Chapter 6: Training Hard

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Serena was livid at Bonnie, Clemont and Shauna. She couldn't believe they would do that to her. She didn't care much that they were spying, but the fact that they interrupted her and Ash made her furious. Even more infuriating was how well Ash was taking everything. As the group walked back to the Pokemon centre, Serena seething behind, Ash casually walked back, happily discussing his plans for his next gym battle with Clemont.

"Serena, I'm so sorry." Shauna was walking next to Serena. She whispered her apology so the others couldn't hear.

Serena narrowed her eyes and looked ahead, ignoring her friend. She knew they hadn't made noise on purpose, but that didn't make it any easier. She had been closer to Ash than she had ever been and it had all gone away in an instant. They had heard Clemont's yells and Ash had immediately let go of her to go and look at what was going on. And of course he decided that it was too late to continue and that they should walk back with their friends. Some friends, Serena thought.

Shauna looked devastated. "Serena please." She pleaded. "You know I'd never want to stop you from being with Ash." She looked on the verge of tears.

Serena sighed. She wanted to forgive Shauna, but she was so angry and upset. "How could you do that to me?" She asked. "That was private. If you were going to spy, why couldn't you just keep quiet?"

Shauna hung her head in shame. "I know. Clemont wanted to go, but Bonnie and I were too excited to see you with Ash." She glanced up at Serena with a twinkle in her eye. "You two were really cute together, you know."

Serena blinked and blushed, looking away quickly. She hated that she still felt nervous about the Ash subject. She decided to forgive Shauna. She was only happy for Serena and that was why she was spying. She decided to confess her fears. "Do you think Ash saw this the way I did?" She asked.

Shauna glanced at Ash, who was animatedly showing off what he planned to do for his final gym battle to Clemont and Bonnie. The three of them laughed. Shauna sighed. "Well...don't worry, but he probably didn't." Serena looked like she would cry, but Shauna continued quickly. "No hold on, Serena. It's hard to explain. Ash clearly has feelings towards you. That was definitely no ordinary walk on the beach, even for him." She thought for another moment. "I just think that he probably doesn't realize what his feelings are. Remember," she said with a smirk, "he's a guy."

Serena smiled gratefully, but still felt kind of sad with that answer. "So, he won't think this makes us a couple?"

Shauna frowned sympathetically. "I'm afraid not." She grabbed Serena's arm quickly. "But don't worry, Serena!" She said energetically. "He'll figure it out. This is a project for you, but it's worth it don't you think?"

Serena watched Ash, happily laughing with Clemont and Bonnie. She realized she still had his jacket wrapped around her. She looked at Shauna who was patiently waiting for an answer. Serena smiled. "Of course it's worth it."

Shauna grinned. "That's the spirit!"

Ash woke up early the next morning and jumped out of bed. He wanted to get an early start on his training. In the bed to his right, Clemont was still sleeping, his glasses over his nose. Across the room, Bonnie was also sleeping, Squishy and Dedenne lying next to her. To Bonnie's right was Serena's bed. Ash noticed Serena was gone. He nudged Pikachu awake and they went to go find her.

Ash found Serena in the Pokemon centre lobby, eating breakfast. He smiled, walking up to her. "Wanted to get an early start for training huh?"

She smiled back. "You got it." She looked outside. Pidgeot was watching them through the window. "I asked Pidgeot about performing and he seems pretty excited."

Ash waved to Pidgeot and sat down across from Serena to eat. "So what's the plan. Are we practising our routine all day?"

Serena shook her head. "I should be prepared for the other rounds too. I might have experience with the fashion show and the quiz, but I can't just assume I'll win those without practice." She thought for a moment. "I guess this morning I'd like to practice the fashion part for a couple of hours and then maybe get ready for the quiz. Then the rest of the day we can practice for our routine."

"Sure sounds good." Ash said. He looked outside. "I guess I'll train during the morning then for my next gym battle."

Serena frowned and said nervously, "um...Ash...I was actually hoping you could help me this morning as well. Would that be ok?"

Ash looked a little surprised, but he shrugged and smiled. "Sure. Like I say, nothing's a waste of time. Every experience can help."

Serena blushed and smiled. The two of them finished their breakfast and went outside. Their Pokemon were already outside, Serena had let them out when she had gotten up. Ash went up to them. "Alright everyone, we're gonna help Serena out with getting ready for the fashion show tomorrow. You with me?" They all shouted agreement happily. "Ok Serena, what do we do first?"

