CHAPTER FIVE, secret kiss and support

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(anastasia's outfit for this part of the chapter) 

Makeup was always something Anastasia found to be fun. As a child, her mother taught her the importance of looking your best and taking care of your appearance. Anastasia had learned early on how to accentuate her features with makeup and create different looks. Her makeup collection grew over the years, and soon she had an entire drawer full of different shades of lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Each morning, she carefully applied her makeup, creating a look that was both elegant and striking. She always felt more confident when she had her makeup done, as if she was putting on a mask that could hide her true feelings. And it was a mask, she thought, that she sometimes desperately needed.

Anastasia sat down at her vanity, surrounded by her vast array of makeup products. Sometimes she got overwhelmed by her options, not sure what look to go with. She sighed, leaning forward and examining her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were drawn to her scars, the ones that littered her skin from her past. Sometimes she still caught herself looking at them, wondering if they would ever truly fade away. A lot of her scars were self-inflicted. When she was younger, she would scratch and cut at her skin, a desperate attempt to release the pain and anxiety that plagued her.

As she got older, she realized it was a pointless endeavor, and eventually stopped the harmful behavior. She'd also gotten therapy, which helped a lot. But sometimes she would still feel that urge, the need to punish herself in some way when she felt particularly low. It was a battle she constantly fought, and she wasn't sure if she'd ever truly be free from the demons that haunted her. Anastasia shook her head, forcing her thoughts away from the darkness. She had to stay positive, to focus on the present. She picked up a bottle of concealer, carefully applying it to the scars on her face. She worked quickly, covering up any imperfections. Not only did she have the small scars on her face but it was all on her arms and legs as well.

She was half way done with her makeup routine when she noticed Marcus climbing into her room through the mirror. "What do you want?" She questioned, focusing on her eyeliner. She looked somewhat awkward in the position she was now to get the perfect eyeliner wing.

"Can't a guy visit his best friend in the morning?" Marcus joked, making his way over to her.

"Not when they're supposed to be grounded." Anastasia shot back, her tone light. She couldn't stay mad at him, not when he was standing there with that cocky grin on his face.

"Come on, Stas. I had to see you. It's been days Monday. And I only see you at school which is boring and not enough time to hang out with you." Marcus complained, plopping down on her bed.

"Mmm, it's only been one day. Don't be so dramatic." Anastasia rolled her eyes, smiling despite herself.

"Hey, I can't help it. You're just too amazing to be away from for long." Marcus teases, turning to prop himself up on his elbow as he watched her do her makeup. She was now working on her lipstick. He never understood why she put so much effort into her appearance. He thought she looked beautiful without it. "What's the point of all that makeup anyway? You look perfect without it, bubba." Marcus said, his tone softening as he watched Anastasia carefully apply the deep red lipstick that had become her signature.

Anastasia pauses, looking at him through the mirror, her heart warming at his words. She smiles softly at his words, grateful and flattered with his compliment. "Thanks, bubs. But you know, makeup isn't just about covering up imperfections. It's about self-expression, creativity, and feeling confident in your own skin. Plus, it's fun to play around with different looks and experiment with colors." She explained, carefully applying the lipstick.

"I guess I never really thought about it like that." Marcus admitted, watching her intently.

"Yeah, it's like painting a canvas. Except the canvas is your face." Anastasia chuckled at how she described it, finishing up her makeup and turning to face him.

"Speaking of painting, remember that time in art class when you accidentally spilled paint all over yourself?" Marcus grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Anastasia groans. "Ugh, don't remind me. It took forever to get that blue paint out of my hair, it was a nightmare."

"It was hilarious though. You looked like a smurf." Marcus laughs, dodging when Anastasia threw a makeup brush at him playfully. "Hey, watch it!" He chuckled, catching the brush and setting it aside on her nightstand.

"Okay, okay, enough teasing." Anastasia giggles, shaking her head. "But seriously, I think makeup can be a really powerful tool. It's not just about covering up flaws, but also about expressing yourself and feeling confident in your own skin."

