EP.195|What It Means To Love A Dragon

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EP.195|What It Means To Love A Dragon

࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Sorry to my innocent readers, this chapter has a lemon. I'll tell u wen it happens and when it's safe to read
Jasper slammed the bottle of beer down on the bar counter, burying his face in his arms. It’s been a week since they escaped from the box, Mal, Ben, Hunter, Operetta, Carlos, CJ, Jasper, and Evie were the only ones up.
And he wished he never was woken up.
“What gotcha down, Dragon Boy?” Maleficent sat beside him. “Dragon. Season. Is. Tomorrow.” Jasper pounded his head on the counter with every word.
“Wow,” Maleficent chuckled, “you’re dumb!”
“Nah! Really?” Jasper’s voice grew sarcastic, “I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning and Ioaz has threatened to burn my brain cells if I don't mark her by tomorrow night!”
“Ioaz isn't gonna burn you, and you have to stop avoid Evie, especially after what happened with Kuno.” Maleficent stopped when the glass in Jasper’s hand melted.
He growled, he didn't even want to hear that bastard’s name! “Mine...my Evie.” his nails dug into the bar steep’s wood.
“Yeah, yeah, we know she’s yours but does she knows that?” Maleficent raised her eyebrow, sipping her scotch.
Jasper sighed, “is she awake?”
“Mmhm, she’s with the little kids in the children infirmary.” Maleficent watched as the dragon raced out of the bar.
Evie held the baby in her arms, rocking it to sleep, “who’s a cute baby, you are, you are, yes you are!”
Evie closed her eye momentarily, her memories flashing back to the boxes, she began shaking she passed the baby to one of the nurses and shook violently.
“Miss Evie, sit down,” the nurse instructed, sitting Evie down. “H-He...Ku-Kuno...I-I-I-I…” tears streamed down his face. “No, no honey, he’s not here, it’s okay...shh...it’s okay, alright, alright,” the nurse held her close.
Jasper ran as fast as he could, he could smell the scent of tears, he could only imagine the pain she was in.
Jasper watched as the nurse held Evie, motioning him to come closer. “Evie,” the nurse whispered, “look who’s here.”
Evie looked up from the nurse’s shoulder to see Jasper’s open arms waiting for her, “Jasper!” she ran into his arms, crying into his chest.
“Please, don't...avoid me, whatever I did...I’m sorry!” she cried, clutching his shirt. “You’re sorry? For what, my Habibti?” Jasper questioned. “I-I-I thought I-I offended you, or we’ve broken up…” Evie muttered.
“Habibti!” Jasper swooped her up, “dragons mate only once in a lifetime, and I want you all to myself. So if you think for a second I’m leaving your side, then you’re wrong.”
Evie smiled and wrapped her arms around him, “you’re warm~”
“I know,” Jasper purred, he forgot he had scales on his back but Evie’s soft fingers made him feel wonderful, “how do you always do that?”
“I don't know~ I read in a book that Dragons scales are super sensitive to their mate’s touch,” Evie smirked, grinding against his groin, “along with another number of body parts that are sensitive to my touch…”
He growled in pleasure, “n-no!” Jasper backed away from his potential mate, “baby, can we talk?”
Evie nodded, leading Jasper outside and into the garden. “Look, Habibti,” he kissed her cheek, making her giggle, “tomorrow, is the start of dragon season…”
“Dragon season?” she titled her head, moving her hair to the side to reveal her blank, unmarked, neck. Jasper licked his lips, his scales flashing slightly, “yeah, it’s like animalistic and demon season just for Dragons.”
“So, tomorrow...are you gonna finally mark me?” Evie’s eyes glimmered with hope. “Habibti,” he held her hands, “I only want to do this unless you’re ready.”
“I am ready,” Evie intertwined her fingers with his, “I wanna be yours forever. I never wanna leave your side. I’m all yours, Jasper.”
Jasper felt chills of excitement roll down his spine, “all mine?”
Evie giggled and smiled, kissing his lips, “all yours!”
Jasper could feel Ioaz begging for him to mark her, “please! Just do it or tomorrow I won't be able to control myself, or you, tomorrow.”
Jasper smirked, laying down on Evie’s lap, he could smell her arousal. Jasper bit her thigh, Evie squeaked, “Jasper!”
He chuckled, “someone’s excited about tomorrow.”