Serena thought for a moment. "Well, I know Braixen is used to dressing up, but I was going to give Sylveon a chance for this event. Is that ok Braixen and Sylveon?"

"Brai-Braixen!" Braixen said happily. Sylveon also murmured a happy agreement.

"Ok then," Serena said, "I'm going to take Sylveon inside and we're going to dress up and then you need to give us advice on how to improve our outfits. Sound good?"

"Sure." Ash said. He looked at his Pokemon. "Ready everyone?"

Hawlucha ran up to Serena and gave his confident pose and then bowed. "Haw-luch-luch-ha!" He said to her.

Serena looked confused and Ash laughed. When she gave him a questioning look, he said, "I think Hawlucha is saying you already look great." Hawlucha nodded happily. Ash had to agree with Hawlucha. She does already look great.

Serena blushed and looked at Hawlucha. "Aw thanks Hawlucha. You're so nice."

"Haw-hawlucha!" He smiled and went back to Ash. He did his battle poses once more for Serena before she went inside with Sylveon.

They waited for quite a few minutes. While they waited, Hawlucha and Greninja did a little sparring. Nothing too exerting, just minor "hand to hand" combat. However, when Serena and Sylveon came outside, both of them stopped mid strike and stared in awe. Ash was watching them and turned to see what they were looking at. His jaw dropped. Serena and Sylveon were wearing matching baby blue outfits. Sylveon's ribbons and dress went along perfectly with her flowing pink, fur. And Serena...Ash could barely think of words to describe her. She had brushed her hair straight, so it wasn't curly like it usually was. She was wearing a tiara and it glowed in the sunlight. She was also wearing the blue ribbon he'd given her in Coumarine City, it was tied perfectly around the Tiara. Her dress was also perfect in his opinion, sleeveless, but long and trailing behind her. He looked at her face. She was wearing makeup too. Blue eyeshadow and black eyeliner. He didn't know if it was just her blushing or if she had added pink blush to her cheeks, but it suited her nicely in his opinion.

"So what do you think?" She said nervously.

Ash realized she was staring at him. He looked at his Pokemon. They stared at him with something that looked like concern. He realized he must have been sitting there silent for quite a while. He looked back at Serena and she tilted her head, looking confused. "Um..." He was at a loss for words. He couldn't think what to say. She was so stunning, he wanted to find the perfect words to describe it. "" He mouthed stupidly for a few more seconds and just continued to stare.

Pikachu hopped onto Ash's head and punched him. "Pi-pika-pi-pikachu!" He exclaimed.

Ash looked up at Pikachu. His best friend smiled at him encouragingly. Ash looked again at Serena, who's lips were pursed and eyes were gleaming with happiness. She could tell Ash liked her outfit, but she was clearly waiting for him to say so. Ash stood up from his seat and slowly approached her. "Serena..." He was able to say. He stopped in front of her and reached out his hand towards her face. She didn't move, it was almost like she had become a statue. Ash gently brushed aside a strand of hair from her face. "It's perfect." Ash finally said. "You're perfect."

Bonnie got out of bed and yawned. She saw Dedenne and Squishy at the window of their room and went to see what they were looking at. She walked over, saying, "Good morning, you two. What are you looking at?"

Bonnie blinked her eyes as she approached the window, adjusting to the sunlight. She looked out across what she could see of Glorio City. There were a lot of nice shops around and she could just see the theatre where the Masterclass showcase was to be held. She looked around some more and saw the beach. She felt a pang of guilt for the previous night. She wondered if she had ruined Serena's chance with Ash. I don't know if she'll ever forgive me.

"De-ne!" Dedenne shouted at her and gestured down towards the Pokemon centre courtyard.

Bonnie looked down and her eyes widened. Serena was in an absolutely gorgeous outfit and looked more beautiful than Bonnie had ever seen her. Then she noticed what else Dedenne was trying to get her to see. Bonnie's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she watched Ash slowly approaching a very still Serena and brush her face lightly with his hand. "Aw!" She squeaked and she grinned at Dedenne and Squishy. "That's so nice."

Then she heard a noise and saw Ash and Serena quickly move apart, looking embarrassed. Bonnie scanned the courtyard looking for what had made the noise. She closed her eyes in anger and exasperation, realizing what it was. She dressed quickly, put Dedenne and Squishy in her bag and rushed down to scold her moronic brother.

Bonnie went outside to the courtyard to see Ash helping Clemont pick up pieces of his latest failed invention. "I'm sorry you two. I had just wanted to show you my Pokemon Fashion Accessory Put On Machine Two Thousand. I didn't think it would blow up."

