Chapter 3: The First Encounter

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Harley started skipping down sidewalk with her bat and saw the cops at a donut shop and she says "Aw, shoot. I was just going to get some donuts and all of these cops are in the way. Ah, well. Guess I'll just have to bash their melons." She whistled to the cops and the cops turned around. One of the cops whispered to the others and says "Geez. Who brought the circus to town?" Harley says "Ahem. I'm right here, gentlemen. The name's Harley Quinn and I would like some donuts." One cop says "I'm sorry, miss, but the donut shop is almost redecorated and we're protecting it from criminals." Harley says "Oh, you mean to tell me that I'm a criminal? Me?" She points to herself and the cops looked at each other. Harley says "Well, Newsflash. I'm not. I just want to have a sweet treat and if you won't move, then I'll bash your skulls in. How about that?" One of the cops says "No, get on with your life, freak!" Harley says "How dare you offend me!" She hits the cop with her bat and says "Now, you made me angry!" She cartwheeled and jumped on a cop and says "Good night, fattie!" The fat cop says "No, no, no!" Harley hits him in the stomach and laughed. Harley swung the bat around in a circle and looked at the unconscious cops and says "Around the world in nine headaches. It's so good to be outside at night. Now, then." She smiled as she broke the window that says 'Free Donuts'. The alarm was going off and she says "Whoopsies. Did I do that?" She jped over the counter and saw millions of donuts. She gasped and says "Oh, I'm in donut heaven." She grabbed a donut with pink frosting and sprinkles. She took a bite and says "So delicious!" She started to sit on the counter while picking out every single donut and eating them.