“Can you blame me...I’ve waited months for you to mark me!” Evie ran his fingers through his hair. Jasper purred, “how are your hands so soft…”
“Lotion,” she replied, humming a small tune, “why are you always so shocked by how soft my touch is?”
“Because,” he sat up, “your touch,” he kissed her fingers, “I don't know, they make me feel like I’m flying.”
He looked up at Evie, her cheeks turning red when he sucked on her finger. He could smell her arousal heightening, smirking at her “ya like that~”
Jasper chuckled and swooped her up, putting her over his shoulder, he smacked her behind, “gods I forgot how beautiful your ass it.”
“Y-You pervert!”
“You know I am,” Jasper smirked. “Hey Jasper,” Evie looked up, “you told my father you were marking me, right?”
“Nooo,” Jasper chuckled, “seems kinda private.”
“Jasper! In my family, if your going to mark a daughter or son, you have told the father before you mark them.” Evie told him, Jasper sighed.
“With all due respect, Evie, your dad scares me.” Jasper shivered. Evie giggled and hoped down, “come on.”
The two walked hand and hand into the training center to see Dante training soldiers, “Papi!” Evie called out. Dante smiled and pinned one of the soldiers to the ground.
“Hi, baby!” Dante waved Jasper and Evie over, giving Evie a big hug.
“Hello Jasper,” his voice grew serious, putting up his first to block a sneak attack from behind, “what can I do for ya?”
“I was wondering if I may mark your daughter as my mate…?” Jasper questioned, rubbing behind his neck. Dante marched towards him “you what?”
Jasper shivered, “I-I-I uh….”
“Papi!” Evie smacked him upside the head, “you’re scaring him!”
“Meh, weak little dragons.” Dante shrugged. “Look, sir,” Jasper stood proudly, “I promise to protect Evie from any danger we shall face. I love your daughter with all my heart but apparently I need your permission to mark her, so please, may I mark her?”
Dante smiled and shook his hand, leaning him, “hurt her and I fire missiles at you.”
Jasper sweatdropped, hiding behind Evie, “Ye-yes sir!”
Evie chuckled and kissed Jasper softly, “I told you he wasn’t scary.”
“He threatened to fire missiles at me!”

“He says that to all my boyfriends,” Evie rolled her eyes, “there’s nothing to worry about.”
Jasper squeezed her butt, “we should get some rest Habibti, tomorrow, I’m gonna fuck you so much you’ll forget how to walk.”
Evie’s face turned beet red, “Jas-Jasper!”
Jasper chuckled and licked over her neck, “by this time tomorrow, you’ll have my mark, and everyone will know you’re mine.”
Later that night, Evie slept in the arms of her dragon, she ran his fingers through his hair “I wonder what he’s dreaming about.”
“Jasper! Oh~ fuck! Fuck! More Jasper!” Evie moaned, clutching the pillow that rested on her head. Gods and Goddess. Jasper kissed her neck, sucking on her pulse point. All mine...you’re all mine.
Evie chuckled, “all your baby,” she ground against him, she smirked when she felt how excited he was, “someone’s excited.”
“Habibti,” he growled sensually in her ear, “I wanna take it slow for you but if you keep doing this I won't be able to control myself.”
Evie accepted the challenge and ran her fingers across his scales, “Jasper~” she moaned his name, “make me yours.” she whispered, clutching his arm.
It spiked pleasurable pain through the dragon’s body, having him roar out, he softly chuckled, “dammit, Habibti,” he clutched the pillow, “you know too many of my weak points.” 
“And you know all of mine so it’s fair game~” Evie cooed.
Jasper woke up to see Evie wasn’t there, he looked around, noticing the sun was up, “shit!” Jasper laid back down in the bed, covering his face with the pillow.
“Happy Dragon Season!” Ioaz cheered. “Shut up,” Jasper growled. “Excuse me, that’s no way to be talking to your dragon.” Ioaz pouted. “Make this stupid day end!” Jasper groaned.
“No can do, either make your mate and each day gets worse and worse,” Ioaz warned. Jasper dangled his feet from the side of the bed. He could hear the shower running, the smell of blueberry filled his senses.
Jasper could feel drool dripping down his lips, “Evie~” he opened the door to the bathroom, the smell getting stronger.
The shower turned off, Evie opened the curtain to see her boyfriend, she blushed and wrapped herself in a towel.
