EP.25|The Heart Hotel IS The Lovey-Dovey-Ist Place On Earth!

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EP.25|The Heart Hotel Is The Lovey-Dovey-Ist Place On Earth!

C.A woke up and walked to the front of the bus. “3. 2. 1.” C.A counted down as she brought out a megaphone.

“WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!!!” C.A yelled causing everyone to wake up, some even falling to the bus floor. “I hate you so much.” Hunter groaned. “Yes, I know, anyways. We’re here!” C.A cheered.

“Oh joy.” Maddie said sarcastically as they got off the bus. The hotel was a beautiful pink hotel building with a beautiful rose garden in the front.

“This is your hotel?!” Ben gasped. “Not yet, when my dad retires then yes.” C.A answered as they grabbed they’re stuff and entered the hotel.

“Hi! Welcome to the Heart Hotel.” A middle aged woman spoke, she looked up from her computer to see C.A.

“Miss C.A! I forgot you and your friends were arriving today!” She said as C.A smiled. “It’s fine. C.A group checking in.” as C.A checked them all in, the others sat in the lobby with awe.

It looked gave off the feel of what might be inside of C.A shipping notebook, but was still cozy and extremely worth the five star rating.

It was decorated perfectly for summer with pink palm trees all over the lobby and beach balls placed here and there and last but not least, hula girls where pink hula gear.

“Alright, these men will help you to your rooms miss C.A.” The women said as two young men began to introduce themselves to the group.

“Sup guys! I’m Milo and I’ll be helping you throughout your stay here.” Milo introduced. Milo has scruffy vermilion hair and golden eyes.

He wore glasses, which are yellow with dark grey stripes. His orange headphones are seen around his neck the majority of the time.

He also wears a silver cross necklace. He wore a white vest decorated with red accents over a black dress shirt and a red tie.

The guys, and Lizzie, nodded at him as they watched in rage at the two guys. “Hello ladies. My name is Lance. I’ll also be helping you throughout your stay. So if you need anything. Anything at all, feel free to ask.” Lance was a tall young man with noticeable muscle tone.

He has silver-white long hair with short bangs falling slightly over his eyes, and his hair is tied in a low ponytail which reaches down his back.

Lance's eyes are a pinkish-red and almond shaped. He wore a grey jacket with large buttons and a logo feature, a black turtleneck, tight fitting pants and black formal shoes. C.A rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure we’ll be just fine!” C.A said trying her best not to kill Lance and Milo as they started smooth talking all the girls.

“Okay, I just hate to see such lovely ladies as yourselves in this big place like this or anything like that.” Milo said. All the girls were blushing, except C.A who could see right past this bull.

If this keeps up he’s gonna ruin my ships! She thought to herself. C.A...remember what dad said. We can’t kill anymore of the employees. Not after what happened last time. Alistair warned her telepathically.

I won’t, it’s just, this idiot is ruining my ships! And I need my ships to sail! C.A glared at Lance, who went on and on smooth talking the crap outta the girls.

“C’mon, let’s get you to your room.” Milo said showing them to the elevator. They were a little reluctant to leave with that Lance creep around, but after seeing how C.A reacted they were a little less worried, knowing she wouldn’t let anything happen to them.

“So what are your names?” Lance asked.

“Freddie Facilier.” Freddie said. She too wasn’t totally fooled by this act. While she was surprised and a little swept off her feet, she knew what he was doing. “What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

“My names Operetta Styles.”

“Ahh, the famous singer who one the music competition at the mall. What an honor it is to be in front of a beautiful and talented woman.” Even Operetta was blushing madly to the point her face looked the same color as her hair. “My name’s Maddie Hatter.” Maddie introduced.

“Your the party planner that hosted the One Mad Tea Party, yes?” Lance asked as Maddie nodded. “Maddie Hatter, we make party appeared at a drop of the hat. Here’s my card, call me day or night for any party.” Maddie said handing him her card.

“I’m Evie Queen.” Evie smiled. “Such lovely blue hair, just like a blueberry and just as sweet.” Lance complimented.

“I’m Mal Maleficent.” Mal introduced. “I heard about what you did, I must say that is pretty ballsy. I don't know a lot of girls who would do that.” Lance smirked making Mal smile. “I’m Lori Cupid.” Lori smiled.

“Lori, the youngest of the Cupid trio and I must say the only one who hasn’t glared at me at the few moments we've been here.” Milo chuckled. “I’m Lizzie Hearts.” Lizzie introduced. “Welcome to our hotel your young majesty.” Lance bowed.

“Thanks...I guess…” Lizzie muttered. “I’m C.A., proud member of the LGBT community, along with Lizzie” she said coldly as Lizzie smiled. “Is that so. Great.” Lance muttered. “I’m CJ Hook.” CJ smiled.

“Ahh, it’s such an honor to be in the presence of the pirate princess herself.” Lance said gently kissing her hand. “Eh. Our rooms?” C.A scoffed, clearly getting more annoyed by the minute.

“Of course.” He said leading them into the elevator. It was a tight fit since there was a lot of them, but Lance took pleasure in being squished between the busty CJ and Freddie.

“OI! DOG BOY!!” They ladies heard as they exited the elevator. “Guess the boy's got here before us.” CJ sweat dropped.

“WHAT GENIE BOY!!” The fighting immediately stopped when the two caught sight of Operetta scowling at them CJ’s sword in hand.

“Well here is the boy’s copy are your room keys.” Milo handed the boys their room keys and left the hall.

“And here are your lovely ladies room keys.” Lance handed them the room keys and he could feel the eyes of all the guys on him watching his every move.

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