Marcus nods, his expression thoughtful. "I never really thought about it like that before. Thanks for enlightening me, oh wise makeup guru." He joked, giving her a playful smirk.

Anastasia rolls her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "You're welcome, M. Anytime you need makeup advice, you know where to find me." She chuckled, a twinkle in her eyes.

Marcus's gaze turns soft, his voice gentle as he spoke. "You're amazing, you know that, right? You don't need makeup to be beautiful, Stas." He says, his words genuine. "I think you're perfect the way you are."

Anastasia was surprised by his sudden declaration, her cheeks turning red at his words. She felt a familiar warmth spreading through her chest, the same feeling she got whenever she was around him. "Thank you, M. That means a lot to me." She replied softly, giving him a warm smile. She could tell he was being sincere, and it meant the world to her that he thought so highly of her. "You're pretty amazing yourself. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." She added, her expression affectionate.

Marcus grins, a cocky look crossing his features. "Oh, trust me, I won't." He joked, causing Anastasia to laugh. His heart suddenly fluttered at the sound. She had the most beautiful laugh. He loved hearing her laugh. It was music to his ears. 


They went to school together like normal. Anastasia waved to Max and her friends when she and Marcus walked by them. They were at the sophomore hang out area in the hallway. In the hallways, there were separate areas for groups to hang out at. As they strolled through the bustling halls of their high school, Anastasia and Marcus encountered Max and her group of friends. Anastasia waved cheerfully at them, but Marcus noticed a slight hesitation in her smile.

"I thought you were tight with them, bubba." Marcus remarked, gesturing towards Max and the others.

Anastasia's expression shifts slightly. "I guess I kinda am but sometimes, I feel like I don't fully fit in." She shrugged, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Marcus raises an eyebrow, surprised by her admission. "Why do you say that? You always seem so confident around them."

Anastasia sighs softly, glancing at the group of friends as they walked past. "I don't know. Maybe it's just me being insecure. They're all great people, but sometimes I feel like I'm just trying to keep up with them. Like, I'm not really a part of their world." She explains, her voice laced with a hint of sadness. "I know, it's silly. I'm probably just overthinking things." She quickly added, dismissing the thought. But Marcus knew better. He could see the genuine hurt and doubt in her eyes. He noticed the way she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, a nervous habit of hers. He'd known her long enough to know when something was bothering her.

Marcus gently nudges her with his shoulder, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, there's nothing silly about how you feel, bubba. If something's bothering you, it's important. And for what it's worth, I think you're amazing just the way you are, whether you're fitting in with them or not."

Anastasia smiles, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thanks, Marcy. I appreciate that."

He caught her gaze, holding it a little longer than usual. "Seriously, Stas. You've got nothing to prove to anyone. You're smart, funny, and talented. And if they can't see that, well, it's their loss." He said sincerely, his voice firm but kind. He didn't like seeing her this way, and he wanted to make sure she knew how amazing she was. He didn't understand why she didn't see her own value. But then again, sometimes, people's biggest critic is themselves.

Anastasia felt a flicker of hope spark in her chest, his words comforting her in a way she hadn't expected. She was lucky to have a friend like him, someone who always had her back no matter what. She could always count on him to make her feel better. "Who needs anyone else when I've got you, huh?" She grinned, her expression softening as she leaned against his side.

He chuckles, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Exactly. Same goes for you." He reassured her, giving her shoulder a squeeze.

Anastasia's smile widens, feeling much better after their conversation. "Well, thanks, M. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I don't know what you'd do without me either." Marcus joked, earning a playful eye roll and a playful shove from Anastasia. They both laughed, their previous worries forgotten as they walked down the hall.

"Now, come on, let's get to class before we're late." Anastasia giggled, looping her arm through his as they made their way down the hall.

Marcus groans dramatically, but lets her pull him along. "Alright, alright. Let's get this over with."


