Chapter 3: Reunited

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Ash got up bright and early, before the Pokemon centre was even close to opening again. He ran to a phone, his excited movements waking up Pikachu. Ash wanted to call his friends early, to give them the good...or half good news. He knew they'd probably be at the Pokemon centre right before Glorio city to he gave them a call there, hoping they wouldn't have left yet.

The phone rang three times before Nurse Joy answered. She eyed Ash on the video screen that the phones had and said, "is there something I can help you with, young man?"

"Yeah, please," Ash began, "sorry I'm calling so early, but I wanted to catch my friends before they left. I'm hoping they're there. Serena-"

A loud scream interrupted him, but not an angry or scared scream. One of excitement. "ASH!" Bonnie shouted. "I miss you! Did you see-"

Nurse Joy interrupted. "I'm sorry, but I'm guessing these are your friends. I'll let the others on as well. She stepped aside and Serena's and Clemont's faces joined Bonnie's on screen. Clemont smiled broadly and Serena blushed and squeaked an excited, "Ash!"

"Hi guys, how's it going?" Ash asked.

Bonnie did most of the talking. She explained how their journey had gone since they were separated and was just starting to explain about meeting the group of Pidgey and Pidgeotto when Serena interrupted. "No Bonnie, I think we should leave that as a surprise for Ash."

Ash squinted at the screen confused. "Leave what as a surprise? I mean its cool you saw some Pidgey and Pidgeotto, but I've seen them before."

Bonnie grinned. "Oh yes we know that." She said mischievously. Serena nudged her and she stayed quiet.

"So what's new with you, Ash?" Serena asked. "Is Noivern alright?"

"Actually yeah, he's great. That's why I called. Now before I explain, I still don't think I'll make the performance, but I'm able to leave today. Noivern has healed up really well. I was hoping to fly him to Glorio City, but Nurse Joy said I shouldn't take any chances."

Serena's eyes widened with excitement. She knew Ash didn't know, but he might actually make the performance. "That's great Ash. I-" Bonnie nudged her and winked at her. The little girl grabbed her brother and started pulling him away, while he yelped and asked what she was doing.

"What's that about?" Ash asked.

Serena blushed and glanced nervously at Bonnie and Clemont. "Um..."

All of a sudden there was a scream behind Ash. Again, not a scream of fear or pain, but of delight. Ash spun around to see Nurse Joy who had just opened up the curtains of the Pokemon centre, and next to her an excited looking Pikachu, staring at a large, beautiful and extremely powerful looking Pokemon on the other side of the window. It was pecking at the window and looking at Ash. Ash watched it for a moment, forgetting he was on the phone. He stared into the Pokemon's eyes. "No way...Pidgeot?"

Serena beamed on her end of the phone. "That's the surprise Ash! We met Pidgeot and we were able to figure out he wanted to find you. And don't worry, he's made his friends in his flock really brave and I think he wants to stay with you."

Ash was at a loss for words apparently, which was something that didn't happen often. "I'm gonna make it to your showcase." He said still staring at Pidgeot, drinking in the sight of his old friend. "Wow, Serena. How did you know it was mine?"

Serena blushed for what she thought was the fiftieth time on this phone call. "Clemont said your name and that's when Pidgeot flew down, but that wasn't the only thing. We read about how Pidgeot needs an extremely powerful and loyal trainer and how it can sense when their trainer is near. I knew it had to be you. I don't think I can describe anyone the same way." She felt her cheeks burning like fire, but continued to smile. She loved seeing Ash so happy.

Ash looked back at her. "I'd better go. I'll see" He hung up to go and reunite with his old friend.

Serena sat back in the chair. Her heart was racing. He was so happy. I'm so glad. She looked behind her to see Clemont and Bonnie waiting at the door. Clemont just looked ready to go, but Bonnie was smirking at Serena. Serena got up to join her friends and they set off to trek the mountain.

Ash ran outside after hanging up the phone. He couldn't believe it. After all this time, Pidgeot still remembered and him and wanted to be with him again. He grabbed Pidgeot in a huge hug, while the big Pokemon happily cried, "Pidgaw!"

"Wow Pidgeot, you look so strong," said Ash, "and so much bigger too."

