Chapter 4: I'm Not Bought Off So Easily

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The next morning, Selina wakes up and noticed everything looked different from what it was before. "What the hell?" Selina said while getting up from the bed. She looked around and didn't see Harley or Poison Ivy in bed and softly chuckled. "They must've went to work and I should, too." She walked towards the bathroom and saw vines surrounded on the shower wall. She also noticed that she is standing on a grassy rug. Selina shook her head and says " girls really outdone yourselves. New furniture, new I in heaven?" Selina got in the shower and washed herself up good. Selina then walked towards the wardrobe in black lace underwear and bra and saw different outfits of all the girls. The far left side was Harley's, the middle section was Catwoman's and the far right was Poison Ivy. Selina grabbed her new work clothing and puts them on. Selina says "Time to go to work. Man, are they going to be surprised to see me." She hid all the bags of jewelry in the laundry room closet and closed it. Then she walked out the door and locked it with a silver key. She kissed the key and puts it between her breasts as she walked towards the sidewalk and waved her hand to grab a taxi cab. She got in and the cab took her to work. She got out of the car and entered the building. Debbie at the front desk was typing at the computer while drinking her coffee and Selina approached the desk with a smile and says "Good morning, Debbie." Debbie looked up and saw Selina in the flesh and says "Oh. My. God. Selina?" Selina chuckled and says "I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" Debbie gulped and saw that she spilled her coffee. She looked back up and says "Y-Yeah. I mean, I heard what happened to you last night. It was horrible." Selina started tapping the desk with her red polished nails and says "Yes, but I have recovered now and I have never felt better, Debbie. Would you like another coffee? I'll grab you a fresh one. See you later, Debbie." She suddenly walked off towards the elevator. Debbie was confused and also speechless of what just happened. Selina waved as the doors closed and took her upwards to the 50th floor. She walked through the hallway and went to the lunch break room to get Debbie a cup of hot coffee. Then Selina saw the Conference room with nobody inside and smirked. Selina says "Well, good. No one is there to snoop around, except me, of course." Selina quickly went to the door and opened it carefully. She looked behind her to make sure that she wasn't followed and the coast was clear....for now. Selina steathily walked in towards the file cabinets were. She opened the file cabinet and went through the files and saw the Mayor's plans. She smirked and whispers. "Come to kitty." She grabbed it and pushed the file cabinet closed with her index finger. Then she looked next to her and saw the broken window covered up. She remembered that awful fall from last night as her screaming echoed into her mind. Selina was worried like that would haunt her for eternity and she shook her head. "I can't look off to the past anymore even if it kills me. You will pay for what you done, Max." She then walked out if the conference room and went back to get Debbie's coffee from the lunch break room until Max showed up at that same place where they saw each other before. Max raised his eyebrows and looked at her while tilting his head sideways. "Selina? Selina Kyle, is that you? You look so...different." He said while looking from head to toe. Selina faced him and says "Max. I am very happy to see you at work today." Max nodded and says "Really? Well, I came here to see you, of course." Selina chuckled. "To see me? Are you sure about that after that stunt you pulled last night?" Max chuckled and says "You're not leaving with those files, babe." Selina hid them behind her back and smiled, pretending to be innocent. "Files? Whatever do you mean by files? I have no idea what you're talking about, Maxie." Max says "Sure, you do. You want to play rough? We can." Selina smiled and bit her lip. "Mmm...if you want them so bad, you'll have to take them by force and I love it when a man puts his hands on me." Max saw the files and tries to grab them, but Selina was quick with her arm movements. She waved a finger in front of him saying "No, no, no. It won't be that simple." Max grabbed her and shoved her through the bathroom door. Selina grunted as Max held her against the wall while his hands were on her arms and says "Give me the files. I'm playing here!" Max shook her violently against the wall and Selina laughed. "And here I thought we were playing a game." Max looked into her eyes with a serious look, but her green eyes were filled with beauty and lust. Max says "You know I thought I killed you when you fell into the alley, but what would I should've done was go down there to make sure you were dead." Selina smirked and raised one of her eyebrows. "Technically, you did kill me, but now I'm back and I'm better, faster, sexier and more badder than ever." Max smirked and leaned forward slowly towards her."Well, you're a bad, naughty woman." Selina leaned closer to his head and says "And you're a pervert who loves women that wears short mini skirts." Max suddenly kissed her while trying to grab the files, but Max slowly grabbed her arm and Selina moaned while trying to not let Max get the files. Her knee slowly went upwards towards his belt and Max lifted her leg up while kissing her. Then they both let go and Max says "There, I got what you wanted. Now, hand me the files." Selina shook her head and says "No, I don't think so." Max got furious and Selina scratched his face with her nails and Max screamed in writhing pain while holding his face. Max was on one knee and looked up at Selina as she walked up towards him. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Max says "You...You evil woman." Selina smiled and says "Thank you, Max. That kiss was wonderful, but it wasn't enough to satisfy me. Pitiful. Guess I'll have to skip the date." She kicked him in the face so hard that he was knocked out. Selina straightened herself up and says "Ah, that was fun." She got the files and smiled as she walked out and saw the janitor coming. Selina acted natural and noticed that the janitor was about to open the bathroom door. Selina interrupted him and says "You don't want to go in. It's a huge mess in there. Tell you what, go clean the other bathrooms and see if your boss can give you a raise. Also, give him a great excuse, so he doesn't fire you. Okay?" Selina walked over to the janitor and kissed his cheek with kindness and walked out of the lunch room with Debbie's coffee in her hand. The janitor was clueless and opened the bathroom door and saw Max on floor unconscious. The janitor whistled and closed the bathroom door back. Selina went down on the elevator and saw Debbie at the front desk. Debbie saw Selina heading her way and says "Wow, you're done already?" Selina nodded as she puts the coffee on the counter and says "Yes, I am. I only had a few things to do and now I'm finished with my job. I'll see you at the gala tonight and wear something nice." Selina headed towards the door and Debbie tries to speak up. "Selina..." The doors closed and Debbie shook her head as she whistled. "I gotta lay off the sugar in my coffee." Debbie grabbed the cup and drinks it straight. She coughed because it tasted terrible without the sweetness. Debbie says "Sugar! Sugar!" Debbie tore off small packs of sugar and pours it into her coffee.

