EP.24|The Past Can Sometimes Surprise You, And Other Times, It's Just Weird

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EP.24|The Past Can Sometimes Surprise You, And Other Times, It’s Just Weird

All of our V.K, and Ben, slept soundly on the bus. With dreams filled in their heads, what kind of dreams one may ask? Well, let's take a look.

Ben slept closely to the purple haired descendant of Maleficent, his head buried in her purple hair. The smell of dull lavender filled his nose. He smiled softly in his sleep.

Inside his dreams Ben sat in the same golden cloudy place he met Zypher. “Well, it looks like you're having fun.” Zypher smirked. “Shut up, Mal. Is. A. Friend.” Ben spaced out his words. “Really? A friend? Let’s test that theory shall we?” Zypher smirk grew.

“What do you mean?” Ben asked as the room turned black with small orbs circling the space. “This is your brain, the part of it where your memories, dreams, and desires are stored.” Zypher said.

“How is this testing the theory?” Ben asked. “Cause, if you think of Mal as a friend, then why would this be here?” Zypher then passed one of the small orbs to Ben.

Ben tapped it as it reveal Mal in a very pretty yellow and purple dress walking down the aisle. Ben quickly taped the orb again and passed it back to Zypher. “So, is she really just a friend?” Zypher asked.

Meanwhile, inside Mal’s dreams.

Mal gasped as Ben sunk his fangs into Mal’s skin. It burned for a while until Ben liked over it turning the burning into pleasure.

“I told you it would turn into pleasure.” Ben whispered making Mal blush. “B-Ben...yo-your parents are gonna kill you if we get caught.” Mal warned.

“Like I care.” Ben scoffed as he kissed Mal’s neck making her gasped.

“I need you Mal.” Ben whispered biting her ear slightly. “Ben, w-we can’t. There’s a stupid rule against it.” Mal sighed as Ben growled.

“Fuck rules.” Ben ripped off Mal’s shirt his lips firmly pressed onto the top of Mal’s chest.

Mal smiled as she nuzzled up against Ben neck. The seat behind her however, CJ was awake, reading her mother’s journal under her coat with a flashlight. “Ready Crackers?” CJ asked as Crackers nodded. CJ opened the book and began reading. “June 13, 1991.” CJ started.

“Dear journal, it’s been 2 days since the stranded man from sea been on this all female ship.” CJ narrated.

“Nikita!” The second in command, Daphne, yelled. Nikita has blonde let down hair and reaches just past her shoulders. She wears a single hoop earring with small magenta and blue beads threaded onto it. A navy-blue coat with gold trimmings.

She wears a pirate-like wavy blouse with black bodice and golden buttons and a short, green skirt with pirate-style patterns on them. She also has long, gray boots that reach to her knees, a golden bracelet on her right wrist, and a bracelet belt that can carry her sword.

“What?” Nikita yelled back. “The man is waking up!” Daphne yelled as Nikita quickly rushed down to the sleeping quarters to see a man with dark black hair.

“Where am I?” He asked groggily. “Siren Sea, it’s the name of my pirate crew.” Nikita answered as the man sat up slowly, wincing in pain.

“Lay down idiot. Your wounds haven’t healed.” Nikita chuckled, placing her hand on his chest. She felt around, it was hard, Holy shit! This man has abs! Nikita thought blushing.

“Is this how you greet all of you guest, or is it just me?” He chuckled, smirking cockily. “Shut up! Y-You idiot.” Nikita scolded as she grabbed his arm. “So, exactly why are you touching my bicep?” He asked smirking as Nikita looked down blushing.

“I-I-I ne-nee-need to ch-chan-change the gauze.” Nikita stuttered. “You blush a lot don't you?” His smirk grew. “And you smirk a lot.” Nikita shot back. “I never got your name.” Nikita added.

“Just call be Hook.” Hook answered. “Fine, Hook, I’m Nikita, where’s your crew?” Nikita asked. “They abandoned me.” Hook sighed. “Sorry to hear that. Do you know why?” Nikita asked.

“My father is unfair and sexist that’s why. I just suggested that we should have some more females on the crew, but when I said it he laughed and literally threw me off the boat.” Hook shortly explained.

“Well, that’s kinda all we have here. It’s an all female crew.” Nikita smiled, looking at his hat. “I like your hat.” Nikita complimented reaching for it, Hook quickly moved away. “Why can’t I see your hat?” Nikita pouted. “Cause it’s mine.” Hook answered. “That’s not a real answer.” Nikita smirked.

