Chapter 16: We Can't Give Up

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Bonnie and Clemont had managed to use one of Clemont's inventions, which he called "The Machine to Climb Mountains Quickly While Running Awayatron", to quickly scale the mountainside and find a cave, they were sure wouldn't be spotted by Team Flare. Bonnie had been worried they would be too well hidden for Ash and Serena to find, but Clemont pointed out that Pidgeot's eyesight would be able to pick up almost anything.

Bonnie looked into her bag to make sure Dedenne and Squishy were alright. She was particularly worried about Squishy, because of Team Flare. She was relieved to see them both there. Dedenne quickly scrambled up onto Bonnie's head, while Squishy gave her what looked like a smile. "I'm glad you two are ok." Bonnie said, sounding fairly scared, despite trying to appear confident.

Clemont put his hand on Bonnie's shoulder. "Of course they're ok, Bonnie." He said. "You've been taking good care of them."

Bonnie smiled, but then looked outside, frowning. Somehow, despite the bright sun, the day seemed to be so much darker. "Will Ash and Serena be ok?" She asked, barely audible.

Clemont sat down and Bonnie joined him. Clemont smiled encouragingly and looked outside. "Who is the best battler you know?"

Bonnie tried to smile, but she couldn't do it. For some reason she felt like something really bad was happening. "Ash..." She managed to say eventually.

Clemont looked back at Bonnie, concern evident on his face. "You saw during the Masterclass how well Ash and Serena worked together. We know they can beat those Team Flare members."

Bonnie looked at Dedenne who was looking outside, apparently waiting for Ash and Serena as well. "What if there are more of them?" She asked, meaning Team Flare members.

Clemont understood. "Ash and Serena will be able to beat them. You heard Noivern's attacks as we ran away. I bet he was knocking them into the ocean."

Bonnie sighed. "I just hope they don't look for trouble. I know Serena won't, but you know Ash. He might..." She didn't finish. She couldn't finish.

Clemont nodded. "Hopefully Serena can convince him to stay back in that case." He said.

Bonnie looked outside again. She didn't speak and neither did Clemont. They both just stayed quiet for the next half hour or so and watched the ocean from their cave. Then, all of a sudden, Bonnie heard a noise. It sounded like crying and yelling.

"Do you hear that?" Clemont said, apparently also having heard the crying.

Bonnie nodded and got up, slowly approaching the cave entrance. "You don't think that's Serena do you?" She asked, feeling fear start to shake her nerves.

Clemont got up and approached the entrance with Bonnie. He didn't answer. Bonnie could tell he knew as well as she did that it was Serena crying and that if she was crying, something had happened to Ash.

Bonnie moved outside and looked around. At first, she didn't see anything and she was starting to feel relieved, thinking that maybe her and Clemont were imagining noises out of fear, but then she saw it. She saw Pidgeot lock eyes on their position and dip towards them from high in the sky. It was evident that Ash was not with the flailing, screaming and crying Serena on Pidgeot's back. Pidgeot landed gracefully in front of Bonnie and looked at her with sadness in his eyes. Bonnie looked at Serena on Pidgeot's back.

"Let's go back!" Serena yelled. "We're going back now!"

Clemont approached and looked up at Serena. "Serena," he said, trying to sound calm, "what happened?"

Serena stopped yelling and looked at Clemont. Bonnie was shocked and a little scared at the fury in Serena's eyes. Fury she had never known the older girl to be capable of. Bonnie saw Clemont back away a step, looking like he was wishing he'd stayed in the cave. Serena pointed at the ground, not really at anything in particular. "He," Bonnie assumed it was Ash, "put me on this stupid bird!" Serena pointed at Pidgeot, who Bonnie saw was looking ashamed. "Then he sent us up here, away from him." Bonnie noticed Serena was losing her furious edge and the tears were coming now. "Now he's looking for those creeps and he's going to get hurt." She fell forward, burying her face into Pidgeot's feathers. "I'm losing him again." Serena's muffled scream said. "He promised he'd never leave me."