Joker's Club♣

Harley was heading to Joker's hideout in a club and saw him in a throne chair surrounded by strippers. Harley was devasted and pretended to not be upset. She kept a grin along her face. "Okay, ladies. Worshipping my Puddin is over. Get. Out." She had a mean look on her face as the strippers got up and started to leave. Joker says "Hello, my sugarplum." He grinned and Harley smiled brightly. "Hello, Mr. J. I missed you." Joker kissed her and says "It's great for you to come over. What have you been doing?" Harley straightened her two ponytails and cleared her throat. "Well, things have been going rather exciting because I met new friends last night." Joker raised his eyebrows and says "New friends?" Harley nodded and says "Yes. They seem nice to me and more fun to play." Joker looked into her blue eyes, deeply with serious look. "And you don't think that I'm that much fun anymore?" Harley was concerned and looked a little sad a bit. "N-No. Of course not, Puddin. I think you are a lot more me and I am being serious here." She held her hands up and Joker held them and wrapped them behind his neck. Joker smiled without showing his teeth. "Well then, my lollipop. Let's have fun in here. I am the prince after all and I was sad without your presence. Now, that you are here..." He laughed as he continued. "...I've never been more happy. Come to me, my darling." He reached his arms out and Harley walked towards him to sit on his lap at the throne chair. Joker held on to her waist and back. "I love you, Harley." Harley smiled and says "Oh, Puddin. So do I." Harley and Joker shared a passionate kiss on the throne chair while the rest of the people in the club was having fun, drinking, dancing and stripping. What a fun place to have a fun time.

