Chapter 4: Love is Challenging and a Challenge For Love

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"Hey Ash?" Clemont asked hesitantly.

"What?" Ash answered a little irritably. He didn't know why, but he was upset that Serena didn't want to fly down with him. He couldn't understand it. I just leaped from the clouds to save her and she doesn't want to even talk to me?

Clemont noticed the irritation, but ignored it, thinking it was just because Ash was tired from flying all day. "Um...I was just going to ask what happened with Pidgeot. Why did you get separated?"

Ash explained how he had raised Pidgeot from a Pidgeotto and how one day Pidgeotto had evolved in order to save the flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto from a rampaging Fearow. "Pidgeot was great and saved them, but I knew that they needed his protection for at least the time being. And Pidgeot agreed to stay and protect them." Pidgeot was eyeing his trainer from the corner of its eye. "And obviously Pidgeot did a great job, because he's made them all so brave that they can fend for themselves."

"Pidgaw!" Pidgeot shouted loudly.

Clemont smiled to himself, in awe of the trainer he was with. "Wow Ash. That must have been hard."

"Of course, but my Pokemon and I...we know that sometimes we have to do the hard thing to make them and others happy and safe." He watched Pidgeot proudly. "And Pidgeot did that well. I'm glad that we get to travel together again."

They flew the rest of the way in silence. Pidgeot was going much slower, likely due to flying all day and the energy exerted saving Ash and Serena from the fall...or in Ash's case, jump to his death. The powerful bird was very careful as it landed gracefully at the entrance to Glorio City. Ash and Clemont got off and Pikachu leaped onto Ash's shoulder.

"Alright Pidgeot, I know you're tired, but could you go and get Serena and Bonnie now?" Ash asked his Pokemon.

Pidgeot nodded and kicked off, hitting Ash and Clemont with a powerful gust of wind. "Pidgaw!" it shouted as it shot into the air and towards the top of the mountain again.

Ash watched Pidgeot with a smile on his face.Well, he thought, even if Serena's mad at me for some reason, at least I've got some great Pokemon. The thought of Serena not wanting to fly with him put a frown on his face though, and Clemont noticed.

"Ash, is something wrong? I thought you were just tired, but it seems like maybe it's something else." He fidgeted uncomfortably. He wasn't usually very good at this kind of thing. Bonnie was better for the heart to heart conversations.

Ash looked at Clemont. "It's nothing, Clemont." He sat down on a bench and looked into the sky. The moon was shining brightly and the stars glittered like a billion lights in the sky. "Did Serena say anything about me while I was gone?" He asked suddenly after a few minutes of silence.

Clemont looked confused at the question. Of course, he was as oblivious about this stuff as Ash, so he wasn't able to put two and two together either. "Um...well she was just worried about you making it to her showcase I guess." He looked at Ash carefully. "Did she say something to worry you?" He asked.

Ash blushed, but didn't realize it. "No, I-" He was interrupted as Pidgeot appeared in the sky above.

"Pidgaw!" it shouted. The large bird Pokemon flew quickly towards the ground and then opened its wings for a graceful landing.

Ash noticed Bonnie giggling excitedly on Pidgeot's back. She clearly loved the ride she had just gotten. And then Bonnie looked at Ash and narrowed her eyes. Clemont helped her get off of Pidgeot's back and they started to make their way into the city. Bonnie glared at Ash, before they turned a corner and were out of sight. What did I do to these girls? He thought to himself.

"A little help here?" Serena asked. She was still on Pidgeot's back, but looked nervous at being too high up. Ash held out his hand, but Pidgeot lowered itself and Serena was able to get off on her own. She looked at Ash, but didn't have her usual nervousness or lightheartedness look about her. It looked more intimidating than his Charizard when it was angry.

"What did I-" Ash started.

"See you at the Pokemon centre." Serena said quickly and she walked quickly away and out of sight.

Ash scratched his head confused. "What?" was all he could say. He looked at Pikachu questioningly, but his partner Pokemon looked just as confused as him. Ash shook his head and looked at Pidgeot. "Well Pidgeot, you sure you want to come back?"