Selina landed on the roof and saw the donut shop and says "Now, who on earth would be raiding my favorite donut shop in all of Gotham?" She jumped down and went towards the donut shop and looked around. She heard smacking and she says "What's going on in here?" Harley muffled with a donut in her mouth and says "Uh-oh." Harley turned around and Selina says "Well, well. What is a circus clown doing in a donut shop this late at night?" Harley bit the donut and says "I don't know. What is a stalker doing here? Trying to raid on my parade?" Selina says "No, just looking for someone to have some fun." Harley jumped down and says "Really? I'm a fun person to hang out with." Selina says "Yes, I can tell by your outfit that you are tons of fun." Harley says "And by the way, your outfit looks. It looks like garbage." Selina says "I actually agree with you there. I'm Catwoman." She holds out her hand and Harley looks at her and smiled and says "Harley Quinn. Nice to meet you." Catwoman says "The pleasure is all mine. Did you knock out all of these cops?" Harley says "Sure did and damn proud of it, too." Catwoman says "Wow. That's impressive." Harley says "Why, thank you, kitty." She bowed and Catwoman smiled then says "Now, do you want to have some fun by robbing a bank? Sugary places are nice, but we need something more than that." Harley says "Sure! I'm down for anything!" Catwoman chuckled and says "I love your spirit, Harley. Come on. Let's go to the biggest bank in Gotham." Harley says "Alright." They both started walking until a seductive voice was heard. "Well, isn't this just grand? I found a couple of playmates." Catwoman and Harley looked at the red-headed female that was covered in plants approaching them with a seductive walk. Harley says "Ooh, who's this beautiful flower?" Catwoman says "I have no idea." The red-headed female says "I am Poison Ivy. The dangerous and seductively attractive plant woman in all of Gotham. And you are, kitten?" She looked towards Catwoman and Catwoman says "I'm Catwoman." Poison Ivy says "It makes so much sense because you're dressed like one. And...who is this carnival princess?" Poison Ivy's vines from her hands caressed Harley's cheek and she giggled. "Hey, that tickles. I'm Harley Quinn! Pleased to meet you." Poison Ivy says "Classy. Now, did I hear someone say that they were going to rob a bank?" Harley says "To get money? That was kitty's idea." She pointed to Catwoman. Catwoman says "We don't want to be broke, do we?" Poison Ivy says "You do have a point there. Count me in." Catwoman says "Oh and by the way, I'm jewelry type girl. So before we go to the bank, maybe we can rob a few jewelry stores on the way there?" Harley says "I don't mind. I like jewelry, too. They look sparkly on me." Poison Ivy says "I'm not much as a jewelry person, but I'll rob it with you guys." Harley says "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go! Slow Motion Montage!" She raised a finger in the air. Catwoman and Poison Ivy were confused and Harley says "You know. Where we walk in slow motion and the music starts playing while we rob the jewelry stores?" Catwoman and Poison Ivy then says "Oh....." Harley says "Right. Cue the music!" Then 'Barracuda' starts to play while the three girls started walking in slow motion down the street. Harley had her baseball bat behind her head and chewing gum, Catwoman was walking like she was in a fashion show and Poison Ivy had her vines out. Harley smashed into the first jewelry store and the people that was shopping were scared. Harley says "Get out if you don't want your brains to get splattered!" The people were running out of the store. The young man cashier says "Who the hell are you?! Get out or I'm calling the police!" He was about to pick up the phone, but Poison Ivy grabbed his hand with her vines and says "No, no, no. There will be no calling, honey. How about a kiss instead?" Poison Ivy was feeling on his chest and the young cashier says "I-I-I....Look, miss. I have a girlfriend and..." She used her vine to cover his mouth and whispers. "Shhh....she doesn't have to know." She moved her hands up to his  neck while making out with him and she moaned. Catwoman was stunned as the man was muffling beneath the kiss and the man's veins were appearing because of the poison. Then she lets go and he fell down with a thud. Harley says "Wow. That was sexy!" Catwoman says "Harley....just put the jewels in the bag, please." She chuckled and Harley says "Okie dokie!" Harley smashed the glass where the jewels were and puts them in the bag and Poison Ivy says "Well, how's everything going?" Harley says "Very good!" She puts a thumbs-up and Catwoman says "How did you do that back there?" Poison Ivy says "Now, why would I tell you my secrets?" Catwoman says "Calm down. I was just being curious." Harley says "Heh. Like curiosity killed the cat." She laughed and Catwoman says "Harley, you're high on sugar." Harley says "No, I'm not." She suddenly had the hiccups. Catwoman says "Yes, you are. Let's get to more stores." The music continues while they were hitting every jewelry store and the girls were attacking the cashiers and some people.

Afterwards, they arrived at the bank and saw that the door was already opened and Catwoman says "What the hell?" Harley says "What? Are you kidding me?" Poison Ivy says "Let's check inside and hopefully the money isn't all gone." The girls ran inside and Catwoman saw a short fat man with holding an umbrella and a tall man wearing a white tux, but the other side was burned to a crisp. Catwoman says "Hey! This is our bank and that's our money you're putting in that duffel bag!" The two gentleman turned around and the short man says with a strong British accent. "Look at what we have, Dent. A couple of attractive women." Harley says "We may seem attractive to you, but what we have together is powerful. We're taking that money." The tall deformed man looked at the bag and says "I'm sorry, but do we see your names on it?" Poison Ivy says "Speaking of which, who are you?" The short British man says "I am the Penguin and my partner here is Two-Face." Harley says "Oh, I get it because you're short?" She laughed. The Penguin says "Who is this, crazy clown woman?" Catwoman says "You don't need to know who we are." Two-Face pulled out a gun and aimed it at all of them. "Apparently, we do need to know." Catwoman says "I say that's classified." Two-Face says "Really? Not in my eyes, sweetheart." Catwoman took out her whip and smacked the gun out of his hand. Two-Face grunted and saw his hand got marked with a red spot and Catwoman says "Harley, you deal with Penguin. Poison, deal with Two-Face and I'll grab the money." Harley says "Roger that!" She flipped her way over to Penguin and says "You want to dance, little man?" Penguin says "Do you want to die by my umbrella?" Harley says "No, thanks. I don't want you to give me a concussion by a small umbrella." The Penguin gets mad and tried to attack Harley, but she blocked his moves and slammed him to the ground. Harley says "Wow, that was actually easy." Poison Ivy was facing Two-Face and says "Do you want to get eaten by my babies? They're quite hungry." Two-Face says "I'm not plant food, lady." Poison Ivy says "Don't worry. You will be soon, dear." She attacked Two-Face with her vines and Two-Face tried moving and dodging, but he got slammed into the wall hard. Harley says "Kitty, you got the money?" Catwoman says "Yes, I do. Let's go!" The girls ran out of the bank and kept running down the street. Harley says "Where do we go now?" Poison Ivy says "We need to make a hideout." Harley says "How about the carnival?" Poison Ivy says "No." Harley says "Maybe a hideout in an abandoned gym?" Catwoman says "Sure and we can redecorate it." Harley says "Perfect!" Catwoman then looked up and saw Batman lurking down at the girls. Catwoman stopped because she was attracted to him and Harley says "Hey, kitty! Are you coming?" Catwoman says "Yes, I am." Then she saw a poster that mentions going to a gala and she grabbed it. Catwoman then ran with the girls and they made it to the abandoned gym.

