EP.176|Memories From Long Ago (Part 2)

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EP.176|Memories From Long Ago (Part 2)

“Evie~” Jasper cooed, holding Evie in his lap “Yes?” Evie questioned. “You never finished the story.” Jasper noted, kissing Evie’s neck.

“Well, how am I supposed to finish a story when you keep kissing me.” Evie laughed. “But you taste good, and smell ever better.” Jasper drooled slightly.

“Okay,” Evie left Jasper lap, sitting in the diner’s booth with the VKs surrounding her “I think I left off when I arrived at the palace, yes?”

“Miss Jasmine,” Evie looked up at the one princess she admired “is your family as bad as people say they are?”

“No, no, those are just rumors, honey.” Jasmine lied. “Oh, okay, my friend Mal thought you we’re all evil.” Evie giggled “thank gods that's not true.”

“Of course it’s not. Now, I would like you to meet my husband.” Jasmine opened the door to the throne room, “Aladdin, this is Evie, our new maid.”
Aladdin walked down from the throne “welcome,” Aladdin walked around her, doing a small inspection “I think you’ll fit in just fine.”

“Kuno! Come down here and meet you new maid!” Aladdin called yelled. Jasper growled, stopping Evie momentarily “are you going to do this every time I say his name?”

“Kuno’s stupid.” Jasper pouted, grabbing Evie’s waist, placing her back on his lap “you’re mine.”

Evie chuckled and continued the story.
Kuno arrived in the throne room, looking Evie up and down “kinda short, but, she’ll do.” he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her upstairs.

“Uh, okay…” Evie muttered.

“There are some rules when you’re here.” Kuno opened the door to his room “rule 1) never defy us.”
Evie shivered slightly “alright, Kuno.”
“2) you are addressed me as ‘Kuno-sama, Sir Kuno, or Yong Prince.’.”

Evie gulped “yes, Kuno,” he glared at her “I-I mean Kuno-sama!”

“Better, we’ll work on that, rule 3) you are not allowed to leave the palace grounds unless me, my mother, or my father allow it.”

“But, what it I want to visit family?” Evie questioned, Kuno glared at her again. “No family, your work is your family and that’s it.”

Evie nodded and looked down “and rule 4) you don't talk unless spoken too.”
Kuno growled “what’s rule 4?”

“No talking unless spoken too.” Evie muttered, looking down. “Good, now,” Kuno tossed her the uniform “put this on, you are reqired to wear this everyday and make sure it’s clean.”
“Yes, Kuno-sama.”

“If you break any of these rules, you will be punished.”

“Punished how-” but before Evie could reply, Kuno slapped her across the face “ow! What’s wrong with you-” Kuno slapped her again “Kuno-sama!”

“What’s rule 4?” Kuno scowled. “Don't speek unless spoken too.” Evie repeated.

“I can still feel the slaps to this day,” Evie shivered. Jasper whimpered and kissed her hand “I’m sorry, my blueberry.”

As the weeks wore on, Evie was whipped into submission.

She hated it.

She spent days crying herself to sleep in her “room”, which was really a cold dirty cell in the basement.

She hadn't see the sun in week, she desperately wanted to see her mom, Mal, and Miss Maleficent again more than anything.

The palace that she once loved, turned into the center of her nightmares!
“I wanna go home!” she sobbed into her scare filled knees in the corner of her cell. She couldn't take it anymore, Mal was right, she shouldn’t have taken this job.

It has gotten to the point where Evie was forced to wear a shock collar, a very painful shock collar, it covered over her necklace. Each time she tugged on it, the collar would shock her.

“Hey, maid girl.” Aladdin knocked on the cold steel bars “get us, we have company.” Aladdin opened the cell. Evie rose to her feet, wiping her tears “yes, Aladdin-sama.”

“Wipe those tears darling,” Jasmine smiled “if you do good, we might let you stay in the garden.”

Evie looked away from Jasper, the princess she once admired was gone, she was nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing.

“No thank you.” Evie muttered. Jasmine pressed the button on her wrist, sending shock waves to Evie’s neck.

Evie feel to the floor, spasming and screaming in pain “I-I-I-I me-mean, ye-yes Jasm-Jasmine-sama!”

“That’s what I thought, you should be grateful when I give you things.” Jasmine grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up the stairs like a rag doll.

