EP.54|Snakes, and Mermaids

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EP.54|Snakes, and Mermaids

"So the only one left is Jasper?" Zeref asked, drinking lemonade back at the library. "Yes, but seeing how ours went. Something tells me this won't end pretty." Freddie sighed.

"Maybe it won't be so bad. I mean, Jasper had some control over his anger. Right?" Hunter chuckled nervously. "Yes, but this is something he's never wanted to see since that day. It's beyond anger control." Ben said.

"I just hope he doesn't overreact." CJ hoped. "It's Jasper, he's gonna overreact," Carlos stated. "Carlos is right when it comes to this, Jasper's gonna overreact. It's gonna hurt him badly." Evie sighed, looking at the picture of her and Jasper. "Don't do something stupid Jasper," Operetta muttered.

Jasper walked thru the dark hallway, the only light was the glowing snake with its tail wrapped around a shell with a wave behind it. Jasper knew exactly what was at the end of that hallway. And he's been waiting his entire life to give him a piece of his mind.

Reaching the end of the hallway, Jasper was hesitant to open the red door. You know what's behind that door. You know what you have to do. Jasper nodded slightly and opened the door to see snake murals all arranged into a circle.

The door shut loudly as the entire room when dark then snake murals lighting the room dully. "Where are you! Your fucking prick!" Jasper yelled. "Jeez, after 19 years I'd at least like a hello." A familiar voice scoffed.

"Hello, Jafar. Happy now?" Jasper gritted thru his teeth, turning to face his father.

Jafar wears black robes that reach the ground over top a red garment with bell sleeves. Underneath this second garment, Jafar wears yet another shirt, this one black with very close-fitting sleeves that reach his wrists.

The shoulders of his outer robe are pointed and connect to a long, billowing black cape with a blood red interior. His shoes are brown and the tips curl inward. A red-violet sash is tied around his waist.

He also wears an odd, light-colored garment that covers his neck, the back of his head, and his chest. He sports a distinctive black headdress, seemingly a type of miter, with a thin, yellow pattern wrapping around the middle, what seems to be a ruby set in the front, and a bright red feather placed just above it.

"Hello, son." Jafar smiled, anger filled Jasper's body. "YOU FUCKING PRICK!!!" Jasper yelled tackling Jafar down and punching him.

"I'm not! You're fucking! Son! I'll never be your son! I'll die before that happen! You never loved me! So why the fuck should I love you huh?! Fucking die! Just die! Die! Die! Die!" Jasper yelled, tears streaming down his face.

He looked at his father's bruised up face. "Ja...Jasper..." Jafar struggled to say. "WHAT!!" He yelled. "I'm...sorry..." He muttered. "Sorry! Sorry?! SORRY!!!?!!?" Jasper yelled.

"Should we get in there?" Ben asked. "No, give it time," Courtly said.

"Sorry?! You're not fucking sorry!!! You're a fucking prick! You left me when I was five! FUCKING FIVE!!! You didn't give a shit about me! Now you're saying you're sorry?! Fuck! I went thru 19 years of abandonment! 19 years of me blaming myself for not having a fucking father!"

"19 years of me being the kid without a dad! 19 years with me never learning how to ride a bike or catch a ball! NINETEEN FUCKING YEARS!! AND YOU SHOW YOU NOW!!!" Jasper yelled, punching him again.

"Where were you when I was crying?! When I felt sad?! When I felt left out?! Like nobody could understand me?! Where were you then?! FUCK! Why'd you wait till now! Now of all times! You saw me at my worst and didn't do SHIT!!"

"Now you're asking for forgiveness?! FUCK NO!! I will never forgive you Jafar! Never in my fucking lifetime will I forgive you! For all the shit you put me thru! You deserve to die!" Jafar yelled as he grabbed the staff, turning it into a spear. "FUCKING BURN IN HELL!!!" Jasper yelled.

He closed his eyes hoping when he opened them Jafar would be gone. He could finally put his demons to rest and live a happy life.

But it wasn't that easy.

Jasper opened his eyes to see the spear was in his hand still, not thru Jafar body. "Jasper," Evie said. "Please, calm down, you're scaring me." Evie cried. "MOVE!!" Jasper yelled pushing Evie into a wall.

"YOUR FUCKING GONNA DIE!! NOW!!!" Jasper yelled as he picked up Jasper and pinned him to the wall. "DIE!!!" Jasper yelled as he drove the spear into the wall. "I thought you said...you were gonna kill me?" Jafar coughed. Jasper saw the purple mist covering the spear.

