Chapter 5: Serena Wins Ash

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Ash didn't know what to think. He had somehow been caught up in a fight to have him perform in the Masterclass showcase. And...Serena wanted him to be her partner. She had seemed so mad at him not long ago, but now that anger seemed directed at Miette. They were now standing in the courtyard behind the Pokemon centre. It was a good flat surface, perfect for a battle. Serena stood to Ash's right, Miette to his left. Aria stood on the sidelines between the two, as she was going to referee. A large crowd had gathered. People seemed to think that since Aria had taken an interest in these two, they were worth watching.

Ash looked at Serena. She was glaring daggers at Miette, clutching her pokeball close to her heart. He'd never seen her look so determined, not even during her showcases. Well, he thought, I guess she does have a good rivalry with Miette.

Bonnie elbowed him. "Well Ash? You're cheering for Serena right?" She asked him.

Ash looked at her with a blank expression, still in shock at what was about to happen. "I-"

"Of course he is." Shauna approached them. "Ash, there's no way you want to perform with Miette right?" She leaned forward making clear eye contact. "Serena's who matters right?"

Ash continued his blank stare for another moment, but then steeled himself. He looked at Serena, with the look of determination on her face and then at Miette, with a smug smirk on her face. He nodded at Shauna and turned toward Serena. "Serena!" He yelled. "You can do this. Just stay calm, think on your feet and show her what you're made of."

Serena looked stunned. She stared at Ash, the determined look replaced by shock. Then she smiled and looked at Miette. "Ready, Miette?" She threw her pokeball and shouted, "Go Braixen!" The two legged fox like animal twirled its fire stick and bowed, getting a large cheer from the crowd.

Miette looked flustered after Ash's words. She then narrowed her eyes and threw out her pokeball, "Meowstick, come on out!" she shouted. Meowstick did a twirl in midair and also bowed to a great cheer from the crowd.

Ash looked at the two Pokemon. They glared at each other, neither of them moving. He got a feeling that this was more like a regular battle than a performance battle. He saw Braixen tightly holding her fire stick, clearly knowing her trainer desperately wanted this victory. Meowstick eyed the stick carefully, knowing the damage it could do. Aria shouted, "begin!"

"Braixen use fire blast!" Serena shouted. Braixen responded immediately, sending the attack at Meowstic quickly.

"Use psychic," Miette yelled, "and send it right back!" Meowstic's paws glowed and a blue light engulfed the flames speeding towards it. He moved his paws and they formed a gorgeous looking blue, flaming hear which he rocketed towards Braixen. "Remember, Serena," Miette taunted, "it's a performance battle."

"I know," Serena answered quickly. Ash was surprised to see a smile on her face, like she knew this was going to happen. "Braixen, hidden power!" Braixen immediately sent the blast towards the glowing, fiery heart and it exploded into a shower of beautiful blue stars.

"Wow!" Bonnie yelled. "Pretty!"

"Great job, Serena!" Clemont yelled.

Serena quickly looked at Ash and he nodded. He was impressed, he didn't need to say it. She smiled back at him and ordered her next attack. "Braixen flamethrower, towards the ground!" Braixen fired a flamethrower towards the ground and rocketed towards the sky.

Miette smirked. "Meowstic, use psychic on that flamethrower, and make it come alive!" Meowstic did as commanded and the flamethrower became something like a snake twisting and turning in the sky.

Braixen looked a little panicked, but Serena didn't budge. "Braixen dive and use scratch on the flamethrower!" Braixen nodded midair and dove at the flamethrower, scratching it up extremely fast and creating a beautiful looking fire shower which brought the biggest cheer from the crowd. Serena wasn't done though. "Braixen finish up with hidden power!" Braixen landed gracefully on its feet and launched a glowing blue orb straight at Meowstic who was running around in a panic after getting burned by the fire shower. The energy struck it right on and sent him flying. He landed flat on his face in front of Miette, finished.