“When we reach the dining room, act normal, smile, and don't cry.” Aladdin scolded. “Yes, Aladdin-sama.” Evie’s voice was dead cold.

Act normal.


And don't cry.

Those were always the rules for when Evie was in public with anyone from the Abawa family.

Nobody could know she was in pain. But that’s all she was in, constant, emotional and phyical pain!

Times when she was alone in the palace, Evie would fall to the floor, rolling up into a ball and crying.
It’s all Evie began to do lately.

Cry and Pain.

Cry and Pain.

Cry and Pain.

On an endless loop for eternity.

“I said smile, you worthless brat.” Jasmine growled, forcing Evie to smile.

Behind that smile was a mountain worth of tears.

“Ye-Yes, Jasmine-sama.”

Jasmine and Aladdin walked into the dining room, smiling and chatting with all their hero friends as they sat for tea.
Evie, as always at these events, walking around, topping off anyone with an empty glass.

“Look at her, she’s as ugly as the last one.” a mean voice whispered ever so loudly, just enough for Evie to hear.

“Just keep smiling, you’ll get shocked if you don't keep smiling.” Evie whispered to herself. As much as she forced her face to smile, she couldn't stop the tears.

“She’s just some little rat we hired from the villain islands.” Jasmine scoffed, “she’s just scum.”

“Act normal.”

“It took me a while before I could whip her into shape.”

“Keep smiling.”

“We used the collar Cinderella’s mice built for us, right mom?”

“Don't cry.”
“Yep, it’s working really nicely, that shock collar roasts her neck like a fried turkey.”

“Act normal”

“I know, we use it on our maid and I’ve never seen her act so polite and obedient.”

“Keep smiling.”

“We should hire more kid maids more often.”

That’s when Evie lost it, she couldn't imagine another little girl going through this pain!

“I CAN'T DO THIS!!!” Evie dropped the tea and darted out to palace “I need the sun! I need to be free! I need love! I need respect!”

Evie climbed over the garden wall and into the desert, she looked behind her to see the palace “torture house,” she looked into front to see the unkind desert “or sahara desert?”

She saw the guards chasing after her “I choose desert!”

Evie began running as fast as her little feet could carry her “please...anywhere...but here…”

Soon, she began stumbling over her own feet “no more running...I need water…”

“But...if I collapse...they’ll send me back...I-I...I can't go back…”

Before she collapsed, Evie used the last of her strength to press her button on the back of her necklace, sending a distress signal. And just like that, Evie collapsed into the hot sand, her eyes flickering into darkness.

“Evie...Evie...Evieanna…” a warm, kind, soft voice called out to her.

Evie slowly opened her eyes to see she was in a small house, Healer standing above her “why hello.”

“Please...don't send...me back…” Evie began breathing heavily, freaking out, thinking that she was back in her torture palace.

“Never, my sweet sapphire, you’re out, you’re free. You’ll never go through that pain again.” Healer showed her the collar “see, it’s off.”

Evie began to cry, however, this time, they were tears of joy “I-I-I’m fre-free?”
Healer nodded, Evie sat up, trying her best to hug Healer “thank you! Tha-Thank you!”

“You’re welcome my sweet sapphire, you’re safe now. The snake will not let anyone touch his jewels.” Healer whispered. “Wh-What...wh-what does tha-that mean?” Evie stuttered.

“You’ll find out soon, now, I’ve informed your mother about your escape, she wants you to stay here for a couple of months until things die down, they sent a search team to the main island on the villain islands.” Healer explained, Evie wiped her tears.

“Where am I?” Evie sniffled. “The Saharah Island part of the Villain Island.” Healer said, snapping the collar and burning it.

“You're my friend Narssia’s house. Her niece and nephew are staying so you’ll have some friends your age.” Healer smiled, folding the towel she used to dab on Evie’s forehead.

“Is she up?” a little voice whispered, peeking in at the doorway. “Yes, Serenity, she’s up.” Healer smiled, letting the little girl enter.

“This is Serenity Damoola.” Healer introduced.

“Wait, wait, wait! You knew Jasper and Serenity when they’re little?” Ben questioned.

“Yep, but I doubt my silly dragon remembers.” Evie chuckled, running her fingers through his hair.

“I remember, I just thought you didn't…” Jasper muttered, looking up at his mate from her lap. “So, should I consider the story or should you?” Evie flash her a beautiful smile.