🌿Gotham Greenhouse🌿

Poison Ivy was back into her place with her plants and says "Oh, thank you, my babies. My place has never looked more superior. Fantastic." Poison Ivy heard the maneater plant growling and she approached it. "Easy there, big child. Your day will come when you have your food. For now, you're just not ready to be released yet, dear." Suddenly, she heard a knock on the front entrance. It was the students that was there when the life Ivy had before she turned. Ivy had a disguise with the coat and her red hair was in a ponytail. Ivy used her powers to move the vines up above the shattered door and sunlight came flashing into the darkness of the greenhouse. The children was excited, but their joy went away for what was in the greenhouse. One boy says "Whoa, what happened to the greenhouse? It looks very weird." One blonde girl nodded her head as she agrees. "Yeah, it's very creepy looking. How did they get so big?" Ivy says "Hello there, children." The children were a little spooked when they heard Ivy's voice. One of the children saw her and murmured. "Why does she look so green?" Another child says "She's scary." Ivy was concerned and says "Come on, children. It's still me, I just look different." A boy says "This is not why we came back to the greenhouse which it isn't anymore. Man, we're leaving. Come on, Susan." The girl that spoke up earlier before the greenhouse was covered with vines, didn't want to move as she was at Ivy sitting down on a flower looking sad. Susan says "No. I'm staying here." The boy says "Man, whatever. I'm out of here." The boy left and Susan slowly went to Ivy. Susan says "Hello. I wanted to stay with you if you don't mind." Ivy says "The children were right. I am scary." Susan shook her head in disagreement and says "No, you're not. I think you're very pretty." Ivy lightened up and sat properly on the flower as she smiled. "You do?" Susan says "I do and I don't care what anybody says." Ivy appreciated her kindness and felt happy. "Thank you. What is your name?" Susan says "I'm Susan Harvest." Ivy nodded and says "That's a pretty name and I love it." Susan says "Thanks." Ivy smiled and says "Do you have a family?" Susan shook her head as she looked down. "No. I'm an orphan and my parents died of a disease." Ivy felt bad and her heart was aching. "Oh, I'm sorry, Susan. I didn't know." Susan says "It's okay. At least I am in an orphanage." Ivy says "Yes, that is true." Susan says "Speaking of, I better go back there. I'll see you later." Ivy says "Alright. Be careful." Susan says "You, too." She leaves the greenhouse and the vines created a heart behind her as she kept walking and Ivy smiled. "I know, my children. She has a generous soul. One of these days, I might go see her. In the meantime, I'll feed you my formula to make you bigger and stronger." She smiled as she blew pink powder at the vines and they kept growing bigger and bigger. "Yes, yes. Grow, my darlings. Tonight is the gala and I can't wait to party." She softly chuckled.

The girls were getting dressed for the gala and Selina was wearing a black sleeveless dress with a slit towards her right leg and puts on the expenive jewelry that they stole from all of the stores.

Harley looked at Selina and says "Meow! Looking beautiful, kitty!" Selina says "Why, thank you. I do look fabulous, don't I?" Harley says "Yes, you do. Tell me. Does this dress make my butt too thick?" Harley was wearing a pink and blue dress with silver diamonds decorated and she spins around with the shiny jewelry.

Selina looked at her butt and says "No, it looks fine on you, Harls. Very nice." Harley says "Really? I love this outfit a lot! I'm so glad we robbed those stores!" Selina says "So do I." Ivy walked into the living room and says "Well, what do you think of mines?" The girls faced Ivy and Harley gasped. Ivy was wearing an elegantly beautiful green dress sleeveless with a colorful necklace.

Harley says "Red! You look smoking hot!" She covered her mouth and whispers. "Did I say that out loud?" Ivy chuckled and says "It's okay, Harley. I know you're addicted to me." Harley crossed her arms and says "Then you know me too well." Ivy says "Indeed. Selina, what do you think?" Selina tapped on her chin and thought about it for a second. Then she answered. "You know what? It's looks amazing on you. We better go before we're late." Harley says "It's party time! Whoo!" Selina smiled as they walked out the door and Harley says "Wait a minute. If we're going to the gala, then what transportation are we gonna use?" Selina looked around and saw a nice car. "That's what we're going to use."