"Meowstic is unable to battle and Braixen performed the best. Braixen and Serena are the winners!" Aria announced to a great cheer from the crowd, the loudest cheers coming from Bonnie, Clemont and Shauna.

Serena ran out into the field and grabbed Braixen in a huge hug. "Great job, Braixen." She said. "You were awesome."

"Brai!" Her Pokemon answered happily, returning the hug.

Ash walked over to Serena. "Awesome battle, Serena." He said. She looked back at him, eyes wide and blushing. Nobody would have thought she had been ignoring him only an hour before. She clearly had full attention on Ash now. "You were great too, Braixen," Ash acknowledged.

"Brai-Braixen!" the fox Pokemon said, smiling.

The entire crowd had gone quiet. They had come to see Aria and had been intrigued by her declaration that Serena and Miette should battle. They had watched the battle, curious as to why Aria had shown interest. Now they were watching the girl who had won and this boy that she had apparently been fighting for.

Ash knelt down next to Serena and looked her in the eyes.

Serena stared at Ash blankly, knowing her face was so red it probably looked like Braixen had hit her with a flamethrower. She watched him kneel down next to her. She had completely forgotten about her unfair anger to him. She was utterly transfixed by him at the moment. She knew the crowd was watching them. That would've made her uneasy any other time, but for some reason it didn't bother her. She was nervous, of course, but only about Ash. She didn't care what the crowd thought. What made her sweat was what Ash would think of her battling...for him.

Ash stared at Serena for what seemed like hours to her and she still couldn't say anything. She tried, but her voice wasn't there. "Serena..." Ash started. He leaned forward, smiling.

Is he going to kiss me? Serena thought, feeling her heart batter against her chest. She realized Bonnie must have thought the same thing, because she heard her friend gasp, watching what was happening.

Ash continued. "Serena...if you don't mind...I'd love to be your partner if-" He shook his head. "No, when, you make it to the third round." He held out his hand. "I think we'd be a good team."

Serena started to speak, but again couldn't say anything. Braixen elbowed her. She blinked and looked into Ash's eyes. She took his hand and he helped her up. "Of course, Ash," she said with confidence she didn't realize was there, "I wouldn't want anyone else."

The crowd cheered and the two of them smiled at each other. Aria came over and grabbed Serena's hand, the one that wasn't currently being held by Ash. The Kalos Queen smiled and shook Serena's hand. "Great job Serena!" She said excitedly. "I really hope you and I will battle in a couple of days." She looked at Ash. "You'd better help her get there, Ash."

Ash nodded, with his famous determined and confident look. "Of course I will. And get prepared to lose your Kalos Queen crown. Serena's got this!"

Serena felt like she was about to faint. Perhaps Ash had forgotten they were holding hands, but she knew very well that they were still doing so. She realized that at that moment, they looked like they were a couple and that likely the crowd around them thought so.

"Well Serena got lucky this time." Miette had approached them, sneering and clearly agitated by her loss. "Don't worry, Aria, you won't be losing your crown to Serena. Just worry about me."

Bonnie, Shauna and Clemont came over and Bonnie glared at Miette. "No way, Miette. Serena's gonna win and don't you forget that. She made you look like you shouldn't even have a princess key, let alone three and the Kalos crown."

Serena looked at Bonnie with such gratitude for her loyalty, and admiration that she could stand up to the older girl. She thought for a moment. She didn't want her friends to hate Miette, though. She was irritated with Miette for starting this fight for Ash, but she still thought of Miette as a friend, despite being a fierce rival. She held out her hand to Miette, again still holding hands with Ash with her other hand. "Good job Miette. You fought well."

Miette smiled. She liked that Serena knew what this rivalry was about. "Thanks Serena." She saw that Serena was holding Ash's hand, but didn't say anything. "And congratulations." She turned and walked away.

