Chapter 5: We're Dirty Rich!💲💲

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♢🐱🌿Girls' Safehouse🌿🐱♢

The girls returned to the safehouse and Harley slammed the door. Poison Ivy says "Home, Sweet Home!" She stretched her arms out. Harley says "I know, right?!" Selina says "Hey, girls. I got his wallet." She waved it in front of them and Harley snatched it from Selina's hands and says "Well, let's see how much he got." Harley opened his wallet and tons of money fell out. "Holy cash money!" Selina counted the cash and says "This is a million dollars. No kidding." Poison Ivy says "Question is, how does Bruce keep this money organized in his wallet?" Harley says "Guess we'll never know. Besides, we're dirty rich!" Selina sat on the couch with the money and says "Girls, it seems to me that we have some advanced decorating we need to do to this place." There was fading song that was playing Dance Apocalyptic- Janelle Monáe. Selina was looking at Harley and Harley smiled and then she looked at Poison Ivy and she had a seductive smirk. Selina smiled while nodding her head. Next thing you know, the music was louder, flashing lights were shining at the wall that was engraved saying 'Gotham City Sirens'. In the safehouse, were people having drinks with a glamorous couch, three stripper poles, a stage, a couple of amazing ornaments and the famous Janelle Monáe was singing the song as some people were dancing. The girls were having a fun time. Selina was on the stripper pole doing spectacular moves, Harley was on the fur carpet flinging money into the air and Poison Ivy was kissing men and turning them into her henchmen. The men were traumatized and started touching Ivy. Ivy laughed and squealed. The next scene, everyone was in the city breaking into all kinds of stores. Harley was smashing glasses of stores and took out purses. Catwoman saw a nice, glittery pink car in a car dealership and she opened the glass with her sharp claws. She tapped the huge circle and it fell through. She got inside and hopped into the car. She found the key and cranked it up. She rammed the car through the glass and Harley and Ivy were stunned. Harley says "Ooh, where have you been all my life?" Catwoman revved the engine and says "Hop in, girls. There is a lot of room and there is more places we need to hit. People need to know that the Gotham City Sirens are not messing around." Ivy says "I couldn't agree more. Let's start tagging." The girls begin to tag their symbols on the concrete with spray paint and the girls were having the time of their lives, creating havoc. Newspapers were appearing and the headlines in large letters says 'WHO IS THE GOTHAM CITY SIRENS?' THREE HOT COSTUMED WOMEN CAUSING HAVOC IN GOTHAM! ARE THESE WOMEN VERY DANGEROUS? THE ANSWER IS YES!' The girls were back at the hideout, dancing with Janelle Monáe and the other people. Hours later, the girls stole a whole lot of things and they crashed on their new soft bed with three different pillows. One was a cat with diamonds, the other was covered in red and black diamonds and the last one was a green pillow with engraved forest green vines appearing. Catwoman says "Ladies, you're both like sisters to me and I love each and every one of you." Harley says "Aww, love you too, kitty! Especially, Red!" Ivy kissed Harley's cheek and she wasn't infected by her kiss and Ivy says "That's odd. When I kissed your cheek, you're not poisoned. How come?" Harley says "Hmm. Maybe it's because I was already poisoned in chemicals." Catwoman says "Really?" Harley nodded her head and says "Yep. I made a vow to Mr. J that I will stay with him forever and ever, so I jumped into a tub of chemicals for his love." Ivy says "That's really insane. I got hit with chemicals as well." Harley says "What? You too? How did it happened?" Ivy says "The man I fell in love with shot me into my own table of chemicals and they spilled everywhere on me. It changed me completely and I've never felt more sexier in my life. What about you, pussycat? Did you get poisoned?" Catwoman shook her head and says "No. Nothing like that. I was killed by a man that I liked and I got revived by cats." Harley says "That's seriously messed up." Catwoman nodded and says "I guess we all got a little something in common." Harley says "Here's another thing we got something in common. Pillow fight!" She tossed a pillow at Poison Ivy and she tossed it back hard. The girls started to pillow fight on the mattress filled with tons of money. Guess being sexy and bad means being dirty rich. The bat signal approached the sky and it sounds like the Bat family will have some fun after all.

(End of Chapter 5: We're Dirty Rich! 💲💲)

Another chapter done! I know it was short. I am sorry. Just did a voting poll and you guys are very welcome to check that out! Make sure you leave me some comments and yadda, yadda. Unfortunately, there won't be any shoutouts today. I apologize for that as well and what did you think of the song choice did it fit or did it not? Let me know and that's it. See you guys later and if you really are interested in the voting poll, go to my profile page and it'll be the keep calm one, also there is a survey in the voting poll as well. Good luck! Thank you and I'm outta here! Next chapter coming soon! 😁😄😎😉💖💖✌

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