Bonnie went up behind her brother and jabbed him in the back with a poke. "You're such an idiot Clemont." She scolded. She looked at Serena nervously, but was surprised to see her looking back with apologetic eyes.

"Bonnie," Serena said, "I'm going to get changed back into my regular clothes. Could you help me with Sylveon?" Bonnie nodded immediately and followed Serena back into the Pokemon centre. She waited patiently with Sylveon while Serena got changed.

When Serena finally came back, Bonnie said, "I'm sorry about last night, Serena." The sadness and regret in the little girl's voice was clear and it made Serena furrow her eyebrows sadly.

"Oh Bonnie," Serena said, "don't worry. It's ok." She smiled then, her eyes shining, "Guess what just happened!" She said excitedly.

Even though Bonnie had seen, she just sat and listened to Serena talk, while the two of them removed Sylveon's outfit. Bonnie wanted to let her friend explain in detail, her excited emotions. When Serena finished she beamed at Bonnie. "Thank you, Bonnie. You've helped make this so much easier for me. It's good to have you to talk about this with."

Bonnie smiled. "That's what sisters are for right?"

Serena nodded. "Now let's go back out there. I still need to practice the quiz before Ash and I practice with Pidgeot and Braixen."

When the two girls went back out into the courtyard they saw Ash and Clemont sitting and talking with the Pokemon. "Alright, can everyone help me train for the quiz now?" Serena asked the group. Everyone nodded and they began.

"So I guess you'll use Pancham for the quiz then, right?" Ash asked.

Serena nodded and Pancham came over and folded his arms, looking proud. "Yup, I'll need Pancham to do the race so I can answer the questions first. It'll be easy for you, right Pancham?"

"Pan-pancham." Pancham agreed, nodding to himself.

"Ok, I've got an idea for this." Ash said. "Greninja can use his frubbles to set up a little obstacle course. Then, I was thinking we use Chespin's pin missiles to help Pancham improve his agility." Ash looked at Clemont and he nodded agreement. "Then, Pidgeot can use gust to help Pancham strengthen his endurance." Pidgeot announced his agreement. "Finally, Braixen can set up a ring of fire that Pancham will jump through to improve his jumping accuracy." Ash looked at everyone. "Sound good."

Serena kind of exaggerated her praise for Ash's obstacle course design and Bonnie gave her a look that conveyed, give it a break. Serena scratched her head nervously when Bonnie did this and quickly moved on to helping set up the obstacle course. When it was finished, it looked pretty good.

"Not bad. Good work with the frubbles, Greninja." Ash said, giving Greninja a high five. "Ok, Serena. Let's get this going."

Pancham did really well with the obstacle course. He manoeuvred around the frubbles perfectly, dodged every single pin missile and leaped through Braixen's fire ring perfectly. He got swept away easily by Pidgeot's gust, so they needed to use Talonflame instead. His wind generation was tough for Pancham too, but Pancham managed to eventually get through.

Serena's part of the training went well too. She answered every question perfectly. Bonnie noticed that any question that had something remotely to do with something similar to Ash's Pokemon, Serena answered extremely quickly. For example, when Clemont asked which Pokemon Pikachu evolves into with the thunder stone, Serena was answering the question before it was even asked. "Raichu!"

Overall, the training went very well and once they'd decided Pancham and Serena were one hundred percent ready, the group decided to have lunch. While they were eating, Bonnie looked at Ash and Serena, noticing they were sitting awfully close together. "So are you guys going to train the rest of the day together?" She asked them.

Serena nodded, looking extremely excited. "Yup. And Pidgeot is going to be the Pokemon Ash uses. So it's Pidgeot and Braixen."

Clemont leaned forward in interest. "Wow, that should be really interesting to see. Would you two mind-"

Bonnie kicked him under the table. "Clemont and I are going to explore Glorio City while you two train." She winked at Serena. "Do you mind?"

Ash shrugged and Serena gave Bonnie a grateful smile. Clemont meanwhile had tears in his eyes and was glaring at Bonnie. His sister gave him a stone faced look back and he decided to just stay quiet.

The group finished lunch and Bonnie and Clemont prepared to go. Then Shauna came in, with another friend of everyone's named Tierno, the dancing Pokemon trainer. "Hi guys!" Shauna said. "We were just about to go into town, but Tierno really wanted to say hi. He just got here."