Pidgeot nodded to acknowledge his old friends compliments. It stood probably seven feet tall, probably two to three feet taller than most Pidgeot. It also had the lean muscles of a well trained and fierce fighter. However, as intimidating as its size and strength were, the beauty of its feathers and the calmness of its eyes made it a magnificent sight to behold.

"So Serena sent you here huh?" Ash asked, telling himself he needed to find some way to thank Serena. Pidgeot nodded, smiling. "Well, Pidgeot," Ash said, "if you're joining the team again, I think you should meet some of my new friends." Ash called all of his Pokemon out of the Pokemon centre where they had been watching this whole strange sequence. "Hawlucha, Greninja and Talonflame, I'd like you to meet Pidgeot. He was the second Pokemon I ever caught, all the way back in Kanto." Each of the Pokemon nodded in greeting, in awe of Pidgeot's magnificence. "And Pidgeot and Pikachu obviously know each other already." Ash stated and Pikachu smiled at Pidgeot who returned the smile.

"Ash?" The doors to the Pokemon centre opened and Nurse Joy came out with a happy looking Noivern next to her. "Noivern is ready to go." She looked at Pidgeot. "Is this really your Pidgeot?"

Ash nodded and then quickly introduced Noivern and Nurse Joy to Pidgeot. He explained his history with Pidgeot and how it had been protecting a flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto, but they were now strong enough to fend for themselves and Pidgeot had wanted to come back.

"Wow Ash," Nurse Joy said, "that's definitely a great Pokemon you've got there." She looked at all of Ash's Pokemon. "All of these Pokemon are great," she smiled, "you've done a fantastic job raising them."

All of Ash's Pokemon shouted in agreement while he scratched his head nervously. "Ha ha...yeah, but I'm lucky to have met all of them. I'd be nowhere without them and my other friends like Se-" He stopped confused. Why was he about to single out Serena?

Nurse Joy eyed him smirking, suspecting what he was about to say. "Keep an eye on that Serena girl, ok Ash?"

Ash nodded nervously, blushing. He recalled his Pokemon and Pikachu hopped on his shoulder. "Well Pidgeot, you ready?"

"Pidgaw!" Pidgeot lowered itself so Ash could climb on.

"Thanks for everything Nurse Joy." Ash said.

"You're welcome. Now go find your friends. Go find Serena."

Ash couldn't help but smile at that. He still told himself Serena was just a friend, but still, she was a pretty special friend to him. Pidgeot kicked up and flapped its wings once, rocketing into the air and almost knocking Nurse Joy into the window. "Sorry!" He yelled as Pidgeot whipped away.

"No problem!" Nurse Joy shouted. "Good luck!"

Serena was in a good mood the whole morning. She took the lead and constantly yelled at Clemont to hurry up. Ash was going to make it! She couldn't be happier. She was going to make Pidgeot the best pokepuffs ever. She kept looking up in the sky, hoping he would get there early. Bonnie noticed this almost every time and would give her a teasing look.

"Oh Ash...where could you be sweet darling?" Bonnie teased in a surprisingly accurate imitation of Serena's voice. Serena only giggled. She didn't mind Bonnie doing this. Clemont was so far behind that he couldn't hear, so it was kind of like having a chance at some "girl talk".

"Well Bonnie, maybe you're gonna meet a nice boy in Glorio City and then I can taunt you!" Serena teased back.

"Ew gross!" Bonnie squeaked. "Why would I do that? I'm only a little girl."

Serena laughed. "I was only a little girl when I met Ash."

Bonnie nodded, remembering. "Oh yeah, you two met at a summer camp." She thought for a moment. "But still I don't want to meet some stupid boy right now."

Serena smirked. "You say that now."

"And I'm gonna say that for a while."

"We'll see. But if you don't want to meet a boy, why do you keep trying to set up your brother?" Serena asked.

Bonnie raised her eyebrows like Serena was asking a dumb question. "Clemont needs all the help he can get."

"Can you guys please wait up. I'm exhausted. We need to take a break." Clemont whined from way back, as if on cue.

Serena giggled. "Maybe you're right, Bonnie."

The girls allowed Clemont to catch up and the three of them sat down for lunch. They had brought sandwiches from the Pokemon centre and they couldn't be happier with them. The tough trek through the mountains was good for building up an appetite.