Bonnie looked at Clemont, who was clearly completely confused as to what he should do. She looked back at Serena and approached her. Pidgeot lowered himself for Serena to get off, but she didn't move. Bonnie move out her hand and just barely managed to reach Serena's and hold it. "Serena," Bonnie said quietly, "come down so we can talk about this."

Serena looked down. Bonnie saw the older girl's eyes were red from crying, but also were full of guilt. "I'm sorry Bonnie." Serena said. "It's not your fault." She got down from Pidgeot's back. She looked at Pidgeot and then quickly looked down the guilt even more evident on her face.

"Pidgaw!" Pidgeot said loudly. He moved his head forward and lightly rubbed his beak against Serena's face.

Serena smiled weakly. "I'm so sorry Pidgeot. You only did what Ash told you." She looked at Bonnie and Clemont. "I guess I should tell you what happened." She looked back at Pidgeot. "Pidgeot, please go out and look for Ash. He...I..."

Pidgeot just nodded and whipped off into the air, once again in search of his trainer. Bonnie could feel her heart beating furiously. Ash might just be only a few minutes behind Serena, but Bonnie knew that was wishful thinking. Ash knew these people weren't leaving without something. As Bonnie watched Pidgeot twist out of sight, she couldn't help but feel like Ash had left Serena with Pidgeot, just so he could draw Team Flare away from his friends, alone.

Pikachu finally managed to force his way out of the pokeball. He stood next to the bust, the last traces of the light that brought him out, leaving. He quickly took note of his surroundings. It was getting dark now, and Ash was definitely nowhere to be seen.

"Pi..." Pikachu said quietly, full of fear. Ash had really done it. He'd locked Pikachu in his pokeball. Pikachu stared at tracks he could see in the ground. Ash had clearly bolted away and a few people had rushed after him. Pikachu had heard some of it from his pokeball, but seeing the roughed up dirt made it all clearer.

The little mouse Pokemon sat down and stared around. He was mad at Ash, for sure. Pikachu hated being in his pokeball and obviously Ash had never put him back into it before. To Pikachu it was maybe one of the worst things Ash could ever do to him. He stared at the ground. But, he knew that Ash did it because of love. Pikachu knew that all his trainer was doing, was keeping him and the other Pokemon safe, and he had to admire that.

"Chu!" Pikachu whipped around and looked at the bushes, remembering Ash's plan. He scurried into the bushes and looked for the belt. There it was! The belt Ash had thrown in the bushes was there and it had all of his pokeballs. Pikachu pulled it out. He made sure nothing was damaged, and then he found which pokeball belonged to Talonflame and clicked it open.

"Talonflame?" (What's up?") Talonflame said, emerging from the pokeball. "Tal-talonflame?" (Where's Ash?).

Pikachu quickly explained to Talonflame what had happened. He explained how Ash wanted to draw away the Team Flare members and have Pikachu escape with the other Pokemon in case he was captured. "Pi-pikachu-pika?" (We have to go. Can you fly us to where Serena and the others are?). Pikachu asked.

Talonflame quickly agreed and Pikachu grabbed the belt with the pokeballs and climbed onto Talonflame's back. They quickly sped into the air. Pikachu looked back and saw that the ship that Team Flare had been using was gone. He didn't even pretend to believe Ash wasn't on it, knowing without a doubt that he was. Pikachu looked back ahead to where Talonflame was flying, not wanting to think of what could be happening to Ash right now.

Talonflame flew around for a few minutes, but Pikachu realized that they were both pretty clueless as to where they should be looking. All of a sudden, Pikachu heard a noise in the distance. Not a threatening one, but an excited one. He looked around, seeing nothing, but then heard the noise again. Pikachu realized it was coming from above and looked up.

"Pika!" (Look up!) He yelled excitedly to Talonflame. Talonflame did look up and stopped, hovering in the air to wait.

Pidgeot was approaching the two of them from above. Clearly he had settled Serena somewhere, as he was alone. Pikachu hoped that Serena was now safely with Bonnie and Clemont. Pidgeot gestured for Pikachu and Talonflame to follow. He slowed his own pace for Talonflame to be able to keep up. Pikachu noticed, however, that Talonflame was doing his very best to appear as much an able flier as Pidgeot.

