blushed badly “Operetta! CJ! How could you ask such a thing?!” Operetta and CJ laughed, “it’s an innocent question, does he have it?”

Freddie sighed and nodded, “it honestly a pleasure stimulant.” she muttered, her face red as a strawberry. “Oooh, the sex is very nice, yes?” CJ said in a fake french accent.

Operetta fell to the floor laughing “I...I can't…” “And to answer your question CJ,” Freddie threw a pillow at her “it is very nice.” she smirked, knowing the perfect comeback “how’s yours with Carlos?”

CJ stopped and blushed, remembering back to the last time her and Carlos have done it, which wasn’t too long ago. She shivered with excitement “it-it’s ex-excited-exciting.”

“That’s not what I heard the other night…” Operetta smirked. “Wh-What?” CJ froze. “Yeah Hunter told me you two have been going at it like bunnies, Hunter says it’s because of the season.” Operetta snickered.

CJ gulped, “It is december after all.” “he just can't keep your hands off you, with all the __ you’ve been having, Carlos might be thinking about putting a bun in his Princessa’s oven.”

“M-Me and Car-Carlos haven’t ev-even disscused having kids.” CJ bit her lip, she really wanted kids with Carlos but he was too chicken to ask him.

“He wants a family.” Freddie said, CJ looked up at her. “He-He dose?” Freddie nodded. “Yeah, him and Zeref were talking the other day and he said he was trying to us this season and the next one to get you pregnant.”

“I think he said he couldn't wait to see a little CJ running around the house with your sword. She’d have animalistic powers just like him and is a swordswomen like you.” CJ started to tear up.

“He wants a family...with me…?” she started crying. “Why are you crying?” Operetta asked. “Because of what he said.” She wiped her tears “I’ve never met a family with me, they always said I was too boyish.”

“B-Bu-But Carlos...he loves me, like I’m his princess...like I’m his Pirate Princess.” She sniffled, tears falling on her leggings. She smiled and looked up “I really do love him.” CJ sobbed, Freddie and Operetta hugged her.

“Awe, don't cry, we always knew he loved you.” Operetta smiled. “He really dose.” CJ laid down in her sleeping bag, holding the small chibi doll of Carlos made her feel like she was right next to her.

Operetta and Freddie smiled at the blonde before heading to bed “hey Operetta,” Freddie turned to her “yeah?” she asked. “You and Hunter are gonna be great parents.” Operetta smiled.

“I know, I just hope we’ll be ready for our little ball of sunshine.”

Freddie slept soundly in her sleeping bag, she couldn't help but think about how life would be with kids with Zeref.

“You want kids with me?” Zeref voice shook her soul. Freddie sat up and nodded, she froze “do-do you?”

Zeref crouched down beside her “Freddie Facilier,” Zeref got closer to her, their noses touching “you’re the only one I want a family with.”

Freddie smiled, staring into his stormy eyes, he looked so fiery...she couldn't deny the passion he had for her.

“Zer-Zeref…” Freddie stuttered momentarily before Zeref kissed her lips. At first it was rough, almost like he wanted to rip her lips off, but then it softened, like a feather like kiss.

He slowly began lowering Freddie to the ground, their lips never disconnecting, once she was fully back on the sleeping bag, Zeref finally released the kiss, her brown hair was fanned out.

The moon light shined on her chocolate skin, Zeref couldn't describe how beautiful she looked in that moment “gods and goddesses…” Zeref’s breath was truly taken away “you’re beautiful.”

Freddie blushed a bit, smiling up at him with a toothy grin “you’re pretty handsome yourself.” she sat up, giving him a small peck on the lips.

Zeref caged her in his arms, blocking her from leaving, it’s not like she wanted to leave. Freddie giggled as Zeref kissed her lips, not backing out of this makeout session.

“What’s with you today?” She was shocked, normally Zeref wasn’t so romantic or kissey. “I don't know, something about you tonight is just…” he looked at her up and down “irresistible.”

Zeref felt his aggressiveness as the kiss lasted for minutes. It was an intense, passionate kiss with no room for breath. She could taste the storm magi from his luscious lips and felt inclined to respond well.