"Serena you were so awesome!" Bonnie yelled. She looked at Braixen. "And Braixen you were so pretty. That flamethrower was so cool."

"Brai!" Braixen replied happily.

"Yeah, Serena, you're probably the toughest competition I've got." Shauna said. She looked at her watch. "Oh I'd better go! There was an outfit I wanted to buy for the showcase, and the shop's closing soon." She turned and ran off, waving goodbye.

"Yeah that was a really good battle, Serena." Clemont said once Shauna had gone. Then he looked confused. "Um, why are you and Ash holding hands?"

Serena's eyes widened and she pulled her hand away from Ash lightning quick. Ash looked a little uncomfortable too and scratched his head nervously. Bonnie glared at her brother and then caught Serena's eye and gave her a look that conveyed, sorry for my idiot brother.

There was a bit of an awkward silence after Clemont's question went unanswered and Bonnie decided to take the chance to ask Aria something. She bent down on one knee in front of Aria and said, "Oh Aria! You're a keeper! Will you please take care of my brother?"

"Uh..." Aria said nervously. "Didn't you ask me that once?"

"Bonnie I told you to stop doing that!" Clemont grabbed Bonnie with his Aipom arm and stormed off. "How many times do I need to tell you not to do that?"

Aria's eyes widened like she realized she'd said something by mistake. Serena noticed this and whispered so nobody else could hear. "Nice to see you again...Ariana."

Aria looked at Serena, blushing and said quietly, "I thought you'd figure it out." Her phone started to ring and she picked it up. "Yes, I'll be there soon." She hung up and looked apologetically at Serena and Ash. "Sorry, I've gotta go. I'll see you around." She left and the crowd that had been watching the battle followed her. They had quickly forgotten about the Ash and Serena drama and were clearly more interested in the Kalos Queen.

Serena looked around and became nervous again. She realized that with Miette, Bonnie, Clemont, Shauna, Aria and the crowd gone, she and Ash were alone. "Whoa." Ash said. "Got quiet all of a sudden, didn't it?"

Serena nodded. "Um...Ash?" She asked quietly.


"I'm sorry I was moody with you earlier. I don't know why I did that. I guess I was just upset about the fall." She knew why she had done it, but she couldn't bring herself to tell Ash. That would mean telling him how she felt and that was still too nerve racking for her.

Ash smiled at her. "No worries Serena." He scratched his head nervously. "So...uh..."

Serena stared at him. She didn't know what made her do it, but she grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Ash. For saving me, for believing in me and for helping me in the showcase." She couldn't help it and started to cry a little.

Pikachu and Braixen moved away from Ash and Serena a little nervously, giving them their privacy. Neither Ash, nor Serena noticed. The two of them stayed embraced for a while. Ash blushed, but didn't push Serena away. "I'm always going to be there for you Serena." He said patting her back. "I know I said before that I thought I was gonna miss your showcase, but that was never going to happen. I was always gonna find a way."

Serena held onto him but moved back so she could look Ash in the eyes. "I know you were. But, since Pidgeot was there, I decided to get him to help you out a little." She laughed. "Hopefully you didn't mind that."

Ash laughed too. "Of course I didn't." This time he pulled Serena into the hug.

Her eyes widened, but she was ecstatic. "What's this for?"

Ash chuckled nervously. "I don't know. I told myself I had to find some way to thank you for sending Pidgeot to me. I guess this is the best I can think of right now."

"Oh...well you don't need to thank me for that. I'm sure Pidgeot would've found you anyways." Serena said. She then scolded herself, thinking Ash would stop the hug, but he didn't.

"Well not just that." Ash said. "I'm also really glad you're safe."

Serena smiled happily. This was probably the best moment of her life.

Pikachu watched his trainer from the window of the Pokemon centre, standing next to Braixen. He couldn't be happier for his trainer. He didn't know what was exactly happening, but got the idea that Ash and Serena were becoming closer. Not close like Pikachu and Ash, but in a different way very close. He looked at Braixen, who was watching with a similarly pleased expression. "Pi-Pikachu?" Pikachu asked. (Are you happy for them?)