They flew for a couple of minutes and then Pikachu could see a cave with a Pokemon standing in front, looking like it was holding up a light. Pikachu realized it was Delphox and he sighed with relief. As Pikachu landed with Pidgeot and Talonflame, he saw Serena, Bonnie and Clemont approaching them. He noticed Serena's devastated expression and felt his own feelings of despair also well up inside him.

Serena had just told Bonnie and Clemont what had happened with Ash when they heard Delphox make a noise of excitement. Serena quickly closed her eyes and silently wished for Pidgeot to have found Ash safely. She and the two siblings ran to the cave entrance and looked into the night sky. She could see Pidgeot and what looked like Talonflame next to him. It looked like Pikachu was riding on Talonflame's back.

When the two birds landed and Pikachu hopped off of Talonflame's back, Serena stared at the little yellow mouse Pokemon with a feeling of despair she had hoped she would never feel again, after feeling it only a couple days before when Ash had been hurt.

"Pikachu..." Serena slowly walked towards Pikachu. She saw he had just dropped a belt in front of him. Her eyes widened as she realized it was Ash's. The one he put his pokeballs on. She knelt down in front of Pikachu and looked him in the eyes. She tried to blink back the tears, but felt a few drop down in front of her. " he..."

Pikachu looked down and pointed his tail at one of the pokeballs and then pointed at himself. He then mimed throwing, gesturing at the belt before doing so, and then did a fake run. Serena usually couldn't understand what Pokemon were saying, unless it was Delphox and occasionally Pancham and Sylveon. However, Serena seemed to understand Pikachu this time. "He put you in your pokeball?" She asked. She could hear Bonnie gasp behind her.

Pikachu nodded. "Pi...chu." He said sadly.

Serena blinked slowly. "He hid you and the others so he could lead Team Flare away. He let them catch him. Is that right?" Serena asked. Again, Pikachu nodded. Serena looked back at Bonnie and Clemont. She had no idea what to do. She could feel fear, anger, grief, admiration and love all at once. She feared for Ash's safety. She was angry for him leaving her, and now Pikachu. She was grief-stricken with the fact he was a prisoner of Team Flare's. She admired him protecting her and the others. And, of course, she felt her love for him dominate all other feelings. All she wanted was to be close to him again. She wanted to look into his eyes and see his happiness and confidence that made her feel safe.

"Serena?" Bonnie asked quietly. The little girl walked over. She knelt down in front of Serena and hugged her. "We're going to save Ash. We're going to get him back."

Serena sighed. "How many times am I going to have to say that? It's as if we can't stay together lately. Something keeps separating us. The world won't let me be with him."

Clemont spoke up. "Serena, don't talk like that. What is it about Ash that we all admire in him?"

Serena didn't answer. She just looked down at the ground. Bonnie decided to answer. "His determination." She thought for a moment. "And how he always stays happy."

Clemont nodded. "Ash won't give up, Serena. We can't give up either."

Pikachu jumped onto Serena's shoulder and looked at her. "Pikachu." He said nervously, as if thinking she was about to disagree with Clemont.

Serena managed to force a weak smile for Pikachu. "Clemont's right, Pikachu. Ash won't give up, so I won't either." Pikachu smiled, also weakly. Serena realized their confidence was still shaken, but she and Pikachu definitely knew they were going to have to stay strong to help Ash. She looked at Bonnie. "You're right too, Bonnie." Serena said. "We're going to save Ash."

Bonnie smiled. She picked up the belt with Ash's pokeballs and opened them all up. Noivern, Hawlucha and Greninja all emerged. Bonnie looked at Greninja. "Greninja, do you think you might be able to get through to Ash like you did in the hospital?" She asked.

Greninja looked at Serena nervously, but then took a deep breath and looked at Bonnie. He sighed and then closed his eyes. They all waited for a few moments as Greninja stood very still, apparently searching mentally for Ash. He eventually opened his eyes and looked sadly at Bonnie. "Greninja..." He said sadly.

