Chapter 15: Team Flare

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Ash was feeling great after they left Gloria City. They'd been able to find Brock and Shauna before leaving and say goodbye to them, and now they were on the road. Clemont had suggested bypassing the mountains, so they were walking the long way around, along the beach. Everyone liked that idea, as they weren't in a big rush. They had enough time to safely get to Snowbelle City and have Ash get his eight badges for the Kalos League plus take Serena's mom's invitation to stay at her house.

"I feel great!" Ash yelled. He was well ahead of the rest of the group. He looked back to see Clemont well behind and Serena, Pikachu on her shoulder, and Bonnie a bit ahead of him. Ash was happy that Pikachu was spending some time with Serena. It was obvious that his friend was trying to make it clear to Serena that he liked her.

"Slow down, Ash." Clemont pleaded. "We'll get there soon enough."

Ash waited for his friends. While he did so, he pulled out his badge case and studied his badges. He was so excited to get his eighth one. Ice types, he thought. Definitely gotta use Talonflame. And obviously Greninja's one of my strongest. I wish I knew how many I needed.

"You're gonna be great, Ash. Even if you're at a disadvantage, you always find a way to pull through." Serena said, as she and Bonnie reached Ash.

Ash looked up at her. He was amazed at how well she could understand him. I was so clueless. He thought to himself. "Well I already know the first two Pokemon I'm gonna use." Ash said. "Talonflame and Greninja."

Serena gave him a serious look. "Be careful using Greninja."

Ash sighed. "I'm not gonna have a strong Pokemon like him, sit out an important battle like this." He narrowed his eyes. "Olympia said we'd need to use our ability, so that's what we're going to do."

Serena looked worriedly at Bonnie and then back to Ash. "I guess I won't convince you to do otherwise?"

Ash shrugged. "You're the only one who might be able to...but...I'd like you not to."

Serena looked shocked, clearly not expecting him to say that she might be able to stop him from using Greninja's mega evolution. Then she thought about it and Ash knew she wouldn't stop him. "Just be careful about it." She said.

"Pi-pikachu." Pikachu said, with a similar worried look.

"Don't worry." Ash said. He moved next to Serena and held her hand. He looked at her and then Pikachu. "I'm very cautious. You know that."

Bonnie giggled. "Let's hope there's nothing for you to jump off of at the Snowbelle gym."

Ash looked at Serena and saw she had cracked a smile. "I like a nice, calm and boring life. Isn't that right Pikachu?" He gave Pikachu a wink. "We keep it simple."

Pikachu smiled. "Pika!" He said.

Serena finally cracked and laughed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." She said. She sighed. "So I guess we don't know how many Pokemon you have to use in the battle yet, do we?"

"I think I know." Clemont had finally caught up to them. They all started walking again, this time staying together. "When I was staying in Lumiose City, I had a challenger that had gone to the Snowbelle gym. He only had three Pokemon and he mentioned that they'd all been beaten there, so I'm guessing it's a three on three battle."

"Alright." Ash said. He thought for a few moments. "So Talonflame, because flame charge will come in handy. Greninja, because...well..." He didn't need to finish. "Who should be my third?"

Bonnie squeaked excitedly. "What about Pidgeot?" She asked hopefully. "He beat Tierno's Raichu easily."

Ash had to admit, Pidgeot was a tempting option. Obviously he would need Pidgeot in the Kalos League, but for some reason he had a gut feeling Pidgeot wasn't right for this battle. "I don't know. I mean, obviously Pidgeot's strong, but ice types are a tricky thing. I just don't feel he's right for this battle."

Clemont thought for a moment. "Well, Pikachu then?"

Ash looked at Pikachu who looked back at him hopefully. Ash loved the spirit from his friend, but unfortunately had to disappoint him. "Sorry, buddy." He said. He had been thinking Pikachu, but his mind was now going somewhere else. He had one Pokemon that definitely needed some experience with a battle like this. "I think I'll use Noivern."

Clemont exchanged a look with Serena and then looked at Ash. "Noivern's weak against ice types. You know that right?"

Ash smiled. "Well that makes up my mind then. Thanks Clemont."

Serena had to laugh when Ash said that. It was just so him. It wasn't that he wanted to make things difficult, but he definitely liked a challenge. "So Noivern it is then." She said happily.

"Yeah." Ash said. He pulled out a pokeball and threw it out. "Noivern, come on out!" Noivern appeared in front of them. "Alright Noivern, how do you feel about making your gym battle debut in Snowbelle City?"

"Noivern!" Noivern screeched happily. He flew into the air and did an impressive spin and then landed in front of them.

