CHAPTER SIX, affection and inspiration

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Marcus woke up first. His eyes flutter open, the sunlight streaming in through the window and warming his skin. He glanced down, a fond smile tugging at his lips when he saw his best friend's sleeping form beside him. Her hair is messy and her face is pressed against his chest, her hand on his shirt. She's still softly breathing, her chest rising and falling with each gentle inhale.

Marcus feels a warm, contented sense of peace as he looked at her. She looked serene, completely at ease. Marcus takes a deep breath, savoring the calm of the moment. He lightly brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, careful not to wake her. The sunlight dances on her features, highlighting the peaceful expression that makes his heart swell with affection. He's aware of the quiet around them — the world outside is just beginning to stir, but here, in this moment, everything feels perfect.

He carefully shifted, not wanting to disturb her, and stretched out his limbs to shake off the sleepiness. Once he's off the bed, he headed over to her desk. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, jotting down a quick note before placing it next to her phone. He leaned over to place a tender kiss on her forehead, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"I'll see you soon, Stas." He mumbled before he went to the window to open it and climb out to head home. He didn't to leave yet, but he knew he needed to get back before his parents noticed he was gone. Plus he would see her later at school. He glanced back one last time as he prepared to climb out the window. The sight of her, so peaceful and serene, made him pause for a moment. He felt a pang of reluctance to leave but knew it was necessary.

He climbed down carefully, making sure to avoid any noise that might wake her. Once on the ground, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and started his walk home.


As soon as Anastasia wakes up, her eyes immediately go to the empty spot beside her. Her heart sinks, disappointment flooding her veins. Marcus was already gone. She tries not to be too disappointed, knowing that he had to go home before his parents noticed his absence. Still, she couldn't help but wish that she had woken up first. She would've liked to see his face again before he left. With a sigh, Anastasia reached over and grabbed the note he left her, her lips curving into a smile.


Sorry I had to leave so early, but I had to get home before my parents noticed I was gone. But don't worry, I'll be back to annoy you soon. You can't get rid of me that easily I just wanted to thank you again for last night. I really needed that, and I'm lucky to have you in my life. See you at school, Stas.

Love, Marcus

Anastasia's heart melted at his words, her smile widening. Even when he's not here, Marcus always knows how to make her smile. She put the note down, getting out of bed and heading over to her closet. It's time to get ready for school, and she can't wait to see Marcus again.


(anastasia's outfit for this part of the chapter) 

When Anastasia had arrived at school, she's suddenly greeted by two arms wrapping around her from behind, pulling her under a nearby staircase.

"Hey, beautiful." Lance greets with a grin. He had her pinned against the wall under the staircase, his hands gripping her hips. He leaned down and kissed her, the warmth of his lips making her heart race. She eagerly returns the kiss, savoring the sensation of his body pressed against hers. After a few moments, Lance pulls back, resting his forehead against hers, his lips brushing against hers. "I missed you. If that wasn't obvious." He smirked, sending her a wink.

Anastasia couldn't stop her blush from creeping onto her cheeks. "I missed you too." She smiles fondly at him, her fingers lightly brushing against his jawline. "Even though we just saw each other yesterday." She teased but she felt the same. She was already addicted to the way he made her feel, and the thought of not being around him was hard to fathom.

"Well, can you blame me? You're absolutely breathtaking. I can't get enough of you, angel." Lance murmured, his lips trailing across her cheek and down her neck. She shivered as his breath ghosted against her skin, the sensation sending a spark of electricity down her spine.

"You're the breathtaking one." She replies, her eyes fluttering shut as his lips brushed against the sensitive skin of her neck. His touch sent a thrill through her body, and she found herself craving more. Lance continued his trail of kisses, his hands roaming her sides, and she was suddenly hyper-aware of every nerve ending in her body. Every touch was electrifying, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. She gasped as his lips grazed the hollow of her throat, her fingers tangling in his hair. "Lance, someone might see us." She mumbled, opening her eyes and glancing around nervously. They were currently under a staircase, hidden away from the prying eyes of students. But they were still in a busy area of the school, and Anastasia couldn't shake the feeling of being caught in a moment that was both thrilling and risky.