Pidgeot stood up straight and looked Ash right in the eyes and nodded. Ash grinned and pulled out his backpack. "I've actually kept your old pokeball with me this whole time," he said. He continued to rummage in his bag, "ah ha!" He shouted and pulled out a pokeball. "Alright," he said happily, "Pidgeot, return." He clicked the pokeball and a red light went around a happy looking Pidgeot and pulled it into the pokeball.

Ash turned to go into Glorio City and then stopped and looked back at the mountain. He didn't know what he'd done to get Serena, and apparently Bonnie, upset, but at least he had one of his oldest friends with him once more. "Alright Pikachu, let's go." He said and he and Pikachu headed towards Glorio City.

Serena watched as Ash turned and looked at her from Pidgeot's back. He looked confused, but she didn't care. The anger was building up in her. She had finally had enough courage to say it. They were about to die and she yelled that she loved him. She didn't care that he hadn't heard it. He had to know, so it was his fault. And how could he say she was just a friend after that. He couldn't actually mean that could he? He dove from basically the clouds to save her, but all she was to him was a friend.

"Alright Serena, let's talk." Bonnie elbowed her. "What's up?" the little girl asked.

Serena sighed. She was so upset and she knew it wasn't fair to be that way, but she felt like she had been burned in this situation. She felt like Ash didn't care about her. "I told him." She said. Bonnie didn't answer, so she continued, "when we were falling, I saw that it was him that caught me. I was so sure that we were going to die so I wanted to tell him."

Bonnie looked at her friend in concern. "So what happened? Did he say he didn't love you?"

Serena shook her head. She could feel tears in her eyes, but she didn't care. If anyone was allowed to see her cry about this, it was Bonnie. "He didn't hear me."

Bonnie tilted her head. "Well than what's wrong? If he didn't hear you, how can you be mad at him?"

Serena shrugged. "It's not just that. He said that I was just a friend to him. I can't explain it, Bonnie. It's just so hard to understand, even for me."

Bonnie sighed. "Well, I kind of get it. I mean, obviously you want to be more than just friends with Ash, but if he says something like that, it's kind of like he's saying he doesn't feel that way. But we don't know what he's actually thinking, Serena. He might not have meant it like that."

Serena slumped her shoulders. "I know, but I can't help but feel mad. I know it's not fair, but I just can't help it." She hated herself for this attitude.

Bonnie nodded. "Well I'm with you no matter what Serena. We'll make Ash smarten up and maybe not getting to talk to you will make him realize he's got to.

Serena smiled at her friend. Bonnie was so loyal to her and she couldn't be more grateful. "Well we'll have to talk to him, but maybe we'll give him something to think about." She honestly didn't like the plan and knew it wasn't fair to Ash, but in a way she felt it was. Ash had saved her, but he had also hurt her. He had to know how she felt. It was sort of his fault for being so thickheaded. "Thanks Bonnie." She said. "You're a great frie – little sister."

Bonnie jumped up excitedly. "Yay!" Then her eyes widened. "Look! It's Pidgeot! He's so pretty and cute and powerful!"

Serena had to agree. She was sure that many of the aspiring Kalos Queens in Glorio City were going to be in awe of Pidgeot. He truly was a magnificent Pokemon. Just like his trainer is a magnificent person.

Pidgeot landed as gracefully as though he weighed the weight of one of his feathers. "Pidgaw!" It said and it lowered itself for Serena to help Bonnie get up and then Bonnie helped to pull Serena up. "Pidgaw!" it shouted once again, and whipped towards to ground to where Ash and Clemont were waiting for them.

Ash entered the Pokemon centre and saw his friends at the desk. It looked like Serena was registering for the Masterclass as she had her three princess keys out. He approached the group as Nurse Joy said, "Congratulations Serena. You're all set. The Masterclass showcase is the day after tomorrow. The details will actually be shown on that TV over there in a few minutes." She pointed to the TV where a crowd was beginning to gather. "Good Luck," Nurse Joy finished.

