EP.88|The Lost Castea Clan

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EP.88|The Lost Castea Clan

Jasper and the VK’s been endlessly searching for Evie for weeks now, and still no luck.

“Dammit! Why can’t we find her?!” Jasper growled, slamming his hand on a tree.

Jasper then saw Ben and Carlos running towards them in their wolf form.

“Any luck?” Jasper asked hopefully. “Nope.” Carlos shook his head. Ben’s ears perked up.

“Hey, you smell that?” Ben asked, sniffing the air.

“Yeah, almost like...wolves.” Carlos eyes widened, the VK’s soon surrounded by a girl on a large black wolf.

“What do you say Cerise? They smell like them?” A black wolf asked.

“They got traces of The Savior on them.” the girl sniffed Jasper. “Especially this one.” the girl added.

She has long, straight dark brown hair with a white streak and pale pink lips.

She wears a small red hood decorated by tree branches which form a wolf face on the back of the cape.

It is held together with chains.

She has a red and black plaid dress with lacy black sleeves and two black lace skirts.

She wears shimmery, distressed gray leggings.

She has a molded plastic triple belt that is brown with silver buckles and a silver side chain.

She wears a red flower ring and a black shackle bracelet.

Her boots are up to her knees with silver straps and brown laces.

“Who the hell is the savior?” Hunter asked. “You don't speak her name! You filthy male!” Cerise scolded.

“Filthy?! I’ll show you filthy!” Hunter yelled, almost lunging at Cerise. Jasper noticed the necklace around Cerise’s neck.

“Where’d you get that necklace?” Jasper asked eagerly.

“The savior gave it to me. Well, she said you call her Blueberry.” Cerise said.

“You know where she is?” Jasper asked as Cerise nodded. “Yes.”

“Take me to her.” Jasper said as Cerise pulled Jasper onto the wolf, the two riding thru the forest.

“Evianna. We must thank you for all your service. Please, take this as a thanks to all your hard work.” one of the young girl villager bowed, passing Evie a beautiful pocket watch necklace with a crystal on it.

“This is beautiful.” Evie gasped. “I can’t possibly take this.” Evie passed it back to the villager.

“Please Evieanna, it’s the least I can do.” the girl muttered.

“I’m not accepting gifts. You don't need to give me any, you guys been thru enough already.” Evie crouched down to the small girl’s height.

The small girl hugged Evie. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“You’re welcome.” Evie whispered back.

“Evianna, you have visitors.” A girl said as Evie nodded and followed her to the front of the village to see Jasper.

“Evie!” “Jasper!” Evie ran up to Jasper, jumping up and wrapping her legs around her waist and her arms around his neck.

“I’ve missed you so much!” Evie cried. “I’m sorry I ran off.” Evie apologized.

“It’s fine, I’m the one who didn’t go after you.” Jasper kissed Evie as she kissed back.

“I haven’t seen a man in weeks.” Evie continually kissed Jasper.

“I fucking miss you, so goddamn much.” Evie growled.

“They’re only women in the village, I like a female friend as much as the next girl, but I need to at least see my boyfriend.”

“I need you so fuking hard right now.” Evie whispered seductively in Jasper ear.

“But I’ll wait till tonight.” Evie winked as she got down.

“So, this is Castea Clan. A tribe filled with women. Zero men. Hence why, Cerise was so touchy about the guys entering the village.”

“Yeah no kidding.” Mal chuckled.

“Evie, about before, I’m sorry about what I said. The whole “it’s just a doll” thing.” Freddie apologized.

“No, it’s alright. Believe me, these people been thru worse.” Evie sighed. Suddenly a little girl ran up to Evie.

“Miss Evieanna, I’m sorry...the doll you gave me is ruined.” The little girl sniffled.

“Let me see.” Evie said, the little girl handed Evie the broken rag doll.

“Is that the same one you found in the fire?” Freddie asked as Evie nodded.

“Now, you know nothing is ruined” Evie placed her hand over the tear, causing it to glow.

Once the glow disappeared, the doll was fixed “just broken momentarily.”

The little girl smiled, hugging Evie tightly.

“Thank you Evieanna.” the little girl ran off. “They love you hear huh?” CJ noticed.

“Yeah, they really do.” Evie smiled as they reached a large hut.

“Miss Kianna. Can we come in?” Evie asked. “Yes.”

Evie and the VK’s walked in to see a very tall woman, very tall wasn’t even enough to describe it, she was enormous!

Kianna was a large lady who resembles a giantesses, with a curvaceous figure and large breasts.

Her head is extremely large and wide to her body and her long tongue is forked, often sticking out of her mouth and has sea green eyes.

She dresses in very revealing clothing: a green bikini top with white irregular patterns.

A white cape over it and green panties encircled by flaps at both sides of her hips.

“Holy gods, she’s tall as heck.” Ben whispered.

“Whatever you do, don't badmouth her height. She’s sensitive about that.” Evie warned.

“Miss Kianna, how are you?” Evie asked, sitting beside her hospital bed.

“Be… better.” Kianna sat up slowly. “Miss Kianna, you should be laying down.” Evie suggested.

“I’m fine Evieanna.” Kianna said, holding her side as she grunted.

“Miss Kianna, you need to rest.” Evie pushed Kianna down softly.

“You’re not fine, you’re hurt badly. The poison hit you harder than most of the villagers.” Evie sighed.

“Poison?” Hunter asked, suddenly, the guards surrounding Kianna’s bed aimed their weapons at the boys.

“Woah, woah, woah, it’s okay! They’re with me.” Evie said as the guards dropped their weapons.

“I see, these are the… VK’s… you spoke of… earlier?” Kianna breathed heavily.

“Yeah, they can help you get your village back.” Evie rested her hand on Kianna’s shoulder.

“Evieanna… if it weren’t for you… we’d all be dead.” Kianna coughed.

“I’ve been here the past few weeks healing the village.”

“They been sprayed with a poison that been eating at their cells.”

“Kianna is the last one I need to heal, but it’s been taking so long because she got the worst of it.” Evie explained.

“Damn… that’s why Cerise was calling you the savior.” Jasper said.

“Yeah, they call me that. I told them it wasn’t necessary.” Evie chuckled.

“Evieanna...you’re the savior.” Kianna hugged Evie tightly.

“Miss Kianna, there’s no need for that.” Evie reminded her. “There has to be a way I can repay you.” Kianna said.

“No need, as long as you and your village are healthy and safe. That’s all I need.” Evie smiled.

“I’ll make sure you get your village back to the way it was.” Evie promised. “I hope… you’re right… for my sake, and the village’s.”


Hey everyone! Just a quick thing, if you like Gajeel x Levy from Fairy Tail, you'll love this fanfic called She's My Maid by Tabemashou_Pocky it's an amazing fanfic! So please, show it some love!

Anyways, y'all know the drill. Vote, comment, read, and I'll see you here next time.

With all my love,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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