Tierno smiled at the group. "Hi everyone." He then locked eyes with Serena and ran up to her, kneeling in front of her and grabbing her hands. "You're looking as beautiful as ever Serena! How do you do it?"

Bonnie, who was standing next to Ash, noticed him edge a little closer to Serena. She whispered to him, "Ash, I think a vein is popping out of your head."

Ash looked sideways at Bonnie, looking like he forgot she was there. He blushed and then gave Tierno an uncharacteristically cold look. "Hello Tierno," he said coldly.

Tierno didn't seem to notice that Ash seemed a little hostile, although everyone else in the room did. Bonnie saw Serena smile shyly towards Ash. Shauna looked relieved that there wasn't going to be a fight. Pikachu was standing nervously on Ash's shoulder. Even Clemont had noticed and was watching Ash with a nervous look. "Hi Ash!" Tierno yelled happily, standing up and looking at him. "So did you end up beating Olympia? Last time I saw you, you were about to face her."

There seemed to be a collective sigh of relief. If anything was going to keep Ash happy, it would be talking about gym battles. "Yeah! I just need one more badge and I'm in the Pokemon League."

Tierno looked confused. "But weren't you right by Snowbelle City after Serena's last showcase? Why didn't you go to that gym?"

Serena stepped in, "Ash didn't want me to miss the Masterclass showcase, so he put his last gym battle on hold. Isn't that sweet of him?" Serena gave Ash an awkward mini hug. Bonnie realized that Serena was trying to show Tierno she liked Ash.

Tierno didn't seem too impressed. "Hm...well I got my eight badges. Trevor's probably gonna have his by the time the Masterclass is over. Looks like you're behind Ash."

Bonnie saw Ash's eye twitch ever so slightly. She thought he looked like Clembot, Clemont's robot gym leader replacement, when he started to malfunction. She realized that Ash was about ready to attack Tierno so she decided to speak up. " Tierno, are you partnering with Shauna if she makes it to the third round for the Masterclass?" She asked.

"Yeah he is." Shauna said, giving Bonnie a look that said, good move. "I need Tierno's dance skills to help me win this thing."

Ash still seemed kind of irritated and it showed in his voice. Bonnie was relieved that Tierno wasn't the sharpest guy in the world, because it was painfully obvious that Ash was not acting like himself. "Well Serena and I are winning this thing." He looked at Serena. "Braixen and Pidgeot are gonna be just as good a team as us."

Tierno's eyes widened. "Pidgeot? Did you say Pidgeot?"

Ash looked at him, surprised by the excitement, the irritation being replaced by confusion. "Um...yeah. It's a long story, but basically I had Pidgeot a long time ago and he's come back now. He's outside if you want to meet him."

Tierno jumped up and down and ran outside, doing weird dance moves along the way. Shauna slapped her palm onto her forehead. "Oh dear." She said.

They all went outside after Tierno to see him on the ground, apparently having fallen on his backside in amazement after seeing Pidgeot. "That's not a normal Pidgeot!" Tierno yelled. "It's so big. I've only seen a Pidgeot once before, but it was almost half the size of this one."

Bonnie noticed Ash and Pidgeot appeared to have the same pleased looks on their faces. She whispered this to Serena, giggling and when Serena looked she could barely contain herself. Pidgeot leaned forward and looked at Tierno and then turned and looked at Ash and nodded.

"Uh...but Pidgeot, we've gotta train with Serena." Ash said nervously.

"Pidgaw!" Pidgeot shouted.

Tierno's eyes widened excitedly. "Oh Pidgeot wants to battle?" He looked at Serena and Shauna. "Oh please will you let us battle?"

Serena and Shauna exchanged exasperated looks, but nodded. Serena locked eyes with Ash. "Don't be too long."

Pidgeot moved over to Serena and nuzzled her and than leaned back, looking into her eyes. "Pidgaw!" It squawked at her.

Ash laughed. "Pidgeot's saying thanks and that it's not gonna take long." Ash looked at Pidgeot. "This is gonna be like old times right, pal?" Pidgeot looked at him with shining eyes and nodded.

Tierno had gotten up and was looking at Ash. This time he was looking irritated. "Pidgeot's no match for my Raichu. His electric moves will easily win." Ash didn't answer and he took his place on one side of the courtyard. Tierno pulled out a pokeball and started to head towards his side of the courtyard, but stopped. He turned and winked at Serena. "Now you get to see some real power."

Serena didn't answer as Tierno walked to his spot. She didn't look too please, which Bonnie was happy to see. Ash's other Pokemon were glaring at Tierno. Hawluch looked like he was about to leap at him, but Greninja held him back. Tierno released Raichu and waited.