In between classes, Anastasia was walking down the hallway when she was suddenly pulled into an empty classroom. A surprised yelp left her lips that's soon muffled by a pair of lips. Her hands grip the person's biceps, immediately realizing the person was Lance, her secret senior boyfriend. She relaxed, closing her eyes and kissing him back. He smiled against her lips when she finally kissed him back, deepening the kiss. He pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her waist. His touch was warm and familiar, sending a rush of heat through her body. Anastasia felt a shiver run down her spine, her heart racing in her chest. She clung to him, losing herself in the moment.

When they broke apart, Anastasia gasped for air, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Her face flushes a deep red, her eyes wide and full of surprise. "What was that for?" She asked, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"I missed you, angel." Lance murmurs against her lips, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth. "I've been wanting to do that all morning."

"So you decided to ambush me in the hallway?" Anastasia chuckled, resting her hands on his chest.

"Is that a complaint?" Lance raises an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Because I can stop if you want."

"Don't you dare." Anastasia smirked, leaning in and capturing his lips in another kiss.

Lance chuckled against her lips, pulling her flush against him. He turned them, pressing her back against the wall near the door. His hands roamed her body, exploring every inch of her. His touch was electric, sending a thrill of excitement through her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair.

Lance broke the kiss, trailing kisses along her jawline and down her neck. "Wanna skip next period and make out some more?" He murmured against her skin, his voice low and husky.

"I thought you'd never ask." Anastasia giggled, tugging him towards the door.

Lance chuckled, taking her hand and leading her out of the classroom. They walked down the hallway, hand in hand, trying to avoid getting caught. Anastasia couldn't help the giggles that escaped her lips, a giddy feeling bubbling in her chest. Lance smiled down at her, his expression warm and affectionate. He always thought she was adorable, but especially when she giggled. He could listen to the sound forever.

"You're cute." Lance chuckled, stealing a kiss from her as they ducked into a busy hallway.

Anastasia's cheeks turn more red, her heart skipping a beat at his words. "And you're not so bad yourself." She replied, grinning up at him.

Lance leans in, kissing her once again. His lips were soft and gentle, making her sigh in content. "Come on, let's go before we get caught." He grinned, his voice husky as he spoke.

"Where are we going?" Anastasia raised an eyebrow, a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Our spot." Lance smirked, winking at her.

"Race ya." Anastasia challenged, a smirk on her lips.

Lance grins, a playful gleam in his eyes. "You're on."

They ran down the empty hallway, laughter filling the air as they raced to their secret spot. Their secret spot in a back corner of the library. Anastasia's heart raced as they navigated through the crowded hallways, dodging teachers and other students. She felt a thrill she hadn't experienced in a long time — an exhilarating mix of rebellion and romance. It was as if the world outside didn't exist, and all that mattered was this moment with Lance.

They finally reached the library, quickly slipping inside and making their way to the back corner. They shared a grin as they settled down on a bean bag chair, sharing one last passionate kiss. The rest of the world faded away as they lost themselves in each other, enjoying every second of their stolen moment together.


As the end of the school day approached, Marcus and Anastasia met up in the hallway near her locker. Marcus swore he saw her passing through the crowded hallways earlier with a tall, black-haired boy. He only caught a glimpse of the couple, but the girl looked so much like Anastasia. And while he didn't see the boy completely when he noticed Anastasia sneaking out one night, he recognized this boy was wearing mostly all black and had black hair like the boy she had met up with one night. Could it be the same guy? Was his best friend secretly dating? This wasn't like her. Anastasia was usually a good girl, always following the rules. She never even had a boyfriend. She most definitely never snuck out or skipped classes, but lately he had noticed her doing both of those things often.

"Hello, Earth to Marcus." Anastasia's voice breaks through his thoughts as she waves a hand in front of his face. She had a worried expression on her face. "You okay, Marcy? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Marcus snaps out of his thoughts, forcing a smile as he looks at Anastasia. "Yeah, I'm fine." He lies, pushing the thoughts of the mystery guy out of his head. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm good to go." Anastasia nods, grabbing her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder. "Let's go." She smiled brightly at him, linking her arm with his as they walk down the hallway. She began rambling about her day, and Marcus could barely pay attention, his mind wandering.