“You do it, I like it when you smile.” Jasper felt like melting at her touch
Serenity is of small stature, due to her young age. Slender and petite, she has a big head that is filled with flowing curled blonde dreadlocks, that fade into dark blue in the tips.

She's definitely more monstrous looking than her sister, with emerald green eyes above her button nose, which hold her enormous purple glasses with horns in the end.

In fact, horns seem to be a big part of her complexion, as she has a row of small pink horns in her forehead, between her thick pink fin-like eyebrows, that point out from her face, and she has similar pink horns in her shoulders and lower limbs.

Her skin is mostly violet, however she has turquoise smudges all around her body, most prominent framing her face, in her lower jaw that also holds noticeable scales, and her arms, where two big blue fins sprout, around her shoulder area. The same fin design is used for her violet ears.

“Your offly pretty!” Serenity smiled, playing with Evie’s blue hair. “Thank you, you’re pretty cute yourself.” Evie giggled. “You should meet my brother! He’s the best!” Serenity grabbed Evie’s hand, Evie flinched, her mind flashing back to the palace.

Evie gulped “how about we don't hold hands.” Serenity tilted her head, but ultimately nodded “alright.”

Her and Serenity walked down to the dining room to see Jasper and Narsia enjoying breakfast. “Jasper! Look, the pretty lady woke up.” Serenity skippied downstairs.

Jasper choked on his orange juice, the sun hit Evie just right to make her beautiful skin glow.

“Oh my…” Jasper muttered. “Hey! Snake boy! Focus! We have a guest.” Narsia slapped him upside the head.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Jasper sighed. “Hi Jasper-sama!” Evie smiled, it looked a little restained. “You don't need to call me Jasper-sama, Jasper is fine.” Jasper chuckled.

“Y-You su-sure?” Evie suttered. “Yes, darling, and why are you crying?” Narsia asked. “I-I-I’m sorry Narsia-sama, I-I-I shouldn’t be crying.” Evie stammered, her tears flowing down her cheeks.

“It’s okay, just stop it with the same thing, it’s kinda weird. Now,” Narsia crouched down before Evie “why are you crying?”

“A-At my old jo-job, the-they hurt me!” Evie cried into Narsia’s shoulder. “Oh, honey, give me some names and I’ll set them on fire.” Narsia firsts were coated in fire.

“Fire magi…” Evie muttered. “Yeah, what’s yours?” Narsia asked. “I-I-I don't know…” Evie looked down. “Well, it’ll reveal itself someday, don't worry. Why don't you and Jasper drop of Serenity at camp?” Narsia suggested.

“Auntie!” Jasper scolded. “Did I hear someone complaining?” Narsia glared at him. “No…” Jasper sighed. “Exactly, now take this nice girl around town.” Narsia said, looking at Evie’s ripped clothes.

“You can't possibly go out in that,” Narsia used her fire magi to fix Evie’s clothes “there, all the better.”

Before Serenity, Jasper, and Evie could leave, Evie used a head wrap to wrap around her head for protection from being seen.

“Why are you hiding your pretty hair?” Jasper asked, stroking her blue hair. “I-I-I don't want to be seen.” Evie stuttered.

“Someone as beautiful as you should be seen.” Jasper muttered.

“Did you say something Jasper?”

“Nope. Nothing at all.” Jasper walked out the door, his sister and future girlfriend in hand.

“Miss Evie, I hope I’m as pretty as you when I’m 13!” Serenity gushed. “You really think I’m that beautiful?” Evie chuckled.

“Yeah! I mean, look at you! You’re the prettiest lady I’ve ever seen, beside my mom, of course.” Serenity smiled.

Evie blushed, it was nice to have somebody who actually like her, ever if they person was 7 years old.

“Alright, get going to camp, that macaroni art isn't gonna make it themselves.” Jasper chuckled. “Bye bye Jasper!” Serenity waved goodbye.

“Hey! Forgetting something?” Jasper called out, Serenity made an ‘o’ face and rushed back, giving Jasper a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before running to catch up with her friends.

“She’s adorable.” Evie smiled. “Yeah, she’s the light in our little family.” Jasper said, walking around town with Evie.

Jasper noticed Evie had to her hood on, trying her best to avoid eye contact with everyone “take off your hood Evie, it’s 89 degrees, you must be hot as hell.”

“Nah, I’m okay…” Evie was gasping for air. “Evie! You’re dying in that sweater!” Jasper said, trying to take off her hood.