Harley says "That's perfect!" The man was trying to check the engine and Ivy was right behind him. She tapped his shoulder. The man turned around and she blew a kiss at him. "You look a man who will give us a ride. Take us to the gala, please." The man was hypnotized and says "Your wish is my command." He entered the driver's seat while the girls got in as well. Ivy got in the passenger seat and says "We are ready to leave." The man drove down the road simple and easy. A few minutes later, they made it to City Hall where gala took place. Selina says "We're here." Ivy says "Thanks for the ride and do me a favor. Hide in between the alley, will you?" The man says "Yes, ma'am." Ivy smiled and says "Good man." She kissed his cheek and gets out with the rest of the girls.

Selina entered the building and saw a lot of people either chatting, dancing or kissing and Harley says "Now, this is my kind of party." Selina says "Alright. I'm going to find Bruce Wayne." Ivy was looking towards the stage and says "You won't have to look far." Selina turned her face towards the stage and smiled. Bruce Wayne cleared his throat and went towards the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad that you are here for the gala. You all look wonderful tonight and all I'm going to say is have a great time drinking and dancing. I'm glad to be here as well and I'm also very glad that the Batman is watching over us and no crime so far hasn't entered this part of town. Thank goodness." The crowd laughed a bit and Bruce says "Anyway. I would like to propose a toast to everyone's safety in Gotham and hopefully the drinks won't go to waste." One man yelled out from the crowd and says "It won't!" Bruce raised up his voice a bit and says "Good, good. Then we have nothing to worry about. Enjoy the gala, everyone." The crowd clapped as Bruce got away from the stage. Selina smirked and says "Okay. I'm going to go see him right now and please just act normal." Harley says "What? I can't stay normal all the time." She laughed. Selina groaned and says "I'm serious. Just try to act natural and don't cause a scene." Harley pouted and crossed her arms as Ivy went to the food table. She was disgusted that the food was like fancy and picked from gardens. She clenched her fists and says "How dare they eat things that are from organic plants. How dare they!" Harley says "Shh. Red, you're gonna get us in trouble." Ivy cleared her throat and straightened herself up. "I'm fine. It's just so infuriating." Harley says "Well, ask the manager to make you a hot dog or something. You know, to get it out of your mind." Ivy had to think about it and says "You're right. That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Harley smiled and says "There you go. That's the spirit." Ivy walked to see where the manager and Harley looked at Ivy's walk and her round plump bottom. Harley then slapped herself and dipped crackers in her champagne while still looking. An elderly man came up next to her and says "Are you alright, miss?" Harleen ate her crackers quick and gulped down the drink while finding her glasses. Harley talked normally like Harleen and says "Yes, I am fine." The elderly man walked away while shaking his head. Selina came across Bruce and he was walking towards the people. Selina says "That was a wonderful little speech, Mr. Bruce Wayne. Very inspiring." Bruce says "Why, thank you. I thought it was rather dumb, miss..." He holds his hand out towards Selina. Selina smiled and says "Selina Kyle." She shook his hand and suddenly, Bruce had a flashback from last night when he saw a woman wearing all black with cat ears looking up at Batman and the flashback ended. Bruce says "It's nice to meet you, miss Kyle. I hope you are enjoying the gala." Selina says "Yes, I am. Now, that you're here." Bruce looked at the ballroom floor and says "Do you want to dance?" Selina smirked and says "I would love to, Mr. Wayne." Bruce says "Please. Call me Bruce." Selina softly chuckled and says "Okay. Bruce." Bruce took her to the dance floor and the music of Debussy- Rêverie started to play. Bruce puts his hand to her waist and Selina looked behind her. Bruce says "Am I holding you too tight?" Selina says "No. It's okay." They moved in rhythm and Bruce looked down at her neck and says "That's a shiny necklace you're wearing. It looks expensive. Where did you get it?" Selina looked towards the