"Awesome!" Ash said. "You can handle ice type Pokemon any time, right?"

"Noivern!" Noivern nodded confidently.

"Wow, Noivern's really excited." Serena said. She couldn't get over how amazing it was when Ash's Pokemon would act like him.

Ash walked over to Noivern and pet his neck fur. "Noivern knows what it's all about. You've come a long way from being a Noibat that couldn't fly."

Noivern nodded, smiling. "Vern." He said.

Serena smiled, watching Ash and Noivern. He cared about his Pokemon so much. She doubted many trainers would have been able to take a Noibat that couldn't fly and train it to become a powerful Noivern.

A blast behind them almost knocked Serena off her feet. She spun around to see a two people in red body suits, both women. One had purple hair and the other had green hair. In front of the purple haired woman was a Drapion, in front of the green haired woman, a Bisharp.

"Give us the Zygarde, and we'll let you go. If not, you're in for a rough afternoon." Purple said.

Ash rushed forward. Serena noticed he was positioning himself in front of her, protecting her. As bad as the situation was starting to look, she smiled a little. "You're not getting anything from us! Get lost!" Ash yelled.

The green haired woman laughed. "These children have no manners, Celosia. They don't know the true power of Team Flare."

The purple haired woman, Celosia, smirked. "I suppose we'll need to show them, Bryony."

Serena could see Ash was tensed up in fury. "You were pretty weak last time we met." He said, and Serena could hear the rage in his voice.

Bryony pointed at Ash. "Bisharp, stone edge on the brat."

Serena was about to jump forward to grab Ash, but Noivern was faster to act. He whipped towards Bisharp and tackled it to the ground with incredible force. He flew back a few feet, hovering in front of his trainer.

Ash got himself into his battle position. He turned his head. "You guys go ahead." He said. "We can't let them get Squishy."

Serena shook her head. "Not this time, Ash." She looked at Bonnie and Clemont. "You two go. I'm not leaving Ash this time." They nodded, Clemont picking up Bonnie, his adrenaline giving him surprising strength and speed as he ran. Serena stood next to Ash. "We're fighting together."

Ash nodded and Serena could tell he was irritated, but also a little pleased. "Alright." He looked back at the Team Flare members who were glaring at them. "You're not getting past us." He said confidently.

Serena threw out a pokeball and Sylveon came out. "Alright, Sylveon," Serena yelled, "we need to stop these people from hurting our friends.

"Sylveon!" Sylveon said, and braced herself for battle.

Pikachu jumped off of Serena's back and stood between Sylveon and Noivern. "Pika!" He yelled, and Serena noticed he had a very similar expression to Ash on his face.

Celosia snarled. "Drapion, pin missile!"

Serena was quick to react. "Sylveon, protect!" It was perfect timing. Sylveon put up a strong blue barrier over her and Ash's Pokemon, saving them from the pin missile attack.

"Nice!" Ash complimented. "Noivern, use boomburst! Pikachu, electro-ball!" Serena was stunned as the powerful attacks rocketed towards the Team Flare Pokemon. Boomburst created loud explosions as it hit the entire battlefield, but Sylveon's protect saved her and Pikachu from being hit by it as well. Pikachu's electro-ball hit Bisharp right in the face and knocked it into its trainer, Bryony, taking them both out of the battle.

Celosia glared at her Team Flare partner for getting knocked out. "Of course...I have to do this myself. Drapion, use toxic, and target Sylveon!"

Serena didn't know what to do. Sylveon's protect was still up, but it was clear she was starting to struggle. "Noivern, grab Sylveon and fly up!" Ash yelled. "Pikachu, with them!" Serena was stunned, but definitely grateful, as Noivern answered his trainer's orders immediately. Pikachu was on his back in an instant and Noivern grabbed Sylveon just as the protect was wearing off. "Now finish them Serena. Double attack."

Serena nodded. "Sylveon, swift!" She yelled.

At the same time, Ash yelled, "Pikachu, thunderbolt!"

Noivern flew the two of them so they were in perfect attacking position in front of Drapion. Pikachu's thunderbolt, as powerful as ever, launched towards Drapion, surrounded by Sylveon's swift attack, combining for a devastating blow. Drapion was blasted into Celosia, just as Bisharp had been with Bryony.

Serena quickly recalled Sylveon, thanking her Pokemon quickly. Ash didn't recall Noivern though. He instead thew out another pokeball, releasing Pidgeot. He turned to Serena. "You go with Pidgeot." He saw her expression. "Don't worry, I'll be right behind you. I'm just gonna go with Noivern and Pikachu to scout out the area. We don't want to deal with any more of them."

