EP.23|Bus Rides and Would You Rather Terror

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EP.23|Bus Rides and Would You Rather Terror

“Whatcha doing Blueberry?” Jasper asked. “Just designing. There is supposed to be a famous fashion designer at the hotel and I wanna show her some of my designs.” Evie answered as Jasper looked at the business card in his pocket. “You still haven’t called him?” Evie asked as Jasper shook his head.

“I just don't know if I should. I’m not sure if I’m ready to go public yet.” Jasper answered sighing. “You should call him. He seems really nice. And he loves your art! I mean who wouldn’t! It’s amazing! Even though you haven’t paint the hair color yet, it’s still awesome.” Evie smiled. “Yeah, I guess it is.” Jasper smiled too.

Carlos inched his hand closer to CJ’s hat. “Don't touch my hat.” CJ warned him. “But why?” Carlos asked. “Cause I told you not to.” CJ answered cleaning her sword. “That’s not a real answer.” Carlos shot back. “Fine, I don't want you touching it because it’s my hat.” CJ smiled, Carlos quickly took it off of her.

“Now it’s my hat.” Carlos smirked as CJ put her sword close to Carlos’s neck. “What did I say Carlos?” CJ asked. “Not to touch your hat.” Carlos answered, feared for his life. “And what did I tell you not to do?” CJ asked. “Not to touch your.” Carlos repeated. “And what are you gonna do?” CJ asked. “Touch your hat.” Carlos answered as CJ took back her hat.

“Now that’s a good boy.” CJ cooed.

“Hey, why don't we play a game?” C.A suggested keeping her eyes glued to her notebook, which people have suspected being a “shipping notebook”. “What kind of game?” Lori questioned, turning her attacking from Bruce to the pink haired 2nd oldest descendant of Cupid.

“Hmmm...Maybe, Would You Rather?” “What kind of Would You Rather?” Mal asked. “An innocent game of Would You Rather of course.” C.A smiled innocently. “Okay…” Everyone sweat dropped. “Perfect! I’ll go first.” C.A smiled grew as she whipped her head around to face Operetta.

“Operetta dear. Would you rather eat strawberry cake out of Hunter’s mouth, or his abs?” C.A smirked. Operetta’s face was now the color of her hair as Mal and Evie huddled together, realising that they were right about C.A turning this into another one of her games to get her ships together.

Hunter, with a very apparent blush on his face as well, tuned to the Phantom of the Opera’s daughter eagerly awaiting her answer. Yes it was true. He had a crush on her. They hadn’t know each other for so long, and while yes he had turned into a demon at Maddie’s party for a while, when he was turned back the feelings were still there. Though he would never have the guts to tell her.

“I-I” Operetta stuttered as she searched for her words. “I- What kind of question is that anyway?!” She stalled. “The question I asked. Now answer!” C.A threatened. “It’s okay Operetta… just choose one.” Hunter reassured her. Taking a deep breathe and nodding she answered the Cupid question, “H-His abs.” She said looking away from everyone, the blush on her face becoming a deeper shade of red. If that was even possible.

“Ohh! So you wanna see him shirtless?” Maddie teased. “N-NO!” Operetta stammered. “I-I just! It wouldn’t be a-a k-k-kiss, if it w-was like that!” “Sureeee.” Maddie said as Operetta put on a terrifying look clearly telling everyone that if she was asked another question like that they would probably all die making it to the resort.

“Alright, Operetta, you get to ask someone a question now. Just now me, I’m busy.” Operetta cursed to herself, as she really wanted to get C.A back for that, but instead decided to get back at Maddie for the teasing she bestowed upon her after she gave her answer.

It really wasn’t like what everyone thought. To Operetta it was less romantic, sure he wouldn’t have a shirt on, but there would be less romantic contact. At least in her mind. If it was out of his mouth it would be a kiss. With it being off his stomach, there really wasn’t any romantic contact that has to be made.

