EP.72|The Wedding Ceremony (PART 5)

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EP.72|The Wedding Ceremony (PART 5)

“What are you doing here?” Ben asked rudely. “I can’t come to my own brother’s wedding?” he leaned up against the door. “Look Lucifer, I don't need you here.”

Lucifer is a sorta tall yet muscular young man. He had light fair skin with cold dark eyes. His hair is spiky black and grows counterclockwise to Ben’s.

His attire is a bodysuit, crimson in color and has a white insignia on several places. The suit has a open collar and exposes his chest. He has silver gauntlets and carries his sword with a strap on his hip.

“Of course you need me here.” Lucifer gripped Ben’s shoulders. “I thought you were in the Blood Prison.” Ben growled. “I got early release for being good.” Lucifer chuckled, Ben raised his eyebrow. “I doubt that.”

“I wanted to see you become king.” Lucifer said, looking down at the people setting up the wedding. “Look at them, scurrying around like ants to prepare for your special day.” Lucifer chuckled.

“You need to leave, now.” Ben glared at him. “Ben...is this…” Zypher started. “Yep. It’s him…” Ben sighed. “Let me think; no.” Lucifer smirked. “Now, where is the blushing bride?” Lucifer clapped his hands together.

“You stay away from her! She doesn't need to go thru what I went thru.” Ben pinned him to the wall. “Feisty, aren’t we?” Lucifer snickered. “Leave now or I’ll finish what I started years ago.” Ben grimaced.

Lucifer rolled his eyes and kicked Ben off of him, pinning him to the floor with his foot.

Ben could feel how much power Lucifer had, it was just as powerful, maybe even more, than the cloaked figure that tried to take Carlos’s magic months ago.

“What are you planning.” Ben glared into Lucifer’s eyes. “Why would I be planning something? Hm?” Lucifer smirked.

“You and your friends are always up to something! Leave me and my friends out of it!” Ben got closer to his face.

“What? Still mad about that incident years ago?” Lucifer cooed. “Oh course I am! I will never forgive you!” Ben yelled. “You know what master says, forgiving is for the weak, vengeance is for the strong.” Lucifer reminded him.

“Don't bring master into this!” Ben kicked Lucifer off of him. “You’re leaving now.” Ben pushed him up against the door.

“Nope, now if you excuse me, I have other business to attend to.” Lucifer walked out of Ben’s room to see the boy VK’s all glaring at him. “Who are you?” Jasper asked rudely.

“The name’s Lucifer. Me and Ben go way back, aint that right Ben?” Lucifer pulled him in close. “Play along or Mal get’s it.” Lucifer whispered as Ben glared at him.

“We go back.” Ben grimaced. “Right, anyways, I didn’t see your name on the guest list.” Hunter raised his eyebrow. “I just got the invite yesterday and I just had to come. I couldn't miss Lil Ben get married.”

“I’m Ze-” “Zeref Aidoneus, son of Hades and Persephone Aidoneus.” he looked at Hunter.

“Hunter LeGume, son of Gaston LeGume and Farrah Faybelle.” he then looked at Jasper.

“Jasper Damoola, son of Jafar and Venus Damoola.” then he looked at Carlos.

“Carlos Deville, son of Hexiciah and Cruella Deville.” “How do you know who we are?” Carlos asked. “Ben tells me all about you.” Lucifer smiled. “Does he now?” Jasper raised his eyebrow.

“Yeah, now if you excuse me, I'm gonna explore the temple before the wedding.” Lucifer walked off, turning the corner.

“Idiot.” Lucifer smirked, suddenly a maid passed by. I could eat. Lucifer pressed his hand on the maid's back causing her soul to come out of her mouth and into his hand.

Lucifer gobbled up the soul like it was candy. “Human souls always taste so sour.” Lucifer gagged.

Lucifer looked behind him to see Carlos's shocked face. “I-I-I...” he stammered, Lucifer pinned Carlos to the wall.

“You saw to much.” Lucifer whispered as he pressed his hand on Carlos’s chest as his soul began to come out. “I know, I was telling him the same thing.” A voice laughed, coming down the hallway.

