EP.91|Father and Daughter

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EP.91|Father and Daughter

“I can’t believe Lucifer went this far.” Ben eyes narrowed as he scrunched up his fist.

“That monster has so sense of peace!” Ben added. “Do you...know him?” Kianna asked. “He’s my brother, sadly.” Ben growled.

“You? Brothers with Lucifer?” Ramona was in shock. “It’s a long story.” Ben sighed, he was right it was a long story.

But that’s a story for a later episode.

“Kianna, we promise we’ll get your land back.” Carlos reached his hand towards Kianna’s shoulder but stopped when the female guards pointed their spears at them.

“No men are allowed to touch Kianna.” One guard ordered. “Alright. I get it.” Carlos backed up slowly.

“Sorry...about my...guards…” Kianna coughed. “You have nothing to apologize for. It’s the man who should apologize.” Another guard stated.

“Some of them...are still...rattled up.” Kianna coughed harder. “Are you really gonna help us get the island back?” Cerise asked.

“Yeah.” Evie smiled as Cerise hugged her tightly. “Thank you Miss Evie.” Cerise’s dull eyes filled with hope.

“Um, Evie, can I talk to you?” Jasper requested as Evie nodded, the two walking outside the hut.

“Are you sure about this?” Jasper questioned. “Helping out the Castea Clan? Of course I am.” Evie answered.

“But we need to find the grail.” Jasper said. “I know, but the tribe needs our help. I’m not gonna leave them.”

“We have a mission, Evie, to find the grail. They don't have the grail so we have to keep looking.” Jasper reminded her.

“I have a mission too, to help anyone in need. And these people need me. They’re the last people in this world who use Crystal Release, I can’t let them die.” Evie explained.

“Lucifer attacked them just like he attacked us at Mal’s wedding! Remember how mad you were?” Evie reminded him.

“Well yeah but, Evie, wouldn't want us to barge in on their problems.” Jasper said.

“So, these people need us! They need us to fight for them, win the battle they couldn't, I’m not gonna leave them high and dry.”

“You know, if I never “barged in on people’s business” we never wouldn't’ve started dating. Cause if I didn’t help fix you and Jafar’s relationship, we never wouldn't’ve kissed on the hill.” Evie glared at him.

“Jasper, I always help anyone in need. I thought you knew that.” Evie scoffed, walking off. Jasper sighed, shaking his head.

What’s gotten into me…? Jasper soon felt something bump up against him.

Jasper looked down to see a small girl, about the age of 3, maybe 4, with a ripped yellow dress on.

“I-I’m...s-sorry mis-mister.” the girl stammered. Jasper smiled, she was like a small version of Evie.

“I-I-I wa-was-wasn’t lo-look-looking.” the girl looked down, her eyes tearing up a bit.

“Hey, it’s okay. You didn’t do anything.” Jasper assured her, wiping the little girl’s tears.

Jasper noticed the doll she carried. “Can I see the doll real quick?” Jasper requested as the girl shook her head quickly, clenching the doll to her chest.

“N-No...m-min-mine.” she buried her face in the doll. “Please…” Jasper cooed as the girl shook her head again. “N-No.” she shook her head again.

“Alright, you gave me no choice.” Jasper smirked, scaring the girl a bit.

“But to call in the tickle monster!” Jasper started tickling the small girl, making her laugh long enough for Jasper to take the doll.

“Is this the doll Evie gave you?” Jasper asked as the girl nodded. “What your name?” Jasper asked.

“Emily, I don't like it…the evil men didn’t like my name so they changed it...I can’t remember my old name.” The girl sniffled.

“Hmm, how about...Raja?” Jasper suggested. “R-Raja?” the girl stuttered.

“Yeah, do you like it?” Jasper asked as Raja smiled, nodding. “I-I love it! Thank you mister!” Raja hugged Jasper tightly.

Little did he know, Evie was watching the entire thing by the balcony of Kianna’s hut. “I heard about your situation.” Kianna said, rolling out in a wheelchair. “Yeah, I can’t have kids.” Evie sighed.

