EP.51|The last Person, I Ever Wanted To See

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EP.51|The last Person, I Ever Wanted To See

Hunter's eyes fluttered open. He looked around to see he was in a beautiful fluffy golden cloud room. "Hey, kid, over here." A voice called out as Hunter looked behind him to see somebody he never thought he sees ever again.

His Father


"Hello, son." Gaston smiled spreading his arms wide open for a hug.

He possessed an extremely athletic build, a double square chin, and possessed a handsome appearance. His black hair was long and tied into a ponytail. He has icy blue eyes. He generally wore yellow hunting gloves. He also wore a red tunic and black tights, alongside boots.

Hunter walked up to him, but instead of a hug. He punched in the gut. Repeatedly. "You...mother fucking...bitch!" Hunter yelled as he kept punching him until Gaston landed on the floor. "Okay...I deserve that..." Gaston groaned. "You damn right you deserved that! Where the fuck have you been! I know you didn't die cause if you did where's the stab wound huh?!" Hunter yelled, resting his foot on Gaston's chest.

"Your right, I didn't die." Gaston groaned. "Then where the fuck was you?! Farrah's been worried sick about you!" Hunter growled, stomping on his chest. "Look, calm the hell down." Gaston then grabbed Hunter foot and flipped him over, holding him by his foot. "Put me down! You douche!" Hunter yelled, trying to free himself from his father's graph.

"Just calm down, I'm here cause you want me to be here." Gaston sighed. "Why in the god's name would I want you here! I would rather see Thanos than you!" Hunter yelled. "I see him every Tuesday in space poker. Nice guy. Really bad sportsmanship though, trust me. You want me here." Gaston explained.

"Drop me, idiot," Hunter growled as Gaston shrugged and dropped him into a black hole. "OH FUCK YOU!!!" Hunter yelled as Gaston counted down from 3 to one and then appeared next to Hunter, who was still falling, completely fine.

"So, how are you?" Gaston smirked, drinking coffee. "Oh, I'm just peachy, if you haven't noticed I'M FALLING!!!" Hunter yelled. "Well, you did say to drop you." Gaston chuckled.

"I DIDN'T MEAN DROP ME IN A BLACK HOLE!!!" Hunter yelled. "Fine, since you wanna be picky. Gods kids these days." Gaston snapped his fingers and the two were back on the fluffy gold cloud space.

"Now, if we're done here. I am gonna take my leave." Hunter hmphed as he walked towards the exit on the bump into the wall. "You can't leave," Gaston said, drinking more coffee. "Watch me," Hunter growled as he kicked the exit only to be sent flying by a shock of electricity. "Ready to listen to me?" Gaston asked.

"Fine. What do I need to do?" Hunter asked, getting up and dusting off his clothes. "You need to listen," Gaston said, sitting next to Hunter. "Why would I ever listen to you?" Hunter scoffed. "Believe me. You wanna hear this." Gaston sighed.

"I'm the reason you have a demon," Gaston added as Hunter punched him in the gut again, knocking him to the floor.

"You're the reason I "killed" Music Note!" Hunter screamed. "Who's Music No- Oh...Operetta. Phantom's kid." Gaston nodded slightly. "How do you know Operetta?!" Hunter yelled. "I know everything about you. I've been inside your brain your entire life." Gaston shortly explained. "You...what?" Hunter asked as Gaston got up.

"Just let me explained, okay, and try not to punch me in the gut this time," Gaston said, snapping his fingers, making sofa two chairs appear. "I'll try not to. Depending on what you say." Hunter muttered under his breath.

"Anyways, the demon is passed on thru generations. So, I blame myself for passing it on to you." Gaston began to explain.

"Why would you blame yourself? Sounds like you have no choice." Hunter asked. "If I didn't fall head of heels for your mom, We never would've had you, and you wouldn't've had to bear the burden of having a demon." Gaston sighed.

For the first time in a long, Hunter felt like crying. He never knew the real reason why his dad left. He always thought it was because of him. But now, it was for his safety.

He then remembered that this man abandoned him. No reason could ever cover that up.

