EP.177|Memories From Long Ago (Part 3)

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EP.177|Memories From Long Ago (Part 3)

"My gods, Evie, that story was amazing!" Operetta cheered. Evie chuckled "thank you, but a part of me still feels bad that I never got to stick it to Kuno and his family."

"That's it," Jasper rose from the booth, walking into the back room where Cosmina kept an eye on Tinkerbell

"Jasper?" Cosmina rubbed her eyes, yawning a bit.

"I know you're working with Araden." Jasper stated. "So, what's it to you." Tink scoffed, looking away from Jasper.

"I want you to tell me where Kuno went and where the hell they're keeping Mal." Jasper demanded. "Do you really think I'm that dumb-" Tink was cut off by a fireball just barely grazing her face "I want answers, Tink!"

"And I want to get out of this chair, so I guess we're both not getting what we want!" Tink laughed, a cocky smile on her face.

Jasper growled, his eyes flashing red, he kicked the chair, pinning it along with Tink to the wall "enough with the games, Tink, tell me where he is or I start burning wings."

"I'm sworn to secrecy." was all Tink said. Jasper hands coated in fire, launching his fist towards her wings "JASPER!" Ben's voice stopped Jasper's fist.

"What?" Jasper snarled. "That's not how we do things." Ben reminded him.

"Well maybe we should reconsider that!"

Jasper was about to punch her again, but Hunter grabbed his fist "trust me, it's not worth it."

Jasper looked into his friends eyes and sighed, the scales on his arms dying down it's glow die down "go sit, CJ will continue interrogating Tinkerbell."

"You have to learn how to control your anger." Operetta suggested, the VKs sitting outside, looking at the stars.

"It's just harder now with the dragon." Jasper sighed, stroking Evie's hair as she slept on his lap. "You just need to find that one thing that balances out your anger." Zeref suggested.

Jasper looked down at Evie and smiled "I guess I already have that."

"Big Sis! When you went through the portal, did you see anything?" Freddie asked. "Act-Actually, I-I-I did." Operetta stuttered, her face turning red.

"Whatcha see, Music Note?" Hunter asked, kissing his mate's neck. "I-I-I uh..." Operetta face turned more red.

"Don't be shy," Hunter leaned in "I know you aren't when we're alone." he nibbled on her earlobe.

"Well, it started when me and my family got to the NPA." Operetta remisced.

"Mama! This place is beautiful!" Operetta's eyes sparkled with wonder. The National Potions Society building is a giant floating city. It witches hat on the top of the city has a symbol of their 3 main sourcresses.

It houses thousands of sorcerers and sorceresses that live, learn, and research potions and elixirs as well as study curses and how to cure curses.

"Miss Phantom! It's wonderful to finally meet you!" Winifred, on of the 3 famous witches from of Hocus Pocus story, greeted Christine in a huge hug.

"The honor is all mine, you and your sisters have been my idols since I was Operetta's age." Christine smiled, hugging Winifred back.

"When we heard of what you did in all your years of work, we didn't think twice to make you chancellor!" Mary smiled sweetly. "So, where's your daughter?" Sarah clasped her hands together.

Operetta peaked behind her father's leg "h-hi..."

"Awe! She's so adorable!" Winifred gushed, "Hunter's going to love her!" she muttered.

"Go on, they won't bight." Phantom ushed Operetta forward. "I-I-I really want my mom to be chancellor..."

"And she will be, she just has to do one final test-" Mary was cut off my a loud roar.

"OUT OF THE WAY!!! UNICORN ON THE LOOSE!!!" someone yelled, Operetta locked eyes with the rampant unicorn, seeing a small boy desperately trying to hang on.

"Not again..." Sarah sighed, shaking her head.

"I got this," Winifred raised her hand "halt!"

The unicorn stopped abruptly, launching the boy on it. Once landing he noticed it wasn't the grass he was used to. Also, it smelled different, almost like a beautiful cherry blossom scent.

He looked up to see Operetta's flustered face "u-uh...um...I-I-I..."

"Heya! I'm Hunter!" he greeted, getting off her. "Or who we like to call," the 3 sisters glared at him "the devil's child."