“Jasper’s a great father figure. At times, that is.” Kianna said, looking down at Jasper and Raja playing tag.

“Her parents died the day of the attack. Killed right in front of her. That doll you brought back is the last thing she has from her parents.”

“She has a brother, but he ran off to be with a different tribe years before Raja was born” Kianna sadly explained.

“We’ve been trying to find a home for Raja ever since attack but no luck. If you and Jasper are looking for a family, something tells me Raja would love you and Evie as parents.”

“I’ll see, for now, I wanna see this side of Jasper.”

Later that day, Raja sat by the river, playing with the doll before someone grabbed her doll. “Well look, it’s little Emily with the stupid doll.” A snarky voice laughed, pushing Emily into the water.

“Give it back, Rosa!” Raja jumped up, trying to get her doll but Rosa pushed her into the water. “You really are a stupid little bitch.” Rosa chuckled darkly.

“Who’s a bitch?” A dark shadow emerged behind Rosa, sending shivers down her spine. “N-No one!” Rosa stuttered, turning around to see a massively large red snake.

“Why’d you push her into the water?” The snake hissed, getting close to Rosa’s face. “I-I’m so-sorry.” Rosa stammered.

“Help her up.” the snake eyes flashed red with anger as Rosa quickly helped Raja up.

“Now, if you even touch Raja ever again. You’ll be the one in the water, well, six feet under it that is.” The snake glared at Rosa.

“Ye-Yes s-sir!” Rosa ran off as quick as lightning. The snake then turned into none other than Jasper. “J-Jasper? You can turn into a snake?” Raja asked, she was quite shocked.

“Yeah, family trick.” Jasper winked. “Thanks for saving me.” Raja smiled, hugging Jasper.

“Raja, where’s you mom and dad? Aren’t they must be worried sick about you.” Jasper asked, looking around.

“They’re gone…” Raja looked down, twisting the hem of her dress in her fingers. “Oh…” Jasper sat down next to Raja.

“Any aunts or uncles?” Jasper asked.

“I did have a brother, but my mom said he ran off to be with another tribe before I was born.” Raja’s tears landed on her dress. “I-I ba-barely go-got out alive.” Raja added.

Jasper then thought back to his argument with Evie and how rude he was. He knew he couldn't leave this village without fulfilling the promise to get their island back.

This poor girl doesn't have any family left all because they didn’t have the grail. It made Jasper sick just thinking about it.

“Hey, I promise you, we’ll get the island back to the way it was.” Jasper promised as Raja looked up at him.

“Pinky promise?” Raja sniffled sticking out her pinky. “Promise.” Jasper and Raja pinky swore.

“You better not break your promise.” Raja glared at him. “I won’t, I’m not one to break a promise.” Jasper chuckled.

Evie smiled as she watched the two laughing and playing. Maybe Kianna was right, Jasper is a good father figure at times.

After a long day of fun, Raja fell asleep up against Jasper. “I see you taken a liking to Raja.” Evie observed, leaning up against a tree.

“Yeah, she reminds me of you. The hair mostly.” Jasper said, acknowledging Raja’s blue hair. “Why the name “Raja” though?” Evie questioned.

“Raja was the name of my younger sister. She was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.” Jasper voice saddened.

“What’s hypoplastic left heart syndrome?” Evie asked.

“It’s a rare heart defect that happens when the left side of the heart is severely underdeveloped. It spread to the rest of her heart causing her to die at the age of 3.”

“Oh my gods...I’m so sorry…” Evie apologized. “It’s okay, you didn’t know, but this Raja reminds me so much of the old Raja it’s remarkable.”

“You’d make a great dad you know.” Evie stated, resting her head on Jasper’s shoulder. “You think so?” Jasper looked at Evie.

“Yeah.” Evie smiled, yawning a bit.

Maybe I would be a great dad. Jasper smiled, closing his eyes as he fell asleep. He opened his eyes to the sound of a screaming.

“JASPER!!!” Raja yelled, being dragged into the forest. Jasper chased after her but it was too late. Raja was gone.

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