crowd where her friends are and says "My cousin gave it to me for my birthday." Bruce says "Really? Your cousin must've been rich to pay with that kind of money or perhaps you stole it and try to cover it up like what you're doing now." Selina says "Why do you think that? You're calling me a thief?" Bruce says "More like I'm calling you a liar." Selina raised her eyebrows and says "Wow." Bruce says "Yeah. Really. I know that you also brought friends as well." Selina says "Yeah. They wanted to go with me. These girls got my back." Bruce says "That's very nice that you have friends that won't stab you in the back." Selina says "I want a favor. From you." Bruce shook his head and says "I don't take favors, but I will have that necklace back." Selina says "No. Not until I get a favor from you." Bruce says "Don't make this difficult. I won't hesitate to hurt you." Selina says "Hm. The last man who put his hands on me, got what he wanted. So, I'm pretty sure that I can handle you too." Bruce says "Oh, we'll see about that. Let's talk somewhere private." Selina smirked and says "Ooh, I like private areas." She followed Bruce to the secluded hallway and Bruce says "Now, give me the necklace." Selina says "I'll give you the necklace unless you give me the money." Bruce says "What?" Selina says "I need some money from you." Bruce says "Some or all?" Selina raised an eyebrow and tried to pickpocket him, but Bruce held her against the wall and had a mean look on his face staring in her eyes. Selina says "My, my, Bruce. You're trying to pry into dress that fast even though we only just met? You sly devil." Bruce dove into her lips and Selina purred as her feet came out of her shoes and her bare legs went around his waist. Bruce kept kissing her as Selina slowly moved her arm out of his grasp carefully. She steathily reached at his pocket and Bruce strong hand stopped her and Selina gasped as he kissed her neck. Bruce says "Do you want to know why I can't take any favors?" Selina softly says "Why?" Bruce leaned close to her ear and says "Because I'm not bought off so easily." Selina used a high kick to kick his head and pushed him towards the wall. Bruce grunted and begins to run out of the hallway barefooted. Selina had an earpiece and says "Girls, we're bailing out. We head back to our headquarters, asap!" Harley says in COMS. "Okie dokie, artichokie." Ivy says in COMS."Did you get the money?" Selina says "Apparently, it was very risky with Wayne or should I say frisky." Ivy says in COMS. "Now, you're starting to sound like Harley. We'll be waiting by the car." Selina says "Copy." She kept running and Bruce groaned and rubbed his head. Suddenly, a call to his earpiece was heard and he pressed the button. It was Alfred on the other line. "Sir, are you alright? Did you enjoy the party?" Bruce says "Yes, I did, Al and I have encountered someone who wanted to speak to me. A woman named Selina Kyle." Alfred says in COMS. "Ah, a lady friend, I see." Bruce says "But she's not just any lady. She was acting suspicious." He checked his pocket and it was empty. He punched the wall in frustration and says "Damn it." Alfred was concerned and says in COMS."What's wrong?" Bruce says "I've been robbed. My wallet that's filled with my money is gone." Alfred says in COMS."Oh, no. That can't be good. What are you going to do, Master Bruce?" Bruce says "Get the computer ready when I arrive to the cave. We have to find more information about Selina." Alfred says in COMS."I'm already on, sir. Just waiting on you to return." Bruce says "I'm heading outside right now." He walked out with a mean look on his face as Selina looked at the wallet she held in her hands while she was in the backseat with Harley heading back to their safehouse.

(End of Chapter 4: I'm Not Bought Off So Easily.)

Alright folks! This was indeed the longest chapter I have ever done and I hope it's worth it because I put a lot of effort into this chapter. What did you think of this chapter? Pretty cool? I hope it is! Shoutouts! I would like to shoutout TheGalacticPanda, MIRACULOUSNESS, ShadowRider0304 and the others who commented on my work! I thank each and every one of you! You guys are amazing and please keep doing what you do! That's all I have to say! Thank you all so much and I will see you later! Peace! Next Chapter coming soon! 😀😁😄😉😎💖💖👍👍✊👏👏

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