"Now sisters, is that any way to speak to an impressionable child?" Hunter battered his eyelashes. The sister growled and slapped Hunter upside the head "Don't push your luck! You're only working here for the summer because your mother is Mary's apprentice." Winifred scolded.

Hunter stuck out his tongue "you know you love me~"

"Yes, 'love' let's say that." Mary glared at him. "Anyways, this is Operetta, her family will be staying here for the year while her mother takes the chancellor test." Sarah explained.

Hunter locked eyes with Operetta. For a second, the world stopped, Hunter looked at Opereta and smiled.

"Not bad..." Brazzan smirked. "Stop it." Hunter mentally scolded.

"Hunt-Hunter?" Operetta stuttered momentarily. "Wha? Oh, I'm Hunter LeGume," he kissed her hand "pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Operetta Phantom." she smiled. "Her smile kinda cute..." Hunter noticed. "Why don't you two take a look around, I have to talk to Operetta's parents." Sarah suggested.

Hunter grabbed Operetta's hand, running inside the palace, a large smile on her face.

"Now, about your assignment," Winifread began "you will be observing your daughter and Hunter."

"Well that seems easy!" Christine shrugged "what are they doing? Chemical reactions? Potion mixtures? I've been teaching Operetta some basic potions."

"No, not chemical reactions, more like chemistry, emotional chemistry." Sarah smirked. "Oh no...wait...you don't mean! This is what Healer meant?!" Phantom exclaimed.

"Yes, now Pantom, I know you aren't going to interfere," Winifred glared at him "right?"

"O-Of cou-course no-not!" Phantom stammered.

"Good," Mary smiled "Healer entrusted us to make sure this goes perfectly, plus, I doubt you want to ruin your wife's chances at being chancellor."

"Fine..." Phantom pouted, him and his wife following the sisters into the palace.

"Hunter," he found himself immediately turning around at the sound of her voice, "why are you holding my hand?"

Hunter blushed a little "o-oh...I-I'm sorry!" he let go of her hand.

"No, it's fine," Operetta held his hand again "it's sweet."

"So, what's the first stop on our tour?" Operetta asked. "Oh! We gotta go visit Mary's laboratory, I gotta get food for the unicorns, plus you can meet my mom!" Hunter's smiled returned on his face.

Hunter pulled down a torch, revealing a secret stairway up to the a large observatory room filled with unfinished potion experiments and countless archives "mom!" Hunter called out.

"Up here, Hunter!" Farrah waved her hand from the pile of scrolls. "What happened?" Hunter helped his mom up from the scroll pile.

"Well, ya see, I was trying to make a bouquet of firework roses for a client of Miss Mary and one of them accidentally exploded." Farrah chuckled nervously.

"Farrah," Mary shook her head "what am I'm gonna do with you."

"I'm so sorry Miss Marry! I didn't think they were so sensitive..." Farrah apologized. "It's alright Farrah," Mary picked up the roses "I can always make more." Mary snapped her fingers, roses began sprouting from the vines that decorated the windows.

"Woah..." Operetta's eyes glistened with wonder. "Miss Marry, you're amazing!"

"Awe, thanks sweetie," Mary put one of the demon blood roses in Operetta's hair. "You're red hair is beautiful by the way." Mary added.

"At least someone thinks so..." Operetta muttered. "Operetta," Mary crouched down in front of her "why don't you like your hair?"

"It's too bright...it makes me look like a stop light..." Operetta sighed. Mary laughed "honey, that's what makes you different! Why have boring regular hair when you can have the brightest!"

"But, I'd get notice more..." Operetta hid herself behind her hair. "Your mom told me about you being really shy, especially around new people." Sarah said.

"New people are well...new..." Operetta played with her hair.

"She kinda cute when she's all shy." Hunter smirked, watching the conversation. "Somebody already looking for a mate? My my Hunter, I thought I wouldn't have to do that till you were at least 16." Brazzan snickered.

"No way am I gonna have a mate," Hunter scoffed "too much work!"

"You never know Hunter, she is gonna be here for a year, a lot can change." Brazzan said slyly. "Brazzan, I'll start looking for a mate when pigs fly." Hunter jokes.

