EP.53|Meeting Hades and Persephone

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EP.53|Meeting Hades and Persephone

"Mom!" Zeref ran into his mom's arms. "Hello." Persephone smiled. "So, Freddie Facilier huh?" Persephone said. "Yeah." Zeref smiled, Persephone noticed the light in his eyes when he talked about her.

"Aww, you zinged for Freddie-chan!" Persephone gushed. "Maybe, I mean she is very special. I don't know, she makes me feel happy and warm when I'm with her." Zeref smile grew. "Isn't her birthday soon?" Persephone asked as Zeref nodded.

"That's what I wanna talk to dad about." Zeref sighed. "Your dad...is he still?" Persephone asked. "Yes, he's immortal Mom." Zeref reminded him. "Oh, right forgot. Hey, wanna go scare Hades-sama." Persephone smirked as they transported to the underworld.

"Got any sixes?" Pain asked. "G-Go fish." Panic answered. "Got any time to say hello?" Persephone smiled as Pain and Panic dropped the cards. "Mistress Persephone?!" They both cried, pools of tears forming under them.

"Hello to you too." Persephone chuckled. "How? Where? When?" Pain questioned. "Let's just say it was fate." Persephone winked. "We're so happy your back!" Panic sobbed.

"I forgot how many Panic cries." Zeref chuckled. "Zeref!" The two demons sobbed harder. "I've only been gone for a while." Zeref said as Pain hugged his leg.

"Yeah but with Mistress Freddie's almost suicide, we wanted to make sure you were okay." Panic sobbed as Pain glared at him. "Panic!" Pain slapped Panic upside the head.

"You know about Freddie?" Zeref asked. "Whattt? Who's Freddie? I've never heard of a Freddie Facilier." Panic started sweating. "Panic. Tell me the truth." Zeref said getting close to his face.

"Master Hades's been making us spy on you and Freddie." Panic blurted out. "Ugh...typical..." Zeref groaned. "Speaking of Hades-sama, is he here?" Persephone asked.

"What's with all the yelling? I need sleep yo- PERSEPHONE?!" Hades yelled in shock, looking at his wife for the first time in years.

"Hades-sama!" Persephone cried, running into his arms. "You're actually here?! How in the gods' names are you here?!" Hades questioned. "Not important. I'm just glad I'm back." Persephone smiled as she kissed Hades on the lips.

This lasted a while. The two were so indulged in the kiss they completely forgot Zeref, Pain, and Panic was still there.

"Ahem." Zeref fake coughed. "Sorry," Persephone muttered. "Hey Zeref, I didn't even know you showed up." Hades noticed Zeref rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, as much as I'm happy mom is back. I kinda need to talk to you." Zeref said as him and Hades headed to the kitchen.

"Why the hell did you send a letter to Freddie saying you wanted to meet her!" Zeref questioned. "Cause I deserve to meet your girlfriend," Hades said, drinking some water. "No." Zeref said as Hades glared at him.

"Excuse me?" Hades asked in a serious tone. "You're not meeting Freddie. You saw her when time stopped, that's enough." Zeref stated. "Look, I'm the adult around here. Not you. So if I wanna meet your girlfriend, shouldn't I meet your girlfriend." Hades said.

"Yes, my girlfriend. Not yours. You're not exactly the "Meet the girlfriend type.". So no, you're not meeting Freddie." Zeref said. "Too late. She's already here." Hades smirked, snapping his fingers and making Freddie appear.

"Zeref, what did I say about doing that?" Freddie complained as she looked at Hades. "H-Hi?" Freddie stuttered as Hades got close to her face.

This is the god of the underworld? I think he hates me! Freddie thought as Hades kept staring at her. "U-um..." Freddie stammered.

"So, you're the Freddie that's dating huh?" Hades asked as Freddie nodded quickly. Hades then looked at Zeref and back at Freddie.

"She's adorable! Her face is so squishy." Hades gushed, pinching Freddie's cheeks. "Thank you." Freddie smiled.

"Aww, how much is Zeref paying you to date him?" Hades asked. "Hey!" Zeref scolded. "He's not paying me." Freddie laughed.

"He's not? So you truly love Zeref?" Hades asked as Freddie nodded. "Well, it's about time! I mean, come on, you have to admit; you didn't fall for Zeref for his looks." Hades chuckled. "Hey!" Zeref scolded again.

"He's not wrong." Freddie agreed. "Hey!" Zeref said as the three walked into the living room. "Mom, this is Freddie, my girlfriend." Zeref introduced as Persephone hugged her.

"Hi." Persephone smiled. "Thanks for taking care of Zeref." Persephone thanked making Freddie smile. "Your welcome," Freddie whispered. "Um...Persephone...can't breathe!" Freddie struggled to say.

"Oh sorry." Persephone chuckled as Freddie looked at Pain and Panic. "Your the two demons Zeref was telling me about," Freddie said as Pain and Panic hugged her.

"Is everybody in this family a hugger?" Freddie laughed. "You're alive!" Panic sobbed. "Wait, you two sound familiar." Freddie then looked at the two of them.

"You two are the ones who talked to me when I committed suicide," Freddie said, hugging the two demons. "Wait, you did what?" Hades asked.

"In those few moments when Mistress Freddie was dead, we had to convince her to use your Reborn potion to come back to Zeref. We saw how much he was struggling when you weren't there for even a minute."

"He was in so much pain we couldn't stand looking at him like that. But when you came back, he was so happy again. So much light went back into his eyes it almost made us cry." Pain explained.

"You two are the reason me and Freddie are dating?" Zeref asked as they nodded. "Thank you." Zeref thanked, hugging the two demons, heck Panic started crying.

"Now look what you did, Panic gonna be crying all night now." Pain groaned. "It's just so beautiful!" Panic cried.

"Um, dad, can I talk to you in the kitchen?" Zeref asked as the two went into the kitchen. "I need your help with something." Zeref said as he whispered the rest in his ear.


"Zeref? Where are you taking me?" Freddie asked, her eyes covered by a piece of tarp. "It's a birthday surprise." Zeref smiled. "Okay, now, open." Zeref took off the trap to see Hades in front of her.

"Hey, Hades." Freddie smiled. "This is my surprise?" Freddie asked as Hades shook his head. "Your surprise is this." Hades took out a beautiful rainbow rose and placed it in Freddie's hand.

"What?" Freddie asked. "Just wait." Zeref smiled.

"I Hades, God of the underworld, hereby release Dr. Facilier of any and all punishments," Hades announced as Facilier appeared. "Freddie?" Facilier asked as Freddie started crying. "Dad!" Freddie ran into her father's arms.

"Thank you Zeref." Freddie sobbed.

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