"Don't do this Jasper. I tried to do this with Gaston. Just listen to him." Hunter said as Jasper dropped the spear. "I'm not fucking listening to him! I'm done! I'm not becoming a Pillar! Find somebody fucking else Courtly cause it won't be me!" Jasper yelled as he walked out of the room.

Jafar laid on the floor, looking at the ceiling. "Blue..." Jafar muttered as Courtly began healing him. "Blueberry..." Jafar coughed.

"Evie, I think that's you," Courtly said as Evie walked over to him, kneeling beside him. "You're blueberry..." Jafar managed to say. "Yeah, Jasper calls me that. My name is Evieanna Queen." Evie chuckled a bit.

"Evieanna Queen, daughter of Esther Queen...look at me...Jasper...." Jafar coughed. "He may not look it...but he has a heart...yes most of it is filled with Perverted love...but other parts...he cares for people...this Jasper...the Jasper that did this...you need to save him...from himself..." Jafar struggled to explain.

"Go..." Jafar said as Evie nodded and ran out of the library.


After running for a while, Evie finally caught up to Jasper who was sitting on top of a hill. "I'm such a fucking loser," Jasper muttered to himself. "Jasper," Evie said as Jasper sighed. "Please go Blueberry," Jasper said. "Your father." Evie started. "No, not him, I don't wanna see him, or even hear his name. Okay, Blueberry?" Jasper said as Evie sat next to him.

"Fine, Jasper, don't close your heart." Evie sniffled as Jasper looked at the ground. "Evie, tell me something," Jasper said, laying down, looking at the stars. "Why is that star, so much farther away from those stars?" Jasper asked, pointing to a star on the far left.

"That star is Odrils. It represents all the hate in the world. That's why the gods put it so much farther away from the Rabadi's that represent all the love and light." Evie explained.

"Oh..." Jasper said, looking at the star. "Why'd you do it, Jasper, why'd you go all insane?" Evie asked.

"He's like that star. I try to keep him away from my life but then he just showed up out of nowhere. It was just so much to take in." Jasper sighed. "But he's your dad. He cares for you Jasper. He really does." Evie said, rubbing his back.

"Yeah, sure, he cares for me. He left me for 19 years, do you know what he said to me the day he left?" Jasper asked as Evie shook his head. "It's better if I show you," Jasper said as she tapped the snake staff in the grass twice projecting an image.

"Daddy? Where are you going?" Jasper asked, tugging on his father's cape. "I'm leaving," Jafar stated. "Wh-What?" Jasper stuttered. "I said I'm leaving twerp. Get it in your skull." Jafar scoffed. "B-but why?" Jasper cried.

"I'm leaving kid! Gods! Stop crying." Jafar scolded. "But...wha-what about me and Mommy?" Jasper sobbed. "She'll be fine. See you later runt." Jafar the slammed the door in Jasper's face. Leaving the 5-year-old sobbing.

"See, fucking prick," Jasper growled, tears forming in his eyes. "Jasper..." "I'm not crying, okay! Just allergies!" Jasper sniffled.

"It's normal to cry, Jasper," Evie said. "I'm not crying! I can't cry! Not for that prick!" Jasper's voice cracked a bit. "Jasper, it's normal to cry. We all cry." Evie assured him. "Not me though! I-I-I." Jasper looked at Evie's worried face.

Then it all came flashing back.

Every hurt.

Every moment of pain.

Every heartbreak.

Every abandonment.

All of it returned in a tidal wave of emotions.

"Why did he show up now Blueberry." Jasper cried into Evie's shoulder. "Shh...shh...shh..." Evie calming voice assured him. "Just breathe..." Evie whispered as she felt the tears streaming down her back. "But he left me!" Jasper sobbed.

"I know...I know..." Evie said. He felt the way his and Evie's heartbeats were in since. It was so calming, so ensuring, so sweet, so safe, so beautiful. "Just calm down. I'm right here." Evie smiled.

"I love you, Jasper," Evie whispered.


It was a word Jasper always wanted to hear escape her ruby red lips.

"Say it again," Jasper muttered. "I love you." Evie smiled as she felt Jasper's lips on hers. "Jasper...calm down." Evie laughed.

"Say it again." Jasper smiled. "I love you." Evie smiled as well. "It sounds so amazing off your lips," Jasper said, kissing her again, this time it was more passionate, more powerful, sexier.