“Jasper!” Evie squeaked. Jasper picked her up, carrying her to the bed, “you smell amazing,” he sniffed her neck, taking in her blueberry scent, “fuck,” he groaned, “I could take you right now.”
Evie smirked and flipped over, now she was on top, “not now darling,” Evie giggled, “later, we have a lot to do today.”
Evie got off of him, putting on her clothes, the dragon watched every movement, “your hips are so perfect.”
He clutched her hips, “mine~” he purred in her ear. Evie giggled, “yes, I’m all your baby.”
He followed Evie out of the room and down to the mess hall, he watched as the males starred at her. He growled deeply, holding Evie close, “mine.”
The males looked away from Evie in fear of getting punished by her dragon. “Jasper,” Evie sat down at the table, “They know I’m yours.”
Jasper shook his head, resting it on her shoulder, “you’re not gonna eat?” Jasper questioned, noticing her picking at her eggs.
“I’m not hungry darling,” Evie replied, her eyes grew dark, her hands began shaking, so did her body, “no…”

“No..no…please, Ku-Kuno...I-I-I pro-promise I’ll be bett-better!” Evie stammered, her eyes brimming with tears.
“Habibti, shh...it’s alright,” Jasper rubbed her shoulders, trying to bring relief to her. Evie snapped out of her painful memories to be welcomed by Jasper’s soft and warm kisses on her shoulders.
She smiled and leaned into the kisses, “thank you, Jasper.”
“Evie!” Operetta called out, Evie waved her over. The soon to be mother hugged Evie tightly, “how are you? Are you hurt? Do you need Healer?”
Evie laughed, “I’m alright, where have you been?”
“With Hunter,” Operetta held her demon’s hand, “he said it wasn’t best to visit you because of dragon season.”
“And I still don't think it is,” Hunter noticed Jasper growled, “I know, she’s your, chill Jasper.”
Jasper grunted in approval, knowing Ioaz was being a little too protective. “You won't believe who I saw in the infirmary!”
“Operetta,” Hunter shook his head rapidly, “no, do not tell him!”
“But why,” Operetta pouted, “I’m happy for them, they’re so in love…”
“Yes, to us,” Hunter held her hands, “but to Jasper and Evie, it’s horrible.”
“What?” Evie tilted her head. “No-Nothing!” Hunter stuttered. “Hunter,” Jasper glared at him, “what are you hiding.”
Hunter gulped, “Kuno’s here…”
“WHAT?!” Jasper roared, a large flame sprouting that surrounded the table, “Mine! Mine! Mine!” Jasper growled, holding her close, “you’re only mine! Only mine…”
Operetta squeaked, Hunter held her close in fear of the flames burning her. Evie turned around to face him, “baby, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
“No, no, no, no...mine, my blueberry!” Jasper buried his face in her chest. “I know my darling, I’m all yours by you’re scaring Operetta and scaring Operetta makes Hunter mad.”
Jasper sighed and calmed down, “still mine…”
“You know I am, Jasper!” Evie laughed, pushing him playfully. “I’m only yours.”
“Why is he here?” Jasper asked. “He’s watching over your sister,” Hunter replied. “MY SISTER!?!?”
“Yes, but don't freak out,” Evie instructed Jasper was past the point if freaking out. He grabbed Evi, pulling her towards the infirmary, tracking his sister scent.
Serenity snuggled closely to her wolf. Over the past couple of weeks, she and Kuno have grown closer.
She smiled, running her fingers through his fur “Kuno, wake up.”
Kuno grumbled and licked her cheeks, “good morning my Serenity.” he morphed into her human form, hugging her waist.
“So, what is this? Us, what are we doing?”
Kuno sat up, kissing her hands “honestly,” Kuno looked up at her “I find you utterly enticing, I feel like, this new wolf side, has such a strong connection to you.”
“Yes, and after some time, maybe, it'll turn into something more?”
Serenity nodded and kissed his cheek, she watched as his hair turned from black to white, his eyes turned from black to green.
She separated the kiss, running her fingers through his new white hair “what's that?”
“Serenity!” Kuno cheered, “I'm a werewolf! I-I-I had a pack! And a brother! Caleb…”
Serenity smiled “it seems like there was some memory blocker in your head, I guess my kiss broke it.”
“Thank you,” Kuno kissed her face repeatedly. Serenity blushed, “st-stupid wolf!”