"Hunter!" Winifred yelled, snapping Hunter out of his thoughts "I thought I told you to go feed the unicorns."

"Yeah yeah, I know," Hunter grabbed the bucket off the counter "wanna come with Operetta?"

"Sure." Operetta smiled softly, following Hunter to the stables.

Once arriving, Hunter opened the wide doors to reveal a large stables the animals confided in.

"Holy crap...this is huge..." Operetta's eyes glistened with wonder.

"Yep, the NPA has every magical animal you can think of, except dragons, they're in a different stable on the main part of the Villain Isles." Hunter explained, picking up the bucket and carrying to towards the unicorn pen.

"Unicorns!!" Operetta almost pushed Hunter out of the way to rush to the pen. Hunter chuckled at Operetta's excitement and walked over to her.

"They're so adorable!" Operetta gushed, her hands on her cheeks. "They may look adorable but if you anger them, they're deadly." Hunter warned.

Hunter put the bucket of food on top of the wooden fence that surrounded the pen "you wanna help me feed them?"

"Sure," Operetta reached into the bucket to pull out a rainbow star shaped fruit "what are these?"

"Rainbow Star Mangos," Hunter grabbed one and walked into the pen, feeding it to a unicorn "unicorns love it."

Hunter saw the hesitant look in Operetta's eyes, Hunter grabbed her hand, leading her into the pen "they don't bite, they're completely harmless."

Operetta inched into the pen, reaching her hand out for a baby unicorn. The unicorn gladly accepted the star and ate it out of her hand, licking Operetta's hand once it finished it.

"Awe! It's adorable!" Operetta pulled the unicorn in for a hug.

Not knowing it would anger the baby's mother, Operetta didn't notice the angry mother standing behind her.

The moment the unicorn brought it's anger down, Hunter felt the world froze. Hunter felt as though he wanted to grab Operetta and move her far away from the angry unicorn.

And he did just that.

It all happened so fast, nor Hunter or Operetta knew what was going on, all Hunter knew was that he needed to make sure Operetta was okay.

What surprised Hunter even more was that he was that he was growling, holding Operetta close to his chest.

He glared at the unicorn "back off..."

Brazzan, who was watching everything from inside Hunter's brain, was equally shocked "well I'll be damned...the idiot found one..."

The unicorn didn't stop it's rage "I said...BACK OFF! This one's mine!" Hunter extended his hand, a barrier appeared around him and Operetta, blocking the unicorn's hooves from landing on them.

"Hunter...?" Operetta looked up at the demon. "What don't you understand by she's mine?!" Hunter repeated, making a strange clicking sound that Operetta couldn't hear but the unicorn surely did.

At this, the unicorn settled down and walked away. Hunter grunted and let go of Operetta, now knowing that it was safe.

"Hunter, wh-what was that?" Operetta stuttered slightly. "Wha?" Hunter then noticed what happened "oh gods...I'm really sorry! I saw the unicorn was gonna hit you and I went into protective mode..." he looked away and muttered "that's actually the first time that's happened."

"What the hell was that Brazzan?!" Hunter mentally scolded. "That wasn't me, it was all you! You went into 'I gotta protect Operetta' mode, I'm so proud of you!" Brazzan cheered.

"This isn't good!" Hunter shook his head. "It is! You even made the warning call, I feel like a proud mama hen!" Brazzan began to tear up slightly.

"Hu-Hunter!" Operetta sounded so cute to him. Say it again...please. Hunter held her closer, sniffing her hair.

"Hun-Hunter! I-I-!" Operetta began to settle down, warming up to Hunter's touch "th-thanks..."

"You're welcome." Hunter muttered through her red hair.

"Holy shit...that Hunter kid knows what he's doing..." Phantom mumbled, him, Chrisitine, Farrah, and the 3 sisters watching from the balcony.

"See, I told ya there's nothing to worry about." Healer assured him, once again, appearing out of nowhere.

"Why must you always do that?! Gods, wear a bell!" Farrah scolded. "Bells feels like I'm being choked." Healer gagged.

