Thanksgiving Special: Dinner With Parents

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Thanksgiving Special: Dinner With Parents

(A/N: This has nothing to do with the actual storyline, just a little special chapter for Thanksgiving! Enjoy and happy Thanksgiving!)

Jafar sat at the head of the table, it was his home after all, and grinned brightly down at his guests.

"It's not often I have a full table," he guffawed,

"since the Jasper left for the school and your mom is doing the whole Mermaid Cove festival, I've been a lonely old man in this big house…" he sniffed, in what his guests hoped was faux sadness.

Jasper snorted, "so now you admit you're old."

Jafar pointedly looked away and continued his little speech,

"and my best friends never visit either. How cruel, they refuse to even come any say hello to their dear oldest best friend."

To his right, Gaston growled and judging by the sudden grunt that fell from Jafar's mouth, he also kicked his best friend under the table.

“Grow a few inches and then maybe I'll acknowledge you as the oldest," Gaston huffed, puffing out his chest a little as if to reinforce the idea that he was taller and bigger than his best friend.

To Jafar's left, Courtly sighed and shook her head, "every time I visit I leave with a new memory to repress. Remember the whipped cream incident?"

Jafar's face reddened.

At the far end of the table, Evie and Operetta exchanged confused glances. Jasper simply groaned and Hunter rolled his eyes.

"Exactly," Courtly continued, a smug smirk toying on her lips, "besides, that weird snake of yours makes Ace uncomfortable."

At that moment, everyone was silence by the sound of a fork clanging noisily as it hit a plate.

"Hm?!" Queenie squeaked, looking incredibly flustered and far too innocent, "what was that, Mum?"

(A/N: remember this Queenie, she'll be showing up in later episode in the series. For now, let's say she's Courtly adoptive daughter.)

Frowning, Courtly shook her head, "nothing dear."

Queenie let out a sigh of relief and took to staring at her plate.

Once the adults had resumed their mild bickering, Hunter lent across the table and whispered to her,

"s'alright kid, nobody saw you feeding your cat your veggies."

"I did," Jasper added in a hushed whisper.

"Same," Operetta added and Evie nodded bashfully in agreement.

"We all noticed," Gaston yawned, "'cept yer ma."

"Uncle Gaston!" Queenie whined as Courtly inhaled sharply and said, "Queenie Jester what have I told you about eating your vegetables?"

(A/N: Gaston isn't really her uncle but that's what Queenie calls him.)

"Leave it, leave it Jester!" Jafar called loudly, earning him yet another kick under the table – this time from Courtly – for daring to use the one nickname she loathed more than anything,

"we aren't here to put the squeeze on my adorable niece-"

Queenie flushed a little and smiled.

"We're here to interrogate those four!" he wildly brandished his fork towards the end of the table where Jasper, Evie, Operetta and Hunter sat.

"It's not supposed to be an interrogation, it's Thanksgiving for crying out loud." Courtly muttered, though she was drowned out by the sound of Gaston's "Gihihihihi" as the two oldest men in the room gleefully turned to look at their sons and their girlfriends.

"So boy!" Gaston barked, slapping Hunter across the shoulder, "do you think little miss over there is the one?"

Operetta squeaked and slid down in her seat, whilst Hunter proceeded to choke on his drink.

"I don't know why you're laughing!" Jafar boomed, waving his fork in Jasper's sniggering direction,

"what about Evie? When will I be getting some grandbabies? Queenie's cute and all, but Courtly doesn't bring her over enough…"

"Dad!" Jasper spluttered whilst Evie tried her very best not to faint right there, "we're in university still."

Jafar shrugged, "age is nothing but a number."

"Well our number is still too young!" Evie squeaked, "far too young."

Jafar sighed and turned his attention towards Operetta and Hunter, "I'll guess I'll have to rely on you two for some grandbabies. Whaddya say Gaston, would you be willing to share?"

"Hell no!" Gaston snapped, "I'm not having my grandbrats corrupted by you."

Sighing again, Jafar turned towards Queenie…

"Don't even think about it," Courtly said coldly.

"I wasn't…I wasn't…"

As the supposed adults in the room began arguing amongst themselves and placing wagers as to who would have the cutest grandchildren, Hunter and Jasper both turned to their respective girlfriends and mumbled, "I'm so sorry."

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