Lance's eyes sparkled with mischief as he pulled back slightly, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "That's part of the fun, isn't it?" He whispers, his breath warm against her ear. He gave her a playful nudge, his hands still resting on her hips. "But if you're worried, we can always save this for later."

Anastasia laughs softly, her cheeks still flushed from their earlier intimacy. "You're impossible," She said with a fond shake of her head. She glanced around to make sure no one was watching, then leaned in for one more quick kiss before gently pushing him away. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

Lance grins, clearly pleased with her response. "I'll take that as a compliment," He said. He took her hand in his, leading her out from under the staircase and back into the flow of students heading to their first classes. "I'll see you later, okay? Try not to miss me too much." He smirked, his tone playful.

Anastasia rolls her eyes, sending him a sarcastic smile. "I'll try my best. But no promises. You try not to get into any trouble." She warned, giving him a look. Lance was notorious for getting into mischief, and she was constantly having to save his ass.

"I'll try my best. But no promises." Lance echoed her words with a mischievous glint in his eye. He sent her a wink before he let go of her hand, his fingertips trailing along her skin for a brief moment. Then he turned and disappeared into the crowd, not before he glanced back at her with a wink.

Anastasia stood there for a moment, watching him go. Her heart was racing, and she could still feel his touch lingering on her skin. It was a feeling she never wanted to forget. She couldn't help but grin, the joy bubbling up inside her. Lance always managed to make her feel like she was on top of the world. As she was turning to go to class, she nearly ran right into someone, causing her to let out a surprised yelp as she stumbled backward.

"S***, sorry!" The person quickly apologizes. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No, it's okay. I wasn't paying attention either." Anastasia quickly says. When she looked up, she smiles at the familiar girl in front of her. It was one of the girls she had met during fashion class/club, who had been friendly and welcoming from the start. "Oh, hey! It's good to see you." She gives her a smile. "Are you excited for the upcoming event?"

"Yeah, I can't wait." She nods, grinning at her. "It'll be great to showcase the pieces we've worked on. What about you?"

"Me too. I've been working on my design and it's almost finished. I can't wait to show it off." Anastasia couldn't hide the excitement in her voice. Lately she had been working on an outfit for class. Fashion class was also a club where they could work on their designs and showcase their creativity. It was one of Anastasia's favorite parts of school. She loved working on different designs and seeing what everyone else had come up with. This event was one where they to showcase their work. They always had one of these events at the beginning of the school year, in the middle of it, and one at the end of the year. It was a great way to kick off the school year and Anastasia was eager to show off her design. She had been working on it for awhile, and it was coming along nicely. "I can't wait to see your outfit too." When the bell suddenly rang, signaling for next class to start, she smiles at the other girl. "Wanna walk to class together, Melody?"

"Sure." Melody smiled brightly at her, and the two headed off towards class, chatting about the upcoming event.

Anastasia had instantly clicked with Melody when they first met in fashion class. Melody was a junior though, the fashion class/club was one where all grades were allowed to join. The fashion class/club had a few teachers, but the main teacher was the one who had been teaching the class for a few years, Ms. Schroder. Ms. Schroder was a likeable teacher, firm and strict yet gentle and friendly at the same time. She had a soft spot for those who loved fashion and design, and her classes were always lively and exciting. She would often challenge her students to push the boundaries and come up with unique and innovative designs. She would often encourage and support her students, no matter their skill level or background.