Serena turned around and looked at the TV. The steely eyed look she had had a few minutes ago when talking to Ash was gone. Her eyes were full of joy and excitement. She ran towards the where the TV was to wait for the announcement. Someone stepped out of the crowd, shouting, "Serena! Over here!"

"Shauna!" Serena yelled back and she ran towards her friend and gave her a big hug. "It's so good to see you."

"Yeah, you too!" Shauna replied. She noticed Ash, Clemont and Bonnie coming up behind Serena. "Hi guys, how's it going?"

The three of them greeted her, while Pikachu said hello to Ivysaur, Shauna's Pokemon. Dedenne poked its head out of Bonnie's bag, but Squishy quickly ducked lower so as not to be seen. Ash looked at the TV. "So, any idea what you two are going to have to do?"

Shauna shook her head. "No idea, but I heard it's a two day thing this time. Apparently they're going to whittle it down to one person through three rounds and then the final round is something where the finalist faces off against Aria in something."

Serena looked nervous. "We have to go up against Aria?"

"Well what did you expect?" The group whipped around to see Miette, Serena's biggest rival. "But you don't have to worry about that, Serena. I'm the one who will be facing Aria."

Serena narrowed her eyes. "We'll see," she said quietly.

Bonnie stood in front of Serena and glared at Miette. "Serena's gonna be Kalos Queen whether you like it or not!" She shouted.

Miette raised her eyebrows. "Right." She said, as if distracted and bored. Then her eyes locked onto Ash. "Oh Ash! Are you here to see me?"

Ash's eyes widened nervously. "Uh...well..."

Miette quickly looked at Serena and then back at Ash with a smirk. "Oh I knew you were going to want to see me. You must be so sick of watching Serena's bad performances."

Ash narrowed his eyes and regained his cool. "Actually, Serena's got the best chance of anyone here to win this thing." He looked at Serena and then back at Miette. "And I'm here for her and not anyone else."

Miette frowned. "Oh so she finally told you?"

Ash was taken aback. "What? Told me what?"

Serena's eyes widened and she rushed forward and stood between Ash and Miette. "Nothing. Just...uh..." She looked flustered and her cheeks were very red.

Bonnie started to say something, but was interrupted by Shauna. "I think Miette was referring to Serena's strategy for the showcase. If Serena told you that." She winked at Serena and the latter blushed again.

Miette glanced at Shauna and then at Serena and then shrugged. "Right. That's what I was asking."

Ash frowned. "Well no, she didn't, but how could she have one if she doesn't know what they're making you guys do?"

Miette smirked. "Well a Kalos Queen would be prepared for anything."

Serena was about to shout something back, but Ash was quicker, "I think a Kalos Queen should be able to think on her feet. I know Serena can do that."

Serena looked at Ash gratefully and looked like she was going to say something, but Bonnie coughed and Serena quickly looked away. Shauna noticed this and looked confused, but didn't say anything. Clemont, while quiet through this whole encounter, spoke up. "I think they're starting the announcement."

The whole group looked towards the TV and saw Monsieur Pierre appear on screen. "Bonjour ladies, gentlemen and aspiring Kalos Queens! I am about to announce what you can expect for the upcoming Masterclass showcase." He pulled out a piece an envelope. "In this envelope are randomly chose events that the contestants will be competing in. A fair warning, this showcase is unlike the others where the performers would compete in only two rounds. In this showcase, the performers will compete in three rounds to select the champion who shall compete against Queen Aria for the title of Kalos Queen."

The crowd murmured in excitement, knowing what was next. Aria appeared on screen, in a stunning red dress, her red hair perfectly brushed and makeup and jewelry accentuating her beauty perfectly. Ash thought of Brock at that moment and chuckled a little. He knew what Brock would be doing if he saw Aria. And for some reason, he looked at Serena as he thought of that. Then he looked back at the screen and saw them show highlights of Aria's performances, which were, of course, perfect and beautiful.