“Yes but it is an answer. So, no touchy my hat.” Hook smiled. “Meanie.” Nikita muttered, she then walked over to the counter, slipping on some water, causing her to land on Hook’s chest.

“I-I’m s-so sorry!” Nikita apologize. “It’s fine.” Hook smirked. “So, why are you looking at my abs?” Hook asked. “Sorry, haven’t seen a man in a while.” Nikita apologized, still staring.

Stop staring Nikita! It’s rude! She thought, but she couldn’t look away. Nikita could've sworn she was drooling. Nikita! This is a man! Not a piece of meat! She scolded herself.

“Nikita?” Hook asked as Nikita shook her head quickly as she got off of Hook. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry.” Nikita apologized.

“It’s fine Nikita.” Hook chuckled. “D-D-Do you wanna meet the crew?” Nikita stuttered as Hook nodded sitting up. “Remember the crew is entirely girls.” Nikita reminded him as they went to the ship deck.

“Girls, this is Hook.” Nikita introduced as a girl with blonde and blue held her sword up to his neck. “That’s Darlene, my right hand woman” Nikita introduced.

She has curly, platinum blonde hair with blue streaks in it with her bangs pulled back. Darlene has pale pink lips, cream-colored eyebrows, blue eyes with layered blue and purple eyeshadow and a beauty mark under her right eye.

Darlene wears a slim silvery dress with blue elbow-length sleeves with pink tulle.

She has a blue sheer peplum, with a swirly pink and blue glitter curls pattern, and has an armor-like shoulder piece and matching belt with small pink gems.

Darlene also wears ornate silver shoes with metal ruffles. She accessories with a silver horse bangle attached by a chain to her ring, a silver bead tiara and pink feather headpiece with the jolly roger symbol on it.

“This is the enemy! You have invited the enemy on our ship!” Darlene scolded. “Darlene, if I had told you once, I had told you a thousand times; Men are not enemies, most of them.” Nikita reminded her.

“Well, how do we know that? Hmm! Maybe he’s a spy!” Darlene accused. “He’s not a spy! We all saw him drifting in the sea on top of an old log.” A girl with auburn hair shortly explained.

Her auburn hair was tied in a low ponytail in bunches, the last bunch ending in a bobby curl. She has hazel brown eyebrows, cute pink eyeshadow, sea green eyes, and mild orange lips.

She has a sleeveless red shimmery top with bright purple tights with the same gold embellishments her red translucent mesh attachment has.

She wears gold knee-high boots with pink hollies on top of the wedge heel. She accessories with a golden choker with a purple jewel in the center, along with a matching arm cuff, wrist cuff, and belt.

“I’m Heather O’Reilly.” Heather introduced shaking Hooks hand. “I’m sorry about Darlene, she can be a little rude when you first meet her but you get used to it.” Heather chuckled.

“And last but not least, Heather sister Peyton O’Reilly.” Hook the looked up to see a girl swinging over head. “WOO!!” Peyton cheered landing next to Hook.

“Hello!” Peyton cheered. Peyton's hair has an even, purple and blue bob-like cut. She has auburn eyebrows, bright pink lips, smokey purple eyeshadow and aqua eyes.

Peyton wears a full-black dress along with a translucent purple bubble skirt with braid-and-scissors embroidery. Peyton also wears silver shoulder plates.

She wears purple tights with multicolored stripes and heeled silver boots with black lace. Peyton accessories with chain headwear, a matching silver choker necklace, a silver belt molded into the braid-and-scissors, and an arm cuff of the same color.

“I’m Peyton O'Reilly.” Peyton shook Hooks hand. “I’m surprised you survived the storm a couple nights ago.” Peyton chuckled. “You have one interesting crew.” Hook commented.

“Yeah, they’re like my family.” Nikita smiled. “One thing you have that I don't.” Hook sighed. “You have one now.” Heather smiled. “I do?” Hook asked. “Yep.” Peyton answered. “Welcome to the crew Hook.” Nikita said, taking his hat.

“That was the first time I invited a male friend onto the ship, little did I know, it would be more than just friendship.” CJ closed the book and smiled.

“I’m glad dad sent me this book. Who would've thought Mom kept a journal. But, I don't know anything about her. She left me. Was I that bad?” CJ asked her parrot Crackers who shook his head.

“Thanks Cracker’s. Mind sending this letter to Dad?” CJ asked as Cracker nodded and took the letter in his beak and flew off.

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