Only being able to eat half of Carlos’s soul he put the other half back inside of him. “Animalistic soul, taste like chocolate.” Lucifer smiled, wiping his lips.

“Looks like your girlfriend is coming, Pirate Soul. I wonder how that taste?” Lucifer smiled. “N-No...CJ...run…” Carlos rasphed as Lucifer heard CJ’s voice getting, soon disappearing. “Carlos! What happened!” Cj ran to carlos, helping him up.

“Dehydration.” Carlos coughed.

Freddie was helping Mal with her dance when she suddenly felt something was off balance, making her fall.

“Freddie you okay?” Mal asked. “Yeah I need some air.” Freddie walked out of the room and into the balcony. “Shadow Freddie.” Freddie chanted as a darker more goth Freddie appeared next to her.

“What up?” Dark Freddie asked, sucking on a lollipop. “Something’s off, I felt it a minute ago.” Freddie shivered a bit. “You know you can’t check the spirit world till you're 22.” Dark freddie said.

“How the hell am I supposed to check then-WAH!” Freddie then fell again. “Okay, we need to talk to an expert.” Dark Freddie said as Facilier appeared. “You need an expert?” He asked smugly.

“Something off, like soul wise.” Freddie said, getting up. “Let’s see.” A orb then appeared in Facilier’s hand. “Soul count, 2,890, on this island that is. Wait, 2886, no 2883. It’s dropping, and quickly.” Facilier observed.

“Is that why I’m falling?” Freddie asked. “Probably the Tamiki reacting to the few soul in the area.” Nico guessed, appearing out of thin air. “You have to stop popping in like that!” Facilier and Freddie scolded.

“You’re not the only one, Baneko been feeling it too. He’s been all grumpy.” Nico said, showing them the now smaller Baneko. “Why the hell is he so small?” Facilier asked. “Everytime the soul count gets smaller so dose Baneko.” Nico shortly explained.

“But it’s only going down a little.” Freddie raised her eyebrow. “This has been happening since last week.” Nico said. “Do you know who might be causing this?” Facilier asked. “No, but we know they’re at this wedding.”

Nico looked up at the sky, and sighed. “There’s a storm coming, and we all best be ready when she hits.”

“Ben, just calm down, who the hell is this Lucifer guy anyways?” Zeref asked as him and the boys tried to calm down the stomping soon-to-be king who rummaged thru the streets.

“I just cannot believe he would show his face around here after what happened!” Ben growled. “What did he do? And where are we going?” Carlos asked, trying to keep up with Ben. “Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty.” Ben vaguely answered.

“Okay this Lucifer guy obviously did something in the past to make you angry, but you can’t just stomp around town like an angry toddler having us follow you to gods know where!” Jasper scolded, his hands gripping Ben’s shoulders.

“I’m not angry! I’m just pissed off!” Ben flung his arms in the air. “That’s the same thing!” Hunter said.

“You don't understand, that man brought me pain everyday of my life for the entirety of my childhood! Now that he’s back I know he’s going after everyone I hold dear.” Ben yelled, he knew Lucifer was bad news and he wasn’t about to let him near anyone he held dear.

Ben stopped once they reached the basement of the school. “Ben, what are you planning?” Jasper asked cautiously.

“I need to asked somebody something.” Ben opened the doors to see Milton sitting there in his box, but beside him was Lucifer. “Hey Ben, how’s it going?” Lucifer smirked. “Your in on it with him aren't you?!” Ben yelled, pointing his finger at the two of them judgingly.

“In on what? I just came to say hi and to tell how the wedding is going.” Lucifer tilted his head, smiling innocently. “Speaking of wedding. How’s Mal?” Milton smirked, soon having his head pressed to the metal tabel.

“How dare you even mention her name after what you did to her!” Ben yelled. “Ben! Stop!” Carlos pulled him off of Milton. “You promised Courtly you wouldn't kill him.” Jasper reminded him.

“Plus, I don't think you wanna kill him.” Lucifer sing-song. “Your right, I’ll kill you instead!” Ben growled, turning into a wolf, attacking Lucifer. “So you do know how to harness the Animalistic powers?” Lucifer smirked.