"Tell me," Hunter said. "Huh?" Gaston asked. "Tell me everything," Hunter repeated. "Why would you want to know?" Gaston asked. "Just tell me, alright!" Hunter yelled. "Fine!" Gaston yelled back.

"It all started the day Phantom decided to drag me, Jafar, Hades, and Cruella to the forest for some Light Fairy Dust for a potion." Gaston narrated.

"I don't see why we had to come with you," Cruella complained as she and the others walked thru the forest. "Look, I just need the potion for a friend. His mother is sick and the only way I can make the potion is to add Light Fairy Dust." Phantom explained. "Whatever, I'm getting mosquito bites." Hades scoffed. "You're the god of the underworld and mosquito bites bugs you?" Jafar chuckled.

"Yes, I get itchy," Hades whined. "If you get "itchy" then why did you decided to come?" Phantom asked. "Well-" But before Hades could answer Gaston covered his mouth with his hand.

"What's that all about," Hades muttered thru Gaston's hand. "Shh...there's something here," Gaston whispered. "No there isn't." Hades scoffed as Gaston pushed him out of the way of a large acorn. "Woah." Jafar gasped.

Gaston looked at the ground to see specks of blue and white dust. "Fairy dust. Come on." Gaston said, following the trail. "Why are you to focus on finding the fairies?" Phantom asked.

"Cause, all I need on my kill list is fairy and mermaid. Then I would have hunted and killed every legendary monster in the world." Gaston smirked as the trailing stop. "Stay still." Gaston mouthed as he caught another flying acorn.

"Reveal yourself!" Gaston yelled as he caught the third acorn. "Fine, I'll do this the hard way," Gaston muttered as the trail of fairy dust started again. "Stay here," Gaston whispered as he followed the trail only to lead to a pile of acorns.

"What the hell?" Gaston raised his eyebrow. He reached for the pile but a girl popped out causing Gaston to move back. "Where's the dust?!" Gaston yelled.

She has pale gray skin that sparkles, gray eyebrows and periwinkle eyes. She wears turquoise eye makeup with a petal design around her right eye. She has glossy-pink lips. Her hair is platinum blonde and tied up in a high ponytail, predominantly on the left side.

Her hair is parted to the right, where a curly turquoise streak is present. She has translucent turquoise wings.

She wears a cloudy black shawl, with a honeycomb pattern. She wears a tunic which is transparent on the top with fern patterns.

These patterns are done in blue, turquoise and silver sequins. She wears midnight blue leggings and teal heeled boots with vine patterns on the heel. The boots have black laces.

She accessories with a teal bow headband with black thorns coming out of it and a silver bracelet with a flower cameo ring, dangling silver earrings shaped as twigs/wands.

"Sorry human boy. Now dust today." She smirked as ropes appeared around Gaston bounding him to the ground.

"Let's show him what we do to humans who mess with us Dark Fairies." She smirked as more fairies like her came and began beating up Gaston until he passed out from the pain.


"Gaston, huh? What a stupid name." A voice said as Gaston's eyes fluttered open to see he was in a cold, poorly lit, jail cell. "I see you're finally up." The fairy who kidnapped him smirked. "Where are my friends?!" Gaston yelled.

"Looking for you as we speak. Remember you told them to stay behind." She chuckled. "What people say is true about you dark fairies. You're all bitches." Gaston growled. "Oh, we have a mouth don't we?" The dark fairy chuckled, grasping her hands on the bars.

"I also have a knife that I can stab you with." Gaston shot back. "Oh, you mean this?" She then took out Gaston's knife. It was bent in half. "I was gonna break it more but my stupid sister was all like; Faybelle, that knife is his only weapon of survival. How would you like it if I snapped your wand if half?" Faybelle mocked.

"Wow, you really are a bitch." Gaston chuckled, suddenly getting electrocuted multiple times. "Say that again I dare you," Faybelle smirked. "You're a bitch," Gaston repeated as the voltage became high, so did the pain.