Kuno chuckled, soon fading when he felt someone pinning him to the wall. He tried to break free but stopped his struggle when he saw Jasper’s beaming fire orange-red eyes. “You,” Jasper’s voice was dark and demonic, “how dare you touch, or even look, my sister! After all, you did to Evie, after all the pain she suffered through…”
Jasper clutched his throat, “you have the audacity to come back and be with my sister.”
“Ja-Jasper!” Kuno struggled to breathe, “wa-wait!”
“Wait? Oh no, no, no, I’ve waited too long to kill you!” Jasper fist coated in a fire, burning his throat. “I-I’m sorry!” Kuno rasped.
“You don't get to be sorry! Not after what you did to my mate!” Jasper’s vision blurred into a red stream of anger and rage. He watched himself throw Kuno across the room, pounding on the wolf.
His words turned into growls and snarls, his skins were coated in scales, and before Jasper knew it, he was a dragon. A small one, no bigger than an adult dog, but a dragon nonetheless.
Black smoke fumed out of his nostrils. He snapped at Kuno, who was disheveled and bleeding. “Jas-Jasper!” Evie stuttered.
Jasper looked up at him, “Evie...Evie…”
“Yes, it’s me,” she inched towards him, she couldn't believe what he was looking at “what happened to you?”
Jasper’s eyes sulked, he could see the worry in her eyes. Heck, he even forgot she was in the room! After he got angry he blocked out the entire world, it was like nothing else mattered other than killing Kuno.
He looked down at Kuno, slowly backing away, he morphed back into a human. The first time he felt was the world spinning, her walking was shaking and everything was just blurry.
“Wha...What happened?” Jasper groaned, looking up at Evie. “Yo-you turned into a dragon, not a big one, actually you weren’t any bigger than an adult dog, but you ripped Kuno to shreds.” Evie shivered.
Jasper looked at Kuno as the nurses surrounded him, Serenity cried, trying to consol the whimpering wolf.
“Serenity…” Jasper walked over to her. “Get away from me!” Serenity used her water magic to shot a small wave of water at him, “how couldn't you?! He was trying to beg for an apology!” Serenity yelled.
“I-” “No! I don't want you near Kuno! You wouldn't let him speak! You’re no better than Araden!”
Jasper froze, gritting his teeth as he ran out of the room. “Jasper, wait!” Evie called out, running after her dragon.
“St-Stay away, Evie!” Jasper warned. “Jasper, hun, come down.” Evie stepped close. “N-No!” Jasper stuttered. “Jasper, you’re not Araden,” Evie rested her hand on her cheek, “you’re my dragon.”
The two sat in the garden, Evie laid in his lap, “and I’m you’re Habibti,” she smiled brightly, she loves messing with his black hair, it was always so soft and smelled like pine trees.
“Hey, Habibti,” Jasper began, his eyes looked strained like they were holding something back. Evie chuckled and kissed his cheek, “you wanna mark me don't you?”
Jasper let out a deep sigh, “so badly,” he squeezed her hand softly, “but, are you sure you’re ready, once I mark you, you can never go back.”
“I’m sure.” Evie nodded, leaning in to whisper, “make me your Jasper, make me forget about being with any other person.”
Without any further need, he swept Evie off her feet and began running away from the NPA at great speed. “Where are we going, Jasper? The NPA is back there.” Evie asked, snuggling close to his chest.
“Iago took the keys to my father’s palace, it’s completely empty since everyone is at the NPA, plus, I have a little surprise for you.”
“Surprise? Jasper, I told you, I don't need anything special, isn't a marking just like any other time we had sex?” Evie tilted her head. “The Mating is not just some regular sex, it’s more special intimate.”
“When dragons mate, it’s like a right of passage, something that...I guess, soothes the dragon in us…?” Jasper struggled to understand. “It’s sorta like, something that tells me and dragon, in this case, Ioaz, that we don't have to worry about our mate being taken by anyone else.”
Evie tilted her head even more, “so, it’s kinda like a big step? Like our relationship is maturing?”
“Yeah, and I don't want to scare you but after the marking, things between us might get a bit different. I might be able to telecommunicate with you, your body might feel different, you’ll finally be able to meet Ioaz.”
“Well I won't care, as long as I’m with you, I’ll be okay.” Evie smiled as she watched Jasper open the door to Jafar’s palace, he placed Evie down, letting her see the rose petals lining the floor.
