EP.49|Sapphire Blue or Ruby Red?

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EP.49|Sapphire Blue or Ruby Red?

Evie walked down the hallway it was dark the only light was the light coming from the poison dripping from the ruby red apples with what seemed to be a military guns acting as though they were crossbones and the apples were the skull.

“I get the apples. But guns? Mom doesn't work in guns, she mostly uses hand to hand combat.” Evie said, reaching the end of the hallway to see a blue door with a mirror on it. “Mirror Mirror.” The mirror spoke.

“On the wall.” Evie responded. “Queens beats Snows.” The mirror said. “At being the fairest of all.” Evie smirked as the door opened the room had mirrors everywhere.

“What the hell?” Evie asked, she looked into the mirror and saw a guys behind her.

“HYA!!” Evie yelled, roundhouse kicking the man, once he was on the ground Evie stomped her foot on his chest. “Who are you?!” Evie yelled, holding her wand to his neck. “Dante…” He groaned.

“Dante…?” Evie questioned, slowly moving her wand away from his neck. “Last name.” She ordered, he stood quiet. “Last name! Now!” Evie yelled. “Queen.” He groaned, Evie’s eyes widened, removing her foot.

“Dad…?” Evie asked as Dante got off the floor. “Yeah it’s me. You didn’t have to be like you mom though. Jeez.” Dante scoffed and before he knew it he was tackled into a hug.

“I missed you.” Evie cried. “I missed you too, pipsqueak.” Dante smiled.

“Why are you in an army uniform?” Evie asked, wiping her tears. “Well, that goes back to the day I met your mom.” Dante said, the two sitting on the floor.

“It all started one night at a bar.” Dante narrated.

It was a cool fall evening, Dante walked into a bar called Transylvania Locks. Odd name, I know. He walked inside to see he was the only one, other than the girl behind the counter humming the words to the song ‘Say No To This’

“One shot of tequila please.” Dante requested as the girl behind the bar nodded, pouring him the tequila.

“So, it's midnight, either your drunk and are super good at hiding it or your here to make a drug deal of some sort.” She chuckled.

“No, just wanted a drink that’s all.” Dante said. “Mind if I join you?” She asked, pouring two more shots.

“Why not.” Dante smiled, the two drinking the shot. “So, you work here or something?” Dante asked, sounding stupid as all hell. “Nah, I’m just behind the bar and get paid. Of course I work here dummy.” She laughed.

“I don't wanna work here. I wanna work there.” She then pointed to a beautiful silver building in a magazine. “Is that Eight Ball Fashion?” Dante asked.

“Yeah, I would kill to work there! All the massive fashion designers started there. Velouria Graves, Ayda Vandran, Zen Le Doux!” She gushed, holding the magazine to her chest.

“Pretty obsessed, huh?” Dante chuckled. “Excuse me?” She asked sternly.

“You seem super obsessed with those three designers. Especially that last one.” Dante said, drinking another shot. “I am not obsessed!” She scolded.

“Really?” Dante smirked, moving a curtain behind the bar case to reveal a shine of pictures of Zen Le Doux.

“How did you know? You’ve been here for 5 minutes!” She quickly closed the curtains. “X-ray vision.” Dante said, sitting on the bar steep.

“Yes, I may be a little obsessed with him.” She muttered under her breath. “A little?” Dante chuckled. “Shut up. You tell nobody!” She pointed her finger at him judgingly.

“Fine, I won’t. Miss-I’m-Obsessed-With-Zen Le Doux.” Dante laughed. “I have a name you know.” She said.

“And it is?” Dante asked. “Esther. Esther Queen.” Esther introduced, cleaning some glasses. “Your name means star. You know.” Dante informed her.

“Yeah, my entire family calls me Estrellas.” Esther chuckled to herself. “I’m guessing Estrellas means stars in spanish.” Dante guessed.

“Yeah.” Esther smiled. Dante then noticed a black notebook on the other side of the bar.

“This yours?” Dante asked, opening the book to see beautiful fashion designs.

“Did you draw these?” Dante asked. “Yes, just some stupid drawings.” Esther tried reaching from the notebook but Dante kept moving it father away from her.

“Gimme!” Esther whined. “What’s the magic word?” Dante cooed as Esther smirked.

“Give me the notebook or I stab you with your own keys.” Esther whispered, grabbing Dante’s keys and her notebook back. “Why don't you apply for a job for Eight Ball?” Dante asked, sitting beside her.

“I can’t the boss hates me.” Esther sighed. “Well, you never know, if you went under the name Estrellas you can work there.” Dante suggested.