Serena wanted to argue, but could tell she wouldn't be able to stop him. She also knew why he was sending her with Pidgeot. He was much faster than Noivern, and Ash wanted her safe. "Ash..." She said, feeling terrified at the thought of being separated again. More terrified at the thought of him being hurt again.

Ash smiled and grabbed her in a hug. "I'll be fine. And you'll be safe with Pidgeot." He helped her get onto Pidgeot's back. He pet Pidgeot's beak and, even though Serena suspected Ash was trying to keep it quiet, she heard him say, "keep Serena safe. Don't let anything happen to her." Pidgeot nodded.

Serena looked down at Ash. "You said you'd never leave me."

Ash looked hurt at those words. "Serena...please..." He said quietly and Serena could hear his voice shaking.

Serena felt tears in her eyes. This wasn't right. "Ash, you can't leave me again."

Ash turned his head away from her and she saw a tear drop to the ground beneath him. "Go Pidgeot." He said quietly.

"Ash!" Serena was stunned by the hysteria in her voice. She had to hold on tight as Pidgeot whipped into the air. "Ash!" She screamed again, turning back to look at him. She was fully crying now. She punched Pidgeot's back. She hated herself for doing it, having always felt it was a crime to hurt a Pokemon. Pidgeot didn't care though. He continued to speed away, in search for Bonnie and Clemont, and ignoring Serena's pleas to go back.

Ash, Pikachu and Noivern surveyed the area carefully. Ash felt terrible about what he'd done with Serena, but he kept telling himself it was an over exaggeration. He was only going to be a few minutes behind her. He probably wasn't even going to find anything.

"Pika...pikachu?" Pikachu asked, sounding concerned.

Ash looked down at Pikachu, who he held tightly in one arm so he wouldn't fall of Noivern. "We didn't do anything wrong. Serena's going to realize that in a few minutes."

Pikachu didn't say anything else, but Ash knew he felt just as bad about the whole thing as him. It was hard to explain, but he was really feeling like he'd screwed up, even though he believed he was going to be gone for only a few minutes.

Noivern made a quick dip to the ground and Ash's head shot up. "What is it Noivern?" Ash asked. He didn't need Noivern to answer though. He could see down below, hidden behind high rocks near the shore, a ship. "Think that ship belongs to Team Flare?" He asked Noivern.

"Noivern." Noivern said, as approached the ground. He was landing so they were far enough away to not be seen, but to have enough of a view to glimpse a bit of the ship.

They landed and Ash leaped off. Pikachu climbed onto his shoulder and Ash pulled out Noivern's pokeball. "Thanks Noivern." Ash said. He clicked the pokeball and recalled Noivern into it. "Ok, Pikachu, you and I need to get close enough to find out what's going on." Ash looked up at Pikachu, who looked fully alert.

"Pi!" Pikachu nodded. He was definitely leaving his guilty feelings about Serena behind for now.

Ash smiled. "Let's go then."

Ash made sure to stay low to the ground and he hid near the mountainside, where at least he had a few trees and bushes to hide near, and there were still a lot of rocks and boulders around. He managed to get close enough to the ship to have a view of some people hanging around the front of it. He noticed the orange body suits.

Pikachu lightly poked Ash with his tail and then used it to point towards a path. This path was parallel to Ash and Pikachu, but they had avoided it to remain out of sight.

"Those are the people we fought..." Ash whispered very quietly so that he wasn't even sure he'd said it aloud. However, he looked up and Pikachu nodded at him so he assumed his Pokemon heard it.

They watched as Celosia and Bryony strutted along the path, looking furious. Ash and Pikachu managed to get close enough to follow and hear, while not being seen.

Celosia snarled. "Those brats won't get away with this. Lysandre will make them pay."

Bryony nodded. "He may send Malva out there."

Ash looked at Pikachu confused. He was sure he'd heard the name Malva somewhere. He didn't know who Lysandre was, but Ash assumed he was Team Flare's boss.

Celosia smirked. "I'd love to see that little brat's Pikachu pulverized by Malva's Pyroar."

Ash tensed angrily, feeling Pikachu do the same on his shoulder. He then heard a noise and saw a couple of Team Flare members approaching Celosia and Bryony from the direction of the ship. One of them, a short guy with black hair and a moustache, looked a little nervous.

Celosia gave the nervous man a disgusted look. "What do you want?"

The nervous guy gave an awkward little bow. "Celosia, I have been asked to question you on your excursion today."

Bryony looked at the other Team Flare member, a taller and more confident looking guy. He had red hair. "Two of you had to come?" She asked.