Marcus found it hard to focus on her words. The earlier sighting of Anastasia with the mysterious boy, combined with the recent changes in her behavior, was making him uneasy. As they walked, Marcus tried to engage in the conversation, nodding and giving occasional responses, but his mind was elsewhere. He noticed the way Anastasia's eyes lit up when she talked about her day and her evident excitement about the upcoming events. It was clear she was genuinely happy, and he didn't want to dampen that.

Still, he couldn't ignore the concern gnawing at him. Was Anastasia hiding something? And if so, why would she hide it from him? They were best friends, and they had always been honest with each other. Something was off, and he didn't know what to do. He could try confronting her, but he didn't want to push her away. He couldn't stand the thought of losing her. He would just have to keep an eye on her and hope for the best. Maybe she would come clean eventually. In the meantime, he would try his best to support her, even if he didn't understand what was going on.

As they walked, Anastasia glanced at Marcus and noticed a look of worry etched onto his face. She frowned, worried. Had she said something wrong? Did she do something wrong? Her brow furrows in concern. "Marcy, are you sure everything's alright? You seem distracted."

"Everything's fine. Just tired, that's all." Marcus forced a smile, reassuring her.

Anastasia's frown deepens. Anastasia continues to look at Marcus with concern, her eyes searching his face for any signs of what might be troubling him. "You don't look just tired, Marcy. I can tell something's bothering you. If you want to talk about it, I'm here for you."

Marcus hesitates, unsure of how much he should reveal. He didn't want to invade her privacy or make her feel uncomfortable. "It's really nothing, bubba." He assures her, attempting to downplay his concerns. "Just a lot on my mind."

Anastasia wasn't convinced, but she decided to let it go for now. She reaches out and gave him a comforting squeeze on the arm. "Well, if you change your mind, bubs, just know that I'm always here to listen."

Marcus appreciated the gesture but couldn't shake the feeling of unease. "Thanks, Stas. I'll keep that in mind."

As they walked together, Marcus remained lost in thought, and Anastasia continued to chat about her day. She talked about her classes, her plans for the weekend, and even the latest school gossip, trying to keep the mood light and positive. Marcus listened, but his mind was still preoccupied with the strange encounter he had witnessed.

Finally, they reached the exit of the school. Anastasia looks at Marcus with a hopeful smile. "Do you want to grab something to eat or just head home?"

Marcus forces a smile and nods. "Sure, let's grab a bite. I could use a distraction."

They headed to a nearby café, where they found a cozy spot to sit. Anastasia continued to talk animatedly about her plans for the weekend, her excitement palpable. Marcus did his best to engage in the conversation, though his mind occasionally wandered back to the mysterious boy he'd seen with her. Despite his concerns, Marcus was grateful for the time spent with his friend. He knew that Anastasia was important to him, and he wanted to be there for her, no matter what. As they finished their meal and said their goodbyes, Marcus resolved to keep an eye out for any changes and to support her in any way he could. As he walked away from the café, he glanced back to see Anastasia waving goodbye with a bright smile. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, but for now, he hoped that his worries were just that — worries.


That night after school seemed a bit off. She watched as her mom moved around the kitchen, her movements tense and her expression troubled.

"Mom, is everything okay?" Anastasia asked, concern lacing her voice as she approached her.

Her mom sighs, turning to face her with a weary smile. "It's nothing, sweetheart. Just had a long day at work, that's all."

Anastasia narrows her eyes, not entirely convinced by her mom's explanation. She knew her mom well enough to sense when something was bothering her. "Are you sure? You seem...Distracted."

Her mom hesitates for a moment before finally relenting. "It's your father," She confesses. "He's been working late a lot lately, and I'm starting to worry. He hasn't been home as much, and when he is, he's exhausted and distant. I'm trying not to let it get to me, but it's hard not to worry."

Anastasia felt a pang of sadness at her mother's confession. She had been so caught up in her own world that she hadn't fully noticed the extent of her father's absence. But now that her mom mentioned it, she realized how much things had changed. The vibrant energy that once filled their home had faded, replaced by a quiet tension that lingered in the air.