“I don't know, I mean, they probably wouldn’t accept me anyways.” Esther said. “You never know until you try.” Dante singsonged as Esther jumped off the bar steep and poured a glass of wine.

“You drink rose wine?” Dante asked. “I love it. It’s the only wine I drink.” Esther smiled. “Not a lot of people know about Rose Wine.” Dante stated.

“Yeah, it’s native to-” “Pixie Island.” They both said. Esther smiled. Her smile pretty… woah, woah, woah stop it! Dante thought as him and Esther shared a glass of Rose Wine.

“So, if you don't mind me asking, you obviously have a boyfriend. Right?” Dante asked. “Nope. Single as a pringle.” Esther raised her glass to her lips. “How?” Dante muttered.

“I mean, I want a boyfriend. But, everyone I meet is weird or taken.” Esther groaned, taking another sip of her wine.

“You never know, there are good people out there, they just haven’t reveal themselves.” Dante assured her. “Yeah, whatever, the day I find a good man is the day Snow White dies.” Esther scoffed.

“Babe!” A voice yelled making Esther groan loudly.

“Snow! You’re back early!” Dante gushed, hugging Snow tightly. “Speak of the devil.” Esther growled, lowly. “What is she doing here?” Snow asked smugly. “She works at the bar Snow.” Dante chuckled. “Where did you go? I thought you said you be home early?” Snow asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I just stopped for a drink. No worries.” Dante said, kissing Snow. “I had everything planned.” Snow pouted.

“I even bought new lingerie.” Snow whispered seductively in his ear. “Is that so?” Dante smirked. “My parents are out of town, we got the castle all to yourself.” Snow smirked also.

“You know Snow?” Esther asked. “Yeah, he does, future wife.” Snow bragged flashing the ring in Esther’s face making her crush the glass in her hand.

“Well, it’s past midnight, I should clock out.” Esther growled, slamming the bottle of Rose Wine on the bar, before going to the back and clocking out.

“Damn Snow!” Esther yelled, slamming her fist on the wall. She walked back to the bar to see Snow and Dante making out.

“Oh Dante! That feels wonderful!” Snow moaned as Dante kissed her neck, looking directly at Esther smugly. “Hoe.” Esther mouthed before exiting out the back. Esther felt her eyes watering.

“Ugh! Why am I crying?” Evie looked up at the sky, hoping her tears could dry. She then brought out her phone and opened the VK group chat.

“You guys at the clubhouse?” Esther texted. “Yeah. Where are you? I thought you got off at midnight?” Maleficent texted back.

“I’ll explain when I get there.” Esther texted, tears falling on her phone. After walking for awhile, Esther entered the clubhouse crying.

“Oh honey, who do I need to burn?” Maleficent asked, hugging Esther. “Nobody Malley, I’m fine.” Esther smiled, wiping tears off her face.

“That’s your fake smile. I know you Esther” Acadia said. “I’m not fake smiling.” Esther sniffled.

“Look in the mirror Blue.” Jafar said, bringing Esther a mirror to reveal herself tears streaming down her face. Esther then broke down crying.

“Seriously, who do we need to punch?” Gaston asked delicately. “Gaston, there’s no reason you need to punch somebody.” Esther laughed.

“If you crying, then there is. In this club were family, and we hurt whoever makes our family cry.” Phantom said, resting his hand on her shoulder.

“Thanks, but, it’s something you can't fix.” Esther sighed. “Try us.” Cruella smirked. “Can you fix Snow White taking the perfect man once again?” Esther cried.

“No, but we can drink your favorite wine.” Nikita smiled taking out two bottles of Rose Wine.

“Let's pop some bottles.” Esther chuckled.


After drinking many bottles of Rose Wine, Esther was drunk. Really drunk. She tumbled to the door and grabbed her coat. “Esther? Where you going?” Jafar asked.

“To...Dante’s…” Esther slurred. “Sit.” Jafar placed her on the couch. “Are you okay? Snow took a lot of boys before Dante. Why is this one affecting you?” Jafar asked.

“Cause, this one, I like...I wanna be with this one...he’s handsome...he’s imperfect, but he tries….he’s messy but he’s kind...he’s gone, but I want him to be mine.” Esther slurred, crying a little.

“Honey, come here.” Jafar held her. “I want him to be mine…” Esther cried. “I know Blue, I know.” Jafar said, rubbing her back soothingly.

“Jafar, what do I do?” Esther cried harder. “We’re going to the castle.” Jafar said, helping Esther up.