“Rose petals?”
“Yes, now, let your surprise begin,” Jasper led her up to the master bedroom, he saw the large smile on her face, knowing what this was. As she and her dragon climbed up the staircases, the railing was lined with roses laced with Lillies, Evie’s favorite flower.
Evie giggled, her smile growing, “Jasper...this is too much, roses, lilies, what’s next?”
Jasper opened the door to the master bedroom to reveal a beautiful, romantic, room. Rose petals shaped into little heart came together to make one big heart on the bed. Lilies adorned the headrest.
The reddest roses lined the walls, the sun gleamed through them giving it the color of a beautiful rose to the room.
“Jas-Jasper!” Evie tackled him in a big hug, “I-I-I love it! It’s everything I’ve ever wanted!” Evie stuttered, crying into his shirt.
She felt Jasper go still as she wrapped her arms around him and froze in place, worried that she might have gone too fast as she had with her last boyfriends. Cautiously, she looked up at Jasper's face and was shocked to see his elated expression.
“You mean it? You love it?”
Evie barely had a chance to nod before he had lifted her into the air and spun her around as he cheered. She was laughing as he lowered her back down to kiss her. No sooner had their lips touched than Evie felt her body grow warm again.
Jasper's answering growl proved that she had just as much of an effect on him. His hot tongue licked at her lower lip and she quickly opened her own mouth to let him in.
His mouth attacked hers with a fever that she had never experienced before and it made her feel like she was going to melt in his arms… or maybe evaporate.
His hands were moving all over her as if he wanted to touch every inch of her. One hand moved up to her hair, knocking her hat off of her head as he gripped the blue strands. His other hand was placed firmly at the small of her back to hold her body to his.
Evie's hands roamed over Jasper's arms and chest before burying them into his hair to crush his mouth more firmly to hers. When she felt his sharp teeth nip at her lips, she gasped and moaned.
He couldn't believe this was happening. All the time he had been close to her and he had been too dense to realize that she was his mate. But she was here in his arms; better yet, she wanted to be there with him!
He knew they were going to have to talk later, but he was too far gone in the mating frenzy. He had to claim her, mark her, make sure that everyone around knew that she was his.

Especially that bastard wolf freak! He tries to lay a hand on her again; I will rip his head off!
Growling at the memory, Jasper ran his hands down Evie's back and past the curve of her waist to cup her full ass. She moaned as she continued to kiss him and tugged lightly at his hair. He squeezed the globes in his hands and lifted her off her feet.
Without missing a beat, she wrapped her legs around his waist causing their cores to connect and both of them to moan at the contact. He broke the kiss to meet her gaze, barely containing his need to claim her.
“Evie, please, let me mate with you.”
She smiled broadly at him as blushed as her eyes glittered with emotion. “I’m all yours, Jasper and I want everyone to know it. I want to mate with you too.”

She could have sworn she saw flames dancing in his eyes a moment before he kissed her fiercely and quickly moved inside, kicking the door shut behind them.


He carefully stumbled over piles of clothes and junk that he should have thrown out a while ago, but hadn't been bothered enough by it to do so.
Luckily, the bed was clear of debris so he could turn them and sit on the mattress with the blue haired beauty straddling his lap. As soon as he was sat down, he reached up to start undoing the buttons of her dress.
Then her hands released their hold on his hair to hold his hands, making him stop. He broke their kiss to look at her face, unsure if he moved too fast or if she had changed her mind. "You okay? We don't…"
Evie's cut him off with a quick kiss and sexy smile. “Evie wanted to show you something.” Before he could reply, she had jumped off of his lap and water began flowing around her, obscuring her from view for a moment. He was confused until the water subsided, then he was struggling not to swallow his tongue. Her dress was gone.
Now she was wearing a black lacy, see through, chemise and matching black lace panties. All he could do was stare at her as her hands fidgeted in front of her and a blush colored her cheeks. “Um… I wanted to…”
Before she could finish, Jasper had wrapped an arm around her waist and flipped her over so she was lying on the bed with the dragon looming over top of her.
His breathing was labored as he continued to take in her form. She wanted to speak, but his eyes were so intense on her, she couldn't say a word. “You are so beautiful,” he told her, his voice showing how amazed he was.
Her blush grew more intense as she watched him, his eyes focused intensely on her face. His lite touch leaving a trail of, figurative, fire in its wake.