Monsieur Pierre appeared back on screen and announced he was about to open the envelope. The crowd around the TV went completely silent as Pierre cut it open, pulled out the paper and began to speak. "The first event, to be held the morning after tomorrow, will be...a fashion show!" Everyone cheered. The fashion show was a favourite among all performance fans. Monsieur Pierre paused before the next one and cleared his throat and spoke again, "The second event, to follow the other in the afternoon, will be...a Pokemon quiz!" People murmured some disappointment. Ash supposed that maybe they wanted to see something more flashy, but he loved the Pokemon quiz. Knowing Pokemon was important. Monsieur Pierre called for quiet, as he was announcing this in front of a crowd at the centre of Glorio City, and announced the third trial. "The third event, to be on the morning after the second, will be..." He looked confused. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, it appears as if we have something very new." He smiled and looked into the camera. "The third event will be show of your Pokemon and their abilities in addition to your own, however, there is a twist." He smiled, looking very excited. "The contestants who make it this far will be required to select a male companion to perform with them and use their own Pokemon in addition to yours. This test is so that we may see your ability to think on your feet and perform with Pokemon that have little experience in this matter. You will be allowed to train with them, but beware, your time is limited."

The crowd was talking excitedly. This was clearly something very new and nobody had expected it. Serena looked extremely nervous. Bonnie whispered something in her ear and Serena glanced back at Ash. Ash scratched his head confused. I wonder what Serena will do, he thought.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Monsieur Pierre shouted. "There is still the final challenge which will be against the reigning Kalos Queen, Aria." The crowd on TV and the one in the Pokemon centre quieted down. "The final event, for the title of Kalos Queen, will be a performance battle between the champion of the first three rounds and Queen Aria!"

The crowd went crazy. This news was extremely exciting. It was very rare to see performance battles and even rarer to see Aria in one. However, everyone knew that Aria was extremely good at performing and that he battle skills were very good as well. She probably got to pick the final event. Ash realized. She probably suspects who she's gonna go up against. He looked at Serena and narrowed his eyes in a look of determination. Serena's gonna beat her.

Serena was both excited and extremely terrified at the same time. All these events were going to really test her abilities. And then she'd have to go up against Aria. Not to mention, the competition was already far tougher already, with every other competitor having earned three princess keys as well. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked around. It was Ash.

"You'll do great, Serena." He said. Then he realized looked at his hand on her shoulder and quickly pulled it away. "Um..." he started, blushing.

"Serena, what do you think you'll do for the fashion show?" Bonnie asked, interrupting the moment. Perhaps purposefully, as she looked at Ash who had a slightly disappointed look on his face.

"Um, I'm not sure yet. I guess I'll practice tomorrow." Serena said.

Clemont shook his head. "I think you'll be fine with the fashion show, Serena. You've already done that kind of thing a lot. You also should do pretty well with the Pokemon quiz. The first two rounds are to your advantage. I think you should practice for the third challenge most."

Ash got his confident look back. "Yeah, you've got the first two rounds in the bag. You just need to find a good partner for the third round."

"Pi-Pikachu!" Pikachu shouted.

"Yeah, Serena! You'll be awesome." Bonnie said. "Right Dedenne?"

"De-de-ne!" The little hamster-like Pokemon said.

Serena couldn't help but smile at her friends. She was already forgetting about her stupid thing with Ash. She felt tears in her eyes, but tears of happiness. "Thanks you guys! You're all so supportive."

Shauna joined in. "Serena, may the best Queen win." She held out her hand and Serena shook it. "So you know who your partner will be for round three?" Shauna asked. She glanced at Ash.

Clemont chimed in. "Well you should find somebody who can bring the best out of their Pokemon and who knows how to handle pressure."

Bonnie giggled and looked at Serena. "I think we all know someone like that."
Ash looked confused. "Who?"

Clemont, Bonnie, Serena and Shauna all sagged and sighed, exasperated by Ash's clueless response. Bonnie whispered to Serena and the latter nodded. Bonnie looked at Ash and started to say something, but was interrupted by Miette who decided to join their conversation again. "Oh Ash?" She asked. "I have a favour to ask."