“Wh-what?” Esther stammered. “I know Dante, we used to be friends. Reads theses.” Jafar passed her his phone filled with text messages from Dante from the past 4 hours.

Hey Jafar, do you know a girl name Esther? I met her at the bar. She frickin awesome! And single!

Dude you have to give me her number? I know I’m with Snow but I think there’s a chance she’s cheating on me.

Okay, I’m certain she’s cheating on me! I went out to get strawberries and came back to see some Charming guy and her making out!

Is something wrong? Why haven’t you been answering me? I would really like Esther's number now. If that’s not a problem.

Dude? Are you okay? Is Esther okay? Why are you not answering me?

“He likes you.” Jafar smirked as the two reached the castle. “Go.” Jafar smiled as Esther knocked on the door. Dante opened it, without a shirt on. “H-Hi Dan-Dante.” Esther stammered.

“What’s up Esther?” Dante asked as Esther kissed him. “Sorry. I know you have a fiance and I just-” And before she knew it, Dante kissed her back. “Wanna come inside?” Dante asked as Esther nodded.

“What about Snow?” Esther asked. “Cheated. With some charming prince.” Dante smirked as Esther jumped up and wrapped his legs around him. “I drunk as hell, just kiss me.” Esther chuckled.


“Woah…” Esther breathed heavily, her and Dante laying down on the bed. “That’s amazing!” Dante smiled, facing Esther. “I love you Esther.” Dante whispered.

“I love you too.” Esther smiled. Esther got up and put on a beautiful blue robe. She went downstairs to see all her friends were there.

“W-Wh-What are you doing here?” Esther stammered. “We wanted to see how last night went for you and Dante.” Acadia smirked as Esther laid on the chair, sighing in delight. “It was wonderful! Pure magic!” Esther exclaimed.

“So I’m guessing the sex was good?” Facilier asked. “Amazing!” Esther shivered in excitement. “That good?” Persephone asked.

“Yes! Oh, it was amazing! Like fireworks shooting off inside of me.” Esther smiled widely as she felt Dante’s arms wrap around her. “Morning Babe.” Esther chuckled, kissing his cheek.

“Hey Jafar.” Dante smiled. “Sup.” Jafar said, drinking coffee. “So, according to Esther you two had a wild night last night.” Maleficent smirked.

“Yeah she was amazing.” Dante said, kissing Esther. “So, exactly how good was this sex.” Jafar smirked. “Pervert!” The both scolded. “Well, we’ll leave you two be.” Hades chuckled as the group left.

“I love you.” Esther smiled. “Love you too.” Dante chuckled.


“What do you mean?” Esther asked, sadly. “They want me to go to the war.” Dante said. “B-But what about me? What about her?” Esther asked, pointing to her stomach. “What if I come with you?” Esther suggested.

“Your four months pregnant! Stay, I’ll be home by the month she’s born.” Dante assured her, putting on an army uniform.

“What if your not? What if you die in the war? She wouldn’t have a father!” Esther started to tear up. “Come here.” Dante then pulled her in close.

“I won’t die. I’ll be here when the war is done.” Dante promised her. As much as Esther wanted to believe this, she just couldn’t, promises can be broken she knew this first hand.

But, for the good of her family, she had to stay strong. “You better be back.” Esther chuckled. “I will.” Dante smiled, kissing her before leaving.


“So, that’s why you left, they enlisted you in the army. Not cause of me?” Evie asked. “Well, no, there’s more to that story.” Dante said.

“That necklace around your neck is one of the Ancient Pillar weapons. To keep the island alive and keep all the Villains on the Villain Isle alive I put my soul in the necklace.” Dante shortly explained.

“Woah…” Evie held her head, trying to process what was going on.

“If you need some time to think, I can go.” Dante suggested. “No, no, it’s fine. I just trying to figure out why.” Evie chuckled. “Why what?” Dante asked.

“Why, why could've been somebody else?” Evie sighed. “I don't know, but I knew that I would see you again.” Dante said, hugging Evie who was crying.

“Evie, you okay?” Dante asked, he felt really dumb for asking that question, his daughter was crying no duh she wasn't okay. “No.” Evie cried. “I’m just so happy your back.” Evie wiped her tears.

“Your not leaving again right?” Evie sniffled. “No, your the holder now, it’s your turn to continue to Queen legacy.” Dante smiled. “I’m not gonna disappear like you did, right?” She asked.

“If you play your cards right pipsqueak, you’ll be on this earth for a very long time.” Dante said, patting her back reassuringly.

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