Starting at her cheek, he trailed his hand down her neck until reaching her collar bone and gently tracing the drop in her skin. Evie shivered as his fingers trailed to her chest, between her breasts, and across her stomach.
When his hand trailed across her hip, the warm feeling in her stomach became more intense than ever before… at least until he started touching the bare skin of her left thigh.
She moaned as his fingers moved beneath the lace of her chemise and pushed the fabric up slightly so he could touch the bare skin of stomach, just below her navel.
Jasper couldn't help but watch her as he touched her skin. He was driving himself crazy, but the expressions she was making made him unable to resist. She gave the best reactions when he was touching her hip and stomach, he especially liked how she shivered.
He didn't have a lot of experience with women, but his instincts were telling him to follow her reactions. As an experiment, his hand travelled farther up under the black lace toward her breasts.
Just as he touched the bottom curve of her left breast, her entire body shuttered as her eyes squeezed shut. Encouraged by her reaction to his touch, his hand continued farther up until he cupped her breast. She gasped loudly as her eyes flew open; he couldn't help but grin at her.
When he felt her nipple pebble against his palm, his hand automatically began rolling it between his fingers, causing her to moan loudly and bringing his control to its edge.
But he didn't want it to end so soon, he wanted to see her lose control first, and he wanted to be the one to make it happen.
“Do you like this?” He asked her, his voice sounding deeper even to his own ears.
Evie was having too hard of a time breathing to answer. All she could do was squeeze her eyes shut as she nodded.
Wanting to see how much more his touch could affect her, he gave her breast a gentle squeeze and couldn't help but grin as she moaned even louder than before. If she reacts this much to my hand, I wonder what she would do if I used my mouth?
Unable to resist, he leaned his head forward so he could kiss her skin just above the lace of her right breast. Her breathing hitched as he slowly moved closer to his prize, using his chin to move the fabric out of the way.
He'd thought he'd been happy with her reactions before, they were nothing compared to when he sucked her nipple into his mouth. She practically screamed in pleasure as her back arched off the bed, pressing her breast more firmly into his mouth.
Jasper groaned as his hand squeezed harder and his mouth sucked harder. Evie's mouth tasted amazing, her skin was just as wonderful, but there was a scent in the air that was making him hard with wanting.
Giving her nipple a final suck before it popped from between his lips, he followed his nose to the source of the scent and found himself pressing his nose to the apex between her thighs.
Evie's entire body jolted when she felt Jasper press his nose between her thighs. He was driving her body crazy and felt how wet she had become. Despite being a crystal woman, she couldn't remember any man ever making her this wet before in her entire life.
He somehow knew exactly how to touch her and what she liked best. She was so turned on, she was sure she would cum within seconds if Jasper would just touch her where she ached for him the most.
“Jasper… please, I need you to touch me,” she pleaded.
He barely heard her, but he had an idea of what she meant. He wanted to touch her where that intoxicating smell was coming from, but that scrap of black lace that he had thought was so sexy earlier was now annoyingly in the way.
He, unfortunately, had to release her breast so he could pull her panties down her pale legs. He was tempted to just burn them off of her, but he wanted to see her in this sexy outfit again and that wouldn't happen if it was destroyed.
Jasper was amazed by how much that thin scrap of fabric could block her scent. It made his entire body feel like it would burst into flames any moment from being so aroused.
He leaned closer to her the apex of her thighs to get a better look, though he had never seen this part of a woman up close before, he knew that no one would ever be more beautiful to him than Evie, his mate, the most perfect woman he could ever ask for.
His hands touched the trimmed blue curls before tracing the outer lips until he could spread them with his thumbs. A fresh wave of her scent hit him and he barely kept himself from pouncing on her at that moment.
He wanted to touch her there first, taste her even. Evie couldn't keep still from how much his touch was arousing her, and he loved that he had such an effect on her.
Just like with her breasts, he started with his hands. His fingers traced her lower lips, becoming moist from her juices. The first thing he discovered was her opening.
He'd heard from other guys in the guild that it was smart to use your fingers first to prep the girl so you don't hurt her, so he slowly eased his finger into her opening and ended groaning at the same time she did. She was so tight on his finger; he could just imagine how she would feel on his cock.