"Brai-Braixen-Brai-Braixen-xen-Brai-Braixen." Braixen answered. (Of course. Serena has felt this way for Ash for a long time. Since before we met. Actually, since before you and Ash met, too.)

Pikachu looked surprised. He didn't realize how much Serena loved Ash. Pikachu knew that she had different feelings towards Ash than other girls that had travelled with him, but...this was more. "Pi-Pika-Pikachu?" Pikachu asked. (Has Serena told you how she feels?)

Braixen looked at Pikachu and smiled. "Brai-Braixen-Brai-xen-Brai-xen-Brai." She said. (You know she doesn't need to. You can tell how Ash feels without him telling you.)

Pikachu nodded and continued to watch his trainer. He knew this was going to change a lot of things, but he was so happy to see Ash with Serena like this. He was happy for Serena too. He could see the joy in her face as Ash hugged her.

Bonnie watched from the bushes. Clemont had left to go get a room at the Pokemon centre and had told Bonnie not to wander off. She considered spying on Ash and Serena "not wandering off" so she happily stayed there in her spot out of view. She couldn't believe that Ash had hugged Serena like that. It made Bonnie giggle so gleefully that she worried she would get caught. She whispered to Dedenne and Squishy, "Look guys, Ash and Serena really like each other. And I mean really like."

Dedenne poked its head out of Bonnie's bag and looked. "De-de-ne..." it whispered in awe. Even among the Pokemon this was a strange sight.

"I know right, Dedenne?" Bonnie said. "It's so weird, but it's awesome too." She continued to stare at her older travelling companions. " long can people hug for though? Is this what older people really do when they fall in love? Maybe I should stop trying to set Clemont up."

Dedenne climbed onto Bonnie's head to get a better look. "De-ne." He agreed.

They watched for a few more minutes, but still Ash and Serena just continued to hold each other. Bonnie looked up at Dedenne. "Maybe we should make a noise and try to get them to do something else."

"De-ne!" Dedenne agreed quickly.

"Ok, take this rock, climb up that tree and drop it behind them. Maybe Ash will try to do something heroic or something." She handed Dedenne a rock and pointed out the tree and where she wanted the rock dropped. Dedenne nodded and scurried away. He quickly climbed up the tree and tossed the rock. Unfortunately he missed his spot and it hit Ash square on the head.

Ash and Serena separated, Ash rubbing his head and looking around. "Hey who was that? Show yourself."

Bonnie's eyes widened and she ducked low in her spot while Dedenne stealthily scurried back to her. Both of them giggled a little and looked back at Ash and Serena.

"Oh Ash, are you ok?" Serena asked, voice full of concern.

Ash put on a brave face. "Yeah I'm fine. Did you get hit? Are you ok?" He looked at her in concern.

Serena smiled. "Yeah I'm ok, thanks."

Bonnie did a mini high five with Dedenne. The botched rock throw was actually working out a little better than she thought the original plan would've worked.

Ash stretched. "You know, I'm not really tired yet. Are you?"

Serena shook her head, smiling. "No, I'm pretty fired up after that battle."

Ash scratched his head thinking. "I guess Bonnie and Clemont have probably gone to bed and it looks like Pikachu and Braixen went in as well. So it's just you and me then."

Serena blushed and held her hands behind her back, clearly waiting for Ash to say something else.

Bonnie's eyes widened and she looked at Dedenne. "Whoa Dedenne..." she whispered, "I think Ash is about to ask Serena on a date."

Ash looked at Serena. " there anything you want to do?"

Serena blushed and looked away, still holding her hands behind her back. She glanced back up at Ash and said, "I don't know. Just being together is fine with me. Maybe just a walk?"