"So not much further right?" Bonnie asked Clemont.

Clemont looked at his map. "No, I don't expect so. We just need to make our way past the edge along there," he pointed to where there was a trail on the side of the mountain, "and then through a little forest. After that it should be down the mountain and we'll be at Glorio City for dinner."

Bonnie did a little cheer and stuffed the rest of her sandwich in her mouth. Through a mouthful of food she shouted, "Let's go!"

Serena was excited too. Now that she knew Ash would be there, she had a much better feeling about the showcase. She was starting to really think she could win. Never give up. "Yeah, let's go. Can you handle that Clemont?" She asked.

Clemont sighed. "I suppose so, but you two better not wake me up tomorrow morning, because I'm gonna sleep all day."

Serena and Bonnie giggled at that and ran off ahead, once again leaving Clemont to lag behind.

The afternoon sun beat down on Ash's neck, but it didn't bother him too much. Being up in the air with Pidgeot, the wind cooled them off pretty well. Pikachu seemed pretty happy too, occasionally letting out a happy, "chu," when Pidgeot made a dip or a turn in the air. Both Ash and Pikachu were ecstatic to have their old friend back. Ash looked down and realized they were above the mountain. With a jolt of excitement he realized he was probably close to his friends. Serena, he thought. Then he shook his head, and Bonnie and Clemont.

"Pidgeot," he yelled through the wind, "maybe we should take a quick break and then we'll be able to meet them just before going down the mountain."

Pidgeot didn't need to answer. He quickly dipped down and the sped towards the tip of a mountain. Just as it looked like they would crash into it, Pidgeot spread his wings and their momentum slowed. He landed as gracefully as though he were a tenth of the size he was now.

"Thanks Pidgeot," Ash said. He released all his Pokemon and sat down under a tree and pulled out his bag. He got some food and spread it out among all of his Pokemon, and had a sandwich himself. As he ate, he looked at his Pokemon. Pikachu was closest to him, as usual, and was happily eating his food, little bits of electricity jumping out of his cheeks. Greninja was next, slowly eating while watching the clouds among the mountains. Beside Greninja was Talonflame who was eyeing Pidgeot, who was in front of him, with admiration. Pidgeot seemed to enjoy this as he stood taller and prouder. And, of course, Hawlucha and Noivern were next to each other, as they had been great friends since Noivern had hatched as a Noibat. Ash realized that now he had a full team of six Pokemon, with Pidgeot joining them, and that if he caught more, he'd have to send them to either Professor Sycamore's or Professor Oak's. He smiled, I can win with these Pokemon. And, not to mention, I've got quite a few more at Professor Oak's lab that are also really strong.

They sat for a few more minutes, even after having eaten, and watched the surroundings. A group of Fletchlings were playing and staring at Pidgeot and Talonflame, clearly impressed with the fully evolved flying types. Talonflame showed them an impressive bit of flying and Pidgeot just stood proudly and impressed with his mere presence. Hawlucha also tried to get in on being a showoff and did some of his poses, but the Fletchlings weren't too impressed.

Finally, Ash decided to get his bag ready and he recalled his Pokemon. "Ready Pidgeot? Ready Pikachu?" The two of them answered in their respective calls. Ash climbed onto Pidgeot's back , "Alright! Let's go see Serena!"

Ash didn't realize he'd said it like that, but Pikachu did. The mouse Pokemon looked oddly at Ash, while being held carefully in his trainer's arm to prevent from falling off while Pidgeot flew. Perhaps he had heard wrong? No, he'd definitely heard it. Pikachu twitched its ears and looked at Pidgeot who was looking at him out of the corner of its eye. Pidgeot must have heard too. Pikachu looked again at Ash who didn't realize what was going on, while he watched the mountains and trees whip by. Pikachu glanced back at Pidgeot, who now had full focus on the skies ahead once more. Then Pikachu smiled to himself. He liked Serena and was glad that Ash was starting to realize how much he liked her.

"That looks dangerous." Serena nodded as Clemont surveyed the path ahead. It was a pretty narrow path along the side of the mountain. "However," Clemont muttered, "I think once we get past this path, we'll be able to see Glorio City."