When he felt her relax at the intrusion of her body, he started easing his finger in and out of her at a steady pace that had her panting. When it felt easier to move his finger, he added a second one which made her moan out his name and left his own body shaking with the need to taste her.
Bringing his face back down, he gave the area above his finger a lick. The taste of her… the last remnants of his control disappeared and he began devouring her like she was his final meal.
Evie had barely been able to concentrate on what was happening, all she knew was the pleasure that Jasper was giving her. The feeling of his fingers inside of her had nearly made her cum, but then he had set an agonizingly slow pace that had kept it just out of reach.
She was a breath away from begging him to put her out of her misery when he had given her clit a firm lick. She'd moaned loudly just as Jasper had attacked with such fever that started the force that took her over the edge.
Her hands gripped at his hair as she screamed his name and held him to her. Wave after wave of pleasure left her a wet, shuttering husk of a woman beneath him, but he didn't stop, his tongue and fingers kept moving, drawing her orgasm out to the point where she was practically sobbing.
“Jasper… please… I want… I want…”
Her voice seemed to finally get through to him, because he removed his fingers from inside of her and gave her another long lick before sitting up to stare at her. When she saw his face, she wasn't sure if she was excited or nervous by what she saw.
That feral look she had seen on his face earlier in the night had returned. Without having to be told, Evie knew that the dragon instincts were taking over and that there would be no turning back.
He jumped off of her, but only for long enough to rip his clothes off of his body in pieces. She hardly got a chance to look at him before he was over top of her again. His fingers lit on fire as he burned away her lace chemise and tore the remains from her body.
The feel of his bare skin pressed against her had hot and panting before his mouth found hers again. She could feel his cock prodding at her entrance and couldn't help but be a little nervous.
Jasper lined himself up and pressed into her until the head of his cock was inside and then paused. Evie forced her eyes open and found fiery eyes staring into hers.
He was growling with every breath he took, as if he was fighting his instincts for control. It took her a moment to realize that he was waiting for her; taking a breath, she gave him a nod.
With a snap of his hips, he was all the way inside of her and she screamed from the pleasure-pain of her barrier being torn.

Her body was shaking, he was so much larger than his fingers had been but it felt amazing. He had gone still again, his breathing had gone ragged as his body pressed hers into the mattress.
Having lost her ability to speak at the moment, Evie lifted her chin and pressed a kiss to his cheek, and that was the spark that started the raging fire. He snarled deep in his throat as he started thrusting into her at an unrelenting pace.
The more he moved, the more the pain faded and the pleasure built at a speed that had her arms and legs twitching. She gripped his hair, uncaring if she was pulling any out as he kept driving her body beyond anything she had ever known before.
Evie lost all track of time and the world around her. Nothing outside of the two of them existed and that was all she cared about. The pleasure was building and she didn't even try to keep her voice down as she moaned. “Jasper…”
Hearing his name seemed to set him off even more. He snarled as he took hold of her left leg and hooked it over his shoulder. The change in position made her scream as her nails dug into his scalp. He increased his pace and she could feel the new wave of pleasure building.
Her entire body was tingling and could tell that the coming orgasm would be even more intense than the last one.
Part of her mind was worried that she would melt into a puddle when she came, but that part was hardly existent compared to the rest of her which was clamoring for release. She was so close…
Jasper's growls increased as he leaned closer to her, his hot breath tickling her ear. “Mine,” he growled before his struck, fast like a snake, and bit into the right side of her neck.
The combination pleasure-pain sent her body spiraling into an orgasm that had her screaming so hard that she knew her voice would be horse in the morning. At the same time, she felt hot +spurts in her abdomen and knew that he had reached his climax as well.
Her body was quivering as she lay beneath her mate. Before her leg could grow sore, he lowered it off of his shoulder as he gently licked at the bleeding bite wound on her neck. The soft lapping at her neck made her skin tingle from awareness.
"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?" Jasper asked her as he lay down beside her and pulled her to his chest.
She sighed as she curled up against Jasper's chest, a wide smile stretching across her face. “You didn't hurt me at all. I very much enjoyed being with you.”
He hummed as he kissed her, he just couldn't seem to touch her enough. "Good, I didn't want to hurt you. You're my first and you'll be my only, Evie. I'll make sure that you're loved the way you deserve to be."
Wrapping her arms around his trim waist, she peppered his chest with kisses. "You have already proven that you love me. Now I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my mate. Me and you will take care of and love each other forever."

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