EP.194|How Much I Missed You

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EP.194|How Much I Missed You

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Milton slammed Hades against the wall, “you better not be lying about this!”
“I’m not!” Hades put his hands up in surrender, “she’s here in the NPA!”
Milton glared at him, “if I find out you’re lying, your immortality won't be enough to save you from me.”
Milton morphed into his mountain lion form, pushing through the infirmary, pushing people out of the way. The smell of lemon and honey-filled his nose, he stopped in front of a closed room, sitting in front of the door, awaiting it to open like a puppy waiting for their owner to return home.
Milton scratched at the door, whimpering. Once the door opened, he was disappointed to see Healer. “She’s sleeping,” Healer whispered, “I know you really want to see her but she needs to rest.”
Milton hoped on the chair outside the door, looking through the window at his Jester. He scratched at the window, Courtly groaned and turned the other way, “let her sleep, go for a walk, or see your brother, but when she’s up, you’ll be the first to know.”
Milton shook her head, “mine…”
“I know she’s yours but Milton she needs to sleep!” Healer pushed him away from the window, closing the door and dropping the shades.
Milton growled and sulked his head, walking away from the room. He sighed, “maybe I should visit Giles.”
Giles smiled warmly, hugging Demonia as they slept, “mine…” they both growled, holding the other closer. They both laughed, “this is why I love you.”
He ran his fingers through her emerald green hair “so soft…” he never knew peace like this before. He didn't know how lost he was without Demonia until she was gone.
It’s only been a month since Demonia’s return, every single day Demonia spent with him was precious. She was so paranoid that he moved on, but now, laying in his arms, she didn't have a drop of worry in the world.
A knock at the door brought a growl out of the both of them. “Tell em to go away…” Demonia muttered into her love’s chest.
Giles growled when they knocked again, “go away or I bite off your head.”
“You know damn well you wouldn't do that baby bro.” Milton laughed from the other side of the doorway. Giles sighed, unhooking his arms from Demonia’s waist, she grabbed his hands, stopping him, “I know, but he’s my brother.”
Demonia growled slightly, “go away, Milton!”
Milton rolled his eyes, “hello to you too, Demonia.”
Giles chuckled softly, kissing her lips before walking towards the door. He opened the door, letting Milton walk in. “Demonia,” his hands covered his eyes, “you do have clothes on yeah?”
Demonia put on her robe, “now I do. Happy?” Demonia was irritated, dragon mating season was about to start and she wanted Giles all to herself.
“I’m gonna freshen up baby,” Demonia kissed his cheek, “we’ll continue later.”
She licked over her mark before gracefully walking away, Giles tried to follow her but Milton’s interrupting cough reminded him he was still here.
Giles sighed and sat on the bed, Milton sat on the lounge chair, “what’s wrong?” the younger brother asked.
“It’s Courtly,” Milton held his face in his hands, “she’s back and Healer’s not letting me see her…”
“She’s injured, she needs time to heal before you and her fuck each other’s brains out.” Giles chuckled, walking to the fridge, grabbing 2 beers.
“But you don't understand Giles!” Milton accepted the beer, opening it and taking a large swig, “she’s the love of my life and I haven’t seen her in almost 2 years!”
“I know you’re desperate to see your mate, but you have to wait for her to heal.” Giles chuckled, he found it funny that his older brother had such strong emotions from Courtly.
“Why can't she wake up faster…” Milton muttered. “Instead of worrying when she’ll wake up, how about you start planning for what’ll happen after she wakes up,” Giles suggested.
“What?” Milton looked up at him. “You two haven’t seen each other since the wedding, where you very loudly did it but she got taken by Araden the next morning.” Giles summarized.
“Thanks for the reminder.” Milton rolled his eyes. “When Demonia came back, we didn't rush into having sex,” he stopped when Milton started laughing loudly, “Demonia said you did it 3 times in the library, 4 times in the shower, and 2 times in Christine’s potions room.”
Giles blushed, halting his movements, “please tell me you didn't tell Christine!”
Milton smirked, “whoops,” he shrugged, “thanks for the advice though, but I know what my Courtly likes.”
Demonia opened the door slightly, “Giles~”
“Baby,” Giles intertwined his fingers with hers “we did it 2 already this afternoon, don't you want a break?”
“We never did it in the shower though,” Demonia giggled, pulling Giles into the bathroom. “Don't kill him Demonia,” Milton called out, “I still need my brother to walk!”
Demonia laughed, “can't promise anything!”
Later that day, Milton came back to Courtly’s hospital room, about to knock on the door but Healer opened it, “my gods, you animalistic are so freaking needy!” Healer opened the door wider to let Milton in.
A curtain around her hospital bed shielded Milton from her. He could see a silhouette of his mate. Milton, not being able to contain himself, transformed into his mountain lion form, about to dart for her but Healer stopped him.
“Give me a sec,” Healer opened the curtain slightly, to see Courtly eating putting. “You’re looking better.” Healer observed. “I am, thank you, Healer.” Courtly smiled.
“I have something that’ll make you feel even better.” Healer smirked, opening the curtain, letting the mountain lion roll in. “Courtly!” He hopped onto the bed, licking her face, taking in her honey lemon taste and smell.
“Milton!” Courtly wrapped her arms around, “I missed you so much! I thought I’d never see you again!”