"You must love me electrocuting you. Don't you?" Faybelle cooed as she upped the voltage once more. "Faybelle! Leave him alone, please. Look, he's bleeding! Just calm down." A voice said it sounded so sweet to Gaston.

"Farrah, back to the camp. I'm dealing with him. You go deal with you little woodland creatures." Faybelle said. "I would, but they're all scared from the screaming to even come out," Farrah said, coming downstairs.

Farrah has bright blue hair with a few purple streaks on the right side of her head. She has sparkling light rosy pink skin, brown eyebrows, blue eyes, and pale yellow eyeshadow. She also has a star design on her cheek and bright pink lips.

Farrah wears a dark blue dress. Her overskirt has a light blue arabesque pattern and silver gemstone embellishments and matches the top portion of her dress. Her underskirt skirt features a similar pattern in silver.

Farrah accessories with a starry silver headband and a matching necklace. Her wand is a matching color to her shoes and is translucent. She has large silver wings on her back. She wears crystalline dark blue heels with stars and pumpkins.

"Farrah! For gods sakes! Go back to the camp! Or do you want to be in there too?!" Faybelle yelled causing Farrah to whimper a bit.

"Sorry...it's just...he's in pain..." Farrah muttered. "That's what I want him to be in! Now, go back to camp!" Faybelle yelled, tears forming in Farrah's eyes.

"Don't yell..." Gaston coughed up blood. "Excuse me?" Faybelle asked rudely. "Don't yell...at your sister...she's family..." Gaston said making Farrah smile a bit.

"I can yell at her any way I want! She's my sister!" Faybelle yelled. "GO BACK TO CAMP!!" Faybelle yelled as Farrah rushed above ground. "Now, where were we?" Faybelle smirked.


After hours of being electrocuted, Gaston couldn't feel a thing. "I hate fairies," Gaston growled as he saw something shimmering in the dark distance. "Hu-Hum-Human boy?" A shaky voice asked. "Yes? And it's Gaston." Gaston clarified.

"Sorry for my sister. She's a dark fairy, she doesn't really understand feelings and emotions. Or even the word mercy." Farrah sighed, coming into the light and walking straight thru the prison bars. "St-stay back! I will kill you." Gaston warned.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," Farrah said, getting closer to Gaston. "I just wanna heal you," Farrah said, hovering her hands over his body. A glowing aura appearing under them. "See. Just healing. No electricity at all." Farrah assured him. "I thought dark fairies can't heal?" Gaston asked. "I'm a light fairy. Undercover here at the camp to get the dark fairy dust. Our queen is really sick, she needs it." Farrah explained, healing Gaston's wounds.

"Thank you." Gaston thanked. "No, thank you for standing up to Faybelle." Farrah smiled. "Your welcome. Your sister shouldn't be yelling at you." Gaston said.

"She still doses though, I just wish she didn't have to turn to the dark side." Farrah sighed, Gaston then noticed the bruises on Farrah.

"She hits you. Doesn't she?" Gaston asked as Farrah nodded her head sadly. "She had rage outs and hits people, well not people, me," Farrah muttered.

"Hey, look at me, tell me when she does this and as soon as I get out of this joint she'll be the first ass I kick." Gaston got close to her face, looking into her shimmering blue eyes. They were filled with sadness.

"You're a Light Fairy, you shouldn't be crying." Gaston sighed, looking at Farrah crying. "It's sweet of you to say but you're no match for my sister." Farrah chuckled.

"FARRAH!!!" Faybelle yelled causing Farrah to shutter. "Coming Faybelle!" Farrah called back, she could see the worry in his eyes. "Stop being so worried," Farrah said, kissing his forehead making him immediately felt at peace.

Gaston smiled, he felt warm inside, this wasn't just magic. It was stronger. Stronger than that. What was this feeling? Was it hate? His heart was beating faster than ever. What was happening?

"Hey, Gaston," Farrah whispered loudly walking towards him with some soup. "Sorry if it's cold. Faybelle gives me cold soup too." Farrah sighed, spoon feeding him the soup. "This is your soup?" Gaston asked.