Fuck, is this is just how powerful is kiss is, imagine when we actually hook up! Evie thought to smile. He looked down at Evie's now flushed face and smirked. "And to think, all it took was my father coming back to get us together." Jasper chuckled, kissing her.

"Jasper! Stop it tickles." Evie laughed as Jasper kissed her neck. "But you like it," Jasper smirked against her skin. "Yes...but-WAH!" Jasper suddenly picked her up.

"You know your dad is worried about you," Evie informed him. "Ugh! I don't wanna worry about him. I got you, I wanna be with you." Jasper said as Evie chuckled.

"Fine, one make out then we're done," Evie said as Jasper carried her as though she was a princess back to the library to see all the VK's were there.

"Hey, Jasper- woah." Ben chuckled as Jasper and Evie started making out. "Awww, they finally together." CJ smiled. "Yeah, no kidding I mean look at them," Carlos smirked. "How long are they gonna be making out for?" Freddie asked.

"Ahem! Jasper." Jafar fake coughed as Jasper rolled his eyes. "Can't you see I'm busy." Jasper groaned. "I'm aware but you still owe me an apology." Jafar reminded him. "Fine, I'm sorry, happy? Now, where was i-" Evie then placed her finger on his lips. "Seriously?" Jasper muttered as Evie nodded.

He then put her down and walked towards Jafar, he looked into his eyes, his snake looking eyes. He knew he couldn't apologize to this man, he didn't deserve an apology. "Well, I'm waiting, Jasper," Jafar said. "Fuck you." He growled as he punched him in the gut. "Damn...he punches hard..." Jafar grunted.

"I needed to get that out before I hear your shit." Jasper scoffed as Jafar turned into a large snake. "Oh joy, now you lost your shit. Big deal Jafar, I can do that too." Jasper smirked as he turned into a large snake as well. "This is how they apologize?" Evie whispered as Ben nodded, the two snakes turning human.

"Look, Jasper, it's one thing to almost trying to kill me. But it's a whole nother thing to try to top me, Jasper." Jafar said as Jasper rolled his eyes. "I'm the king, not you," Jafar added.

"Actually, Ben's the king, not you. Second, that's not what mom's boyfriend said." Jasper smirked. "Everyone out of the room. Now." Jafar growled. Jasper knew his pressure points. He knew what to do to anger him.

"You mom has a new boyfriend huh?" Jafar said, sitting down across from Jasper. "Yep. Name's Edward." Jasper chuckled as he saw how angry his father was getting.

"Hey, you're the one who left your five-year-old son. I would get why mom would want to meet a new guy. You hardly even remember, let alone care about her, anyway." Jasper scoffed.

"If I didn't care about her then how do I know her biggest secret?" Jafar smirked. "What?" Jasper asked. "Your mother is a Mermaid, Jasper." Jafar calmly said as Jasper dropped the book he was carrying.

"HUH?!" Jasper yelled.

"Let me explain, it all began the day I met her." Jafar narrated.

"Why are we on a ship?" Acadia groaned, holding her head off the side of the boat. "Cause, today at sundown hundreds of Mermaids are supposed to swim by and use their magic to make the water all sparkly, so for the month of July the ocean is so sparkly and simmering like diamonds," Christine explained.

"Ugh...Acadia is right...boats make me sick..." Cruella groaned. "It's not so bad. We're not that far from the perfect spot." Esther assured her.

"I really don't believe a bunch of fishes can make the entire ocean sparkly." Facilier scoffed. "They use pixie dust mixed with a little bit of their own magic. My group dropped some off this morning." Farrah said.

"Yeah but it's an entire ocean, not a lake." Gaston reminded her. "But these mermaids train their entire lives for this." Hex said.

"Okay, if you were a mermaid would you swim an entire ocean just to make it pretty?" Hades asked, pitting on his sunglasses. "No, no much work. Plus, why swim when you got a ship." Hook winked.

"Hook's got a point. I wouldn't swim that far." Jafar agreed. "Yeah but it also helps the ocean, the sparkling water is a great healing effect for people who are dragon morphs," Maleficent said.

"Yeah, it also allows safer passage for pirates, hence why tons of ships are here," Nikita added. "I'm meet countless mermaids before, apparently at the end of the ocean is supposed to be a sanctuary for mermaids only." Persephone shortly explained.