Bonnie looked down. Serena could see that Bonnie really thought Greninja would be able to do it. "Greninja," Serena said suddenly, even surprising herself, "I think I have an idea." She looked at Delphox. "We'll need you, Delphox," and she looked at Pikachu, "and, of course, you Pikachu."

Serena pulled Delphox over to Greninja and Pikachu hopped off her shoulder. Serena and the three Pokemon sat in a little circle. Bonnie and Clemont stayed quiet, intrigued by Serena's plan. Serena held Delphox's paw and had Delphox hold onto Greninja. Greninja held Pikachu's paw and then Pikachu held Serena's hand with his other paw.

"Greninja, you're connection with Ash is because of love." Serena was staring into Greninja's eyes. "Delphox and you feel the same way about each other that Ash and I do. Pikachu's bond with Ash is as powerful, if notmore, powerful than yours and his. I think if we work together, we can reach out to him." She waited for an answer.

Greninja stared for a moment. Then he looked at Delphox who nodded encouragingly. Greninja looked back at Serena and nodded. "Greninja." He said.

Serena smiled. "Ok, you know what you'll need to do, right?" She asked. Greninja nodded and took a deep breath. He looked like he was concentrating really hard, putting extra energy into it. Serena closed her eyes and squeezed both Pikachu's and Delphox's paws, signalling for them to do the same.

They stayed like that for a few moments. It appeared as if nothing would happen, but all of a sudden Greninja started to glow. For a brief moment, Serena felt a rush of what felt like foreign emotions. She realized she must have been feeling Delphox's, Pikachu's and Greninja's emotions. She started to see images. First her own thoughts. She saw Ash holding out his hand as a little kid, she saw him look at her with recognition when she had given him the handkerchief, she saw him telling her that he loved her. Then she saw the other images. She saw Froakie cleaning Fennekin's fur in a forest near a river, she saw Greninja looking concerned as Delphox was hit by Aria's Mega Delphox, she saw from both sides, the dance the previous day. Next was Pikachu's thoughts. Serena saw Pikachu looking at Ash for the first time, she saw him running towards him and away from a larger group with other Pikachu, she saw Ash looking at Pikachu with determined eyes and Pikachu look towards a Latios. She felt all these emotions and they only made her resolve stronger. She could see the light coming from Greninja, despite her closed eyes.

Finally, Serena could sense the lights had died down and that the evolution was done. She could feel the pure power emanating from Greninja and knew it had been successful. With her eyes still closed in concentration, she said, "Focus even harder now, everyone. We're almost there. Focus on each other and focus on Ash."

She doubled her efforts. She didn't think it was possible, but somehow she did it. She could feel tremendous energy coming from Pikachu. Somehow it seemed more powerful than Greninja. She felt movement around her and realized Ash's other Pokemon were joining in. She could see their memories of Ash and images coursed through her mind with incredible clarity.

Somehow it didn't seem like enough. They concentrated hard, all of them. Bonnie and Clemont had even joined. But, they weren't getting anywhere. Serena was about to open her eyes and give up, when another image came to her. She thought of Ash telling her to never give up. Never give up. Don't give up till it's over. She took a deep breath and she heard gasps around her. She realized that her emotions and her memories of Ash were running through the others. Through the Pokemon and through Bonnie and Clemont.

Serena? Serena tensed. Was that him? Serena, is that you?

Ash woke up in a small room. He realized he must have been put to sleep by one of Team Flare's Pokemon, because the last thing he remembered was his confrontation with Malva. He looked around the room. It was definitely small and there was nothing in it. He realized it was something like a prison. He could feel movement, so he assumed he must be locked in a room on the boat that he had seen with Pikachu.

"Pikachu..." Ash said quietly, thinking about what he'd done to his best friend. He hated what he'd done, but he still believed it had been necessary. If he hadn't put Pikachu in his pokeball, he and the other Pokemon might have been taken by Team Flare as well. Also, at least this way Pikachu might be able to let the others know what had happened.