The taller man answered calmly. "Lysandre saw you both coming back without the...necessary package. He assumed that if two of Team Flare's top fighters were defeated by those children, they must be dangerous."

Celosia snarled. "How does he know what happened?"

The tall man smirked. "You two don't look well."

The nervous man squeaked. "Sorry, but we need to ask you for the details. Mr. Lysandre is...not too interested in talking with you right now."

Celosia waved her hand angrily for Bryony to tell the story. Ash was pretty pleased as he heard the green haired woman discuss their battle and how Ash and Serena had knocked them out pretty easily. "We overheard them talking about gym battles so it's not like he's a weak trainer. The boy at least."

The tall Flare member nodded. "He's the one with the Greninja, correct? The one that can do the special mega evolution."

Celosia looked confused. "Is that what that was? Back at Terminus cave?"

The tall man nodded again. "It's been discussed with Lysandre. He believes that the boy's Greninja is capable of mega evolution without a stone. Apparently it needs an exceptionally strong trainer to do so."

"That's ridiculous." Bryony said. "He got lucky beating us. That boy is nothing special."

"I disagree." Ash, Pikachu and all of the Team Flare members were stunned to see a big man with red hair emerge from the bushes where they were talking. Ash felt fear temporarily grip him, realizing he could have easily been caught.

All the Team Flare members immediately gave a quick bow of their heads to Lysandre. Bryony spoke up. "Sir, I was only saying-"

Lysandre held up a hand. "I understand why you would be ignorant of this young trainer's abilities, as you have not truly gone up against him. Not when he was truly understanding of his talents. I must admit, I am also ignorant. However, I have a source that has seen what this boy and his Greninja are capable of, and I know he is not to be taken lightly." Lysandre gave it away just then. He had a quick, unnoticeable to the Flare members, but noticeable to Ash, look towards Ash's location.

Ash immediately backed away and bolted. He ran for a few minutes, hearing calls and a lot of movement in the distance behind him. He eventually needed to stop, knowing he didn't have the energy to go further. He was terrified and he knew what he had to do.

"Pi!" Pikachu had jumped off of Ash's head and was glaring at him, somehow knowing what he was thinking.

"I'm sorry Pikachu, but I have to." Ash said. "Please help me keep the others safe. Help me keep Serena safe." Ash was giving his friend a pleading look as he unbuckled his belt which held his pokeballs.

Pikachu had tears in his eyes. He shook his head. "Pikachu!" He yelled.

Ash shook his head too. "They're almost here, Pikachu." He said. "We have a chance if you take my other Pokemon. Wait until Team Flare is gone and then release Noivern or Talonflame. Fly them until you reach Serena and the others. When you're with them, do your best to communicate what happened. Do whatever you can to let Serena know I'm sorry."

Pikachu was clearly terrified and was clearly going to continue to refuse, but then Ash did something he had never done and he completely hated himself for doing. He grabbed a pokeball from his belt, pointed it at Pikachu and clicked. He did it in an instant, too quick for Pikachu to react. The light from the pokeball enveloped a completely stunned Pikachu and pulled him into the pokeball.

Ash had tears pouring down his face now. What he had just done was the biggest betrayal of trust he could ever imagine. But he had to forget about it. He knew he had to do it to get Pikachu to stay. It was to protect Pikachu. He looked at the pokeball. It was shaking madly. Pikachu was doing everything he could to get out, but Ash held it closed.

A cracked branch around the corner behind Ash, made him realize he only had a few seconds. He quickly put Pikachu's luckily now still pokeball on the belt and then hid it in a bush. Then, he ran, making sure that Team Flare members all around could see him.

"There he is!" One member yelled.

"I've got him!" Another called back.

Ash ran as fast as he could, trying to get the Flare members as far away as possible from where he had left his Pokemon. He managed to keep running for a good five minutes. He avoided ropes, nets, stones, sticks and Pokemon attacks. Anything that was thrown at him. Eventually, however, a blast in front of him knocked him backwards and off his feet.

"Well hello there darling." A pink haired woman was approaching Ash. She had big cat-like Pokemon with a flaming mane on it next to her. "Like my Pyroar, huh?" The woman asked Ash.

"Who are you?" Ash asked. He thought it was a dumb question, considering a name wasn't going to do any good at this point.

The woman smiled, looking very amused. " should know sweetie. If you wanted to win the Kalos League, you would have the right to challenge me." Ash remembered now who those Flare members were talking about. He'd seen posters if her with the other top trainers of Kalos.

"You're Malva." He said. "Of the Elite four."

Malva laughed. "Yes. Very good." She narrowed her eyes. She stopped in front of Ash and looked at him. "And you, young man, are now a prisoner of Team Flare."

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