"Hunter's a demon, yes?" Chrisitine asked. Mary nodded "Brazzan choose him as his vessel."

"Wait, I thought it was passed down?" Sarah tilted her head.

"No, Brazzan choose him, he said he didn't want any other kid, plus, nobody else wanted a Class A+ demon." Farrah explained.

Christine almost dropped her clipboard "Bra-Brazzan a Class A plus?!"

Let's explain, demons are ranked from classes F-S+

Class F being the weakest.

And Class S+ being the strongest.

There's a lot of Class S, A, and A+ demons that are very strong.

However, there is only one S+ demon out there.

Can you guess who it is?

"Yep, the kid was immediately compatible with Brazzan, no side effects at all except a minor headache." Winifred smiled at the two kids as they continued to play with the other animals.

"That's insane...how can he handle Brazzan's power?" Phantom asked. "Him and Brazzan formed some kind of bond, they both know that the other would be sad if one left." Healer chuckled.

"He's a special kid, and so is your daughter," Healed began to walk off "now, I must find the other demoness in my little ranks."

"Other demoness?" Farrah tilted her head. "You'll see." Healer winked, teleporting as she left a trail of white and black feathers.

After a long day of playing, Operetta was growing tired, Hunter could tell by her yawning. "So, what part are you staying in?" Hunter asked, him and Operetta walking through the garden.

"I think my mom said it was in Winifred's section of the NPA, what's it called," she snapped her fingers in hopes of remembering "oh! The Chancellor Suite!"

"Oooh~looks like someone's getting pampered." Hunter teased, slinging his arms around Operetta's neck in a soft loving fashion.

He inhaled Operetta's scent, "mmm...cherry blossoms..." Hunter sighed in delight. "Hun-Hunter!" Operetta blushed. "Yes?" Hunter whispered into her ear.

"Wh-What are yo-you doing?" Operetta stuttered. "Oh...um...I don't know, sorry, lately things have been weird..." Hunter chuckled nervously.

"Do you wanna talk?" Operetta's voice was filled with consideration and concern. "It's probably just nothing, I'll be okay, plus, you need to get to bed princess." Hunter kissed her cheek.

"Prin-Princess?!" Operetta's blushed deppened. Hunter blushed at his own words "what's wrong with me?!"

Before he knew it, Hunter was in front of the Chancellor Suite with Operetta. "I guess this is my stop." Operetta played with her red hair nervously, soon coming into knots "stupid hair..."

Hunter slowly moved her hand away from her hair "if it is any consolation, I love your hair."

"Yo-You do?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's so bright and it makes you stand out," Hunter raked his hands through her hair.

"That's not a good thing," Operetta muttered. "Yes it is," Hunter held her hands "I like girls who stand out."

"You do?" Operetta looked into his eyes, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight that shone through the palace windows.

"Yeah, you shouldn't worry about fitting in, standing out is so much more fun!" Hunter smiled his toothy grin. "Huh...I guess that makes sense..." Operetta poundered.

"Just get some sleep," Hunter kissed her cheek again, "I'll see you in the morning, Music Note."

Operetta blushed and smiled, grabbing his wrist before he could leave "good night," she kissed her cheek "Hellraiser."

Operetta swiftly let go of his hand, walking into her room with such grace it made Hunter melt.

The two leaned against the walls that divided them

Neither of them knew it, but they had the same thought

"Gods, I've only been here a day and I'm already falling for you!"

As the months went on, Hunter and Operetta grew closer and closer. Anybody who saw them could them they have feelings for each other.

However, they both still thought the other didn't like them.

"Mom," Hunter carried a mountain of books in his arms, following his mother to Mary's workshop "why does Miss Mary need all these books anyways?"

"She's renewing the library," Farrah walked up the starring, straining slightly "so, we need to move the books from the downstairs library to the new one in her palace district."

"Plus, Operetta's gonna be there~" Farrah cooed, smirking at her son. "So," Hunter scoffed, looking away from her, blushing slightly, "it's not like I care about her."

"Hunter," Farrah stopped Hunter mid stairs, "you have to stop lying to yourself, me, Brazzan, your father, and basically everyone else knows you like her."