"Really?" Phantom asked as Persephone nodded pointing to a large sea rock. "That rock is the dividing line. Behind it is supposed to be a sanctuary for mermaids, then next year they swim back to their original homes." Acadia added and suddenly a loud horn blew.

"It's starting." Christine smiled as the group all ran to the front of the boat to see thousands of mermaids swimming by.

"It's beautiful." Dante smiled. "It really it." Esther smiled as well, Jafar looked at all the mermaids, one only sticking out to him from all the rest. "Hey, Persephone," Jafar said getting her attention. "Who's that?" Jafar asked, pointing to one of the mermaids.

She had lightly curled hair, which is colored blue and purple, tied to the left in both a high ponytail and a low one. She has three twists hanging from her right and her bangs are combed up high to the left. Her eyeshadow is both yellow and faint salmon, while her lipstick is orchid.

One of her item of clothing is a strapless top in the colors cream and chartreuse with a print in black of sets of tentacles

 Adding to this, she also wears a shoulder belt that goes over her right shoulder and under her left. This belt is made from a lower layer of black fishnet with a blue shine and an upper layer of black sheer.

The earrings are both silver, but mismatched. In her right ear, she has a silver pearl stud and her left ear holds up two looped silver chains.

Her necklace is made from three silver chains, and around both her wrists are black bands with four looped strings each that reach all the way to the ground.

Her tail is encased in a fishnet structure of silver chains, which start off as a black studded thin belt at the top.

"Venus Von, she's the princess of mermaids," Persephone added. "Woah." Jafar smiled, watching as her black tail glowed when the sun hit it.

"Don't even think about it Jafar. She's a mermaid and to make matters worse she's a princess mermaid! The chances of you getting here are the chances of me getting a fairy." Gaston chuckled as Farrah looked at him. "You already have a fairy silly." Farrah smiled as Jafar rolled her eyes.

"Why do mermaids have princess anyway?" Maleficent asked as Jafar stared at Venus. "Hey, Jafar! Snap out of it." Maleficent said, snapping her fingers in his face. "Shh!" Jafar quieted her, putting his hand over her mouth.

"Move your hand Jafar," Maleficent growled as her eyes filled with fire. "Shh!" Jafar said as Maleficent grabbed his hand and flipped so hard he hit the head of the boat and fell off.

"Malley! He can't swim!"

Jafar sank deeper into the ocean, the light fading from his eyes. Venus saw from the corner of her eye that Jafar was drowning.

"Venus, keep your eyes forward." The king inducted as Venus nodded sadly. "Hey, Serena. Take the lead." Venus winked to her best friend as Serena nodded and changed spots with Venus.

"What about you?" Serena asked. "I got stuff to deal with. I'll meet you at the cove." Venus said, diving down to Jafar.

"Hey, look at me." She said as Jafar eyes fluttered open. "What's your name?" Venus asked. "Ja..Jaf...Jafar..." Jafar struggled to breathe. "Shh, look, calm down," Venus said as she kissed his forehead, allowing him to breathe.

"Come on," Venus said, wrapping her tail around Jafar


"Jafar...wake up!" Maleficent shook Jafar violently as he started coughing up water. "What happened?" Jafar asked. "You blacked out," Maleficent said. He looked around to see he was in the clubhouse, but it was all decorated.

"What's with the decorations?" Jafar asked groggily. "We're having a party tonight. Go get some more rest at home. Be back by seven." Maleficent winked as Jafar walked home.

"Where have you been?" His father asked. "Out with some friend," Jafar said heading to his room. "That voice. Why does it sound beautiful in a way?" Jafar asked himself as his pet snake slithered into his room. "Ningini. Do you know the what the voice is?" Jafar asked as the snake shook its head.

"Of course you don't. You are a snake." Jafar chuckled, falling asleep.

"Jafar..." the same voice sweetly called as blue eyes appeared in his mind. "Wh-Who are you?" Jafar asked. "Shh...don't speak...just feel..." The voice said as Jafar shot up from his bed.

He felt something alright.

Jafar groaned and looked at his phone to see it was 6:30. Might as well get ready. Jafar sighed as he put on a red shirt with a black leather jacket over it and black pants. "Jafar, where are you going?" His father asked. "Party." He answered, slamming the door behind him.

Once arriving at the party, many people were there. The music was loud. Jafar grabbed a beer and sat on the couch of the clubhouse.

Meanwhile, far away, a certain mermaid was getting ready. "Venus, dad's gonna kill you," Serena warned her as Venus put on lipstick.