Ash then thought of Serena. He closed his eyes and tried to fight back the tears he could feel coming. He almost felt worse about what he'd done to her than with Pikachu. He knew that at least Pikachu would understand what his intentions were. Either way, Ash had lost with Serena. He was either putting her in danger by letting her come with him, or betraying his promise to her by making her go with Pidgeot.

A knock on the door made Ash look up quickly. He saw the door open and a big man with wild red hair entered the room. Ash recognized him as the man the Team Flare members called Lysandre. He remembered that the Team Flare members had talked about Lysandre as though he were the leader.

"Hello, Mr. Ketchum." Lysandre said, staying by the door, which was now closed, and leaning against the wall.

Ash glared at Lysandre. "What do you want with me?" He asked through gritted teeth.

Lysandre smiled. "Well I think you know some of what I want. You obviously know I want the Zygarde core. The one I believe you call Squishy?" He phrased the last part as a question. Ash nodded so Lysandre continued. "Although, that's not it. You are also of a particular interest to me."

Ash looked confused. "Why do you have interest in me?"

Lysandre tilted his head and looked at Ash with a tired, but amused look. "I think you know." He said. "I'm fairly sure you're aware of what makes you an interesting subject for Team Flare to study."

Ash was so confused he was forgetting to glare at Lysandre. He tried to think of what the Team Flare leader was talking about. Then his eyes widened in realization. "You're interested in Greninja's mega evolution." He said.

Lysandre smiled. "So it is, indeed, mega evolution?" He asked.

Ash was about to answer, then stopped, feeling like he'd made a mistake by speaking. "I don't know." He said quickly.

Lysandre narrowed his eyes. "Don't lie. You're time with us will be much easier if you tell the truth."

Ash laughed and he was pleased to see Lysandre look a little concerned by it. "I think you're underestimating me. I'm gonna get out of here and I'm gonna make sure Team Flare doesn't ever hurt another Pokemon again."

Lysandre glared at Ash. "We don't hurt Pokemon, you fool. We study them and use their powers appropriately. We don't waste time with silly badges and Pokemon Leagues like you do."

Ash continued to smile. "I waste my time? Well, then I guess I'm not of interest to you and your team then." He gestured to the door. "I'll go then."

Lysandre shook his head. "You're not going anywhere." He paused and then sighed. "Alright, I'll apologize for saying your quests are a waste of time. They do appear to have...given you some unique strengths. Now be honest, is your Greninja truly able to mega evolve?" He looked like he was thinking of something else.

Ash sighed. "I guess it doesn't really make any difference right now. Yeah, he can mega evolve." Ash decided that hiding that was pointless as Lysandre seemed to know a lot of what he was asking already. He was not going to mention that Greninja evolved without a stone, though. That was definitely something he was sure Team Flare should not know.

"My sources say your Greninja did not use a key stone or Greninjanite when he has mega evolved." Ash stared at Lysandre with his jaw open. Already, his plan to keep Greninja's ability to mega evolve without a mega stone a secret, was no use. He knew he'd battled with Team Flare when Greninja did his mega evolution, but it could have still looked like he had used a mega stone. "I'll take your silence as an admission of this fact." Lysandre said, smiling. "Now the more important question. Where is your Greninja?"

Ash glared at Lysandre. "You're not getting any more out of me." He said defiantly.

Lysandre just looked at Ash with an expression of distaste. "We'll see if you have anything different to say once we reach our base in Geosenge Town." He turned, opened the door and left. Ash could hear the click of a lock being put on the door.

Ash sat back and looked at the ceiling. He was starting to feel fear. He knew he needed to be tough with these people, but they were clearly willing to do anything to get what they wanted and that included committing dangerous acts. He closed his eyes. What am I going to do?

Ash felt loneliness take over him. He thought of Serena, Pikachu and his other friends and Pokemon. He focused on an image of Serena. He hated himself for being so dense about his feelings for her all this time. He now knew that she was the most important person in his life. All he wanted was to be with her on that beach again. He wanted to relive the moment that he realized his true feelings. Serena, I love you. He thought.