"I doubt my dad knows, let alone care, about me." Hunter muttered. Farrah placed the stack of books on the stairs, creating a large thud "Hunter, sit down."

Hunter placed his stack beside hers, sitting on the same step as Farrah "I know it's been hard since your father isn't here, but he said he was gonna come back."

"It's been what," Hunter stopped to think "3 years now? I don't think he's gonna come back, mom."

"Me and your father have been together for 16 years, I trust him with my entire heart Hunter, enough so that he wasn't lying about coming back." Farrah assured him.

"It won't be the same...he doesn't care..." Hunter looked down at his feet. "Yes he dose Hunter, it's just, he had something very important to do." Farrah rested her hand on his shoulder.

"More important than his family?" Hunter mumbled. "Sadly yes, look, if you want to learn more about your dad, why don't we visit Lefou? He was your dad's best friend." Farrah suggested.

"But what about the books?" Hunter asked. "I'm sure Miss Mary will understand, why don't we take them upstairs anyways." Farrah chuckled, her and Hunter picking back up the books and continuing to the new library.

"Miss Mary! I finished dusting the shelves." Operetta announced, coughing a little bit. "Thanks honey, want so lemonade?" Sarah asked, pouring herself and her sister a class.

"Thank you," Operetta sipped her glass. "So Operetta, you and Hunter...what's the deal?" Winifred smirked.

Operetta began choking on her drink "wh-wha?!"

"Don't play coy with us, everyone knows you like him. You blush anytime he's near you." Mary noted, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I-I-I do not!" Operetta started blushing, thinking about her dreams of the demon.

Every night, Operetta would see herself and Hunter, do all the things he wished he did to her in the day time.

Just the thought of it made Operetta's heart flutter.

"Operetta!" Hunter beamed, dropping the book and racing over to her side, wrapping his arms around her. "H-Hi Hunter." her cheeks turned pink.

"You wanna come with me and my mom to visit my uncle Lefou?" Hunter asked, looking up at her. "Sure, bu-but don't you have to help with the library?"

"Go ahead, we got it here." Winifred winked. "Thank you, Winifred." Operetta bowed slightly before meeting Farrah at the doorway of the palace.

"You coming with Operetta?" Farrah asked, putting on a light sweater. "Yeah, you don't mind, do you Miss Farrah?" Operetta asked.

"Of course not sweetie, Lefou's place is just down the road." Farrah smiled walking with the two kids down the streets of the villain isles.

"Operetta, honey, why are you wearing a hoodie?" Farrah asked, noticing the white hoodie Operetta was wearing.

"Oh, well, since my hair is long and I don't feel like wrapping it see I wear the hoodie." Operetta explained. "Come on, take it off." Hunter tried to pull off the sweater.

"AH! Hunter stop!"

"Stop moving so much!"

"Hunter~! I said stop! No, not there!"

"Gods, you're adorable."


"There," Hunter laughed, "I'm done."

Hunter held her hoodie in his hand "see, isn't that better."

Hunter noticed her shivering "here," he took off his jacket, putting it around Operetta "you can wear my jacket, and no putting on the hood."

Operetta sighed in defeat "fine," her body grew warm to the touch of Hunter's jacket "as warm as this jacket is, I prefer my hoodie."

"I still don't understand why you hate your hair." Hunter shrugged. "I just don't okay," Operetta muttered, she then noticed the whispers from the people around her.

"Why does her hair look like a tomato?"

"More like a strawberry," another laughed, "no, it's more like a stop sign."

"It's so bright it could stop traffic."

Operetta kept her head down, trying to block out their whispers.

"Hey! Where's the rest of your clown family?!" one heckler commented, soon, the towns people began laughing.

"Hey, stop signs called, they want their color back!"

"She looks like a tomato died on her head!"

Operetta scrunched up her first, over the years, she's received millions of insults on her hair, normally she would block them out.

This time was different though.

Operetta felt the splash of a tomato hit her face, and then another one, and another, and another.

"Enough!" Operetta shouted, ice shooting out of her hands, darting it towards the hecklers.

A moment of silence, as well as surprise, was brought among the people, she looked down at her hands.