Ash grinned. "Sure. Where do you wanna go?"

Serena blushed again and said, "Well we are at a coastal city. A walk along the beach would be nice." She looked like she thought this was a dream. Bonnie thought she saw Serena pinch herself.

"Sounds good." Ash said. He pulled out his pokeballs and released his Pokemon. "Alright everyone, why don't you go into the Pokemon centre and get some food. Serena and I are going out for a bit." His Pokemon murmured agreement and went towards the Pokemon centre. Pidgeot stayed back though. "Oh I guess you won't really fit in there will you Pidgeot?"

Pidgeot shook his head, but looked at Serena who had started to get a worried look on her face like this was going to ruin her chance. "Pidgaw!" He said and tilted his head into the air.

"Oh you want to fly around and hunt?" Ash asked. Pidgeot nodded, gave Serena a knowing look and kicked off, whipping into the sky.

Serena watched as Pidgeot flew off. Clearly still amazed by it. Ash interrupted her staring, "Serena, you gonna leave your Pokemon here too?"

"Oh...right." She let out Pancham and Sylveon and explained what was happening. Pancham gave Ash a quick once over as if to say, I'm watching you pal, before following Sylveon to the Pokemon centre.

Bonnie's eyes were shining. She couldn't believe it. Serena and Ash were going on a date! She knew she had to follow them. "Dedenne and Squishy, you wanna follow them?" Dedenne nodded. Bonnie looked into her bag and Squishy blinked at her. She took that as a yes and followed Ash and Serena as they set off towards the beach.

Serena couldn't believe it. She was actually going on a moonlight walk on the beach with Ash. She was, she supposed there was no other way to put it, on a date with him. And this, unlike in Coumarine City, was a real date.

Ash looked at the sky and smelled the air. "I love the smell of the sea." He said. He looked at Serena, his eyes shining. "It reminds me of my old Pokemon, Lapras."

Serena smiled. "I didn't know you had a Lapras."

"Well I don't anymore. See, I met Lapras when I was travelling through the Orange Islands and it was really small and had been separated from its family. It came along with me for that journey until we found its family. It was tough to say goodbye, but it was better for Lapras to stay with its family. I actually met it again in the Johto region and it had become leader of its herd." Ash looked at the sea. "Lapras is out there somewhere right now. I wonder what its doing."

Serena looked at Ash, not knowing if he was sad or happy. She remembered how sad he was when he had to say goodbye to Goodra, so she supposed this was bringing back similar memories. "I'm sure Lapras is thinking of you right now, Ash." She said.

Ash looked at her surprised. "You think so?" He asked. When Serena nodded, he said, "why do you say that?"

Serena smiled. "Ash, you seem to have such a special bond with your Pokemon. Look at Pidgeot, he came here all the way from Kanto to find you. I'm sure that even though Lapras loves its family and is happy to be with them, it still thinks of the person that made it strong."

Ash looked at the sea again, smiling. "Thanks Serena. That means a lot."

Serena blushed, relieved Ash wasn't looking at her for the moment. At that moment, a breeze from the ocean blew against them. Serena shivered. "Ugh...she said. I should have brought a jacket."

Ash stopped. "Don't worry, you can wear mine." He pulled off his jacket and put it around Serena's shoulders. "Better?"

Serena nodded gratefully and then looked at Ash in concern. "But aren't you cold."

Ash shook his head. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine." He held out his hand. "Wanna keep going?"

Serena's eyes widened and she slowly took Ash's hand. She looked at him and slowly smiled. "Yeah let's go."

Bonnie could barely contain herself. Her eyes were nearly popping out of her head. She was utterly bewildered to see Ash acting so...gentlemanly. "Dedenne..." she whispered, "I think we need to check later, to see if Ash's body has been taken over by aliens."

Dedenne chuckled with a, "ne-ne-ne" and he climbed onto Bonnie's head to continue watching Ash and Serena.