"Awesome!" Bonnie said. "I can't wait." She looked at Serena, "and maybe Ash is already there."

Serena nodded hopefully. She had been secretly hoping, well she supposed it wasn't so secret to Bonnie, that Ash would appear on Pidgeot's back while they were walking. But, she supposed it made more sense for him to just meet them in Glorio City. Safer for him anyways.

The three of them slowly started to move along the path. Clemont was holding onto Bonnie, while using his Aipom arm to hold the wall. Bonnie held onto Serena's hand, so it was a pretty good system to keep them all on the good side of cliff edge. They slowly moved for what must have been twenty minutes, but finally they were able to see the end, and maybe just a little bit of light coming from the valley below, which was the coastal Glorio City. Serena could already smell the salty sea water. One of her favourite smells.

"Oh I can't wait!" She shouted. "We're gonna see Ash again and then we've got my showcase!"

Bonnie teasingly whispered so Clemont couldn't hear, "but mostly you can't wait to see Ash."

Serena smirked and kept moving along. She could barely contain her excitement. Nothing was going to hold her back now. Everything was lining up perfectly. She knew she'd see Ash soon. She looked at Bonnie who had her eyes trained ahead, watching her brother as he shifted along the cliff edge. Serena was glad she had someone to confide in now about Ash. Even though Bonnie was a little girl, she knew what to say and when to say it. She was a perfect companion for Serena. A perfect little sister in a way.

Clemont stopped up ahead, forcing the two girls to quickly stop as well. "What's up Clemont?" Bonnie asked.

"There's a gap here. It looks like I'll need to make a bridge with the Aipom arm. But once we get across we'll be fine." He let go of the mountain side with the Aipom arm and laid it down to make a makeshift bridge. He clicked a button on his backpack and the arm stretched out to make a flat surface, like a small road. Clemont turned towards Serena and Bonnie. "I'll go across and then I'll carry both of you one at a time with the Aipom arm, ok?" The two girls nodded.

Clemont slowly, but surely was able to get across. The Aipom arm was firmly connected to the rock so it didn't shake too much, but Clemont was worried that it could have caused a crack and that to be safe he should use the Aipom arm to carry his sister and Serena back. He retracted the road that the Aipom arm made and it became its normal form again. "Ok, Bonnie, you first." He extended the Aipom arm towards Bonnie and the hand at the end held her waist tightly. She screamed as she was carried, but landed safely next to her brother. "Ok, Serena, you ready."

Serena braced herself. She was terrified, but knew this was the best way. She edged forward so that she could be closer and then she heard it. A loud crack as the stone from the mountain collapsed underneath her. For a moment she grabbed onto the side of the cliff, barely holding on. Clemont quickly tried to grab her with the Aipom arm, but Serena's fingers slipped and she fell, the arm just missing her.

"Serena!" Bonnie screamed, sounding extremely terrified.

Serena plummeted, not even screaming. She was crying. Everything seemed to slow down.Not now, she thought, not right before seeing Ash again. "Ash," she whispered. She didn't care about the showcase right now. All she wanted was to see Ash again. "Ash." She couldn't believe she was going to die before ever getting a chance to confess her feelings to him. Why now? "Ash." And as she fell she thought of Ash and only Ash. She didn't think of anything else. "Ash." He was the only person on her mind. She thought of how she just wanted to see him one more time before she died. "Ash." And then she could see him. He had that look of determination on his face. It's so real, she thought, I can almost believe its him. And then she felt something grab her. "Ash." She was still falling though. But...for some reason she felt safer. She felt as though she was going to be ok. "Ash." Somebody was saying something. She couldn't hear. Who was holding her?

Ash looked at the mountain up ahead. He could see shapes moving along the side. Could that be them? He asked himself. Pidgeot had been travelling extremely fast, but Ash had asked him to slow down so they could manoeuvre the mountains a bit more carefully. Pikachu, who had been sleeping, woke up and looked ahead. He noticed the shapes and squinted his eyes. "Pika?" He asked.

"I don't know. Maybe its them. Can you see Pidgeot?" Pidgeot dipped down a little and narrowed its eyes.