Milton morphed back into his human form, wrapping his arms around his mate, he kissed her lips, Courtly felt his body relax at her touch.


Shock overtook the raven haired man's tired eyes. At that very instant, he knew exactly what she was trying to tell him and to his conscious, it wasn't going to be good.
He could tell that there was something she severely wanted to forget, something that would ruin her, something she wanted to run away from—afraid of it. But he couldn't ask her just yet. All he could think about was Courtly and how much she was hurt.
It hurt him as well to see her in such pain. She looked so helpless and innocent in front of him, like a child who missed their parents on the first day in daycare.
Watching her jeweled watering eyes never leaving his, those beautiful orbs of hers he always loved reminded him of the times it swifted him in to the sea waves of happiness.
Her pouty lips stayed close lightly with his, it was pulling him his mouth to connect with hers—like a strong magnet.
But he couldn't, he shouldn't give her what she desired--he should never. He already made that clear when she left off to where she had always wanted to be, and she had gotten her dream come true. He couldn't interfere in her life, even if he wanted to.
His arms slowly wrapped around Courtly's tiny figure to comfort her from her unneeded pain, her grip tightened around him as he did so.
He took in her refreshing scent through the holes of his nose. She always smelt like heaven, her honey lemon smell was intoxicating. It smelled like...home.
It pulled him in thought to the days when he and Courtly had been eight years old, they were playing in the castle garden in the soft season of spring.
The cool air of wind running through their short hair, the leaves cutting their sharp edges against their cheek, the grass whistling—
“Milton…” she whispered.
Milton was cut back to reality by the whisper of his maiden's voice. He looked at her, her face still centimeters away from his own, eyes hypnotizing him.
He had forgotten that her luscious body and hard nipples were firmly pressed against his hard toned chest, it made heat run down to his dick with a thump of electric jolts.
His minded nerves shut down completely when lust rose from his feet to his head. All he could hear was a hoarse voice from the back of his head demanding harshly.
Fuck her.. FUCK her...
He furrowed his brows at their contact, his eyes then tightly shut in resistance to escape the urge of taking the woman for himself. He shouldn't be feeling like this. Not now-not ever!
He shouldn't be doing this and yet she was tempting him to do so. He knew that he would regret it for the rest of his life and that would make him run away, far away from her.
The strings of feelings he distanced attached to her since childhood was shortening by the minute. She was pulling his locked away desires out of his body. If she had perfectly done that, he wouldn't be able to stop his sexual urges anymore. He swallowed.
But god, damn Milton loved her the whole fucking time.
His love at first sight.
And so, he pulled himself out of Courtly's grasp to pull her arms down with him to his bed, immediately crashing his lips to hers, swallowing her taste to his tongue.
He felt her lips moved with his, it was like he was in sweet bliss in the clouds of heaven. He never knew how good it felt to kiss the one he loved, to touch her-and how it would feel like to actually be inside her.
He leaned up on his knees to kiss her down with his muscular arms wrap around her tiny thin waist. Her moans vibrated breaths in his mouth, it proved to him that she was growing hot with needs.
Using a hand, he lifted both her legs from under her knees to place them over his lap stroking the smooth white skin on her thigh before following it down her ankle.
For the first time, they broke their lip contact to stare deeply into each other's eyes as he felt the nails of her fingers tracing the long of his arm. Captivated by her beauty, his vision became blinded and mind blurred with lust.
All he ever thought of was to just eat her alive, here, now and make her feel something no one could ever give her—no one would ever make her feel.
Again, Milton plunged into her lips, bruising it numb and plump. Then brushing down to kiss the clear side of her neck making her moans squeak out with tickles.
His lips ran up to make love to her ear then painted back down to her neck, using his tongue to kiss her vibrating throat. His hands started playing with the band of her laced panties, tugging and pulling.
They separated once more so Milton could lean her back to his bed before pulling off his white shirt aside. He felt her gaze staring upon his upper body, he noted that her eyes were overtaken by lust. It made him smirk, he was doing a fine job.
His lips then continued to play with her neck until it reached to the thin tank top around her. Ignoring the clothing in the way, he kissed her body through it down to her stomach then a little lower to the naked flesh of her legs.
He would make sure he would kiss every part of his jester’s savoury body.
He halfway faced her body to the opposite, having his body now beside hers and his face at her widened perfect spread thighs. He dipped his watering mouth in between them then turned her body around, her belly siding on to the bed, to taste her ass cheeks from behind on her all fours.
He shoved his face between her legs as her spine arched, her face buried into one of his fluffy pillow with muffled moans. Kissing up to her covered arching back, he brushed her long hair away to the side to place lips on to the back of her neck.