“Why did you come here!” Ben snarled. “You’ll see.” Lucifer’s smirk grew. “I’ll kill you if you even step foot in that chapel!” Ben threatened.

“No you won’t, remember what she told us. You can’t kill f-” “SHUT UP!! Don't bring her into this!” Ben threw him against the box. “Aggressive huh?” Lucifer coughed up a little blood, still smirking.

“Fine, you wanna go? Let’s go.” Lucifer then created a vortex that surrounded the VK’s around him causing them to be sliced at a god-like speed by Lucifer’s pure reflexes.

“Lava Scorch: Devil’s Reverse.” Jasper spread his arms and legs and unleashed a giant ball of fiery lava around the VK’s, sending Lucifer’s attack right back at him.

“Nice trick kid.” much to Jasper’s demise, Lucifer caught his own attack, sizing it down to a near tennis ball size. “How did you…” Jasper mustered. “Do you really think such a pitiful attack out hurt me?” Lucifer asked sarcastically.

“Let me show you how we do it back in the Underworld.” and with a swipe of his hand, gooey projectiles were fired arbitrary throughout the cube, attaching to the VK’s bodies, eventually spreading across and flooding the entirety of the outside of the cube.

“What the hell is this stuff?!” Zeref struggled to fight off the goo. “This is Fléau de la Mort, or in english; Scourge of Death, it’s a-” “A curse.” Ben glared at him. “Precisely, one of the many curses I can use.” Lucifer added.

“So, just tell me where your keeping the Nirvana and I’ll let you go.” Lucifer wagered. “The what?” Carlos asked. “Nirvana. Where is it?” Lucifer asked again, the goo tightening around them.

“Don't play dumb, you know what I’m talking about. Where is it?” Lucifer asked once more, the goo started burning their skin. “We seriously...AH!...don't know what you’re talking about!” Hunter yelled, the heat was getting unbearable.

Milton clenched his fist, as much as he hated these VK’s it was getting to much.

“You know what, you must be hungry, being asleep for so long and all, why don't you get something to eat. There’s a town filled of souls. I’ll stay here and make sure they say something.” Milton suggested.

“Alright, I’ll be back in an hour.” Lucifer said, walking out of the basement. Once, Lucifer was far away Milton sighed and started cutting the goo. “What are you doing?” Ben asked.

“I’m saving you this once, idiot. Don't think too much into it.” Milton said, helping Ben off the floor. “But we put you in prinsion. Why would you save us?” Zeref asked. “There’s somebody I owe a lot to, and you VK’s means a lot to that person. This is a one time deal though.” Milton said as he dragged all the VK’s up to Giles’s class.

“Milton, what are you doing up here?!” Giles asked, getting battle ready. “For your information, I just saved their asses. Lucifer’s here, and he’s after Nirvana.” Milton explained, dropping the VK’s.

“What?! You serious?!” Giles yelled. “Yes! Now keep your voice down!” Milton scolded. “Holy gods...holy gods...holy gods…” Giles paced back and forth. “Pull yourself together Giles!” Milton slapped Giles across the face.

“I’ll deal with Lucifer, you get the VK’s to the wedding.” Milton said as Giles dragged the VK’s out of the classroom and to the temple.

“Adrimite!” Giles chanted causing the VK’s to heal. “Ben, wake up, you need to get to the wedding!” Giles warned him as Ben’s eyes widened. “Shit!” Ben and the VK’s quickly raced to the stature room in the temple to see it was completely decorated with golden and purple flowers, he stood at the end of the aslie smiling.

“What took you guys so long?” Courtly scolded. “I’ll tell you later. Is Mal ready?” Giles asked.

Mal stood near the entrance of the statue room. “Before you walk down, I want you to wear this.” Maleficent then put on a beautiful amethyst necklace around Mal’s neck.

“Ready?” Maleficent asked. Ready as I’ll ever be.” Mal smiled as the music started.

Finally, after all the drama that happened today, she was finally marrying the man she loved, and becoming Queen.

After everything that happened to her and the VK’s, these were the moments she would treasure forever.

Little did she know, there were still tough times down the road.

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