"Not unless you tell him. Now, I'll be back tomorrow." Venus winked as she swam out of mermaid cove and to the surface to see the lights from the clubhouse. She smiled as opened the small pouch of red orbs, popping on in her mouth. Letting her tail change into legs.

Jafar sighed, he was kinda bored, he was never a fan of parties. But he didn't want to be rude so he came anyway. He didn't know what half of the songs were saying. Most of the songs were rap.

Just when Jafar felt like leaving, she walked in.

"What the hell..." He muttered to himself as the beautiful girl with purple hair with lavender streaks in it examined the clubhouse.

 Like it was her first time seeing anything. She touched the lanterns causing them to glow. She smiled, it was so warm and real. Her and Jafar eyes locked from afar.

The world stopped.

It was only him and her.

For some reason, he loved the way her lavender hair sawed with the music.

"Hello." She greeted, her voice sounding as sweet as candy. "H-Hi." Jafar stuttered. "Star." She smiled. "Huh?" He asked. "My name. It's star." Star introduced. "It's a beautiful name." Jafar complimented as Star sat down next to him.

"I'm Jafar." Jafar introduced as he shook Jafar's hand. "So, this is what a party is like." Star smiled, looking at the people dance. "You've never been to a party before?" Jafar questioned. "Well, not above wa- I mean in my hometown parties are different," Star replied.

"Come on, let's dance," Star said, grabbing onto Jafar's hand. "I don't dance." Jafar chuckled. "Nonsense, everybody can dance. You just need to embrace the music." Star said, pulling Jafar to the dance floor as the song "Only You" began to play.


Dancing with your silhouette in the places that we met

Ooh, tryna find you in the moon

Paris never feels the same

When the streets all call your name

Ooh, so I hide in crowded rooms.

"I told you I don't dance," Jafar repeated. "And I told you to embrace the music," Star said as she began the dance. "Come on, stop being so stiff." Star chuckled, playfully pushing Jafar.

And I'll follow right down the river

Where the ocean meets the sky

To you, to you

Jafar chuckled slightly as he began dancing with Star. He was surprised by how much fun he was having with Star. It was something about her that made him laugh and smile like he never has before.

Once upon a time, we had it all

Somewhere down the line we went and lost it

One brick at a time we watched it fall

I'm broken here tonight and darling no one else can fix me

Only you, only you.

As Star danced, she could feel the cool breeze of the ocean rub against her skin. Like the cool breeze was calling her. Telling her to live, and have fun. And that exactly what she planned to do tonight.

Oh no one else can fix me

Only you, only you, only you

And no one else can fix me

Only you, oh

Only you.

Jafar looked into her eyes and smiled, it was real this time, warm and real. It seemed like Star could be the only one who could fix him. For some reason, Star made him complete, like she was his light.

Did I let go of your hand for a castle made of sand

Ooh, that fell into the blue

I went following the sun to be alone with everyone

Ooh, looking 'round a crowded room.

It was like one of those stories you hear in a book, a boy see a girl across in a crowded room and they instantly fall in love. It felt too good to be true. Like this was all a dream, a wonderful dream neither of them wanted to wake up from.

And I'll follow right down the river

Where the ocean meets the sky

To you, to you.

Both of them knew this wouldn't last long. They both knew this was most likely gonna end up as a one night stand. In a way, they did want that but they didn't at the same time. They wanted more than just a one night stand.

Once upon a time, we had it all (we had it all)

Somewhere down the line we went and lost it (we went and lost it)

One brick at a time we watched it fall

I'm broken here tonight and darling no one else can fix me

Only you, only you

And no one else can fix me

Only you, only you (nobody else)

They wanted each other, more than they could admit. But something inside them knew it wasn't possible. If this were to be a one night stand, they were gonna make it the best one they ever will have.

And no one else can fix me

Only you, only you (nobody else)

Only you

And no one else can fix me

Only you, oh

Only you.

Would this have to be a one night stand? Wouldn't it be more? Couldn't they just wake up the next more and both still be there? For the other to be there when the sun rises? Was that too much to ask?

Falling, falling, yeah

Only you, only you

Only you, only you.

The love, the lust inside of them was almost too much to handle. They couldn't deny the love they both felt for each other, they knew they could get in trouble, but they didn't care. All they cared about right now was the person in front of them.

And no one else can fix me.