Bonnie started to edge forward to follow Ash and Serena again, but something grabbed her from behind. She whipped around to see Clemont, fuming. "Bon-" he started to shout, but Bonnie grabbed his head and covered his mouth to shut him up.

"Sh!" she hissed, and she pointed towards Ash and Serena.

Clemont leaned forward, adjusting his glasses. "What's going on?" He whispered.

Bonnie slapped her forehead. "Oh big brother, you're so dense."

Clemont tilted his head. "What do you mean?" He asked. He looked at Ash and Serena again and noticed they were holding hands. "Wait a second..." His eyes widened. "Are they...?"

Bonnie grinned and nodded. "They're on a date!" She squeaked. "Wow, big brother, I'm actually impressed you figured it out."

Clemont narrowed his eyes at his sister. "Well I shouldn't have figured it out. The only reason I did was because I came out here looking for you. You shouldn't be spying on them like this." He scolded.

Dedenne crawled into Bonnie's bag, likely to avoid being scolded the same way, but Bonnie held her ground. "I'm just seeing what Ash is doing right that can help you out for finding a nice girl." She said smugly.

Clemont glared at his little sister. "No, you're watching them just because you're nosey. Now let's go and give them some privacy."

Bonnie sighed and glanced again at Ash and Serena who were now much further ahead. Bonnie was glad to see they were still holding hands and that now Serena was much closer to Ash, looking like she was trying to get the nerve to rest her head on his shoulder. It looked strange as she kept twitching her head back and forth. Bonnie giggled and then looked at her brother. "Alright, Clemont, you win." She then pushed him and ran off ahead to hide in another bush close to where Ash and Serena were.

Serena was beaming. This was the most exhilarating night of her life. She'd won a Pokemon battle and now she was having a romantic walk on the beach with Ash. She looked around, noticing that she and Ash were basically all alone, except for some Skrelp floating along in the ocean next to them. She edged closer to Ash and realized that if she just put her head a little down and to the left, she could rest her head on his shoulder. She tried to get the nerve to do it, but her indecision just caused her to do some awkward head bobbing. Luckily Ash didn't notice.

Ash looked at Serena. "So who do you want to use in our performance?" He asked.

Serena kind of jumped, not expecting the question. They had been walking in silence for quite a while now. She recovered and answered, "Well...I'd understand if you want to use Pikachu, but..."She was nervous about asking him.

Ash tilted his head, confused. "Go on." He encouraged.

"Um..."Serena started. "Well it's just that I think Pidgeot and Braixen could combine to do a really amazing performance. What do you think?"

Ash looked shocked, but he thought about it for a moment. "Well..." he said, "yeah I guess Pidgeot would probably be able to do something pretty cool with Braixen." He looked like he was still thinking so Serena didn't say anything. "Too bad Pidgeot hasn't been travelling with us though. At least some of my other Pokemon might be able to understand some of the performance things from watching you."

Serena laughed and Ash looked shocked, not expecting this. "Ash," she said, "I don't think that should be our focus. Obviously we need to bring the beauty out of our Pokemon, but you do that anyways. You might not realize it, but when you battle, your Pokemon are showing their beauty in a different way. And some of the movements they do are bound to impress the audience. Pidgeot will be able to do some incredible flying manoeuvres."

Ash thought about this for a second and then smiled. "You're right. If Pidgeot flies like he did in the mountains today, he can help for sure."

Serena smiled and looked at Ash. She loved this moment more than anything. She knew she had to make a move now, while her confidence was there. She pulled Ash's hand around her waist and wrapped her arms around him and put her head on his shoulder. Ash nervously twitched his hand, but didn't move. Serena expected him to say something, but he stayed silent and continued to smile as they walked further along the beach.

Bonnie nearly screamed in excitement when she saw Serena make her big move. She had managed to get behind a long row of bushes and was able to stay pretty close to Ash and Serena as they walked. Clemont jabbed her from behind and hissed, "Bonnie, let's go! This isn't right."