Serena's and Bonnie's eyes widened in anger, knowing what was about to happen. "Hold on!" Bonnie shouted. "We were talking!"

Miette ignored the little girl and stood in front of Ash. She fluttered her eyelids and tilted her head. "Oh Ash, do you think you'd be my partner for the third round when I make it."

Ash looked at her dumbfounded. He took a step back nervously, feeling sweat go down his neck. "Uh...well..." he muttered.

Bonnie ran forward and stood between them. "You can't just but into people's conversations like that." She said angrily. "And besides, Ash is partnering with Serena!"

"Uh what?" Ash asked confused.

Serena watched the scene fuming. Sometimes she just couldn't stand Miette. She looked at Ash and thought of his clueless behaviour. She wasn't too happy with that either. She started to step forward, but Shauna beat her to it. "Ash," she started, "don't you want to partner with Serena?"

Ash looked completely bewildered. He was eyeing everyone nervously and they were all staring at him. "I...well..."

Pikachu had clearly had enough. He jumped into the air and shouted, "Pi-Ka-Chu!" and launched a jet of electricity at Ash. Ash stood there in shock, twitching and blinking confused. He fell to the ground.

"Ow Pikachu, what was that for?" Ash asked, shaking his head to get his bearings.

Serena caught Pikachu's eyes and gave him a quick wink to which he replied by scratching the back of his neck nervously. She loved that little yellow mouse at the moment. She stepped forward to help Ash up, but again Miette got in the way. "Oh let me help you up Ash. Are you ok? We can't have you hurt before our performance."

"But..." Ash started and he glanced nervously at Clemont to help. Picking out the only other male he could find in the group.

"Excuse me, Miette." Clemont said, getting the idea. "Ash never actually agreed to be your partner."

Miette glared at the other boy and then looked at Serena. "Well Ash was my partner for the dance. Don't you remember? Maybe you and Serena can partner up again, Clemont?"

Clemont sighed, exasperated. "No, I never actually wanted to do that. We only partnered up to make it easier for Serena's Eevee who was nervous unless with my Pokemon."

Bonnie glared at Miette. "Serena wanted to dance with Ash!"

Serena's eyes widened and she jabbed Bonnie with a poke to the back. Bonnie looked back at her and Serena gave a quick shake of her head so nobody else would notice.

Miette smirked. "If she wanted to dance with Ash, she should have. End of story. Anyways, I was Ash's partner then, and I think we should be partners now."

Ash sat on the floor, still stinging from Pikachu's thunderbolt, but he spoke up. "Don't I get any say in this?"

They were then interrupted by the sounds of gasps all around. People from all over the Pokemon centre were staring in their direction. Serena glanced around and realized what they were staring at. Aria was there and she was standing next to Ash. The Kalos Queen held out her hand and helped Ash up. She eyed Serena apologetically as she did so. "Hello Ash," she said. "Remember me from the dance party?"

"Uh...yeah I do." Ash smiled. "How's it going Aria?"

Serena's eyes widened. Why was Ash able to be so casual with the Kalos Queen. Did something happen while they were dancing?

"Very well, thank you." She smiled and looked at Serena. "You're Serena right?"

Serena nodded. She had a suspicion that a girl she met once, named Ariana, who had given her advice for performing, was Aria, but she wasn't sure and wasn't going to mention it. "Yeah, that's me."

Aria smiled. "Excuse me, but I happened to overhear some of what was going on here and I thought I would give my two cents if you didn't mind." Nobody answered. Everyone was staring at Aria in awe. She continued, "I think it would be remarkable if you two had a battle to see who would get Ash as a partner."

"Um..." Ash started, but he looked at Miette and Serena who were staring each other down and he decided not to say anything.

"Fine." Miette had looked nervous when Aria appeared, but had regained her composure. She looked at Serena with her characteristic smirk. "A performance battle. One on one?"

Serena forgot about her anger towards Ash that seemed kind of stupid at this point. And she forgot about he nervousness. She narrowed her eyes and pulled out her pokeball, containing Braixen. "You're on." she said with all the determination she could muster.

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