"Awesome. Well let's go catch up." And then heard it. The loud crack of stone and the sound of Bonnie's yell of "Serena!" Ash held on tight to Pikachu and Pidgeot. "Go Pidgeot! Dive!"

Pidgeot saw her before Ash, but as they neared her, Ash could see her falling. She had her eyes closed, as if already dead. She was muttering something to herself. Maybe a prayer? Pidgeot had to slow down, having to carefully avoid rocks. Ash knew he was slowing Pidgeot down and that the two of them weren't going to save Serena with his extra weight slowing Pidgeot down. He had Pikachu hold on tight to Pidgeot and then he jumped.

"Ash! No!" Clemont and Bonnie shouted at the same time. They had seen Pidgeot speeding towards their location after Serena fell, but could see it wasn't going to reach her in time. Apparently Ash had seen that too and he'd leaped off of Pidgeot's back and was rapidly diving towards Serena and the ground.

It all happened in slow motion. Bonnie sobbed into her brother's arms, not daring to watch her two friends plummet to the ground. Clemont just held his sister, silently willing the air to carry Ash and Serena back to them. Pidgeot and Pikachu stared as Ash whipped through the air towards Serena.

"Pidgeot dive for them!" Clemont yelled. "Do whatever you can!"

Pidgeot did so and, without Ash's extra weight, was able to quickly whip towards his trainer and the girl he was trying to save. But it looked like it would be too late. He'd wasted too much time staring in shock as Ash dove towards the ground.

Clemont had tears come to his eyes and held Bonnie tightly as she sobbed. He saw Ash grab Serena and hold her tightly, but they were still plummeting to the ground at an unbelievable pace. Clemont closed his eyes, knowing his friends were about to die.

Serena realized her eyes were shut tight and she opened them to see Ash's face in front of hers. "Ash?" She whispered. There was no way her voice could be heard through the wind, but Ash nodded. He said something to her, but she didn't know what. "I can't hear you!" She yelled. He answered something back that sounded like he was reassuring her she would be ok. She looked down and saw the ground approaching and then looked back at Ash. "I love you!" She yelled.

And then they weren't falling. Serena looked down to see great gold, brown and red feathers. "Pidgeot?" She yelled happily.

"Great job Pidgeot!" Ash yelled. It was much easier to hear now that they weren't plummeting to the ground. Pikachu yelled from where he was, holding on to Pidgeot's neck. "Glad you're ok Pikachu!" Ash grinned. He looked at Serena, "what were you saying just now?"

Serena opened her mouth, but the words wouldn't come to her. She glanced around and felt her cheeks go fiery hot. She was on her back and she was still in an embrace with Ash who was...on top of her. He noticed what she was nervously looking at and quickly unlocked himself from the embrace, also blushing. He sat back, holding tightly to Pidgeot, but was still looking at Serena for an answer. "Um..." she started quietly.

Then they heard Bonnie yell from above them. Pidgeot had flown up towards her and her brother after catching Ash and Serena. "You're ok!" She yelled. "Clemont they're ok!"

Clemont was clearly very shaken up and looked like he was about to fall of the mountain himself, but he managed a nervous laugh and said, " many times are you going to jump to your death?"

Ash laughed. "Nothing to worry about Clemont. Just helping out a friend."

Serena shut her eyes. He was willing to die to save her, but she was just a friend to him? She shook her head and focused on her friends. "Ash," she said, "maybe Pidgeot can fly us all down. Two at a time?"

"Sure," Ash said. He looked at Clemont and Bonnie, "I'll send Pidgeot back up once we're down there. They nodded, but Serena interrupted.

"Um actually, I was thinking I'd go down with Bonnie. I think Clemont would like to check out Pidgeot's flying ability."

Clemont looked confused. "No it's-"

Bonnie elbowed her big brother. "You go down with Ash and then Serena and I will come." She winked at Serena and the older girl smiled back. Bonnie was a great friend.

Serena got off of Pidgeot and stood next to Bonnie on the end of the dangerous path she'd fallen from. They were now standing on a wide, flat area fenced off from the cliff edge. It was much safer and it would give her and Bonnie a good place to talk. She watched as Clemont got onto Pidgeot's back and then as the majestic bird and its passengers flew towards the ground, and Glorio City.

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