"I'll be the referee." Clemont announced and he stood on the sidelines in between the two trainers. "This will be a one on one battle. Pidgeot vs Raichu. No substitutions." He waved his arm. "Begin!"

Bonnie looked at Ash, expecting him to, as usual, make the first move, but she was surprised when she heard Tierno yell, "Raichu, thunderbolt!"

Everyone looked quickly at Raichu, charging up its attack and unleashing a jet of electricity. Bonnie looked, eyes wide, at Pidgeot, expecting it to get out of the way, but she noticed Ash hadn't called for any move. She stared in horror as the thunderbolt struck Pidgeot full on.

"Alright!" Tierno yelled. "Direct hit and super effective."

Bonnie, Clemont, Serena and Shauna gasped. They stared in awe as Pidgeot stood there, completely unfazed by the head on attack from a move that should have been super effective. Pidgeot tilted its head at Raichu as if to say, that was cute, it tickled. Bonnie jumped into the air excitedly and cheered, "Yay Ash! Yay Pidgeot! You're so awesome!"

"Alright Pidgeot, show him what you're made of." Ash said calmly.

Bonnie blinked and Pidgeot wasn't there. She looked around, confused. The others were also glancing around, unsure of what just happened.

"Double edge!" Ash ordered and out of nowhere Pidgeot appeared, and it hit Raichu with such an extreme force the electric Pokemon was blasted towards Tierno and just missed knocking its trainer down. It landed behind him and stayed down.

Clemont just stared, completely stunned. Bonnie ran up to him and nudged him. He looked at her, his mouth hanging open then he looked at Ash, who was staring back patiently. Clemont then looked at Tierno who looked as dumbfounded as everyone else. Clemont finally raised his arm towards Ash. "Raichu is unable to battle. Therefore Pidgeot and Ash are the winners." He announced.

Ash calmly walked over to Pidgeot and pet its beak. Everyone else just continued to stare in shock. Nobody had realized a flying type could be that strong against an electric type and Tierno had raised his Raichu to be extremely strong. How could Pidgeot be that strong?

Bonnie finally ran over to Ash and Pidgeot. "Wow Ash that was so awesome!" She said and she pet Pidgeot's wing. "Pidgeot, you're the strongest Pokemon ever!" Pidgeot blinked its thanks at Bonnie and looked at Ash.

"Yeah, you've definitely trained really hard Pidgeot. You were always strong, even as a Pidgeotto, but I guess fighting that Fearow all the time has really made you strong." Ash looked at his Pidgeot with such pride, you would have thought they'd never spent any time apart.

"Well Ash, I think you should take some credit here." Everyone had regained their composure. Tierno had recalled Raichu to its pokeball and he, Clemont, Serena and Shauna were approaching Ash. But the voice was none of theirs. Professor Sycamore came up behind them. He approached Pidgeot and pet its beak. "Pidgeot clearly feels extreme loyalty and love towards you Ash. That is what brings the best out of all of your Pokemon."

"Um hi Professor Sycamore." Ash said. He paused and thought for a moment. "Do you mean like what Olympia told me about Greninja?" Ash asked.

Professor Sycamore nodded. "I've been doing a lot of research on mega evolution, as you well know. You may remember that mega evolution requires an extremely strong bond between trainer and Pokemon?"

Serena stepped in. "But Professor Sycamore, Ash isn't mega evolving his Pokemon. He doesn't even have a key stone or any of the other mega evolution stones."

Professor Sycamore nodded. "Now that, Serena, is why Ash is a very interesting case." He looked at Ash. "Ash, I understand that you're helping Serena with her showcase performance. I know that you must honour that commitment, but once the showcase is over, I would like you to help me out with something, before you go off to Snowbelle City. Would you mind?"

Ash looked confused and nervous. " I guess not. What do you need?"

Professor Sycamore shook his head. "You don't need to know the details just yet." He looked at the others. "Sorry for the intrusion. I must be going now." He looked at Serena. "And good luck Serena, I'm rooting for you."

Serena looked in shock, but she managed to nod her acknowledgement. "Bye Professor." She managed to squeak before he left.

Bonnie looked at Ash, eyes wide. "Ash do you think he's going to give you mega evolution stones and teach one of your Pokemon to mega evolve."

"I...I don't know." Ash said. He shook his head. "But first, we gotta get Serena the Kalos Queen Crown." He looked at Serena. "Time to practice."

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