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Oh there's no harm, Clemont. They don't know we're here." She watched Ash and Serena another moment and said, "I'm sure they're gonna tell us tomorrow that they're dating."

"Um..."Clemont started, momentarily forgetting his frustration with Bonnie, "I don't know if Ash is going to realize this is a date." He thought for a moment. "Actually, I only really figure it out because of you." He started to look a little worried. "Serena might not like how he sees this."

Bonnie made an exasperated sigh. "Oh come on! Look at them. Serena's hanging off of him. If he doesn't realize this is a date then he deserves to get shocked by Pikachu every day for the rest of his life."

A noise behind Clemont made him jump, but he managed to stop himself from yelling. "Hi guys what's up? I was just walking by and saw you to in the bushes. You looked like you were up to no good." It was Shauna and she was holding a bag, clearly having just been shopping.

Bonnie smiled at Shauna and then pointed at Ash and Serena. "Look!" she whispered excitedly.

Shauna's jaw dropped and then she smiled excitedly. "Oh yay!" She squeaked. "Aw they're so cute together."

Clemont sighed and slapped his hand to his forehead. "Why am I the only one who thinks it's wrong to spy on them?"

Shauna and Bonnie snapped at him to shut up and continued to watch Ash and Serena. "How did this happen?" Shauna asked Bonnie as the two of them made their way across the line of bushes, Clemont angrily following.

Bonnie explained the hugging scene that took place in the Pokemon centre courtyard and then how the hand holding had developed into Serena wrapped around Ash. "I think I deserve a little credit here don't you think?" Bonnie asked.

Shauna smiled. "Of course," she agreed, "if it wasn't for you, they'd probably still be at the Pokemon centre. You're a great matchmaker."

Bonnie looked extremely pleased at this and mimed shooting an arrow like Cupid at Ash and Serena. Shauna started to giggle and had to cover her mouth to not make any noise.

"You two are going to get us caught!" Clemont hissed angrily. "Either stop making noise or let's go." He glared at the two of them.

"Ignore my big brother." Bonnie told Shauna. "He doesn't understand."

Shauna laughed, but gave Bonnie a serious look. "Well Bonnie, maybe we should give Ash and Serena some privacy. I think Serena would like to have some privacy for something that might come next."

Bonnie looked confused. "What?"

Shauna giggled and then squished her lips together and made kissing sounds.

"Ew gross!" Bonnie said, glancing at Ash and Serena to make sure they weren't doing what Shauna was suggesting.

Clemont gasped. "Oh no!"

Bonnie and Shauna whipped around to look at him. He must have accidentally hit a button on his Aipom arm, because the robot arm was coming out and starting to whip around. "Clemont, you idiot!" Bonnie hissed. "What are you doing?" She jumped at him, trying to grab his Aipom arm, but failed as he stumbled backwards and his backpack slipped, coming lose and allowing the Aipom arm free.

Shauna looked nervous. "Grab it before it makes more noise!" She whispered.

Clemont leaped at it, but the Aipom arm jumped up and slammed into the bushes. As poor luck would have it, a group of Shellder were in the bushes and started clamping onto Clemont's face and hands. He started yelling in pain. "Ah! Get them off! Help!"

Bonnie grabbed one of them and pulled it off, while Shauna ran after the Aipom arm. Bonnie managed to get the remaining Shellder off of Clemont's face, but the ones on his hands were still causing him a lot of pain. Shauna had managed to grab the Aipom arm. She handed it to Bonnie, since Clemont's hands were...full. Bonnie clicked the button to turn it off and sighed in relief. "Ok Clemont, let's get those off of your hands." She said.

"Actually let's leave them on." An angry voice said behind them.

Bonnie whipped around and looked into the eyes of a furious Serena. "Um...hi Serena." Bonnie said nervously.

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