Anastasia was glad she had befriended Melody. Melody had a warm and easygoing personality that made her easy to talk to. She was always full of creative ideas and was one of the top students in the fashion class. Anastasia admired her work and appreciated how Melody was always willing to lend a helping hand or offer feedback. As they walked to class, they continued to chat about their designs and the upcoming event. Melody was working on a collection inspired by vintage styles with a modern twist added with some edge, while Anastasia's design was a bold mix of girly and trendy yet casual chic. The two were both excited to see what everyone else was working on. They eventually arrived at the classroom, and they took their seats next to each other. They chatted some more as the rest of the class filtered in, until the bell finally rang, signaling the start of class.

Ms. Schroder was a young woman with a bright smile, kind eyes, and a sharp sense of fashion. Her black hair is cut into a short, edgy style, and she's always wearing the most stylish clothes mixed with unique and trendy accessories. Her passion for fashion was clear, and she often encouraged her students to express themselves through their outfits. She was the type of teacher who genuinely cared about her students and their well-being. She always made sure to check in on her students, especially those who were struggling. She had a unique ability to connect with students and get them to open up about their lives and feelings. Her empathy and compassion were a big reason why she was such a well-liked and respected teacher.

"Good morning, class!" Ms. Schroder greets as she walks over to the front of the class from her desk off to the side of the front of the room. "The fashion showcase is just around the corner! I'm excited to see all your designs come together, and I know this is going to be a fantastic showcase of your creativity like it usually is. We'll start with some tips on presentation and how to make the most of your runway time. Remember, this is your chance to shine and show off what you've been working on." She glances around at the class, smiling encouragingly. "With that in mind, you all may continue working on your designs until the end of the class. I'll come by and check on everyone and offer any feedback or suggestions. Any questions?"

There were no questions, and the class got to work. Some students had already started making their outfits and brought them with them to class to work on them more. Anastasia was still in the sketching phase, she needed something else to go with the outfit she was working on. The outfit was almost perfect, but she felt it needed a unique touch to make it stand out. She sketched and re-sketched ideas, trying to find that one element that would elevate her design. Her mind was full of possibilities, from intricate patterns to unexpected fabric choices. Melody sat beside her, focused on sewing together some fabric swatches. Occasionally, she glanced over at Anastasia's sketches and offered a few suggestions, which Anastasia appreciated. The two chatted occasionally, exchanging ideas and inspiration. Melody's vintage-inspired collection was taking shape beautifully, with delicate lace, bold prints, and modern accents. As Ms. Schroder made her rounds, she stopped by Anastasia's desk, her keen eye assessing the sketches.

"Anastasia, these sketches are coming along nicely," Ms. Schroder said with a warm smile. "It looks like you're having some trouble though. Anything I can help with?" She offered.

Anastasia sighs, her gaze shifting to the sketches. "I'm not sure. I'm just not sure what the outfit needs. I've been staring at it for so long that I'm starting to doubt my choices. I want it to stand out, but I can't quite figure out what it's missing."

Ms. Schroder nods thoughtfully, her gaze flicking over the sketches. "It sounds like you might be experiencing a bit of creative block. Sometimes stepping away from the project for a short time can help. You might also try looking at some different sources of inspiration or experimenting with new materials. Don't be afraid to take risks and try something new. In the end, it'll be your own unique touch that makes your design stand out." She said, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "Trust your instincts, Anastasia. You'll find what you're looking for."

"Thank you, Ms. Schroder." Anastasia gave her a grateful smile. She always appreciated her advice and encouragement.

"No problem. Let me know if you need any more help. I'll be here." Ms. Schroder returned her smile before moving on to the next student.

Anastasia tried to take her advice, taking a break and working on another sketch for a different project. She knew she had some more weeks to work on her current design, and she didn't want to stress about it. Still, the thought nagged at her, and she found herself glancing over at her original sketches, trying to figure out what it was that was missing.

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. A small detail that would add the perfect touch to her outfit. It was the missing piece she had been looking for. Her pencil flew across the page as she sketched out the idea, excitement bubbling up inside her. As she was adding the final details, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. She smiled proudly at her now finished design as she began packing up her things. Thanks to Ms. Schroder's advice, she had found the solution to her problem. She couldn't wait to start making her design.

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