"Maybe he's just really busy with work," Anastasia offers, trying to reassure both herself and her mom. "You know how demanding his job can be."

Her mom nods, but the worry in her eyes didn't diminish. "I hope that's all it is. But I can't shake the feeling that there's more to it. I just...I miss him, I miss the way things used to be."

Anastasia swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling the weight of her mother's words. She had always looked up to her parents, their love and connection a constant source of comfort in her life. The thought of that bond weakening scared her more than she wanted to admit.

"Mom, maybe we could talk to him together," Anastasia suggests gently. "Let him know how we're feeling. Maybe he doesn't realize how much it's affecting us."

Her mom considered the idea for a moment before nodding slowly. "You're right. We should talk to him. I just don't want to add to his stress, but we can't keep pretending everything is fine when it's not."

Anastasia reaches out and squeezes her mom's hand, offering a small smile. "We'll figure it out together. We're a team, remember?"

Her mom smiles back, a hint of relief in her eyes. "Thank you, honey bee. I don't know what I'd do without you." Anastasia hugged her mom tightly, wishing she could ease her worries. As they pulled apart, she made a silent vow to be there for both her parents, no matter what was going on. They had always been her rock, and now it was her turn to be theirs.

Anastasia's heart warmed at the familiar nickname. Her mom had given her the nickname when she was little. She gave her the nickname honey bee because her mom always said she was as sweet and hardworking as a bee, buzzing with energy and determination. It had been a term of endearment from a young age, a reminder of the love and care that her mother had always shown her.

They shared a special bond, one that Anastasia treasured deeply. As the evening continued, Anastasia felt a mix of concern and determination. She was determined to be there for her mom and to support her family through this difficult time. She knew that facing challenges together was the best way to overcome them. They finished tidying up, and Anastasia could see the fatigue in her mom's eyes. She wondered if there was anything she could do to help ease the burden at home. Maybe she could find some way to lighten the load or offer support, even if it was just by being more attentive to her mom's needs.

(anatasia's outfit for the rest of the chapter) 

After they finished in the kitchen, Anastasia went to her room to unwind. She changed into comfortable clothes and flopped onto her bed, pulling out her phone. She quickly checked her messages and saw a text from Lance.


Hey, thinking about you. Had a great time today. Hope you're not too tired from all the excitement earlier today <3

Anastasia smiled, feeling her heart flutter at the thought of him. She typed back a quick response.


Hey, I had an amazing time too. Can't wait to see you again soon. Hope you have a good night <3

She bit her lip, rereading her message before pressing send. She couldn't deny that she was already smitten. There was something about Lance that drew her in, and she couldn't resist him. The thrill of sneaking around and keeping their relationship a secret only added to the excitement. As she laid in bed, she couldn't stop her mind from wandering to Lance, replaying the events of their day together. It was thrilling and exciting, and she knew she would never forget the experience. Anastasia couldn't remember the last time she felt this way about anyone. She wasn't sure what the future held for them, but for now, she was content to enjoy the moment and let herself fall for Lance.

She set her phone aside and sighed contentedly, thinking about their stolen moments together. Despite her worries about Marcus and the situation at home, the time she spent with Lance always made her feel lighter and happier. Just as she was about to settle into a book, there was a knock on her door. Her mom pokes her head in, sending her a small smile. "Everything alright in here?"

"Yeah, everything's good," Anastasia replies, giving her mom a reassuring smile. "Just about to read for a bit."

Her mom nods, smiling back at her. "Alright. Just wanted to check in since it's kinda late. Goodnight, sweetie."

"Goodnight, mom."

As her mom left and closed the door, Anastasia settled into her bed, trying to push aside her worries and focus on the book in her hands. She hoped that whatever concerns Marcus had would work themselves out, and that her family's situation would improve soon. For now, she chose to savor the moments of peace and happiness she could find, whether in the pages of her book or in her thoughts of Lance. But halfway through her reading, she couldn't fight off the sleep that was creeping up on her. She placed a bookmark to save her place and set her book aside, turning off the lamp beside her. She jumped though, startled when there was suddenly a knock on her window. Her heart racing, she sat up in bed, leaning over to turn the lamp on her nightstand on. She sighed in relief at seeing Marcus there, relieved it wasn't some burglar. She climbed off her bed and went over to unlock her window and open it.