"Holy shit! The girl looks like a clown but has ice powers!" the hecklers continued to laugh.

Operetta put on Hunter's jacket hood and ran off, tears streaming off her cheeks.

"Operetta! Wait!" Hunter grabbed her wrist. "Just leave me alone, Hunter!" Operetta pushed him away, running further away from everyone.

Hunter growled and stopped over to one of the hecklers "what's wrong with you?!" he pulled on his collar his eyes turning red.

"What," he shrugged "we were just telling her the truth."

"She has enough problems with her hair already without adding you to the list." Hunter tried to resist the urge to punch him square in the face.

"It's not my fault your girlfriend can't handle the truth." he laughed. Hunter threw him into the wall "Operetta can handle anything you throw at her," Hunter stepped on his ribs "so if I hear that any of you insult my beautiful Operetta every again, I swear to gods and goddesses above, I will murder you!"

Hunter gave off a terrifying aura "that goes for all of you!"

"Hunter," Farrah voice broke through his anger "go find Operetta."
Hunter grunted and got of the man, running after Operetta. "Dammit Operetta, when will you stop paying attention to people who don't care about you and listen to the one person who can't live without you!"

The little bell twinkled as Operetta opened the door to a little shop called "Wig-o-rama"

There seemed to be nobody there except the woman behind the counter. Operetta was in awe of the woman's beauty.

She has beautiful golden honey skin, white hair with black streaks, plump semi pink lips. She couldn't see the woman's eyes because the hood shielded them.

"Hello," she greeted, coming from behind the counter "what's a beautiful little girl doing here?"

"I-I need a wig." Operetta replied. "Is there something wrong with your hair, honey?" she asked, reaching for Operetta's hood.

Operetta darted back "n-no, I just need a wig, som-something basic, normal."

"How about red?" she suggested, Operetta shook her head "anything but red!"

"Operetta," she crouched down to Operetta's height "have you ever heard of the story of the Belinda Groves?"

Operetta shook her head. "She used to be part of the Recovery of the Light," she and Operetta sat down on the couch, serving Operetta coco "she had beautiful red hair like you do."

"How'd you know my hair was red? Or my name?" Operetta asked. "I know a lot of stuff you don't, you can call me Healer by the way." Healer smiled at Operetta, a warm comforting smile.

"Did she get insults too..." Operetta muttered. "No, actually she was the only one in the kingdom who had natural scarlet hair." Healer replied "the people thought she was blessed by the goddess to protect them."

"And, they respected her?" Operetta played with her hair "Yeah, they saw her as a goddess, but she knew she was just a normal girl, who got lucky." Healer shrugged.

"So Operetta," Healer ran her fingers through Operetta's hair, making the girl yawn "do you really want a wig?"

"No..." Operetta laid on Healer's lap, yawning "I...like my hair..."

"Of course you do." Healer hummed, the red head fell asleep on her lap. "Just like old times." Healer chuckled softly, humming a soft tune.

She looked at Operetta's left eye to see a small snowflake pattern faintly glowing "she still doesn't know."

"I wonder where the demon boy it?" Healer muttered, soon as she said that the door opened again.

"Did a-"
"She's over here." Healer chuckled, waving Hunter over, he crouched down and raked his hands through her red hair.

"She's so peaceful." Hunter muttered. "She's your mate, isn't she?" Healer asked. Hunter blushed "wh-what?! I wish..."

"You got her bethorval jewelry, didn't you, Hunter?" Healer smiled. "Yes, wait how did you know that, or my name for that matter?" Hunter questioned.

"I know a lot of stuff other people don't." Healer smirked. "So, whatcha get her?" Healer asked, Hunter went into his bag and pulled out a beautiful charm bracelet with sakura flowers on it.

"That's the same one...for the time before..."

"She's gonna love it." Healer chuckled, getting up from the couch and walking behind the counter. "Hunter?" Operetta yawned.

"Afternoon Music Note." Hunter greeted, kissing her forehead. Operetta blushed "Hunter," she sat up "thanks for standing up for me."

Hunter hugged her "you're welcome," she sniffed her hair "I promise Operetta, I'll protect you till the end of time."

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