EP.56|Half Good Half Bad

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EP.56|Half Good Half Bad

“Ben, honey, wake up.”

Ben eyes fluttered opened as his vision started coming back to him. “What happened? Why does my head hurt?” Ben groggily asked.

“When I told you that your mom is half villain you passed out.” Heine said as she and Mal helped ben up. “So, if Belle’s part villain that means.” Ben started connecting the dots.

“You’re part villain kid.” Zypher said. “You knew?!” Ben yelled. “Yep. I was gonna tell you at the wedding but your Grandma kinda ruined that.” Zypher sighed. “H-Ho-How?!” Ben stammered.

“Your grandfather was a villain.” Heine said. “No...Grampa Devin was a villain?!” Ben yelled in shock. “Yep. His real name is Chernabog. The villain Fantasia story.” Henie smiled, remembering the good times.

“The ring you're wearing is the ring Chernabog gave me.” Heine said. “Wow, your half villain.” Mal chuckled, a little shocked by the news.

Ben stood quiet staring at the tea. “Ben, honey, are you okay?” Mal asked as the cup started shaking.

“Ben, hey answer me.” Mal gently placed her hand on his. Ben moved his hand away from her’s and placed the tea down, walking out of the house without saying a word. “Ben! Where are you going?!” Mal yelled after him as Ben drove off.

Mal bursted thru the bridal shop doors in a sense of panic. “Mal what’s wrong?” Evie asked as Mal started hyperventilating. “Ben...can’t find...Ben...ran off…” She managed to say.

“What do you mean?” Jasper asked, but Mal was to busy panicking to answer. “I...I...I…” Mal stammered. “Okay, Mal breathe. We’ll find Ben.” Freddie assured her.

“Ok-Okay.” She stuttered, tears forming in her eyes. “Okay everyone split up. He has to be somewhere.” Zeref said as he began naming places Ben might be.

“Carlos and CJ will check the school. Me and Freddie will check the arcade. Operetta and Hunter, you go check the ice cream parlor. Jasper and Evie, you two stay here and calm down Mal.” Zeref ordered as everyone split up.

“They’ll find him. I promise.” Jasper said, rubbing her back reassuringly.

“Good afternoon your majesty.” the receptionist bowed. “Good afternoon, I wish to speak to Belle Beauty.” Ben said as the receptionist nodded.

“She’s in cell 198.” she said as Ben walked to the back thru and arrangement of prisoners before arriving at cell 198.

“Mom.” Ben said as the cell opened and Ben entered, closing behind him. “How come you never told me I was part villain?” Ben asked as Belle sighed. “So Henie told you.” Belle said facing away from him.

“Yes, now face me.” Ben said in a tone. “I don't need to.” Belle hmphed. “Belle-” “I am your mother you will not call me by my first name.” Belle scolded.

“And I am you king Belle so I demand you to explain to me why you never told me that I’m part villain.” Ben scolded as well. “Your not king yet.” Belle reminded him in a agonizing tone.

“It’s not like you and dad are.” Ben shot back as Belle rolled her eyes, sitting on the cold worn out cot.

“Heine already told you how your part villain. So there’s no reason for you to be here.” Belle said. “I have as much right to be than anyone else. You just never told me that. I. Was. Part. Villain!” Ben yelled.

“Well maybe I didn’t want to tell you!” Belle shot back. “Well maybe you shouldn’t have! I have enough shit to deal with in my life! I don't need to add this to the list.” Ben hollered.

“It’s not my fault your sleeping with a wench!” Belle yelled. “Mal is not a wench! She’s gonna be your daughter-in-law soon! But it’s not like you care!” Ben yelled.

“Your right! I don't! Ben, our family name has ruled over this land for centuries! Now you wanna pass down the crown to who; a girl purple haired villain freak?!” Belle shot back.

“Mal is the best thing that’s ever happened to me! I’m not giving her up, no matter what you people say!” Ben said as Belle shook her head.

“I just can’t believe you're marrying a villain! A villain!” Belle yelled, she hated the fact Ben was with that villain girl.

“Why couldn't you have stayed with Briar?” She asked. “We went over this mother. She fell for somebody else.” Ben sighed, he knew his mother would never understand love.

“Still, you make her fall in love with you! Not some other guy.” Belle added as she began rambling on about how good he was with Briar. “I just don't get why you left her for some witch!” Belle scold.

“Because Briar’s a lesbian!” Ben yelled. “Excuse me?” Belle asked, rudely. “She’s in love with Winter! That’s why I broke up with her, so she and Winter can be happy.” Ben shortly explained.

“This day can’t get any worse.” Belle sighed. “There’s a reason why I came here today.” Ben said pulling out a golden color envelope with a purple lining.

“Please join us for the marriage of Ben Beastly and Malena Maleficent.” Belle read. “I’ll think about. No guarantees.” Belle said as Ben nodded, walking out of the prison cell.


“I found him!” Carlos called out as Hunter walked towards him to see Ben sitting on the edge of a cliff. “Ben.” Carlos said as Ben turned towards him. “Hey-” But before he could finish, Hunter slapped him. “OW!” Ben groaned in pain, rubbing his cheek.

“You’re fiancée is having a panic attack!” Carlos scolded. “Oh…” Ben said. “Your fiancée is having a panic attack and all you can say is “Oh”?! What the hell Ben! Where the hell were you?!” Hunter yelled.

“I went to visit my mom in prison.” Ben sighed, looking at the moon. “For what?” Carlos asked. “To invite her to the wedding.” Ben then noticed the invitation that appeared in his hand.

“And here’s the answer.” Ben opened the envelope to see the words WON'T BE ATTENDING circled. “Great.” He hung his head down in despair.

“Ben, you knew she was gonna show. You know she hates Mal.” Hunter said as Ben nodded. “I just always thought she be there for my coordination.” Ben said, as he looked at the invite as got up. He walked away without saying a word.

“Not again!” Carlos groaned.

Mal paced back and forth in the bridal shop, she couldn't help but worry if Ben was okay. “Mal, calm down, Ben is fine.” Evie said, but Mal shook her head.

“Yeah, but where is he? Do you think he ran off because of the wedding? He is gonna be king after all. It’s gonna be stressful.” Mal the stopped and sat down.

“What if he doesn't love me anymore?” Mal’s voice was shaky. “Oh course I love you.” A calming voice said making Mal smiled.

She quickly turned around to see Ben. She stood up form the chair and punched him in the gut, sending him flying into some dress.

“You had me worried sick! I’m gonna be your wife, not to mention queen, for gods sakes! You cannot just walk out without saying a word! Especially this close to the wedding!” Mal scolded, making Ben chuckled.

“Don't laugh! I was scared!” Mal added. “Come here.” Ben then pulled down Mal beside him.

“I’m sorry I made you worry so much.” Ben apologized. “Your lucky I love you. I wouldn't have kicked you in the balls.” Mal said as Ben kissed her. “I love you, Mal.” Ben smiled. “I love you too.” Mal said, smiling.

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