“Jasper-kun! Stop it!” Evie laughed, Jasper began tickling her.

“Take off the jacket!” Jasper kept tickling her. “Alright! I’ll take it off!” Evie laughed, finally taking off the sweater.

“Feeling better?” Jasper asked. “Actually yeah, it was starting to get hot.” Evie fanned herself, putting her hair in a ponytail.

Jasper stared at her blank neck, it was perfectly clear, unmark. Waiting for Jasper to sink his fangs into it.

“Yeah, hot...so hot…” Jasper licked his lips, he could feel his fangs growing “no! No Ioaz! Not now! It’s July! Not January! Plus, she’s been through so much, please don't have me mark her right now!”

“But why! She’s perfect for you!” Ioaz smirked. “Don't you want to sink your teeth into that unmark neck.”

“Gods I do, but no! She’s a friend!” Jasper shook his head of his unholy thoughts and went back to talking to Evie.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been talking too much, I want to know more about you.” Evie smiled, looking at the ground. “Oh, um...there’s really not a lot about me to know about.” Jasper stumbled over his words.

“Well that can't be true, you seem like a very interesting person.” Evie said, holding his hand. “Well, my father is Jafar, my moms a mermaid,” Jasper began. “That’s why Serenity has mermaid traits.” Evie muttered.

“So then why are you here? Shouldn’t you and Serenity be doing that mermaid migration with your mother?” Evie questioned, the two sitting on the swings in the park.

“Nope, the mermaid are pretty strict when it comes to humans, especially ones that are half mermaid. They believe mermaids should only have kids with other mermaids.” Jasper sighed, sometimes his mother’s family had some twisted ways of thinking.

“What about your dad?” Evie further asked. “He’s on a business trip for his work. So, we’re staying with my auntie Narsia for the summer.” Jasper replied.

“Honestly, it was getting kinda bland working at her shop, then you showed up out of the blue.” Jasper chuckled. “Sorry about that.” Evie apologized.

“No, no, you have nothing to be sorry about, this summer needed something exciting anyways.” Jasper smiled, ruffling Evie’s hair.

For the first time in a while, Evie laughed, it was forced or fake, it was a real, genuine, laugh.

“Something tells me you haven’t laughed in awhile.” Jasper noticed.

“Yeah...it’s just, the last month has been hard…” Evie laughter died down.
Jasper frowned, he didn't want to make her sad “hey! You don't need to talk about it unless you’re ready.”

“Thank you Jasper.” Evie wiped her tears. “I’m surprised you don't have more friends.”

Jasper had a blank expression on his face “I do,”

“Oh,” Evie noticed his face and began laughing again “your face…!”

“Shut up! I do have friends! 6 by the way!” Jasper laughed along side her.

“Oh really? Not counting me and you’re sister?” Evie smirked.

“Okay...it’s just 4…” Jasper pouted. “It’s quality, not quantity.” Evie reminded him. “Whatever,” Jasper rolled his eyes in a joking way “my friends are just away from the summer.”

“Tell me about them.” Evie inquired.

“Well, there’s Carlos DeVille, he’s the baby of the group. He’s the son of Cruella DeVille. He’s also fluent in spanish, and he can sense people’s Magi Aura, it’s actually really cool. Oh! He has the little dog named Dude,”

“Wait, his name is Dude? Like D-U-D-E?” Evie chuckled. “Yep, that’s what he named him.” Jasper replied, shrugging “I’m pretty sure he gets his animalistic traits from him, or it may be because of his mom, I don't know.”

“Then there’s Hunter Legume, he’s Gaston son, he may act tough on the outside, but deep down he’s a big softie. He’s really go at photography but he excels in hunting, hence the name ‘Hunter’. He’s also a demon vessel.”

“Hold on, kids can be demon vessels?! I thought you had to be 18 to be one of those.” Evie was shocked, she couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a demon at that age.

“Hunter says Brazzan is pretty chill, beside the fact that he wants world domination, he’s alright.” Jasper sweatdropped.

“Alrighty then…” Evie muttered, laughing a little.

“There’s also Zeref Aidoneus, he’s Hades and Persephone’s son. It’s weird, his father is the god of death but he uses lightning magi. He has this giant 3 headed dog that guards his house! It’s so cool! He’s been pretty down lately ever since he got a new guard,” he leaned in “but if you ask me, he totally crushing on her and just too scared to show it.”