"Yeah but it's fine. I'll eat tomorrow. Or the next day." Farrah muttered, Gaston noticed how malnourished she was. "Eat. I'll be fine." Gaston said, kicking the bowl towards her.

"N-no...your not gonna be able to eat for a while...please just eat now." Farrah pleaded. "I'm escaping tonight. You're coming with me." Gaston stated as Farrah shook her head.

"I need the Dark Pixie dust." Farrah sighed. "I have 2 bottles of it in my bag. Grab it and bring it here We can escape." Gaston smiled.

"Really?" Farrah asked. "Yeah, you're a good person. I mean fairy. You need to be with fairies like yourself, not with fairies like Faybelle." Gaston replied as Farrah tackled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Gaston." Farrah smiled, tears streaming down. "I'll be right back." Farrah ran to the camp a bright smile on her face.

"Why are you so smiling?" One of the dark fairies asked. "Oh I know why she and Gaston probably snogged." another dark fairy guessed. "Please, anyone kissing this girl? That's idiotic! I mean look at her." Faybelle scoffed, Farrah scrunched up her fist. "Shut up..." Farrah muttered. "What?" Faybelle smirked. "Shut up..." Farrah muttered louder. "Come again?" Faybelle smirk grew.

"SHUT UP!!!!" Farrah yelled, punching her square in the face. "Oh shit..." Farrah cursed, grabbing the satchel bag and running back to Gaston. "Hurry." Farrah quickly untied the knots. "So you coming with me?" Gaston asked as Farrah nodded.

"Let's go," Farrah smirked and with a flick of her wand, the wall fell making a path out of the camp. I can't believe I'm doing this. Farrah smiled, suddenly Gaston dropped to his knees.

"Gaston, what's wrong?" Farrah asked. Farrah looked to see the arrow thru his back. "Oh my..." Farrah slung him over his back and ran as fast as she could to the Light Tree.

"Okay, we're here." Farrah breathed heavily putting Gaston down. "Farrah. Darling where were you? The queen asked. "This man, he helped me. Here the dark dust." Farrah bowed, presenting her with the dust.

"Thank you, now, get this man to the medical tent. He needs urgent care. After he heals, throw him back into the forest." The queen insisted as Farrah nodded sadly taking Gaston to the tent. 

"Gaston, I'm sorry," Farrah muttered pulling out the arrow causing him to scream in pain. "FUCK!!! THAT HURT!!!" Gaston yelled. "I'm so sorry." Farrah apologized. "Is this your home?" Gaston asked as Farrah cried a little. "Come here." Gaston pulled her into a hug.

"All the bruises...the hurt...now I'm home..." Farrah smiled, crying into Gaston's chest. "Shh...you're okay... breath...all is okay," Gaston assured her. "Now, it's not..." Farrah sobbed. "Why isn't it?" Gaston asked.

"You need to leave...please...the Queen...she hates humans..." Farrah cried. "Let's leave," Gaston smirked. "What?" Farrah asked.

"Let's leave. A fairy, so perfect, and pure, shouldn't be locked up here." Gaston whispered. "Huh?!" Farrah's face turned red. "Just, let's leave, leave this place. With me." Gaston smirked.

"The kiss...he's dealourus..." Farrah sighed. "It's not the kiss," Gaston whispered, sending shivers down Farrah's spine. "Wh-what?" Farrah stuttered.

"I truly feel this, it feels so warm, so beautiful when I'm around you. My heart keeps beats fast. I-I-I think this is what they call-" But before Gaston could finish Farrah kissed him.

"Love." Farrah smiled. "Exactly." Gaston chuckled.


It's been two months since Gaston and Farrah started dating, they decided to build a cottage in the woods. "Gaston...good morning," Farrah whispered, running her hands thru his jet black hair. "Good morning beautiful." Gaston smiled. "I still can't believe I get to wake up next to you every morning," Gaston added.

"Well, I'm lucky you chose me." Farrah smiled. "I don't know what I did to deserve you Farrah, but I'm glad I did do something." Gaston smiled, playing with her mint blue hair. "Smells like toothpaste. Minty." Gaston muttered into her hair.