Why was it like this? Why would this night be the night they meet? It could've been any other night but the gods choose tonight for these two to meet. Why? Was it because they knew they were destined for each other? Or was it because of a bigger picture?

Only you (only you)

Only you (only you)

Only you (only you)

They knew they loved each other. Even if it was only for a night. They just had to have each other. No matter the cost.

And no one else can fix me

Only you.

"Jafar..." Star said, breathing heavily. "Yeah?" Jafar asked. "Wanna go outside?" Star asked as Jafar nodded the two walking outside onto a cliff overlooking the ocean.

"It's beautiful." Star smiled. "Yeah. Especially since the mermaid used the pixie dust to make the ocean all sparkly." Jafar added.

"It must be a long swim," Star said, listening to the ocean waves crashing against the cliff. "Jafar...this might sound crazy but-" And before Star could finish her sentence, Jafar kissed her. Star smiled, kissing back.

Her back softly hit the grass, the two still not breaking the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling in him closer. "Jafar, wait," Star said, Jafar looked at Star, a long string of saliva connecting the two.

"Yeah?" He asked. "You wanna go inside?" Star asked as Jafar nodded, leading Star to an empty bedroom in the clubhouse. They both fell onto the bed, Star smiled as she sat on top of Jafar's chest.

"Why are you smiling?" Jafar asked as Star trickled her hands down his chest. "I don't know." Star leaned into his ear. "Love I guess," Star smirked.

"Take off your shirt." She said as Jafar took off his shirt, she looked down at his chest, her face turning red once she noticed how muscular he was. "Impressive, huh?" Jafar chuckled as he flipped over Star.

"Let's have some fun," Jafar smirked.


"Wow..." Star sighed in delight. "Impressive huh?" Jafar chuckled as Star nodded. "Your such an idiot." Star chuckled. "You make me one, honey." Jafar smiled, kissing Star. "Honey?" Star asked. "Oh um-" Jafar was then cut off by Star's lips.

"I like it." Star smiled. "But, before we go any further, there's something you should know," Star said getting up. "Wait, are you pregnant?! I didn't think it works that fast?" Jafar said making Star laugh. "No. Follow me." Star said as the two walked out to the cliff by the ocean.

"Come on." Star smiled as she grabbed Jafar's hand, the two jumping off the cliff and into the ocean. Jafar opened his eyes to see Star's legs started glowing, morphing from legs into a beautiful mermaid tail.

"YOU'RE A MERMAID!!!" Jafar yelled, shocked by Star's new tail and how he was talking underwater. "Calm down. Yes, I'm a mermaid." Star laughed.

"Oh, my gods...I had sex with a mermaid." Jafar said, chuckling a bit. "Princess." Star corrected. "Huh?" Jafar asked as Star took out her contaxs to reveal her blue eyes.

"I'm a mermaid princess. My name is Venus, not star." Venus said as Jafar's jaw dropped. "Yes, this means you had sex with a princess mermaid." Venus smiled, kissing Jafar. "But how did you get to be on land last night?" Jafar asked as Venus showed him the pills.

"Crura Pills. Allows mermaid to have legs for 72 hours." Venus shortly explained as Jafar looked closely into Venus's eyes. "You're the mermaid who saved me when I fell off the boat," Jafar said as Venus nodded.

"Wait, how am I talking underwater?" Jafar asked. "Mermaid's Kiss. Allows humans to breathe underwater for 5 hours." Venus said, grabbing hold of Jafar's hand.

"Come on. There's something I wanna show you." Venus smiled as she and Jafar swam deeper into the ocean.

After swimming for a while, they reached the entrance to mermaid cove. "Can't you get in trouble for letting me in?" Jafar asked. "Nah, I'm the princess, they can't do anything." Venus winked as she and Jafar swam thru the entrance to reveal a beautiful mermaid utopia. "Woah." Jafar gasped.

"Let's hurry up before anybody sees you," Venus said as they quickly rushed into a store named SHELLS-R-US. "Hide here," Venus whispered as Jafar hid behind a clothing rack. "Serena, your my best friend and sister right?" Venus said as Serena nodded.

"Good, then your not gonna scream when I show you this," Venus said as she signaled Jafar to come out. "AH-" Venus quickly covered her sister's mouth.

"You promised you wouldn't Serena." Venus reminded her. "MMPH!!" Serena muttered thru Venus's hand. "Just calm down, Serena! He won't bite." Venus assured her as Serena calmed down.