All of a sudden, Ash started to feel his mind flood with emotions. He had no idea what was going on, but he had to shut his eyes tight to concentrate. He was seeing images of him and Serena, Greninja and Delphox, Pikachu and all his other Pokemon. Then, he felt a warm feeling. It made him feel comfortable and safe. It made him feel like he was dancing with Serena again. He pulled out the handkerchief, that had become a symbol of their love. He held it close to his heart. He closed his eyes again and this time he mustered every thought, feeling and memory he could of Serena and all of his Pokemon.

Never give up. Don't give up till it's over. Ash froze in excitement. It was just like in his dream when he was in the hospital. He could hear Serena even though she wasn't actually there.

Serena? He focused as hard as he could.Serena, is that you?

Ash waited, willing it to be true. He needed it to be true. He so desperately wanted to be able to tell Serena how much he loved her and how sorry he was. He was about to give up, but remembered his own words in Serena's voice.Never give up.

Ash? It is me. You can hear me? Ash felt a rush of relief. It was working. He could hear her and she could hear him.

Yeah I can hear you. Are you ok? Ash asked.

Of course I'm ok. Serena said. You're the one who isn't. How could you leave me like that?

Ash felt guilt hit him like a splash of icy, cold water. Serena, I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you'd be safe. you too much to risk you getting hurt.

Ash waited for Serena's response. When she answered, she had a nervous tone. Um, everyone can hear us...just so you know. She said. Anyways, you told me you'd never leave me. Already you broke that promise.

Ash paused. Serena... He couldn't finish.


Pikachu! Ash said excitedly. Then he thought of what he'd done to Pikachu. I'm so sorry to you too, buddy. I hate what I did.

Pikachu-pika-pi. Pikachu sounded a little angry, but he finished with concern and what sounded like acceptance.

Thanks, Pikachu. Ash said. And don't worry, I'll get out of here.

Serena spoke again. She sounded a little guilty.Ash...I...I do understand why you did what you did. I'm grateful that you care about me that much. I...I love you.

Ash smiled. He knew Serena couldn't see him, but he hoped she could feel his emotions. He was somehow feeling something like excitement from her. We'll be together soon. He thought for a moment. I know where they're taking me. The leader was talking to me. They're taking me on a boat up to Geosenge Town. I think they've got a hideout there. If you guys can get there. Greninja should be able to track me down.

Ash could feel relief, excitement, love and fear all at once and knew he was feeling the emotions of not just Serena, but everyone listening. Serena spoke. We're coming for you, Ash. Just stay safe. At least I know you won't be sacrificing yourself for anyone.

Ash laughed at the weak joke. I'll do what I can on my end to help. He said. You guys should probably get Officer Jenny involved. This could get dangerous.

Serena's fear hit Ash hard. What are they doing to you? Why are you in danger?

Ash sighed. It's ok right now, but I think everything seems to be lining up. Squishy, Team Flare, Greninja's mega evolution and Olympia's prophecy. I think this is it.

Serena was silent for a few moments and then she spoke again. Ash...I can't handle thinking of you in so much danger.

Ash concentrated hard and tried his best to channel his emotions to Serena. He thought of everything they'd done together. He realized in that moment that he'd loved her since he met her in camp. He had gone so long without understanding those feelings, but he finally did now and he was channelling those feelings towards the girl he loved. I love you, Serena. I just need to focus on that and I'll be fine.

He felt the same feelings come back. It was unbelievable the rush of love he felt. We're continuing our journey together. You said you wouldn't have it any other way, remember?Serena said defiantly.

Exactly. Ash said.

All of a sudden Ash felt a wave of exhaustion come over him and he realized it was not only him, but Greninja too. He took a deep breath and could sense the worry from his friends. He felt Greninja steel himself to try to maintain the connection.

We'd better stop. Ash said. Greninja needs to rest. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Team Flare needs me and I can use that against them. And know that I will never give up.

Ash felt one more wave of love come from Serena's thoughts. I love you, Ash. Be careful and just think of Pikachu, your other Pokemon and... She stopped.

Ash finished her sentence. And I'll think of you, Serena. I will never stop thinking of you. And then the connection ended.

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