"Thank you...?" Farrah chuckled. "Your welcome." Gaston smiled grew, wrapping his arms around Farrah's waist. "You idiot." Farrah laughed. "I know I am. You make me one." Gaston whispered. "What sense does that make?" Farrah giggled.

"None, but I like it. It's like our love. We make no sense." Gaston said, hovering over her. "How?" Farrah asked, tilting her head. "A human. And a fairy. It makes no sense. But I'm okay with it. I don't make sense, but damn when I'm with you. Everything makes sense." Gaston explained.

"Well, I'm glad I make sense." Farrah snickered as she got up, tripping over Gaston's stuff. "Sorry." Farrah chuckled, she looked at the paper that fell out of his bag. "What's this?" She asked. "Shit," Gaston muttered.

"Ooh, you screwed." Brazzan laughed. "Your him. The one who kept killing the Mythical Creatures. All you need is me...that's why we're dating, isn't it? You used me to finish a list?"

"No, it's not like that. I love you, Farrah. I burned the list long ago." Gaston said as he tried to hug her but he pushed him away. "You used me!" Farrah cried. "If you burned the list then why is it here?! HUH?!" Farrah yelled.

"I don't know!" Gaston replied. "So you didn't burn it! You used me, Gaston! You didn't love me at all!" Farrah sobbed dropping the list before flying off. Gaston sighed, laying back on his bed.

"FUCK!!!" Gaston yelled. "You're such an idiot!" Brazzan laughed. "Thanks for reminding me!" Gaston yelled looking in the mirror to see himself but with red eyes.

"Damn, look at you. You're fucking pathetic! You let the best fairy go. For what. A list?! That's pathetic as it gets!" The mirror laughed. "I know, I know..." Gaston sighed, looking at the picture of him and Farrah. "Farrah..." He said, laying down on the bed again.

"Gaston!" A voice yelled. "Shit...I forgot they were supposed to come over today." Gaston groaned as a shadow figure stood at the head of his room. "Hey...Maleficent...calm down..." Gaston chuckled nervously.

"Why is Farrah crying?" Maleficent asked seriously. "We broke up." Gaston sighed. "WHAT!!!!?!?!" Maleficent yelled, her hand gripping Gaston neck, bringing him to the living room. "Explain, now!" Maleficent growled. "I ne...need...to breathe...!" Gaston gasped for as Maleficent put him down.

"She found the list..." Gaston said as the villains gasped. "No...I thought you burnt it?" Acadia asked. "I did. I don't know how it came back!" Gaston said, looking at the list.

"Look, fairy dust," Esther observed. "Dark fairy dust...oh hell no..." the list the light up in a fire. "Faybelle..." He growled. "Phantom," Gaston said. "Get my hunting gear. I'm crossing off fairy today." Gaston glared.

Gaston followed the trail of dark pixie dust to lead him to the camp to see Farrah tied up to a totem pole. "Why hello, Gaston," Faybelle smirked. "You bitch!" Gaston yelled, he ran towards her but stopped when she raised a knife to Farrah's neck.

"Stop right there hunter. One more step and Farrah gets it." Faybelle warned. "You remade the list, didn't you?" Gaston asked. "Well look who's smart! How'd you figure that out? Did you use a whole Sherlock Holmes kit?" Faybelle laughed.

"Did you use a bitch kit for your makeup?" Esther laughed, as Faybelle glared at her stabbing Farrah in the leg making her scream thru the rope in her mouth. "Any more smart remarks?" Faybelle smirked.

"Let her go, bitch!" Gaston yelled as Faybelle stabbed the other leg. "I said stop!" Gaston yelled, Faybelle dug the knife deeper and cut down her leg. "MMPH!!!" Farrah yelled, tears running down her face.

"You know how rare her blood is? How much it's worth on the black market? 100 million jewels. I'll be rich off this baby." Faybelle smirked, stabbing Farrah's arm as Farrah spat out the rope. "PLEASE!!!" Farrah yelled thru the rope.