He slid a hand onto the surface skin of her hand, intertwining them together as he pushed his hips against her ass. Her moans became heavy with pants, she turned her head to kiss him.
Such an experience, he never felt so alive, so hungry, so horny. The throb of his cock made his toes curl with shocks of electricity, he couldn't help but moan through his teeth as he grind her harder to the bed. Her high pitched moans were playing melodies to his ears, he had to fuck her, fuck her good.
Fuck the consequences, he finally had her.
The way her body trembled with excitement was hot, crazy, satisfying, amazing, lustful, sexy and—and did he mention hot?
Then, the man's free hand crept down to grab the woman's breast as he slid his tongue into her wet mouth. Her breast was soft, squishy and just enough to fit his palm.
He loved it. Pinching her nipple, her ass pushed back against his crotch. She gritted his teeth into her flesh when his cock was throbbing mad for more, making his hand grip hers tightly.
Struggling for breaths and sex, he got off of her to lay on his back with her body above him his figure. He knew that she wanted to be in control, since all she could do was whimper in lustful discontent.
And so, her lips took over his neck and her tongue with his ear. He grabbed her ass to grind her pussy, she moaned in his ears as her fingers raked his scalp. She whispered.
"Milton, eat me.."
My Courtly.
With that, Milton felt Courtly shifted, crawling her knees to both sides of his head. His mind had completely forgotten why he was underneath her curved body that second when he saw the sight of her damp panties.
It furiously made his cock snap straight up with an obvious tent of his sweats, oh how painful had it gotten!
Suddenly, he saw her crotch placed on his face, he felt it humping and grinding his hungry lips. And let him tell you, she tasted sweeter than he ever imagined.
He heard the blond moan louder and louder every time his sucking passed her clothed clit making his hand unconsciously rub his hardened shaft out of his pants.
Knowing that her continuous humps became wilder by the second, he knew then that she wanted to burst in his mouth.
Again, he felt her shift, his black charcoaled eyes looked up to her face as she sat up and bounced his mouth with her hands back onto his abs and chest.
"Milton—Mil... Milton!”
Milton couldn't stop rubbing his dick, he couldn't stop thrusting into his fist either. He panted against the woman's panties every single time his hand slapped his aching balls. It was incredible, he had to cum, he must cum now because she was moaning his name!
The tip of his tongue touched Courtly's throbbing pussy, she was reaching her final peak. So, he held a hand on to the crooked of her hip and thigh, forcing her to grind faster into his mouth as he beated his dick harder groaning against her.
He heard her scream with moans closing in, then her voice cracked cumming between his lips, it was filled with her liquid and he licked her clean. Her hips twitched as she leaned forward into all fours again, panting heavily.
He quickly kicked off his sweat pants away so he could fuck her now. She came before he did and he wasn't done yet. He growled pulling both her ankles to straddle him before pinning her down.
He was close. So close to cumming.
Now, he decided to cum inside her instead. His hand slid under one of his pillows to grab a switch razor to rip off her soaked panties.
He wanted to release, empty himself in her womb now! He was blinded with lust so vigorously that he couldn't hold in his sexual needs anymore.
At that moment, he forgot who he was.
Quickly, he spread her legs widely apart and shoved his cock in her, drilling her madly. Her screams weren't pleasurable, but he didn't care, he had to cum, it was killing his insides.
By the mean time, he also felt something snapped in her, it didn't bother him at all, he was too busy fucking her squelching pussy. Her inner walls were like meant to fit him.
Mine. Mine. MINE! his mad inner sex yelled. You are mine!
He restlessly drilled her like a horn dog would fuck his mate, he never noticed that Courtly was moaning for more.
He would finish things quickly, making his thrust more forceful and stronger. He felt nothing but red, saw nothing but red and all he smelt was raw and the sweat of their hungry crazing sex.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head, his breath harshly panted and moaned loudly like a beast. He was cumming.. Cumming... Cumming!
"Fuck, fuck, fuck.. fuck!"
With one last thrust and he roared as he spilled a huge amount of seeds in her small womb when her leaking pussy tightly clenched and throbbed his dick. Milton's body dropped on Courtly's, they both panted heavily, regaining their strength to move.

Lemon is now over it's safe to read 😘


Who doesn't love writing a good lemony lemon once and a while!

Okay, so update might get slowe between the next 3 weeks because band competition day is closing in and not only do i have 3 pieces to do i have to also confess to muvh frush so that should be fun

For safety purposes well call him Bubble Boy.

But he's just so different, kinda short too but its cute since I'm tall and i call him shortie, idk he's quite but something tells me if we were to date my loud ass would change that!

Stay sweet!
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕💜

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