9. oozing liquid

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Dipper and Mabel sat at the living room TV, the girl constantly telling her brother to switch the channel from whatever boring thing he wanted to watch to her weird...animation things or high-school musical knock-offs. He groaned as one of his favorite shows was on and he was forced to change the channel after he refused to. Mabel then snatched the remote from his fingers and changed it herself since he didn't take action.

Dipper's stomach rumbled then a flash of pain seared through his belly next. He winced and hugged himself before sitting back up like everything was normal.

Nobody noticed that time.

Or he thought at least. After a few moments the pain returned and he started to feel sick. His forehead was making him feel increasingly hot and his stomach was twisting and turning, feeling like he was being stabbed by knives multiple times. He winced and his eyes began to sting as tears threatened to form. Once more he hugged himself, but this time, Mabel looked at him, concerned in some way.

"Dip? You doing okay?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

Tell her.
Get help.

"I-I'm fine..really." He choked out his words, putting a fake smile on.

She didn't look too convinced. "...You can tell me what's wrong, you know that, right?"

"Yeah...I..know..." He slumped down, feeling awful. "I just don't feel good.." He muttered quietly, but still could be heard.

"You need some medicine or something?" She leaned over and placed a hand on his forehead, which literally burned her. She hissed in pain and sucked her fingers.

"W-what was that?" He managed to choke out his words, confusion in his voice.

"Your forehead literally burned me." She frowned a little.

The preteen winced again and sat up, standing on his weak-feeling noodle legs. "I-I'll...be right back." And with that, he stumbled off to the restroom upstairs.

Dipper slammed the door shut and locked it tight. He stumbled over to the counter by the mirror and put his hands down on the cold counter, staring at himself in the mirror. His arms shook as they felt weak, his legs as well. His stomach added onto the pain by the stabbing-knife-feeling coming back.

The kid winced and his eyes prickled with tears. He allowed them to drop down his cheeks this one time since he was unable to bear all the pain he was in. As if things couldn't get worse, he gagged. His cheeks puffed up as he gagged and coughed, spitting out some weird black goo into the sink.

The boy twin's eyes widened before he felt something rising up in his throat. With that, he gagged and coughed again, more goo coming out and this time, he couldn't stop it. It kept sliming out from the corners of his mouth, dripping and sticking wherever it landed. The ones from the sink moved and inched closer to the kid who felt terribly sick and weak.

The black, slimy, disgusting goo inched all over his body now, his arms and legs full of it, covered by the nasty stuff. Then, something giggled with an echo behind it. Dipper let out a small sharp gasp as he looked around, barely able to. It giggled again.

"Give it up, already, child..." The voice said with the echoey effect behind it.

"W-wha...." He choked out his words, looking around for the mysterious voice. "W-who and where are you?"

"You're looking right at me."

The 12-year-old looked down at the black goo..and on his arm was a sharp-toothed grin. It was another mouth. The kid screamed and backed up, trying to rip off the other mouth, but his fingers didn't do anything. All that did was cause himself to bleed by touching the teeth.

"Continuing with the next question: I don't have a name...but you can call me words pertaining to lord, master, overlord, things like that." It gave a sly grin.

"N-no...w-what? W-what are you trying to even do to me?" He gagged and held back more stuff that tried to make its way out.

"Funny you should mention." The mouth laughed softly and gave another grin. "I've been waiting for a body to corrupt so I can take over their life and have a physical form to live in. You just happened to be the one I chose."


"If I had eyes I would be rolling them right now from all these stupid questions...oh wait."

Some of the goo inched towards his mouth and shoved itself in. The boy gagged but found himself rolling his eyes without control. The mouth laughed.

"I chose you because you seemed one to dig too deep for things and get caught in traps you don't mean to be in...am I right?" No response but the look of fear in his eyes. The mouth snorted. "Plus it was so easy to consume and take over...with your weak body it was a cinch."

The goo-covered kid was now shaking furiously, as if he were trapped in a blizzard in Antartica.

"There's no need to be scared, child...it won't hurt a bit." The mouth laughed and then proceeded to actually bite his arm.

Dipper screamed and held his arm tight as it shook violently, red blood dripped from his arm and he felt woozy. He coughed up some black stuff and then his body could no longer put up with the pain and weakness. Dipper tried to stay awake and fight it off, but it was no use.

The mouth laughed and all the black goo went inside him again as if this were normal. The next thing Dipper knew, he was kicked out of his body, a weak little floating ghost who had no action or control of what his physical body did next.

And speaking of which....the preteen's body rose off the floor, looking normal except the cut he had on his finger and bite-mark on his arm. The goo was all gone and sucked back into himself. The eyes blinked and his head shot over to look at himself, tilting his head slightly with this creepy grin. The possessed-body snuck out of the bathroom and headed to the gift-shop.

Ghost-Dipper yelped and flew right through his body as an attempt to fight back, but nothing worked. "S-STOP!!! PLEASE!!"

"Oh, don't take this too personal, dearie...I just need to finish business with a certain triangle." They rolled their eyes.

"W-what....what're you talking about?"

"Oh...we made a little compromise. He gets this weird rift he was talking about...and me? I get to keep this physical form." They shrugged and grinned as they snuck their way down into the basement.

Uncle Ford was down there..working on something. The rift was still in the opened-box compartment thing. The old man stretched and turned in the opposite direction, facing his back to the rift and Dipper's body.

The possessed body grinned and snuck over, tip-toeing and snatching the fragile object and running up the stairs, shutting the door to the basement. Mabel was there, confused and now eye-wide as she got shoved aside by her brother's body.

The body maniacally laughed before throwing down the colorful, starry substance onto the ground.



October 9: 1,252 Words

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