“Awe, that’s sweet.” Evie smiled “it must be nice to have a guard protecting you.”

“He says he doesn't see it as “protecting”,” Jasper looked up at the sky “more like a partnership. Like, somebody to watch his back and be like his right hand man -- er, woman.”

“How about we do that?” Evie suggested, holding Jasper’s hand. “A partnership?” Jasper looked into her brown eyes.

“Yeah, I could be your right hand woman.” Evie winked, giggling a little. Jasper blushed “that was adorable!”
“Gods, you’re so wimpy.” Ioaz sighed, shaking his head.

“I would love that.” Jasper softly squeezed her hand. Evie rested her head on Jasper’s shoulder “what about the last friend?” she semi yawned.

“That’s Benjamin Beastly, everyone just calls him Ben though, he’s the son of Belle Beauty and Adam Beastly.” Jasper began. “You’re friends with a hero?” Evie asked, lifting her head momentarily.

“Yeah, but Ben’s different from other heroes, he’s actually one of the nice ones. We honestly think he’s not fully hero though, there’s a small spark of villain in him, we just know it.
Jasper laughed slightly “he’s getting the throne when he turns 18 but he doesn't really want it, he actually wanted to move to the Villain Isles but his parents laughed in his face when he asked. So, he’s staying on a Dragon Training farm here on the villain isles for the summer.”

“Hey Jasper, look,” Evie pointed at the beautiful sunset “my mom would always say that if the sky’s pink, somewhere, love was blossoming.”
Jasper smiled, holding onto Evie as he inhaled her scent “I think she was right.”
Over the 3 months, Jasper and Evie’s relationship only grew stronger.

“Oooh~ Evie’s got a boyfriend~” Mal cooed, Evie flopped down on her bed, holding the crystal ball close to her chest “I wish! Jasper probably only sees me as a friend.” Evie sighed.

“You never know unless you ask him!” Maleficent said groaned. “You think it’s so easy…” Evie muttered.

“Well it is Evie, just tell him how you feel.” Esther suggested. “I’ve tried Mama, but everytime, I just get all choked up and say something stupid.” Evie buried her face in her pillow “It’s completely unfair!”

“For all we know, he’s going through the same thing.” Mal guessed “you better hurry, you’re last day is tomorrow.”

Evie looked up from her pillow, “I know, I’m going to miss him.”

Little did Evie know, Mal was right, Jasper was going through the same thing.

I said no Ioaz!” Jasper scolded, pacing in the bathroom as he argued with Ioaz, who was in the mirror.

But why? This your last night with her! If you mark her tonight, it would be the best going away present!” Ioaz encouraged.

I don't care Ioaz, we’re 13, thirteen, I’m not planning on marking her till I’m like 19!” Jasper noticed his mistake “I-I-I mean marking anyone! Not that I intend to mark Evie!”

“No~ you said ‘I’m not planning on marking her till I’m 19’. Meaning, you want to mark Evie!” Ioaz smirked. “No I don't! We’re just friends!” Jasper defended.

“That is a boldface lie and you know it!” Ioaz shot back. “No it’s not! Evie and I are just friends! Nothing more!” Ioaz noticed Jasper smiling when he said her name.

“Awe, that’s cute! You smile when you say her name!” Ioaz chuckled, “humans are so filled with emotions.”

“You should at least say goodbye to her.” Ioaz suggested. Jasper sighed, “I know…I don't want to say goodbye, but I have too…”

Jasper walked into Evie’s room to see her staring up at the stars “you can see a lot of them from here ya know.”
Evie jumped slightly in surprise “I didn't see you walk in.”

“It’s fine, I actually need to talk to you.” Jasper sat beside her, “I’m gonna miss you, a lot.”

Jasper rested his head on her shoulder “I’ve never felt the way I do for you with anyone before.”

Evie smiled and kissed the top of his head “I know what you mean, I feel like there’s this connection between us.”
“Everyday I see you, I just feel this overwhelming joy, I just wanna pick you up and hug you and just protect you from anything that might harm you.”

Evie looked at him, her heart began beating quickly.

“I don't know if it’s just the dragon in me talking or the human part but Evie, before you leave you have to know, I’ve never loved anyone like I’ve loved you.”

Evie began to tear up “I love you too…”
Evie tackled him in a big hug “I promise you Jasper, even if I might never see you again, you’ll always be in my heart.”

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