"Geez, Marcy. You almost gave me a heart attack." Anastasia sighs, opening the window and stepping back to let him inside. She pauses when she noticed the distraught look on his face. "Nightmares again?" She asked gently, frowning. She noticed he was wearing plaid pj pants and a hoodie. She figured he most likely had another nightmare, one bad enough that he needed comfort and couldn't stay alone. He had been having them since their best friend had passed. It took a toll on them all, but it really affected Marcus. He didn't talk about his nightmares much, but she had been there for him enough times to know the signs.

Marcus climbs through the window and sat down on the edge of her bed, rubbing his eyes wearily. "Yeah, something like that," He admits, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "I'm sorry for showing up like this, bubba. I know it's late."

"Don't apologize, bubs. I'm here for you, no matter what. You're always welcome, Marcy." Anastasia closes and locks her window before joining him on her bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, giving him a concerned look. She placed a hand on his shoulder, hoping to offer some comfort.

Marcus hesitates, looking away. "No, I'm fine. I just needed some company."

Anastasia knew better than to push him. If he wasn't ready to talk, she wouldn't force him. Instead, she wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close, hugging him tightly. "Alright. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know, bubba." Marcus murmured, leaning into her touch.

Anastasia pulls away, giving him a gentle smile. "Do you want to get comfy and watch some cartoons? Oh!" She beams when she realized something, looking at him excitedly. "We haven't had a Phineas and Ferb marathon in awhile." She grinned, knowing he had a soft spot for that show. They both loved the show and it was a show they could binge watch and always enjoy. 

Marcus returns the smile, nodding. "Yeah, that sounds perfect." He kicked his sneakers off and climbed under the covers as she moved to grab the remote.

She turned on the tv and goes to Disney+ as she scooted back to climb under the covers next to him. They leaned against the pillows, shoulder to shoulder, watching the opening scene of the show. Anastasia glanced over at him, noticing his tired eyes and weary expression. Her heart ached for him, and she wishes there was more she could do to ease his suffering. As they watched, she noticed him slowly drifting off, his eyelids growing heavy. 

Soon, he was fast asleep, his head resting against her shoulder. Anastasia smiled fondly at him, reaching over and brushing a strand of hair from his face. She was glad that he could find some peace, even if only for a short time. She turned the volume down low and settled in, content to stay by his side and offer him the comfort he needed. As the night went on, she watched the episodes, her eyes growing heavier. The warmth of Marcus next to her and the gentle sounds of the show lulled her to sleep. She smiled a little when Marcus had scooted closer to him in his sleep, his head now somewhat laying on her shoulder and she jumped, startled suddenly when his arm fell across her stomach. 

She hesitated with moving his arm. She was secretly dating Lance and she had no romantic feelings towards Marcus. He was her best friend. But she also didn't want to wake him up. And it felt comfortable. She had no idea why, but she was suddenly very aware of how warm he was, his body heat seeming to envelop her. She shook her head, trying to ignore the weird feeling. He was her friend. Best friends didn't think that way about each other. She eventually settled in, getting more comfortable, her eyes slowly drifting shut. As she fell asleep, she couldn't help but think about how nice it was to have him by her side. They had been friends for years, and he had always been there for her. Even though she was now dating someone else, he still held a special place in her heart. 

They had always been close and affectionate with each other. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary about them cuddling like this. Still, she couldn't deny the butterflies that danced in her stomach at the contact. She brushed off the feelings, telling herself that they were just best friends and nothing more. That she was dating a boy who made her happy and that's all that mattered. She ignored the nagging feeling that her heart didn't quite believe it as she fell asleep, the sound of the show quietly playing in the background. 

A/N ooh things getting a lil more complicated for stas !! okay so far what team you guys on? team lance or team marcus?? 

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