He was teasing her. He knew she wouldn't deny him his wants. He kissed her as if there was no tomorrow. He was craving her, he wanted her so badly.

“Zeref,” she breathed when they finished, both their faces red from the head of the event. Zeref eyed his beautiful girlfriend and still looked flustered. He didn't care. He traced his hands on her curves and felt her body tense. That was all he needed to make sure she wants him too.

His hands were eager to work her body. He didn't give her room to refuse as he undressed her from shoulder and pulled it down her waist.

He lowered himself down so his hands and knees were either side of her and she gazed up into his entrancing electric blue-grey eyes, which were blazing with an emotion so unknown to her.

It seemed like a mixture of love and lust. She had seen something similar in the eyes of men who gawked at her from time to time, or saw her at the pool in her bathing suit, expect there was no love in their eyes. Only his.

In a tender way that Freddie known Zeref to do, he kissed her. The kiss was heated and loving at the same time. Both wanted to touch the other so eagerly, but they were desperate not to break the kiss.

Zeref was the first, breaking the passionate kiss and continuing it on her neck. She let out a soft moan of satisfaction as his tongue flicked around on her silky mocha skin, hitting the right spots.

He broke away again and kept going south, leaving little love bites as he went. She frowned, they were going to leave marks, and that meant she’d have to put in a fine effort to keep them hidden.

Zeref leaned in and whispered “why hide the love marks from a god?” Freddie shievered, his hands feeling the outside of her nightgown that covered her body.

“Zeref...I-I-I…” she stammered, Zeref kissed her lips, soon lowering to her special place, “tonight is about you Freddie,” she smiled as he continued “I’ll make sure you’ll never forget this.”

The next morning, Freddie, Operetta, CJ, and Zeref all stood in the middle of town, now was the time for their plan to begin.

“You’re really gonna do this huh?” Zeref asked, Freddie nodded. “I’ll be okay, all we need to do is make sure we get Ben, Amaura, and Karam out of there.” Freddie kissed his forehead, standing on top of the foundation.

“Ready?” Freddie asked Operetta, she nodded clearly, standing next to her. “Let’s do this.” Operetta said.

“HEY!” Freddie yelled, getting the townspeople’s attention “what the hell happened to you guys?! I remember my father telling me this place being a colorful, wonderful place. Now your letting some stupid minions take over and tell you what to do and say?!”

The robots that guarded the town scanned Freddie, determining her as a threat “Freddie Facilier: free speech: unlawful.” the robot dispatched, darting towards Freddie, knocking her to the ground.

Freddie nodded at Operetta, this was supposed to happen, she wanted to get caught “Freddie’s right! We shouldn’t be subdued by these higher powers! We have the right to be free, to love who we want to love, be crazy as hell!” Operetta continued.

Operetta then saw Freddie being put in handcuffs “if your going to take her,” Operetta put her hands out in front of her “take me too! I’d rather live in that stupid camp rather than this horrible unfree place!”

The robots put Operetta in handcuffs as well as they dragged off her and Freddie, Zeref watched, he couldn't do anything or he’d mess up the plan.

CJ noticed the lightning crackling in Zeref’s hand, his fist clenched. He wanted to punch the living hell out of the robots, but what Freddie and Operetta said were right.

We all have the right to be free.


I don't think I've ever updated this late. Yikes, but you'll be happy to know that I'm almost done with another episode!

I've been obsessed with Black Clover, it's like Fairy Tail, but I really like Noelle and Asta together!

But Asta's too dense to realize Noelle likes him! Like come on man! Stop being an idiot and get together!

But besides that! Next Monday is when my doc might let me go back to school!!!

I really wanna go becuz I miss my friend and this boy Julian (I call him Curly Q) and he's super sweet and nice. 😊

Okay, maybe I got a crush on him, okay not maybe, I do have a crush on him. It's killing me being away from him!

I mean, sure he makes my heart beat fast when I think about him but I can't see him! I just wanna go back.

So fingers crossed guys!

Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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