“Okay. Maddie.” After hearing her name the party planner felt her body tense up. “Would you rather stop party planning, or go on a date with Alistair?” Maddie felt her face heat up at the mention of the oldest Cupid descendant member.

“I-I.” Maddie thought before deciding if she gave a quick seemingly unthought about answer then Operetta will have failed in getting the reaction that she wanted out of her therefore she will have won.

“The date. There is no way you can get me to give up party planning! Even if it means I have to go on a date with him!” Operetta was shocked and angry at the answer she had gotten. She had wished for Maddie to get choked up about the answer and feel just as embarrassed as she had. Alas that wasn’t the case.

“My turn.” Maddie turned to the two girls huddled together in fear. She smirked at Freddie and instinctively turned back around to face Zeref. “So, Zeref? Would you rather, Kiss Freddie, take her on a date, or both?” “OI!! WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!” Zeref yelled as Freddie ran and locked herself in the buses bathroom.

“Just answer.” “And if I don't wanna?” “Then you have to go and kiss her right now.” Zeref cruses under his breath as he thought about it for a moment. “Take her Zeref huffed as CJ told Zeref it was okay to come out of the bathroom now.

“Yo! Jasper!” Zeref called out to Jasper. “What?” “Would you rather kiss Carlos or Evie?” “I’d kiss anyone over Carlos!” Evie’s face turned the same shade as Operetta’s hair. “Thank you Zeref.” Evie muttered. “What ever…” Jasper huffed.

“Uhh…” He said looking around for the next vict-I mean participant. “Bruce!” He called out as the black haired boy looked at him giving him I-swear-if-you-ask-me-something-about-my-crush face. “Would you rather...jump outta this bus, or punch Carlos 30 times?”

While for Jasper the answer was clear, for Bruce, who saw Carlos as a little brother, this might be a hard question. “Punch Carlos.” He said giving it almost no thought at all. “HEY BRUCE!! I THOUGHT WE WERE PALS?!” Carlos yelled, clearly hurt from what Bruce said. “We are Carlos. But that doesn't change the fact that I’m gonna kick your ass one day!” Bruce cheered, engulfing his fist in purple flames which he were so famous for.

“Whatever.” Carlos said crossing his arms pouting just like he did when CJ refused to let him see her hat. “Alright, Carlos.” Bruce called. This was the perfect time for Bruce to embarrass him. Ask him a question about CJ. that’s the only way to get to the white haired idiot. Or be Jasper. But that wasn’t something Bruce wanted. Ever. So Plan A it is!

“Ya...jerk.” Carlos muttered the last part under his breath, but CJ being right next to him heard and smacked him upside the head, telling him to apologize.

“Sorry.” He muttered again. “Would you rather make out with CJ or Lanora?” There it was. The question that made Carlos go quiet and blush. Only for a moment though, honestly he answered quicker than anyone anticipated. “CJ!”

CJ’s face became red as everyone throughout the bus giggled as Carlos looked at CJ cover her blushed face with her hat. “You okay CJ?” Mal asked slyly. “Shut up!” CJ answered.


It was fairly late. C.A walked over to the light switch before dimming it. Most people were asleep already. Everyone except Lizzie. The cutest part was, Evie had fallen asleep with her head on Jasper’s shoulder.

And Jasper had his head on top of hers. Alistair had his arm around Maddie, who list like Evie, had her head resting on his shoulder. Freddie’s head as on Zeref’s lap.

Bruce and Lori had their backs leaning on one another. Both Ben and Mal laid on each other. And Carlos and CJ, who had the long seat in the back, were laying down Carlos’s arms around CJ pulling her close to him while she held the arm under her was though it were a pillow. C.A giggled as she sat down in her seat beside Lizzie.

“What’s so funny?” She asked, raising her eyebrow at her. “Just how everyone love each other and doesn't know it.” C.A smiled as she drifted off to sleep on Lizzie’s shoulder.

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