"Aww, no, I wanna see your boyfriend suffer and he watches you bleed. And he can't do anything about it!" Faybelle laughed as Farrah kept crying. Gaston's eyes filled with anger, turning red, his fist coated in fire. "YOU BITCH!!!!" Gaston yelled, punching Faybelle.

"How dare you hurt her! She means everything! You'll never touch her again! I'll make sure you won't! I'll make sure you never walk again!" Gaston yelled, punching Faybelle in the face repeatedly until he stopped.

"Gaston, it's over...I'm...fine..." Farrah's weak voice assured him. "Farrah...somebody! Help!" Gaston yelled as Maleficent rushed over. "Oh damn, she's bad..." Maleficent muttered. "Can you save her?" Gaston asked Maleficent looked into his eyes. She never saw so much worry in them.

So much love and hurt, Gaston never loved anyone like he loved Farrah, this one, she was special. Something special. "Please, Malley, I need her...please...I don't know what I do without her..." He pleaded as Maleficent nodded.

"I'll save her. Promise." Maleficent promised him as a small energy dragon wrapped around Farrah's body healing her.


Gaston paced back and forth in his room. "What if she doesn't wake up? I can't go on without Farrah! What if something happens?" Gaston rambled. "She'll be fine. Farrah is tough." Esther assured him. "You really love this girl don't you?" Facilier asked.

"Of course I do!" Gaston flung his arms in the air.

"I've never seen him as happy as he is with you Farrah, Gaston he's a good man. But he makes mistakes. I know he'll always be there for you even when you don't want him to and he'll always be there. Don't frame him for one mistake." Maleficent said to Farrah who was still unconscious.

"Ga...Gaston..." Farrah muttered in her sleep.

"I knew he meant something to you." Maleficent smiled as Farrah's eyes fluttered open. "Ugh...fuck...my body hurts..." Farrah groaned. "I think Gaston rubbing off on you too much." Maleficent chuckled. "Gaston, where is he? Is he okay?" Farrah asked as Gaston rushed into the living room.

"Oh thank the gods." Gaston sighed in relief, hugging Farrah. "Are you okay?" Farrah asked, hugging him back. "Seriously? I should be asking you that. You got stabbed!" Gaston chuckled. "I'm fine tough, mentally, are you okay?" Farrah asked again. "Yes, I'm fine," Gaston said, kissing her.

"Aww, that's so sweet." Persephone gushed.


Months after the whole list fiasco, there was a new addition to their little family. "He's adorable." Farrah smiled, looking at the baby boy. "I wish he was here..." Farrah sighed. "You look just like him. You got my eyes though." Farrah observed. Suddenly, a white owl flew in a letter in its mouth. Farrah opened the letter and read it aloud.

"Dear Farrah, it is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of your husband Gaston on February 21. As you know, your husband loved you and your son deeply. So it is of equal sadness that we must inform you of the killer of your husband is Adam Beast, husband of Belle. In his memory Gaston left two things; this house and this gift." the owl the passed Farrah a blue box with a white ribbon on it.

"For Farrah and Hunter." Farrah read as she opened the box to reveal a beautiful blue necklace and a white silver blade with a gold handle with a red jewel in the middle. "Gaston..." Farrah muttered, tears forming in her eyes. "Why did you leave..." She cried, holding the baby boy in her hands.


Hunter got up and punched him in the gut. "Why...just why...?" Gaston groaned. "Multiple reasons, but I wanted to get on more punch in you," Hunter replied.

"So, you left to keep me and mom safe?" Hunter asked. "Yeah, but apparently it didn't work. You still got the demon passed down to you. I still stayed inside your mind to keep Brazzan from controlling you at a young age." Gaston explained.

"It didn't work though, you still had that whole freak out fight with Midnight," Gaston added. "Thanks for reminding me, dad." Hunter sighed. "What did you call me?" Gaston asked. "No. no. no. Stop it." Hunter quickly said, but Gaston hugged him.

"You called me dad!" Gaston smiled, squeezing him tighter. "Fine, I guess I was wrong about you." Hunter smiled. "Yep." Gaston smiled.

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