"So if I remove my hand. You won't scream right?" Venus asked as Serena nodded, Venus slowly moved her hand away from her sister's mouth. "HUMA-" Serena yelled as Jafar and Venus tackled her. "You said you won't scream," Jafar said. "Human...in...mermaid cove...AH!!" Serena started hyperventilating.

"Just breathe Serena," Venus said as Serena nodded, the two getting off the younger mermaid. "Serena. This is Jafar." Venus introduced as she pushed Serena towards Jafar. "Hi, I'm princess Serena! Please don't eat my soul! I'm too young to die!" Serena quickly said.

"Is that what mermaid think we do? Eat souls?" Jafar asked as Serena nodded, hugging the chandelier like a scared cat.

"Get down this instant!" Venus scolded as Serena swam down, hiding behind Venus. "Y-Yo-You kn-know-know Da-Dad i-is go-going to kill you!" Serena warned. "Yes, but he won't ever find out cause if he does I'll tell him about where you've been going each night at 1:34 AM." Venus winked. "Wh-What?!" Serena's face turned red.

"Please, I know what you do late night. Why do you think there 6 orbs missing from my pouch?" Venus asked slyly. "I-I-I hav-have no id-idea wh-what yo-you tal-talking about." Serena stammered.

"Yes, you do. Or should I tell Dad about Austin?" Venus's smirk grew. "I and Austin are friends. No-Nothing more!" Serena squeaked.

"Friends with benefits." Venus nudged as Serena sighed, bowing her head. "Fine. It's nice to meet you Jafar." Serena smiled. "You as well, Princess Serena." Jafar bowed.

"You're not gonna tell dad right?" Venus asked. "No, I get what it's like to date a human." Serena winked as Venus and Jafar swam out of the store. The sun shined thru the water and onto Venus's body.

"What?" Venus asked. "You're so beautiful." Jafar smiled, the two swimming to the surface, sitting on a rock. "You're a mermaid princess huh." Jafar chuckled as Venus kissed him. "Yes." Venus smiled. "Is this a problem?" Venus asked raising her eyebrows. "Nope." Jafar smiled.

"I love you, Princess Venus."


"Happy 6 year anniversary!" Jafar yelled as Venus threw a pillow at him. "It's 6 AM. It's too early." Venus groaned, wrapping her body in blankets like a Swadloon. "I'm sorry I got you sick," Jafar said, sitting next to her. "It's fine. You didn't get me sick. It's just morning sickness." Venus groaned.

"This baby better come soon or I might stab my stomach and just like force it to come out of my stomach," Venus growled, so did her stomach.

"Jafar...don't you wanna be a great husband and go get me some pickles and peanut butter sandwiches." Venus pleaded, making puppy dog eyes. "Didn't you just have 3 of them like an hour ago?" Jafar asked.

"I thought you said you loved me?" Venus sobbed. "For god's sake...I do. Just stop crying kay? I'll make you the sandwiches." Jafar smiled as Venus wiped her tears. "You are lucky you're pregnant," Jafar muttered.

"I heard that," Venus called out. "I think I'm gonna like the next 3 months with you," Venus spoke, looking at her baby bump.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" Jafar asked. "No, boy names are so hard! I thought of a million girl names but zero boys." Venus replied. "I thought of a couple of names. Well, just one..." Jafar muttered.

"Can I hear it?" Venus asked. "Jasper," Jafar said as Venus felt the baby kick. "I think the baby likes it." Venus smiled.

"You wanna see something cool?" Venus said as Jafar nodded. "It's an old mermaid trick." Venus smiled as she touched her stomach causing it to glow a little, revealing the baby.

"That's our baby?" Jafar asked looking at the baby. "Yes." Venus smile grew. "Hi, Jasper." Jafar smiled, kissing Venus's stomach. "In three months, we'll have a baby." Jafar smiled, putting his ear against her stomach.

"Jafar...the sandwiches need more pickles," Venus said, munching on her sandwiches. "You're lucky I love you." Jafar chuckled.


DUDE!! WERE AT 468 READS!!! HOW IN MAVIS'S NAME IS THAT POSSIBLE?! Honestly, I would love to thank all LunarGelfling45 for all her votes and comments! And GenesiaGrayy for all their votes! Thank you so much! Plz keep reading I promise it's gonna get good from here on out!

Also! This chapter is a whopping 5628 words! I think that's the longest ever in this book!

See you tomorrow!

Love, Sugar_And_Spice125

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