There was a television and a messed up couch, several beds, a kitchen connected to the living room and a fireplace. Harley says "This is great and stinky." Catwoman says "We'll redecorate it." Poison Ivy says "With love." Harley says "But for now, let's see the cash." Catwoman dropped the bag on the ground and opened it. She frowned and says "Really?" Harley says "What is it?" Catwoman says "It's filled with bricks. We've been tricked." Poison Ivy says "I should have killed them when I had the chance." Catwoman says "Damn it." Harley stretched her arms and yawned and says "Well, I'm tired. So, what do we do without money?" Catwoman says "I have an idea. Tomorrow night, Bruce Wayne makes his debut at the gala. I'm going to convince him to give us money." Poison Ivy says "How do we know that it won't work?" Catwoman says "Oh, it will. Trust me. It will." Poison Ivy says "Well, then. I say good luck to you, Kitten." Catwoman says "Anyway, we should get to sleep. I have some work to do tomorrow." Harley says "So do I." Catwoman says "You have work, Harley?" Harley says "Of course I do, silly. Every woman has hard work and mine is being a psychiatrist." Catwoman says "Wow, that pays well." Harley says "Yeah, except I don't get paid at all." Catwoman says "Well, that's not fair." Poison Ivy says "What's not fair about it?" Catwoman says "She's doing all of this work without getting paid. If I were you Harley, I would quit right now." Harley says "Quit?! I'm not quitting. Quitting is for wussies and I am not a wuss!" Catwoman says "Alright, alright. I'm sorry." Poison Ivy says "Let's just get to sleep." Harley says "Okay, good night, kitty. Good night, Red. You don't care if I call you red, right?" Poison Ivy says "If you'll fall right to sleep, then I couldn't care less of what you call me." Harley smiled and says "Okay, Red, it is! Good night!" Harley instantly started to snore and Catwoman softly chuckled and the girls went to sleep in a calm peaceful night.

(End of Chapter 3: First Encounter)

Another chapter done! Yay! What did you guys think of this chapter and the music choice I chose for this? Pretty rad, right? I would choose the original version since I love HEART (the band), but I used the guitar hero version. It has more rock into it or I could have chose the Fergie version, but it just didn't feel right for me. So, anyway it's shoutout time! I would like to thank barnese2004and MIRACULOUSNESS for the comments you bring to my chapters and I appreciate it. Also, the other people who voted and commented as well gets my thanks, too. That's all I wanted to say so thanks for reading this chapter and I'll see you all later! Next chapter coming soon!😁😄😇😈😉😎😛👍👍👌✊✌ #GCSRawks! 😼😜🌹

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